Cunters a nom to boil your piss on a lovely day. This carpet kissing cunt reckons it’s not that big a crime. Oh really? I wonder how if it was a fellow peaceful, he would look at it the same way?
Why the fuck is this piece of shit still here? If cunty had his way this cunts bollocks would have been removed with a blunt knife.
Fuck it I’m off for a drink, Fucking bastard scumcunt.
Nominated by: CuntyMort
“Suffer little children unto me” All Peter Files must be destroyed. End of!
He’ll be stateless?
Fine, drop the cunt in the ocean somewhere.
Preferably shark infested…
To them it’s not a big deal – and we have millions of these cunts here now.
I don’t get it, deportation order should be final, what is there to appeal.
Foreign cunt commits a crime, does his sentence then out of the country, it’s all bollocks, it should straight from the prison to the airport and off back to the shithole.
What is so difficult about it, why isn’t the law written in that way so there can’t be all this ‘appeal’ shit.
It just shows the culture of the Parking Stanley, absolutely no respect for white girls/women. The left say you can’t demonise ALL and that may be true if it were just one or two but there are hundreds (that we know of) doing this shit.
I won’t say too much, I might cry if someone accuses me of a hate crime, but cunts like this despise us for our own weakness. Where these cunts come from they would have been publicly executed years ago.
They ain’t going anywhere.
Especially not when crowds of white middle class arseholes turn up en masse to protest the deportation…
It’s always vitally important that white middle class people have something to feel good about.
Something that makes them feel warm inside.
That doesn’t just come in the form of a latte and hot sandwich from Pret but also from teaching their working class inferiors a thing or two about tolerance and the benefits of multiculturalism.
There are some evolutionary psychologists, including Gaad Saad, who evidence that leftists (particularly white people in western Europe) have a kind of brain disease (pathogens) which creates a kind of ‘pathological altruism’. He (and others) believes therapy (deprogramming) and learning to not fight against cognitive dissonance are the only ‘cures’.
They could be on to something there.
Some of these cunts would be apologising for being white, while an extremist slit their throat.
In return I’d rather like to teach them about the offensive capabilities of steel toecapped work boots… ?
Oh, and old motorbike chains.
Take that Tristan… ?
@ Cuntybollocks
He may well be right. It would be a variant ™ of this –
It is transmitted in soy latte, also quinoa and kimshi.
Could it be this brain parasite which is behind the ‘crazy cat woman’ theory.
There were a few of these types of lady on the estate I grew up on.
There’s a PhD thesis there, HJ. Go for it! ?
Cheers K
I’ll cite you in my paper.
I’m no expert on any of this btw, but yes, you could be right there too.
Yeah. I’m very seen some liveleak videos posted on another website which showed how cunts like this would make a new relationship with a burning Goodyear. I was pretty horrified when I saw the first one posted as I had never seen anything like it however as time passed more appeared and when you heard the backstory of how the individual met this fate, any sympathy I had quickly disappeared. Now there are far quicker ways to execute criminals and people would say more humane too, however these cunts know what awaits them in the homeland if they commit such offences yet it doesn’t deter them. The full village gather round to watch these executions, standing with phones filming them and many keep adding items to fuel the flames. They must have seen previously what fate awaits offenders, yet do the stupid cunts learn?
And that is why they commit their disgusting crimes over here, because they know they’ll get just about fuck all prison time and they will be treated like heroes in their own community for destroying just a little bit more of white culture.
Lidl garlic sausage is great.
Beer’s cheap too…
I am no racist but, I am sure there is a pattern to these grooming gangs being of certain ethnic persuasions…
There is a cure for this.
A fast and very effective cure.
One of these apes is surprised he’s being deported. I’m sure he is. For years these Parking Stanley’s have thought they can do what they want without repercussion. If anyone opposed them they would call “waaaaycist” and our liberal establishment would run a mile. So now they are surprised. Let hope there are plenty more surprises in store for them.
I hope this is the the shape of things to come, get the planes ready!
A couple of years ago I read about this cunt, born in Glasgow, his parents and himself emigrated to Australia when he was 3 years old. He grew up there, never been outside the country and considered himself an Aussie.
In his mid twenties he got in a fight in a pub and killed some cunt. Not deliberately, it’s just one of those things that happens from time to time.
Anyway, when he got out of nick the coppers were waiting. They took him to the airport, gave him a one way ticket to Glasgow, fuck off don’t come back. If the Aussies can do it why can’t we?
Is there another civilised country in the world where we could do what these filthy Peacefuls have done and still be walking around like we own the fucking place?
I’ve said it before……..there must be a reason why they want this trash here, you just have to figure out what it is.
The reason is international virtue signalling. The rest of the world is laughing at us.
Absolutely spot on Mr Frog.
It’s very easy to do but requires a spine.
They want to replace the Anglo-Saxon white with a bastardised mongrel mixed race which will be more easily subjugated.
As I’ve said before, the problem is that we let it happen. In the “old” England, these cunts houses would have been torched and the cunts lives made such a fucking misery, that they would have left of their own accord. The rozzers would have turned a blind-eye and the politicians would have kept quiet.
Pàki Bashing 1970s style. The good old days.
We certainly seem completely incapable as a society to confront real evil.
Knife crime.
Organised criminal gangs of every stripe.
Sex abuse.
Illegal immigration.
You name it our government will fail to eradicate it.
We are being washed away by a horde of savages.
But miss a Council Tax payment and they’ll hound you into a cell if you dont cough up. Funny how civil offences like telly tax evasion carries stiffer punishment than pounding a kids arse or perforating someone because they ‘feel like it’.
“The rozzers would have turned a blind-eye and the politicians would have kept quiet.” ……………… er! they have been doing haven’t they?
As far as they are concerned they are only emulating their boss!
Deport straight to Pakistan where their criminal record here will no doubt put them in good stead for a high up government position, child welfare I wouldn’t wonder!
No big crime as its their culture and we are racist for not seeing it that way. Shame on us whites for not being open to child rape
If it was good enough for Big Mo the perfect, then it’s certainly good enough for all his little carpet kissing inbreeding descendants.
Until the hate filled, undemocratic, anti semitic, child sex is ok bile of the unholy quran, is openly challenged and condemned by the cowards who are supposedly in charge in the west, then this isn’t going away.
If a man in his 50s who married a 6 year old child is held in such high regard then who are we to question.
I’m fairly certain Joe Biden would also approve.
Oven all these cunts . No ifs no but just solve the problem quickly. Or if you like truss them up and rid ourselves of them by letting them out at 10,000ft above the ocean. These scum sucking pukes are breeding like sewer rats.
The photo shows the cunt behind the wheel with his eyes shut and no seat belt which in itself should be a capital offence, for him anyway.
So he considers being deported as a breach of his human rights? If it was up to me, I’d show the cunt what a breach of his human rights really looks like!
Why is Fatty Patel letting these sewer rats in?I despair.Slide them into your oven please Unkle Terry
…..because she is one of them?
Patel’s a Hindu name, not Muslim. A Ugandan Asian, she has no affinity with Muslims. And the Guardian loathes her. Kudos.
She’s not all bad:
What he means is ‘It’s no big deal if it’s white girls.”
He’d be out there setting fire to a honky pea dough’s house if he’d groomed a Muslim girl. I wouldn’t be against the revenge, but the point stands. They only care about their own. Just look at how they give to charity. They only donate to other Muslims. And loads of the cunts do not contribute tax.
What a fucking great idea it was, bringing loads of the cunts here.
I think it’ll prove to be the worst decision ever made in this country’s history.
It’ll never be questioned as history is being rewritten to show there these cunts are actually the original english and the whites are the interlopers.
@moggie63 The BBC will tell future generations and show them history proving in days of old England, who really was da kangs in the commoonity and how day was robbed of da birthright dat was da Buckingham palace
Trouble is, our fucking authorities agree with him. That is how these cunts got away with raping white girls on an industrial basis for two decades. Fucking social workers, fucking police, fucking judiciary, fucking politicians, journalists, all facilitators. But, of course, we are the raycists.
Missed a ‘fucking’ out in the penultimate line above, should have been ‘fucking journalists’.
Once upon a time there was a man called Tony. Tony was an MP who wanted to be in charge of Britain to turn it into a shithole by allowing foreign invaders to come into Britain unchecked and would ensure laws were made to protect these invaders from any future removal from the UK. Tony needed this in place as part of his plan envisaged the invaders outbreeding the British people in excess of 3:1. One day Tony got the closest he had ever been to his dream. It was the 1st of May 1997 and Tony’s day had come where people of Britain would vote to decide who would lead Britain for another term and on the 2nd of May, the public woke up to the news that Tony the Trojan horse had won and now in charge of Britain’s fate. The End.
Burn the cunts bollocks off with a blow torch.
Lots of planes sitting idle.
Make use of them.
To give them one last shot at redemption, let each of them assemble / pack up their own parachute. The cunts sneak into UK ‘through the back door’ exploiting all our systems and laws along the way. Let them exit through the back door too… Of A C130 Hercules at 12,000 feet
And let him strap on the Irish Parachute. Opens on impact on tarmac.
Any cunt thinking this is not a crime has mistaken the cultural values & laws of our country. Integration will never be within their ‘to do list’ and therefore deportation without right to appeal is the only sane option. We have enough of our own pead cunts lurking in the shadows without importing more. Whenever you hear an MP bleat words about what immigration BR NHS and how the UK benefits, remember this cunting. They don’t give a shit as they sit aloft in their ivory towers insulated from ‘the benefits’.
The Left’s protection/defence of these cunts is systematic of how the whole culture of child abuse is being watered down and dismissed as nothing overly serious.
We already know the Alphabets are pushing for more the government to relax the laws of underage sex, and that adults and children should have a right to have “a relationship”. They’re already infiltrating their young impressionable minds with gay and tranny bulllshit – basically suggesting a hetero man/woman relationship is no longer “normal” or acceptable.
Add to that the teaching of children that they don’t have to identify as boy or girl.
So this is the next probably step – legal sexual relations between adults and kids and that there should be no stigma attached to such relationships. And that’s probably why these cunts see “grooming” as no big deal, and the Left play along with it.
These stinking cunts should be peeled on live tv, I’m sure it would be a ratings winner.
The cunt should be hanged. No big crime? Fucking degenerate bastard needs executing. No other punishment fits what he has done.
Why the hell is that heap of shit still breathing? Thr only thing he should have is an execution. Sick bastard
If you take a taxi to hospital appointment, the taxi driver will be a Pakistani and the doctor will be Indian.
The taxi driver probably has no licence, instead borrowing one from a bearded bro and the hospital consultant you see probably gained employment by presenting a fake diploma from the homeland as they know our NHS is understaffed due to them all arriving here and wont vet them or their qualifications. The bonus is that Doctor brought his extended famileee with him increasing demand on NHS keeping the carousel scam going as would the birth of future offspring. They know as long as the UK has a PM who refuses to lift the drawbridge declaring it’s full that they can forever ride that carousel.
It’s beyond a joke now. Patel should either sort it or resign.
Same as anything else in this country. It doesn’t affect the white middle class fucking idiots who stick up for filth like him. Isolated in their chateaus in the country whilst us working class put up with the fucking shitty end of the stick. Can I just fuck off and live on Mars please?