Government Hypocrisy over Quarantining


If ever there was a final nail in the coffin for my utter contempt for this government, this is it!

It would seem Boris and his merry band of cunts, are going to bow to presseure from UEFA to allow “thousands” of football bigwigs, sponsors and other assorted VIP cunts to enter England in order to watch the Euro2020 Semi-finals and the Final itself. But the real kicker, is that none of them will have to adhere to the same 10 day self-isolating period as us mere mortals have to go through!

In essence UEFA are blackmailing the government if they don’t comply, not least by moving the prestigious matches to far-flung Budapest. And there is also a suggestion/allegation, that UEFA may prevent England from bidding in any future World Cup by “advising” FIFA (the World Cup governing body)

This nom isn’t really about football – but more the massive conceit Boris, his government and SAGE have put on this country over the last 18 months, especially over quarantining, self-isolating and the costs and delays incurred by British people trying to go about their business but having to take PCR tests as prove that you’re “clean”

Whereas these “officials” will seem to get the old “exemption” free pass, just as those G7 cunts and their entourage allegedly did a couple of weeks ago.

The cry of “One rule for the plebs, and one rule for the rich” has never resonated so clearly. And of course money talks, especially the money involved from sponsors and the FA, who hope to make a decent profit on the 60,000 fans Boris will be allowing to attend the semi-finals and final at Wembley.

An extraordinary decision, but rumour has it UEFA again put pressure on Boris to allow so many fans to the ground so that it makes for good TV, and that FA and the sponsors can fleece those same fans with rip-off prices for food, drink and merchandise, allegedly.

If Boris does cave, then it will be a slap in the face for us mere mortals who have sacrificed and tolerated so much inconvenience and bullshit over the last 18 months. It also demonstrates how weak he has become when pressure is placed on him and money/prestige is involved from up on high.

Fuck Boris, Fuck the Government, Fuck Sage, Fuck the FA, Fuck UEFA – you are all monumental cunts of the highest order! (Pay walled, but here’s an extract)

Boris Johnson was on Tuesday night accused of hypocrisy as it emerged that the Government has caved in to Uefa and will allow thousands of football VIPs to attend the Euro 2020 finals without quarantining.

Ministers are facing a backlash from senior Tory MPs over the decision to exempt Uefa officials, politicians and sponsors from having to self-isolate for 10 days on arrival in the UK.

It comes days after it was reported that Uefa had threatened to move the matches to Budapest unless ministers relented on the quarantine rules. Sources said the UK would have lost out if it had failed to compromise.

Nominated by: Technocunt

Disclaimer: We’re posting this as a test. Please obey the rules, be civil and DO NOT turn this into a personal attack clusterfuck like the last pandemic post was in the comments. However, this is still an open forum, so feel free to comment, just be polite.  Thanks – DA

89 thoughts on “Government Hypocrisy over Quarantining

  1. What the fuck is a “football VIP”?

    The ruling class are taking the piss. You don’t have to be a right-wing nutter to think this anymore. I’m turning into a fucking Maoist at the moment. And Pol Pot would be seen as a liberal compared to what I want to do to these money grubbing bastards.

    In other news, I received an email from my ex-fiancée Fanny Fiddler inviting me to the annual hunt ball at her brother’s vast estate in Northumbria. Clearly, Covid19 rules don’t apply to the blue-blooded aristocracy of the far north.


    • “Clearly, Covid19 rules don’t apply to the blue-blooded aristocracy of the far north.”…. too fucking right…such rules only apply to Plebs.By the way, I still haven’t received your reply and we really are desperate for waiting-staff so do let me know or I’ll just have to hire from an agency….Oh, and if you do turn up please remember to keep a civil tongue in your head when refreshing your Betters’ glasses or I’ll dock your wages..and yer gonads.

      PS….Keep it under your hat but I’m hoping that The Arsebishop of Canterbury and Prince Harry will be gracing us with their presence,so I want none of your chippy attitude…..Remember Your Place.

      Afternoon,Mike…hope everything’s going O.K. with you.

      • If I was Mike, I wouldn’t bother. We arrived at your place yesterday and were shocked at how run down it’s become.
        We decided to move on and are in a lovely spot by the river.
        On Sainsbury,’s car park, in Haltwhistle, I noticed a tidy looking, green Hilux, with knobbly tyres and a custom back, for use with a chipper, plus a bit of sign writing. Got me thinking.
        Ethel wanted to let a couple of tyres down, but I said that it might belong to someone decent, so we refrained.?
        Afternoon, Dick.

    • CoE@ – A “football VIP”? – Someone who watches the game through the glass of the corporate box for 30 seconds a game in between networking and negotiating business deals and refers to it as “soccer”.
      We can safely assume that none of them are directed towards the Millwall ground! ?

  2. Johnson will rue the day he failed to lift lockdown on the 21st as promised. No excuse not to.

  3. Well if Johnson can’t stop plane- loads of people flying in from the likes of Pakistan and India, dingy-riders being picked up and brought here by the R.N. from French waters and Dominic Cummings going on a Grand Tour of The U.K. while infectious…he’s hardly likely to give a shit about some football bigwigs,is he?

  4. This is the future the ruling class want and are actively conspiring to create, a neo-feudal system where the plebs have privileges not rights (and will inevitably pay to have and ‘be grateful’ for) and the rulers enjoy everything outside those rules.

    This was from the ToryGraph the other day: “The Bank of England has called on ministers to decide whether a central bank digital currency should be “programmable”, ultimately giving the issuer control over how it is spent by the recipient..Digital cash could be programmed to ensure it is only spent on essentials, or goods which an employer or Government deems to be sensible”.

    End of gas boilers, end of petrol cars, end of meat, end of SMEs, programmable digital currency, etc, etc.

    Great Reset.

    • CBD can also have an expiry date, like a gift voucher which is being trialed in China. Use it or loose it. No more savings for the plebs….you will own nothing and be happy.

      • The “Next Generation” can’t think for themselves anyway so all this sounds fantastic for them, win win 😀

    • Central Bank Digital Currencies mean the Central Banks can also introduce negative interest rates where you pay the bank to look after your money. Since, cash will be abolished you can’t withdraw it and stuff it under the mattress to avoid the fees.

      Combined with the coming rampant inflation and mass unemployment when furlough ends and more businesses go bust, people who currently have jobs and those with savings will soon learn what it means to be be poor.

      • Negative interest rates? You mean opposed to the 0.05% the banks are generously dishing out at the moment! Anyone that relies on the interest rates from banks to make money on their savings is a cunt!

        “And those with savings will soon learn what it means to be poor”.

        No they won’t.

    • I am hoping I expire before my gas boiler, in fact I think I will replace it with a new one before any deadline comes in.

      I saw some estimate of around 17 million gas heating systems in the UK, the ban on installing in new build homes doesn’t come in until 2025, assuming the figure stays static at around 17 million, to remove them all from households by 2035 would need a a rate of over 30,000 per week. So it’s not going to happen, even stretching it another 10 years would need over 15,000 removed per week… I am pretty sure I won’t be around in 2045 ?

      • gas price – about 3p/, electricity – about 15p/ So, even ignoring that an electric boiler (more likely to be an electric ground source heat pump at about £5000), it’s going to cost you 5 times as much as you’re paying now to heat your home and provide hot water. Great

    • Well, bugger me. (anything goes in a world gone mad) Many years ago I proposed on a forum you’ve never heard of that we should reform the currency, with the unit being the standard egg. Precisely because it goes off if you don’t use it. I guess that wasn’t viable because the Chinese keep their eggs for 100 years, allegedly, but the principle’s the same.

      Seriously, this is desperate thinking, but rather forced on the economic cunts by the absolute failure of the financial system, which already relies on the pound in your pocket (dollar, whatever) being worth 2% less every year, and the undesirability of paying savers any interest at all, which would eat into the banks’ profits.

      Forcing people to spend to their limit, and well beyond, is the only way to achieve the efficient transfer of value into some already well-stuffed wallets, and I have no doubt this can be punted to an apathetic and shellshocked public as readily as,say. baked beans.

      Didn’t the Dutch try that with tulips? Didn’t end well they ate their Prime Minister – DA

      • To be pedantic, it was tulip futures (roughly speaking) that were being traded – more of a stock market job than an actual currency. But broadly, yes, thanks, forced me to look it up!

      • Banks prefer higher interest rates because it is more profitable. They earn more money on depositors cash and can charge a greater bid/offer spread between what they pay depositors and what they charge borrowers. Also, lending demand is usually higher because higher rates are a sign of real economic growth. That is why the share prices of banks have never recovered to pre-2007 levels.

        The phony economc growth of recent years in the West is based on asset inflation, such as stock markets, bond prices, property prices and now moving into commodities. It creates a wealth effect for some not based on production. If Central Banks were to aggresively raise rates in the current debt fuelled economy it would crash shares and property. Also, personal bankruptcies and company defaults would go through the roof. This is what happens when economies are funded through debt and excess consumption. Coupled with a derivative market that was over one quadrillion (1,000,000,000,000,000) dollars last year, it is an absolute mess that will come crashing down in the next few years. It is all but inevitable but in the meanwhile they will keep adding to the money printing (QE) until the wheels fall off. Perhaps, The Great Reset will be offered as the solution when it all crashes. First, they need to get their Central Bank Digital Currencies (or one global currency) ready to roll out.

  5. How strange the Bubonic plague MkII seems to know that the likes of Neil Ferguson, Dominic Cummins, the G7 and their entourages and 2000 plus UEFA cronies are immune to it. Now, Matt Wanksock can be added to this list. Then across the Atlantic California Governor Gavin Newsom, Nancy Pigolsi, SF Mayor London Breed and around a dozen other Demonrat politicos who got caught breaking thier own rules. Of course, we can add the SNP hag Margaret Ferrier who travelled on a train while testing positive. These are only the high profile ones we know about. There must be plenty more who didn’t get photographed.

    If the Covid plague is so dangerous then why would they all take risks? Err…. because it isn’t. The theatrics of masks, lockdowns, travel bans, tests, and social distancing are only for us mere mortals.

  6. And what about that slimy little cunt breaking his own lockdown rules?
    Talk about Hancock’s half hour….

    Thing is, even at the height of the virus last year, planes were landing and boats full of migrant shite were docking in the UK day in and day out. It’s the same old same old. Joe Public has to do as he’s told, while ‘they’ do exactly what they want. And if anyone says anything about it, they are labeled as racist.

    As Covid cases are on the rise (again), these stupid fucks decided to fill Wembley with 60’000 knobheads. Serve them right if they all cop it, the thoughtless daft cunts.

    • There have to be some exceptions Norman, chance of a free shag trumps the rules ?

  7. Just goes to show this is no longer about a Virus.
    Boris and co are also making it so expensive and unpleasant to go abroad so you spend your hard earned here.
    Even the Sheeple are starting to wake up to this Scam.

    • Boris and his SAGE cunts really don’t care because come the next election in at most 3 perhaps 4 years time they will have either stepped down or fucked off.

      Boris will end up in the House of Old Cunts and/or receive loads of directorships and “ambassador” roles (just like Blair); and the likes of Hancock and SAGE will be loaded after fleecing the public purse with more of their bullshit nepotism and “jobs for the boys, girls, family members and best mates”

      It’s also quite interesting how MSM haven’t picked this story up about Boris caving in to UEFA, especially the BBC. I don’t suppose Linekunt will say much either – he is too chicken shit to say anything remotely against the grain in case he gets cancelled.

  8. It’s not hypocrisy, it’s blatant piss taking and this shitfest is being prolonged because of the enablers.
    The people who have enabled this shit to carry on because of their obedience to the government and membership of the Covid cult.
    Who the fuck takes part in clinical trials of a new technology without wages or guaranteed compo if it all go tits up.
    Some people would let a tramp piss in their mouths if Boris told them to.

    In other news.

    Four B.A. pilots die within a week of taking the shot….

    • Blatant piss taking, exactamundo! ?

      People wearing masks outside today in my town. Fucking nobs. It’s embarrassing at this point. The masses of compliant dolts are prolonging this psychotic delusion.

      Israel has reintroduced masks despite its vaccine rollout. Aussie lockdowns over a handful of cases (+PCR!!). Fucking. Insanity.

  9. This is all total bullshit, are these so called VIP cunts all coming from Amber countries or are some from Red, and who the fuck are they.
    Let’s see UEFA justify every single one of these cunts, maybe reduce the numbers down to fucking zero.

    The cunts can watch it on TV like the rest of us plebs.

  10. The SAGE and Onion party are in complete control over “Government”.They call all the shots.Boris et Al are powerless to stop the Commies.We WILL NEVER be out of lockdown.I have a solution for these dictators.Locked room.Hand grenade.

  11. If you’ve had the vaccine (full course), you’re not going to die from covid. And if you do, a cold would’ve done you in.

    I don’t care if there are 20,000 anti vaxers and peacefuls who’ve refused the vaccine catching covid. They’re taking their chances (and it is there God given right to do so). This should not mean restrictions for everyone else. Nor should 10,000 covid cases that are not life threatening if you’ve had the jabs.

    For me, if you restrict after everyone has had the choice of having the vaccine, you might as well lock the country down any time some cunt catches the common cold. Because as far as I can make out from the eggheads, covid can reinfect a small number of people already vaccinated, but the disease will not become dangerous.

    Time to get on with shit now. New normal?

    Back to fucking normal. Fuck this shit.

    • The figure of 80% fully vaccinated is a figure that seems to be touted as the final tipping point.

      This weekend is grab a jab ?

      I agree that if the peacefuls don’t want it fuck them, we will hit 80% of all adults easily without the useless cunts.

  12. Wasn’t one of the reasons the European Cup final not moved to London because the government refused entry to all the Uefa hangers on? So what the fuck has changed? Sounds very much like blackmail by Uefa coupled with brown envelopes stuffed with used tenners. In the meantime Joe Public shuffles in out of pubs/shops with face masks on and frightened to death of getting within 6 feet of someone else even though most of the population are now immune.

    UEFA is corrupt? next you’ll be suggesting FIFA put the World Cup in Qatar for money. – DA

    • That’s because Joe public is generally a thick cunt with the critical thinking skills of a fucking banana.

      Unfortunately I work with the public and I came to this conclusion some time ago.

      We need to thank in no particular order.
      Good Morning Britain
      This Morning
      Dr Hillary Jones
      BBC News
      Sky News
      ITV news with Tom Bradby and Robert Peston.

  13. The plebs are being trolled at this point.

    Neil Professor Lockdown Ferguson
    Dominic Durham Cummings
    Matt Handjob Hancock

    3 cunts who happily spread fear and lies but at the same time have proven that they don’t even really believe the shit they’re paid to spout.
    If they did, they wouldn’t have carried on like they did in secret.

    Fucking wankers.

    • A small number of people have died ‘with’ covid after vaccination. About a quarter of those were asymptomatic, so they know the Rona didn’t kill them.
      You need to take into account the huge numbers of people vaccinated when looking at these things.

      If you think about it rationally, if we end up with 5 billion vaccinated, but 5% of the vaccinated are unlucky and get covid afterwards, that’s 250 million people. How many of them will die of some other cause week to week, even though they’re carrying covid? Every egghead I’ve seen is saying the chances of severe illness or death FROM (not with) covid is pretty much zero.

      Things can change of course, sadly. I not an anti vax type and I honestly believe some egghead cunt will come up with the definite answer within a few years. They have egos these eggheads. That’s gonna help push this to the answer (100% protection and virtually no side effects etc).

      The vaccines have done a great job and in my opinion, it’s time to reap the benefits from them.

      • Ivermectin: 100% safe and 100% effective as a prophylactic against Covid.

        This is now so clearly the biggest con trick perpetuated against humanity.

  14. Hancock is finished. No matter how much Boris is supporting him at the moment, his career (at least in government) and his marriage are over. And he has no one to blame but himself, and the cheating trollop he was fingering, and as the ex husband of a cheating slag myself, they deserve everything they get.
    However, how many people can truly say they complied with every facet of lockdown? At best, I think most people have been reasonably compliant when it comes to obvious things like washing hands and stuff, but I reckon most have bent or broken quite a few of the measures, for some reason or other.
    I’m no tinfoil mentalist, but I know I’m guilty on most counts of bending and breaking lockdown rules, but only with willing company. If they were happy to ignore the rules, then so was I. This includes getting laid a couple of times, although unlike Wanksock, neither of us were cheating.
    So, I cannot be the one to cast the first stone on this cunt, tempting as it is, but I’ve seen quite a few who have, and they have been some of the biggest lockdown breakers, cunts who brag about not washing their hands, and it’s pure gold for the loonies.
    Thanks to this bellend, and the behaviour of the leaders at the G7, which wasn’t highlighted from covert photography, the calls for the end of all restrictions will grow louder until it happens.

    • I oneyed rigorously for 6 months and moderately until about December although was gettimg increasingly exasperated After that I completely stopped giving a shit.

    • I think the difference is that Hancock made the rules and you didn’t. And, as a prominent member of the lockdown government (Secretary of State for Health, ffs!), must be held to a higher standard than the average japseye in the street.

      • Nothing average about this Japseye!?
        Agreed on the accountability, as with Doctor Doom and Cummings the Ming Merciless tribute act. They set a high bar and should have stuck to it.
        It’s now an open goal for those that thought it was bollocks all along.

      • None taken old chum, you pointed out the glaring omission in my post, all part of the debate.
        As for average, I wish I was. Average height, average weight, average build, sadly none of these.
        All part of my ‘carefully crafted persona’ as I was accused of recently. If I was going down the Walter route I’m sure I could do better than slightly bitter middle aged divorced cunt in a shit job. ??

    • “However, how many people can truly say they complied with every facet of lockdown?”
      I can honestly say with hand on heart I haven’t complied with a single aspect of this heinous fucknuttery. Not one.

  15. I think it is dawning on even the most cynical and brainwashed now.
    1 million + expected at the London protest today – see how many MSM channels report that.
    This is like looking through a time window to Germany in 1935.
    We have learned nothing – and it’s kind of hard to keep a sense of humour as we are being removed.

    Have you learned what links are yet? Sorry couldn’t resist a joke from yesterday. – DA

    • If everyone of those estimated million write to their MP, hopefully most will be conservative constituencies the message may get through.

    • DA@ – No – (embarrassing!) – but I will be a – learnin’ dem link things! ?

  16. You will need a lot of nails to secure Boris’s coffin lid on.

    Useless stupid haired lying wanker

    • Let’s save those nails and just have an open casket. Then we can turn him into pinhead from hellraiser.

      • Johnson would just use an open casket as a way of stealing wallets from the partygoers, er, sorry – “mourners” filing by and looking up girls skirts.
        Anyone falling for this anymore now?

    • With respect,Fuck his coffin.
      What that spineless cunt needs is the Oven.
      The government is a complete disgrace.

  17. Lead by example!

    How Boris can keep a straight face and say we still need to be in lockdown and take precautions blah blah, while allowing these “VIPs” to just do as they please, is beyond my understanding.

    Clearly he is just like Biden – a puppet on a string. A bit like Andy Pandy but without the charm and charisma.

    He is weak on just about everything other than telling the very people who voted for him in 2019 what we can and can’t do!

    And then he wonders why his party got well and truly stuffed in the recent by-election!

    As a life-long Tory voter, my local Tory MP, Trudy Harrison, can go fuck herself if she expects my vote next time around. I have emailed her on numerous occasions over the last 12 months arguing the toss with Boris’ half-baked lockdowns, but not once has she bothered to reply.

    But no doubt she’ll be grubbing for votes come the run up to the next general election. Fuck that, I’d rather spoil my ballot paper, or vote for some oppressed minority party like the White Working Classes

    • Techno@ – my MP (Nigel Adams) has been reported to the offices of the Prime Minister and the Parliamentary Standards Committee for refusing to respond to me.
      Their quoted response?
      “There is no requirement for members of Parliament to respond to constituents”.
      So why the fuck do we employ them?
      Four years..

      Nothing to do with your post (you’re literally the last one I saw), but we’re happy that this has become a discussion and COVID/Vaccine nominations are back on ISaC. As long as they don’t turn personal. Welcome all. – DA

      • DA@ – glad to see common sense prevails – strongly held views are the basis of debate and always welcome but personal attacks are just not acceptable – I use this site because it contains a broad church of different viewpoints but contributors generally have the respect and courtesy to discuss them without turning it into cunts corner, IAC is a breath of fresh air in our emasculated world.

        Exactly, we have rules for a reason, but freedom of speech and opinions are important. I don’t care how left or right your views are as long as you read the rules. – DA

    • I have a dilemma.

      Whilst I wrote twice to Theresa May to tell her what I thought of her “Brexit means Brexit” bollocks and the cunts in the Conservative party, vowing to never ever vote for Tories ever again, our local Ipswich Tory MP Tom Hunt (who I didn’t vote for) is just about as good as I could have hoped for. Busy, hard working and believes in the same values that I do. Have corresponded with him twice and satisfied with both responses.

      Previously voted Tory then UKIP. Not prepared to vote for the Tories just to keep Labour out. We need another major political party which is both credible and offers something the others dont.

      • WS@ – This is exactly the problem – the tiny minority of decent politicians never get on because they do not follow the system and ethic of “do nothing, blow hot air and fill pockets”.
        They must despair.

      • It reminds me of that terrific BBC sitcom – “Yes, Minister”, with a newly appointed MP Jim Hacker, full of idealism and naivety.

        And then the civil service and the Chief Whip remind him of his loyalties – the electorate or the party. And in no time at all he is sucking up to the PM and his policies, to the detriment of the people who voted for him.

    • I have written to my MP twice via email, each time I have had a reply by letter.
      The last one was about two weeks ago, he is a new MP so probably still keen on communicating with his voters.

      The previous MP was a Labour cunt, when I emailed him I just got a snotty reply by email… cunt!

      Having said that the next election I may well add and extra box, None of the above useless lying twats!

      • I’ll bet you a pound we’ve had the last election we’re ever going to have under the democratic system.

      • That’ll afford him a pinch of salt by the time the bet comes due.

      • Wowie Zowie the sound Of Progressive music on the Decca label 1969
        Good choice RTC ?

      • I guess if you mean there will be little choice you are probably correct, unless another party gets its act together there will only be one winner, even with blundering Boris.

      • Was more thinking national government will have been subsumed into global governance to be honest.

        Not that it would be much different tbh.. global institutions, corporations, special interest groups, they’re in control already. It’s just not official yet.

  18. Very simple rule, hit one, hit all . The law applies to all, and if it is not law, to none.

    A concept which is dear to British values, and that is undoubtedly why it is now ignored by our globalist lawgivers.

    Number Crunching.
    6 qualified lawyers in Boris Johnson’s cabinet (named, including Robert Jenrick)
    7 Members of Boris Johnson’s cabinet now found by courts to have acted unlawfully (including Jenrick)

    Private Eye 1550, this week.

  19. It also begs the question: if UEFA can more or less blackmail Boris, who else can?

    Seems that if you’re a law-abiding citizen you get fucked over
    But if you’re a migrant, a government official, a showbiz star or some other pem-pushing, bollock-scratching VIP, your arse is kissed and you’re exempt from everything – a bit like diplomatic immunity for people with money and influence

    • I am utterly amazed that a philandering morally bankrupt incompetent devious Prime Minister would back a philandering morally bankrupt incompetent devious Health Secretary – is this what they mean when they say “we’re all in it together”?
      I truly hope the British people remove these evil chancers – all 650 – at the next election.

      • I am not voting.End of.Useless pricks.Send them all to the Tower for treason.

    • TBCC@ – Andrew Lawrence is quality – check out his Prince Harry routine!
      He is a damn sight more amusing than the comedy of errors masquerading as a “Government”.

      • The Prince Harry impression is brilliant.
        Professor Gideon Micropenis of Fuckstick Metropolitan Uni is my favourite

      • Sergeant Constable Detective Officer Peter Pisspot of Twat Valley Police ?

  20. What we are witnessing is the transfer of power and individual liberty to an increasingly centralised state. Once it’s gone it will need a shitstorm to get it back. People think that the lack of Opposition is down to Starmzy’s ineptitude and incompetence. No, he knows exactly what he’s doing…….those cunts want exactly the same thing as the Jellyfish mob. As do the MSM, the corporates and every grasping rich cunt on the planet.

    • People have little appreciation just how fragile our laws are, our economy, the fabric of our system. This is the longest run of peace we’ve ever had and we’re complacent, fat, distracted.

      The belief ‘it can’t happen to us’ is as dangerous as the mindset of those at the top who openly espouse eugenics, transhumanism, and other batshit mental ideologies.

  21. We are living in times akin to the fall of the Roman Empire and we have Caligula in power in number 10. What a shower of shit this Government are.

  22. The laughs next week, when the Sun release the video of that cunt Hancock fucking his brass over a desk in his office.

  23. Bye bye Wanksock.TWWWWWWAAAAAAAAATTTTTTT.He fell on his sword.Utter contempt for ordinary folk.Shithead.

  24. At least that creepy goon Hancock has resigned.
    Though, tbh, if he HAS been having an affair with Pina Colada, he has, somewhat ironically, been in a bubble.
    Unhealthy looking turd.

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