Almost 500 arrived on our shores over the last days of May. Many arriving courtesy of the Border Farce water taxi. Others in various flavours of flexi or small dinghy.
The women and children will be quickly moved through the initial stages of benefit bonanza whilst the single men (the majority) will be housed in Napier barracks I suppose.
Of course this will provoke them and they may riot cos they don’t get decent accommodation. For fuck sake the ungrateful bastards have spent fuck knows how long eating seagulls and shitting in plastic bags but fuck me, bed, toilet, hot water food for fuck all but no they demand their share of the benefit bonanza.
Some of the staff at Napier said that they got a bit worried because these new assets to the U.K. were used to acting as a mob to get their own way plus the staff could not understand what the cunts are plotting as they speak a foreign language. Re read that bit twice because I thought my brain had fucked off without telling me.
So there you have it the rolling saga of the invasion of England aided and abetted by the useless cunts in government, the charities who aid and abet these fuckers and the legal aid vultures who make a very good living defending the bastards.
Conservative estimate of persons in U.K. 67, 000,000. England is the most densely populated country of its size in Europe according to Migration watch. Can you imagine what the stress would be like if you had children and lived within 20 miles of these cunts. Swimming pools definitely a no go.
My conclusion is that no party is interested in reducing immigration so fuck them all to hell
Nominated by: Black biscuit
and this from Duke of Cuntshire
Asylum seekers and the High Court.
It’s difficult to separate the cuntishness of these two useless bunch of arseholes, so I’ll put them both in the same nom.
Somehow or other, a bunch of illegal immigrants have successfully sued the democratically elected British government, after the High Court found that Napier Barracks was found to be inadequate for them.
How the hell did it get to the point where we have to kowtow to a bunch of filthy, terrorist, child raping, ragheads?
The bastard barracks were ok for our own armed forces, when they’re not on active duty ferrying the likes of this vermin from North Africa to the UK, who then go on to blow kids apart at a concert in Manchester.
Nowhere else on the planet would tolerate this bollocks. We must be the laughing stock of the whole world.
….and there’s more, this time from Hard Brexit Cunt
I’ll second this cunting having read about it earlier today.
For me, the noteworthy cunts are Justice Linden who heard the case, and briefs from the law firm Deighton Pierce Glynn who brought the case to court.
Justice Thomas Linden QC (Quality Cunt) is a barrister who works for Matrix Chambers which specialises in yuman rites and counts Tony Blair’s missus amongst its former staff. So we can assume that this cunt has been totally impartial in finding in favour of the bogus asylum seekers then, can’t we?
The usual left-wing groups such as Refugee Action and the Joint Council for the Welfare of Immigrants have called for the barracks to be closed. If these barracks were suitable for our brave servicemen, why aren’t they suitable for these young men of fighting age who have come here to work as doctors, engineers and world-class architects illegally driving mini-cabs and making kebabs? They’ll also demand to bring their extended families full of Abduls and Fatimas once they have settled in at our expense.
The illegals have been whinging about the barracks having no electricity or hot water and one shower per 100 people. What’s their fucking problem? They were living in far worse conditions on the other side of the Channel and the Third World shitholes they come from are hardly bastions of advanced technology. Otherwise, daytime TV wouldn’t be full of adverts showing their young children walking several miles a day to collect filthy water full of crocodile shit.
The judge is being paid a fortune by the taxpayer, the firm of briefs are probably rolling in legal aid and the illegals may be in line for a payout from the taxpayer. Fucking parasitic cunts the whole lot of them!
....and this from Fuglyucker
Whinging illegal immigrants, fuckwits judges and the home office are cunts, it turns out these filthy fuck monkeys have won a case about bad conditions they have have had to enjure in the army barracks they were put into.
So illegal immigrants are cunts, we already know this, ship all the sponging cunts back to Calais.
Judges who all allow this shit to happen are cunts and usually so out of touch with real life, it amazes me these fuckers don’t need to do an annual sanity test.
Last of all the home office for not cracking down properly on these cunts, taking too long to get rid of the cunts….
The cunts are illegal, they aren’t British citizens, they should have no rights here. These parasites and goat fuckers need dumping back into the ocean, as for the government, charities and lawyers that defend these shits, stick them in the cunts countries they come from and show them what vermin they are
Kalergi plan coming to fruition.
Opposition to this invasion, and that’s what it is, an invasion, is both non existent from the pathetically weak government and racist in equal measure.
These vessels full of men should have been turned around or ideally sunk from day one.
Or a gun boat and use them for target practice
Stick them in squalid conditions on bread and water for a week. Send them back from whence they came, cattle class on a squalid merchant ship. Reform the law so they can’t claim yuuman rights. Torpedo any future gits that try to make the crossing. Job done.
Fuck me, I was only just talking to my father in law about this very thing (us cunters all think the same).
What get’s me is if it OK for the soldiers to live there then why not these money grabbing immigrant cunts..!?
I’d put good money on the fact these cunts get legal advice before they leave their country of origin..
“Don’t worry, my friend. You go England, take little boat in sea. You moan, then we help you, your brother, sister, 20 wives, children, camels and donkeys get nice house and money, inshallah!”.
On the flip side our government can’t even put a decent amount of cash on the table to help OUR children catch up on the education they need but these cunts are probably gonna get a nice fat pay day.
You are right CM there are “charities” who lurk around the illegals in France offering amongst other things legal advice. Not sure if it’s true but have heard of certain legal firms with a vast appetite for legal aid dispatching “legal advisors” to assist the lost in their endeavours. Bet a years pension French immigration law ain’t on the curriculum. We are in the throes of an invasion, what really nukes my urine is technically these advisers are breaking the law by advising people whose main concern is circumnavigating the immigration law. This advice could well be construed as aiding and abetting. But effnicks trump white indigenous every fucking time.
We are witnessing the end of our way of life.
No declaration of war or anything so dramatic as that.
Just mass and totally uncontrolled immigration.
In a hundred years it will likely be viewed as the greatest failure of the former democracies of Western Europe.
There is no hope at all it can be stopped presently.
In the end it will lead to the rise of a new Hitler.
Let’s hope he hurries along sharpish
But who’s got the nuts to vote for him?
Not to worry, after there are some more pictures taken ff their ‘atrocious conditions’ with a brand-new iPhone 11x, Care 4 Calais will give em (another) box of matches before long and there will be another mysterious fire!
Good moaning and fuck off!
Eventually we’ll have to raise taxes to pay for their hotels, private accommodation, benefits, free three meals a day, clothes, trainers, laptops, mobiles, and free education.
There’s an excellent book – “Goliath: Why the West Isn’t Winning. And What We Must Do About It.” It’s written by a former US marine who is now a university professor in the US. A war is about destroying another country’s morale, economy and ability to fight back. The West is still gearing up for a fight using conventional multi-million pound weapons. Yet, as we see, immigrants are being “weaponised” and are sent to destroy from within. Certainly billions of pounds cheaper than an aircraft carrier (of which we have one and one planned, yet still can’t stop rubber dinghies invading our country). Go figure as the yanks like to say.
Agreed, sadly, CM.
That is a very clever analogy, Lord C, and that very same analogy applies to some of our major cities already. One only has to look at recent voting in London and Bradford etc, to see how eventually in the future, the fate of this country lies!
That’s not all Care4Calais will give them. You can bet your last pound that Clare Mosley Wii give them a sloppy welcome to the UK blowjob.
Fatty Patel wants chucking in Unkle Terry’s oven as she is incompetent.Question is will she squeeze in?Useless fat lump.Send them all back to Africa.None of them are no use to us.Mr. Powell is spinning in his grave.Boils my piss.
Like calls to like, we are just infidels. Useless bitch.
Well I am
No point saying anything. The French will not take them back. They are here to stay. Best get used to it. I do not give a fuck anymore, just feel sorry for the grandkids.
I agree the problem seems insurmountable. It would be slightly better (and only slightly) if when they got here they wanted to work, assimilate, become British in outlook and attitudes and make a useful contribution. But it’s only 1 out of 1000 that want to be like that. No, they want to scrounge, moan, make trouble and behave like Mudslime barbarians. Give them a home and benefits and they will reciprocate with hate and claims of waaaycism. You can take a Mudslime out of a savage country but you can’t take the savage out of a Mudslime. Cunts.
The French Gov / EU are laughing like fuck about it too. Simple solution would be to load the cunts up onto military planes, put a parachute on them and tell them to pull that cord if they wanna live. A quick sortie over the fields of France or the sands of North Africa in the dead of night, boot the cunts out the back door and we never saw a thing. These cunts come here illegally using every trick in the book and it’s time we did the same in returning them. This will free up millions in legal aid allowing UK citizens who get deprived from their day in court achieve justice. We also have loads of military flights currently using routes over these areas already so will only cost the price of the parachutes.
They tell us these gimmigrants have paid people traffickers in their homeland sums ranging from £40,000 upwards so it will take them some time to save enough again to make another trip back, though if they really lost £40k would they want to save up knowing they would lose it a second time?
As someone said above, no government is interested in doing shit about this. People need to follow the money and see exactly who our government give taxpayers money to in order to grease the wheels of this pisstake process. Who processes them, puts them in the detention centres / hotels the government pay them to run? Who sorts out the dispersal of these immigrants to council areas across UK? (usually in a drip feed fashion to avoid concern from UK citizen), who gives your & every local council £26k for EACH immigrant they take be it an adult or child?
One particular organisation springs to mind who will lose fucking billions of our taxpayers money if this scam ever ends so would it be surprising if it was discovered that they actually have agents across North + sub Saharan Africa and the middle East organising all the trafficking like Thomas Cook fucking travel agents? Their grandfather will be turning in his fucking grave at what these greedy bastards have done to Britain.
We certainly live in cuntish times and being a bit simple there are a lot of things happening that I don’t understand. However, I cannot for the life of me get my head around this fucking debacle. How the fuck are people who are in this country ILLEGALLY allowed to go to court? They are moaning about free bed and board and get free legal aid and presumably will win damages also. The fucking cunts shouldn’t be here in the first place ffs.
Many people don’t realise unless it happens to them that often, UK citizens who have a legitimate court case against someone or an organisation and a high success of winning do not get their day in court to get justice or the compensation they deserve because by the time the case is close to getting to court, the lawyers have exhausted your allocation of legal aid. These cunts are depleting the legal aid fund denying UK citizens in need. I also believe that they must also get more of an allocation than UK citizens to cover interpreting services which no doubt cost a pretty penny. Our cunt of a government has systemically assisted and allowed our justice system to be used against UK citizens while appeasing undocumented illegal aliens arriving on our shores. They care more about them than you and we are paying the cunts to beat us with this stick. This is of course another carousel scam which keeps going round and round and despite what the lying bastards have told us, Brexit will change nothing as the EU were just message boys delivering the orders of action that fucked UK citizens. Now in the absence of the EU, Boris and Patel take their fucking orders direct from the likes of the UN, UNICEF and the WHO.
The best thing Trump did was pull Nikki Haley out of the UN and withdraw from the Paris climate agreement scam. Nevermind the EU referendum, we UK citizens need to have a referendum on leaving all these cunts as they are the holders of the stick that beats us and Boris is on his fucking knees crawling to their every command. I voted for Boris, but not for any of this shit. Time we had a petition for referendums to leave each and every one of them or we will never be free
The amount of humanitarian aid given to these people is not sustainable.
When you give away something for nothing then demand will always outstrip supply.
It will have to stop at some point in the future.
So why not now?
The UK has many islands.
These illegal immigrants that have broken the law by arriving should be transported to one of those Islands and left there.
They could pay a nominal rent, they could buy building supplies and essentials. It’s not like these people are skint, they have paid thousands to their people traffickers.
And if they find the conditions on their cold, remote and basic island disagreeable, for a reasonable fee they can be taken back to the shit hole of their choice.
The Falkland Islands. Send them all there.
Spare the decent people of the Falklands these scum, what have they done to deserve them? We currently only have one island suitable for them and it’s time we put it to good use…
Guinard would be better. Anthrax testing was carried out there.
I refuse to believe that after the jungle in Calais and the conditions there, they have a problem with an actual building rather than a cardboard box and a carrier bag.
The benefits system needs to be stopped ASAP, cut off at the source,reavaluate who gets it, of better yet army barracks and a fucking job in the army until the parasites can buy a place of their own.
Jumped up vulture legal companies and judges need to be given jobs caring for these cunts, won’t take long for them to have a change of heart and get back to reality.
This country is truly fucked, but one can only imagine 20 years from now….
Simply scrap legal aid for anybody who is not trying to get here via official channels, watch the lawyers run if they’re expected to do their job for free. Personally, I would like to see all these cunt lawyers spontaneously combust whilst on the bog.
With you on that mate, doubt if Einstein could figure this fuckfest out.
If anything these money grabbing legal cunts are worse than the filth they represent.
I’ll bet they put the parasitic bastards up to it themselves, whilst all the time having pound signs rolling around in their eye sockets.
Some time back the government grant to an organisation which dealt with matters of immigration law was stopped. Each person who was a “client” of the said humanitarian org was. told to fuck off and here is you file. The display of empathy and basic humanity moved me to piss my self laughing. Any one would think that only the oodles of free money was the reason that these humanitarian saints had chosen this job.
I would love to see the state of the art mansions these poor souls sold up to cover their trafficking fees to get them to the disappointing shithole they find Britain to be. You know the problem is the thick bastards get shown pictures of Buckingham palace by their ‘travel agents’ and that’s what they think they will get on their arrival. Just wait until the cinemas and concert venues reopen after lockdown and they find the Odeon isn’t as luxurious as the cinemas back home and our shite concert venues with artists performing in languages they claim they can’t understand? It will have to be mandatory that all these pop groups will need to take in additional foreign members for diversity? Let’s fuck up all aspects of our society to accommodate their needs just like the BBC who to be frank should have created new additional channels for foreigners and left the UK fucking programming alone.
I’ve never thought how they shit and piss on these boats. Must be disgusting. Imagine having your mum shit out of a boat right before you. Eugh.
It must be a culture shock to them too.
So different from the luxury bathrooms (with bidets) that they have left in their home countries.
Them dinghies must be a real culture shock to these experienced seafarers who must be accustomed to far more luxurious yachts.
The fuckers who doing the most shouting are not asylum seekers, they are economic migrants, you don’t move through Europe and jump on a rubber dingy if your are truly a refugee fleeing war, you claim asylum in the first safe country.
All the bollocks about dangerous crossing is bollocks, very few have died crossing the channel, the cunts know that and will just keep coming.
Once here there are plenty of human rights lawyers who can’t wait to challenge the government, well there has to be a tougher stance, people are getting pissed off with this invasion. Just send the cunts back to France, if the French don’t like it then sue the French government for allowing them to leave France in ‘unsafe’ conditions and put in a blockade to turn the boats around.
Weak bastards in Government being manipulated by the woke.
It will become so bad that normal decency will go by the board and stormtroopers will decide the matter one way or another.
There is no political answer.
Eventually it will be taken out of their hands by the population.
What do you think would happen if UK citizens crowdfunding to charter boats and go out and defend our own shores and turn the cunts back around to France,?
I mentioned the other day that I had gone past the army camp at Penally, which is just outside Tenby, and it looks a great place to stay, but no, the ungrateful wretches were protesting recently about conditions there. They want a house and a car, and free money for the rest of their days.
Why the fuck are they not turned back at sea? We are not ‘rescuing’ them, we are fucking collecting them. At the moment, there is very little chance of entering France due to covid, but these cunts get a free ferry service! And, to the constant shock of some cunts, we are out of the EU, so we have no requirement to allow the free movement of people, especially illegal ones. Remember those Dutch cunts at the port telling the lorry drivers they couldn’t take their ham sandwich lunch with them, and Brexit was to blame? Get our navy to patrol the channel, and turn them back at gunpoint. I feel sorry for the frogs who have to put up with these cunts as they plot to cross the channel, but the French government is doing nothing to stop them, so should be brought to account.
Cunts like Erdogan in Turkey and that Orban prick in Hungary have threatened to unleash waves of immigrants on Europe, and I don’t see much difference with what France are allowing here. The cunts.
There was a cunt on Talkradio the other day from amnesty international talking to Ian Collins who claimed that they are only passing through all these countries to get to UK because all of these other safe countries are full. My sides were fucking bursting. It’s time they were told Britain is full. Where will they go to next as they pass across our country? Iceland, Greenland or will these seafarers take the plunge and head straight for America? After all if a 15 year old kid can sail the Atlantic on a ‘climate change’ jolly, it will be easy trip to make for those who’s lives depends on making that sailing
These cunts are not asylum seekers. Genuine asylum seekers would be grateful for safe, dry, basic accommodation and food and being somewhere where they are not at risk of death or injury.
No, these cunts are economic migrants. Wobbling to these shores with outstretched hands, expecting a free living. Gimmegrants, if you will.
This needs a very heavy hand to bring it to an end. Home grown dissenters should be forced to contribute money towards the solution or simply just shut the fuck up and keep their beak out of it.
Post WW2 twenty or so general elections X three main parties = 60 or so manifestos. No mention there of opening up to every cunt, but here we are.
Look at school photos from inner city schools in the 50’s and now. Then look at the school photos from the schools of the twats who made this possible then and now.
All too late now and as is said, It doesn’t matter who you vote for the government always get in.
Oh look. First thing on their minds was milking the fucking system. Legal action over conditions? Get fucked!
What a surprise to see this gibsmedat attitude. But yes, you’re a racist if you think ‘Send the ungrateful cunts back to Shitistan.”
The first warning sign that they dont wish to come here and integrate into our culture, they want to change our government to make this country a shithole that panders to them and changes our society into the exact type of shithole they came from
Firstly, why the fuck can’t your government see fit to house homeless veterans in disused barracks (some are in Hampton court to keep former ladies in waiting content) Secondly for over a year now we’ve had NO new immigrants No refugees and very few limited vistors and restricted returnees, because of such bat flu isn’t that prevalent here. Our politicians are dipshits but at least they can read the crowd. You have Tony Abbott now, make use of him.
We’ll take those nasty fucking spiders, sneaky snakes, freshwater crocs and a billion zillion flies in exchange for these fuckers.
You can stick em on Nauru or Manus for a while, give Jacinda of the teeth a call and she’ll take the fucking lot.
P.S..Crocs, flies, snakes and spiders only.
No burnt koalas.
Not even medium rare?
Lock the doors and burn the bastards.
Remove all Judges and politicians – any slaver and they get pushed into the flames as well.
The next GE will decide if the sheeple have the wit and balls to get rid of the shower of shit we call “politicians” and get what we badly, badly need in the UK – a right wing Nationalist Government.
And if the Country votes for more of the same then they have nobody to blame for the civil war which will inevitably come.
Within a few weeks of Oakington IRC opening, the former RAF accommodation had lost its bullshine, and acquired its bullshite replacement decor and odour. The vermin housed there were the usual gimmeegrant types, the vile filth of the earth, and we were paying for them.
I honestly would consign all to immediate castration, before a toasting in Uncle Terry’s Oven
People being vaccinated now and currently at risk from Covid are those who are not registered with the NHS. Apparently there was a bus in Soho/Chinatown yesterday vaccinating people who are not registered. Many in the Indian variant hotspots ,who are being vaccinated, are not registered.
I heard a report about 18 months ago that GPs have NHS registered 3 million more people than there are supposedly living in the country. The vaccination programme will tell the government roughly how many illegals are here, my guess between 8 and 10 million. We still refuse to seal our borders.
The real problem is the Dave and Deirdre Sparts who look for yewman rights to champion. A legal system that is not fit for purpose. And all the woke cunts who hate our country.
Forget any other reason for repatriation of these illegals:
OVER 30 Thousand extra-HM serving soldiers are currently homeless in the Uk.
Over 30 Thousand.
That is all.
Heard some wokie on the radio last night from some “we love the poor sweet gimmigrants” cunt fuck organisation. Moaning about the wicked Tories and the raaaay-sist British blah blah woof woof.
Guess what? She’s a fucking Aussie!!! Listen Shiela…….don’t come to my fucking country and start slagging it off. Don’t like it , fuck off back where you came from and take your leeching friends with you. See how that goes down bitch.
The fucking front of these commie fucking bastards!
Was that on Talkradio / James Whale? I heard some of this if it’s same broadcast. She was given an absolute shitload of airtime which she continually dug a deeper hole. James Whale spoke for us all. Here’s a link to it on YT, it starts around 9 min 50 secs. Worth a watch to see what we are up against…
Yeah that’s the bitch whore slag. To normal people she dug herself a deep hole but in the wokie cokie world of SJWs she stood heroically against the right wing/Tory/racist/fascist/Nazi media. In her world James Whale is Heinrich fucking Himmler.
Streuth!… they say where she hails from. The sooner she fucks off back there the better.
Seems a bit rich coming from an Aussie, considering their immigration policy!
Yeah, going to another country and telling them how they need to run their countries affairs, it’s like that little shit Thunberg who goes on tour around western countries who have money or governments stupid enough to put it’s people in debt and spaff money they don’t have to bogus so called green companies and think-tanks when they have already made massive reductions in fossil fuel usage etc but will the little cunt go tell China, Middle East or African countries? She seems quite fucking happy that little fucking kids in the Congo are in filthy poisonous pits mining the minerals for the batteries in the electric cars she preaches we buy. Has the cheek to spout rubbish about us depriving kind D’s of their childhood when she clearly doesn’t give a fuck about kids futures / lives at all. Little fucking Soros sock puppet
All been said.
You know my opinion anyway.
The chimneys would belch out smoke and the cattle trains would run all night long.
Had my way, the population would look like it did back in the 40s.
Kinda pale.
My thoughts identical to all expressed above.
Basically, if you don’t like brick-built barracks, then just FUCK OFF AND DIE IN YOUR MUDSLIME SHITEHOLES, YOU GRASPING, SMELLY CUNTS!
It doesn’t matter who we vote for, none of the cunts will do anything to stop this, they all piss in the same pot.
I would happily see all of the Dinghy scum at the bottom of the Channel, I do not want your type here enjoying the benefits that me and my forefathers have worked and fought for, you slip in here and demand this and that having contributed fuck all to our economy and you expect me to be sympathetic to your cause, get fucked, all the males should be ashamed of themselves running from a fight to support their own country and family, you are a fucking disgrace.!!
It’s time we crowdfunding for funds to charter boats and harpooning gear and went to hunt some stray dinghy.
Do you cunts know that what both America’s and Britain’s self-loathing liberal traitors really need? Our self-loathing-Westerners need to have your good, old-fashioned English hang/draw/quarter therapy… while I watch and jack off. As a white male myself, there do not EXIST two countries in whose white-male-hating genocidal liberals are the most degenerate, giraffe-fucking, gutter-dwelling, yak-rimming human colostomy bags of pure sorrow that this WHITE FUCKING MALE finds more loathsome and repulsive than BOTH our country’s cousin-inbreeding muslim humanoid detritus. There does NOT EXIST two countries which fellate the most human-rights-atrocity pure HATE ideology than that Pisslam murderous hate-filth 3rd-world reprobates than both America and England. Yeah, this “bloody yank” is SO FUCKING SICK of both our countries’ PISSLAM FELLATIO! Can you pommie cunts DEAL with my murderous hatred of your savage, subhuman Pisslam death cult?? Can you???