Gender Reveal Parties .. Meaning
Originally from the land of fake celebrations USA (obviously, see: baby showers, Black Friday and proms) they’re a party where you pop a balloon and it reveals the gender of the baby! Wow how pointless just ask the doctor it’s cheaper.
You have to admire the greetings card industry milking these poor sods and inventing more and more fake celebrations though. All fake American culture should fuck off back there.
Nominated by: LazyBiscuits
(Wouldn’t a “reveal” of boy or girl constitute hatred and discrimination towards the other 98 genders? – NA)
I wouldn’t mind revealing the gender of those two girls in the nom pic. Although I’m not keen on screwing pregnant women.
I like to gender reveal on the moors.
I duck behind a drystone wall as the church women’s ramblers association approaches then leap out shout ‘BOO!!!’
And show them my scarred misshapen purple helmet.
Little minxes,
They love it!!
I’ve just read that out to my missus and she knows who you are now.
The Simpsons took the piss out of fake celebrations very well…
This or something more even asinine will happen one day.
CG, that is an excellent clip. Businesses looking to make money out of everything.
With the lockdown downturns and companies in parlous financial straits, I think Clinto and Moonpig will be inventing many more bogus days to get the punters to buy expensive cards.
How about “Personal Freshness Day”, when everyone sends everyone else a card on the one day each year AnalEase Dodds washes her one pair of bloomers. We will have to find out what that date is – my guess is New Years Day, when she has her annual bath -whether she needs it or not.
Clinton went bust a few years back. Over extended with a loan from some yanks, who sold the debt and it was called in. They had a huge house near Epping, which also went I believe.
Shows how behind the times our local shopping centre is – we still have a “Clintons” – cream fascia with orange writing. It’s probably Abdul & Mohammed’s Card Mart, but they are too tight-fisted to get the name changed.
I wonder how many of these fetuses are revealed as transsexual?
Or gender neutral?
Trannīe: There are 33 genders!!
No, there are two genders and 31 types of gay.
Morning, Lord Ruff.
Everyone knows there are 100 genders:
Morning Cappers!
Gender neutral wtf?! Its Gender fluid you fucking bigot!
You are both very very wrong! There is actually 76 genders and maybe even more then that possibly millions…
I’d never heard of this shit until a couple of years ago. Yet more Wimminz desperate to be the centre of attention.
I read a story recently about this gender reveal bollocks in Yankland. Apparently over there you can buy fireworks which come out pink or blue according to your choice. So to reveal the gender you set off a rocket or something and all the bitches go…….”Ooooooooh, so it’s a girl/boy!!!! Way to go! Good job girl” and other Yank bullshit.
Anyway there was this one rich bitch who lived out in the country and her fireworks started a massive forest fire which cost the State millions. Last I heard they were up in court but I don’t know what happened.
I hope that catches on over here. I would love to see some over excited, attention seeking ‘ho burn her fucking house down. You go there girl!
There must a group (you know who I mean) who campaign against gender reveal, it’s offensive to impose gender on the unborn, no child should be assigned gender it should be allowed to grow up and decide it’s own gender. ???
You are the Duchess of Sparkletits and I claim my £5.
You weren’t feeling ill this morning? Change that:
How that saccharine cow got within a mile of our ruling dynasty without being forcibly repatriated eludes me.
Oh just fuck off with this shit. Anothet great American invention. They used to invent proper things in the states , not anymore. Some folk are so gullible and thick. It’s like silly cunts buying Christmas cards for their pets. They can’t read you silly sod.
Surely it’s the thought that counts…
Bit of a problem if come the delivery, Alien pops out. Bet they don’t have a card for that !
That’s what happened when Greta Thunderbirds popped out.
From Kentucky Fried Chicken to this abysmal mess.
This sort of caper certainly reveals how much of a daft cunt they are.
Utter dross.Bin please
Anything dropped by Meagain is destined for a bottle.
There are 150 different genders, parties will never get boring…..
Fucking pathetic cunts.
It is SEX not gender!
For fuck’s sake, why do so many people misuse the word ‘gender’ when referring to biological sex.
For the record, there are three genders: masculine, feminine and neuter. Gender refers to the classification of nouns in languages and has nothing to do with biological sex.
I think I woud be more interested to get an invitation for a sex party but when I find out what it is actually for I would be very disappointed.
Good morning and fuck off!
At first sight I thought this must be a strange kind of gathering where a hairy bulldyke or camp mincer is required to remove their* clothes and show the audience what they really are.
But the truth is stranger still.
*Pronoun checked by thought police – ok.
Back when I was born in the early 70s parents knew the gender at birth. Instead of pink or blue shit at the baby shower you saw a lot of green or yellow shit to stay neutral.
Funny how the 2 lezzbeens in the nom pic still need a male to have a baby. Something very off about that.
Yeah, it was Fathers Day yesterday. How long before it’s Sperm Donors Day?
FtF@ – That’s every day in the black community..
…….and the gay community.
By happy coincidence Freddie it’s Sperm Donors Day today!
Fucking hell! I make up some complete load of bollocks and some wokie bastard has already beaten me to it!
Satire is dead!
what the fuck is a baby shower Meat Curtains ? Sounds like something Pedos do ?
With all the fuss about this gender what gender etc coupled with the fact that “misgendering” a person is almost as bad a hate crime as saying “No I would not shag a transgender” you have to wonder how these gender reveal parties slipped under the radar. To the person who cares not a fuck for the zillion genders proposed by the great wokeness a gender reveal party is just reinforcing the fact that two genders exit and some unlucky persons are hermaphrodite. Of course I’m only mental in the normal sense so may be wrong.
“mental in the normal sense” strikes a chord with me. Though isn’t mental the new normal? Thanks for the insight. Yibble.
Pop balloons with Gatling gun.
I think there should be a national Losers Day, with an uplifting message on the card. For example the one for this cunt (who looks as if he has just passed the biggest, hardest turd since Crapper invented the crapper) could read:
A Bad workman always blames his tools:
“Top team of staffers”? Is some cunt having a laugh or what?
Americans have always trivialised everything.. As for transgender bollocks , These fucking weirdos need to sort their sex lives out . Its a disgrace .
Take your prom, your sweet sixteen party, your baby showers and now your gender reveal parties and shove them right up your fat yank arseholes!!!
Neil Finn & Co had the yanks measure:
Does some IsAC sociologist know whether or not the peacefuls throw sweet nine parties?
Don’t think so. As far as I know they do Ramadamadingdong, Eid, Kill a Jew Week and Chop an Infidel’s Head Off Day.
First of all they have to have an official engagement, then they have to have a wedding (it’s THEIR day), then they can’t wait to announce that they’re pregnant, then they’re convinced the whole world is desperate to know what sex the kid’s going to be.
Honestly no-one gives a fuck, darling. As for me, I don’t give a monkey’s left-hand wank.
Well if its a boy they can platt his long hair, buy him a dress and a doll and hay presto a mincing faggot in the making, they get a girl no matter what sex it is..
A girl and eventually a rug muncher by the time those 2 dykes and going to have poisoned her against men forever, it will end up with short green hair, hairy legs, out of control beaver and built like Jo Brand…… Fucking hell top yourself as soon as your old enough kid, your life if fucked already and your not even born yet… Same sex parents are usually cunts…..