Well I’ll go to the foot of our stairs!
I bet that you’re all like me in thinking that it wasn’t possible for short-of-arse gobshite John ‘Mighty Mouse’ Bercow to make himself look an even bigger twat than he does already. Like me, you’d be wrong. The late unlamented Speaker and wannabe peer of the realm has *lol!* only gone and joined the Labour Party! Would you Adam an’ Eve it?
The pipsqueak states that he regards the Tories under Bojo as ‘reactionary, populist, nationalistic and sometimes even xenophobic’ **. He then *guffaw* goes on to say that ‘I am motivated by support for equality, social justice, and internationalism. That’s the Labour brand’. What a hoot.
So then, it’s nothing to do with being knocked back by Bojo for a sinecure in the Lords after your slimy stop Brexit machinations while holding the office of Speaker? ‘This isn’t about revenge. That’s not what motivates me’, says the pious humbug. Of course it’s not; how could such a high-minded altruist as yourself possibly succumb to so base a motivation?
Anyway, I’m sure the lofty idealists of the Labour Party will welcome you with open arms. You’re a natural bedfellow for the likes of the Corbynistas and all the rest of the fellow travellers.
Meanwhile, allow me to say on behalf of the rest of us, ‘well raise mah rent, you ARE a cunt!’.
**translation into English; ‘Johnson promised to get Brexit done as mandated by the people, and did’.
Nominated by: Ron Knee
And seconded by: Cuntstable Cuntbubble
I was also on this one. Our political correspondent beat me to it.
Can Labour get any luckier? Down in the polls, under a 1000 votes in a bi-election and now they can welcome the remoaning poison dwarf Bercow into their ranks. It cant get much better than that.
As Kweer tries to shake off the deserved mantle of the party of bitter remainers, Bercow is just what they needed. This will go down well outside of the M25.
But, could there be more to the undoubtedly selfless public servant’s motives?
Surely not a recommendation for a peerage from Sir Kweer? Perish the thought.
Further info by: Rod Knee
I think the troops might be interested and amused by this as an addendum to my recent nom. for Bercow.
He’ll be what he always has been, A d-warf physically in real life and a d-warf in politics! Only the second speaker in history not to get into the House of Lords…hahahaha Take that you bollocks to Brexit little cunt ;-D
Fuck off!
Obviously Bercunt’s last ditch attempt to get into the Lords and collect £300 a day plus expenses for being a narcissistic, self serving, poison remoaner dwârf.
Kweer Starmer and the Labour owe him big time, 10 years as fake Conservative Speaker, biased toward Labour and blatantly anti Brexit, despite the requirement of his office to act strictly impartially.
The only decent thing Johnson’s ever done is refuse to stick Bercunt in the House of Deadbeats.
Pathetic wanker with an ego the size of his slut wife’s fanny, acting like a petulant child who doesn’t get his own way.
Peers actually receive a £305 per day attendance allowance, plus travel expenses and subsidized restaurant facilities.
They may also choose to receive a reduced attendance allowance of £150 per day instead, but cannot imagine many do.
I know you like to be exact Ruff Tuff.
Good afternoon.
Little Johnny was all upset that nasty Boris didn’t give him a peerage.
Try not being a venomous traitor cunt John.
Anyone “come across” his Wife recently – I believe she is quite a regular figure on the London swin, er, “social scene”?..
He is as committed to Labour as Batley and Spen candidate and 6 week party stalwart Kim Leadbeater, who is trying to play on emotions by plastering pictures of her tragically murdered Sister all over Batley next to Kims smug smirking face on the propaganda posters slapped everywhere in the town.
Kim showed the commitment she has to the locals by refusing to attend a public freedom of speech meeting in Batley recently.
Tells you all you need to know.
The thicko peacefuls in Batley and Spen will vote for George Galloway rather than the sister of Jo Cox, and let the Tory candidate in.
I am getting past ut now, but I would love to punch this vile cunt in the face. Nothing else to say.
Does that make me a bad person?
Rod Knee?
I hope this is not a sign that this is your first day of transition?
Love Del Boy.
BBTC@ – This time next year we’ll all be peers Rodknee! ?
A mere typo dear boy…
It is alleged that his wife has pikey jizz running out of all holes.
How thoroughly unpleasant.
Good afternoon.
Sally Bercow has taken miles of diddi-dick and assorted cock (anything up for grabs but no longer her husband’s) and in all holes.
She must have a fanny like a clown’s cuff and an arsehole like a wizard’s sleeve.
Apparently you would have to break into HMP Low Newton, County Durham in order to find a cunt that’s dirtier in the boudoir.
I like the bit of rhyming slang in his name. I usually refer to Berk-ow by the longer form of his name – John Berkshire Hunt-ow.
He is indeed a proper cunt and I hope his missus Sally the Slapper is catching nasty diseases off Berkshire Hunt-ow’s cousin.
Ha ha – fancy being cucked by your own cousin. Perhaps Alan, Sally the Slapper, Ryan Giggs and his sister-in-law should get together for a (someone else’s) wife-swapping session.
Clearly Big Sal is sick of the sight of him already and has told him to get out and do something instead of hanging around the house all day taking up Big Paddy’s parking space.
BB@ – It was of course entirely coincidental that Patrick Docherty was investigated for alleged tax evasion the day after Sally Bercow paraded gipsy boy through the House of Commons..
Bercow joins Labour? I doubt the little wanker will notice the difference.
After all, the public can’t now…
They are welcome to the plastic Napoleon.They deserve each other.Flame thrower please
Bollocks to Bercow
Now there’s a slogan with a real catchy feel to it.
Scummy rat joins sinking ship, who’d have thunk it.
I bet Bercow suffers from micropenis.
Poor sod. His micro-penis must get lost inside Sally the Slapper’s cunt.
Like waving a sausage around in the Dartford tunnel.
What’s the chances that when Sally opens her legs he shouts “Odour!!!”
Whenever she sees him she cries: “ORDURE! ORDURE!”*
* From Middle English ordūr, ordūre (dirt, filth, rubbish; dung, excrement, piece of excrement; moral filth, sin), borrowed from Anglo-Norman ordure, ordeur(e), ordor(e), ordour… blah-blah woof-woof…
Flabbott would shout, “HORS D’OEUVRE! HORS D’OEUVRE”.
Nasty cunt who’s wife fucked of with a pikey. As much class as a farting Swan.
Apologies Ron
Talking of small cunts l, just had to share this news.
“UK’s ‘youngest ever mum gives birth aged 11 with family unaware of pregnancy’
The girl, who was only 10 when she became pregnant, gave birth earlier this month and mother and daughter are both well, according to reports”.
Sure she’ll be given a house etc, etc.
Not a child migrant is she Willie? 11 going on 35…. ?
Fucking hell
That’s junior school age.
Both Aisha and her 36yo husband are thrilled ?
If she’s called Aisha I think 36 sounds a bit too youthful for hubby’s age.
Its not Great Granny Raynor now is it? I can’t keep up.
Dr Spock (not the cunt from Star Trek) would be proud.
‘I’m the little Jew Who wrote the Bible’
Leonard Cohen.
Bercow’s political career mirrors that of Oswald Moseley in reverse. He starts off advocating repatriation for anyone with a suntan and ends up joining the fake commies! Of course, the consistency is that everything he says and does is about pure self interest.
He is no asset for Labour, far from it. He reminds me of Gove during the Brexit campaign. Every time he popped up on the telly I would hold my head in my hands…..”oh, shit why did he have to be on our side, the cunt?” That’s Bercow x 10.
Bercow must be desperate to get some Adrenochrome by getting into the House of Lucifer. He should just go to Hollywood and star in the remake of Gremlins and get paid in baby blood.
Can’t say I’m shocked. Start with labour education hate British joins far right party, then joins labour which also hates the British. He is just a greasy pole type like Alan Sugar.
Bercow could not be more different from Sugar, a self made billionaire and poet*, Bercow a career politician whose only previous claim to fame was he once appeared on Crackerjack:
* Poem by Sugar:
Jeremy Corbyn, a bit of a scruff
Asked what he could do to come over less rough
His fashion advisers worked on his new look
And a fifty quid Matalan suit’s all it took
Jeremy Corbyn, a stud of a man
A playboy was he with his lover Diane
She’d get into bed wearing only her blusher
And lie back with Jezza just thinking of Russia
Jeremy Corbyn, on Royals not keen
You won’t find him singing to God Save The Queen
No Cenotaph bowing for this bitter man
If elected he’d call for a monarchy ban
Jeremy Corbyn, says many a critic
Is a dangerous fool who is anti-Semitic
He often says “I’m not a Jew-hating man”
“I’m just a big Hamas and Hezbollah fan”
Jeremy Corbyn, an Arsenal man
Supporting the team with his Islington clan
He cheers the left winger when he goes along
And ‘Come on you Reds’ is his favourite song
Jeremy Corbyn, a yesterday man
The worst Labour leader since records began
Though his party is coughing and spluttering and dying
Old Jeremy Corbyn’s red flag is still flying
He is still an ardent Remainder. Since when did British people go and ruin business and stick stars on their windows. However I do agree he has created employment and you cannot put him in the same category. Well fair play to him earns 300 quid more a day than Bercow.
Alan Sugar is a massive cunt. He’s only voted 26 times in the House of Cunts in the last 11 years. Just another greedy gluttonous goblin.
Edgware Road wide boy and selfpromoter. Looks like Sid James (similar origins), but not even remotely funny. Little to choose between Sugar and Bercowitz, IMO; it’s a level cunting field.
Fucking hell, I’d thought we’d seen the last of this shithouse. He keeps coming back like a boomerang.
A boomerang covered in shite.
A turd that won’t flush.
The Stumpy Dwarf is wasting his time licking the Starmzy arse and Catweazle before him. Yes the Leader of the Opposition recommends a certain number of cunts for the Lords and it usually goes through no problem no matter how unlikely and undeserving. ( see Shameless Checkmebankaccount) But the PM can always put a line through the name and you are fucked. As long as Boris is in No 10 Bercow will be the little boy with his nose pressed against the window of the sweet shop. One of the few things the Jellyfish has got right.
The cunt.
Nice one Freddie, I wasn’t aware of that.
But will Javcunt put a line through it?
Nobody suspicious of his arrival or why? What does ‘my daddeeeee was a bus driver’ know about health?
Boris won’t be far behind Hancock and as Javcunt replaces him, Jeremy the cHunt will put on his s old slippers at health role.
Maybe then people will wake up & realise the cunts played us all over egging the severity of the pandemic pudding while delivering us a sham BRINO brexit. It’s been like the old shell game where the cunts have rolled out multiple distractions while hoping people can’t keep up with the cup shuffling.
This silly little cunt is one of life’s losers, back stabbing, tiny coward, he is small in every way.!
Still his hands will be to scale, so its all relative, so will still seem decent size to him, unfortunately this falls down when it comes to the lovely Sally.
Annoying bastard love child of Napoleon and a garden gnome.
“Boris! Bercow isn’t Happy.”
“Then which one of the seven fuckers is he?”
He looks like he escaped from the drains of an abortion clinic, yet managed to survive.
John Bon Jercoff looks like he’s out of the same cracked mould as that Linekunt.