Freedom Day Postponed

The great June 21st rock and roll swindle.

Porky the jellyfish rolls out of his bed at 11:30ish, and comes out with drivel so nonsensical he must think the entire population live under a rock.

We have now been “living” under an incompetent, corrupt, lying, full of shit dictatorship for 18 months – led by a Prime Ministers slapper and “medical experts” whose only relevant qualifying criteria appears be to to have shares in medical and pharmaceutical companies and membership of the communist party.

“Three weeks to flatten the curve” – we were told a year and a half ago.
“Wear masks, stop the spread” – we were told a year and a half ago.
“Take some untested medical experiment, but you can’t sue when it goes wrong” – for a virus approximately as fatal as the common cold which needs a “test” ?? to tell us if we have it or not.

And now, just when it finally appeared that the increasing public pressure and unrest would force Laurel and Hardy in charge to give us back the freedom they had NO RIGHT to steal in the first place they are backtracking and using sly, dishonest lies, fake results and fabricated deadly new (yawn) “variants” to set the groundwork for our continued imprisonment – mental sulphurous “medical adviser” Susan Michie is already screeching that we should have permanent masking and restrictions, but I have a better idea – belt up and fuck off to North Korea, bitch.

It is now time to end, totally and permanently, all restrictions, re-open the Country, get back to work and get back to life – there is NO EXCUSE!

And if this does not happen on June 21st it will never happen and we will be in a permanent nightmare of masks, restrictions, propaganda and lockdowns, forever, until our will is finally completely crushed – with the willing help of traitors and useful idiots.
The patience of the vast majority has gone – open up or face the consequences from a rapidly angering Country.

Nominated by: Vernon Fox

Freedom On Hold

185 thoughts on “Freedom Day Postponed

  1. This ties in neatly with the last cunting about banning outdoor smoking. The key words are authoritarianism and fear of giving the plebs freedom. Very un-British (or at least in-English) characteristics.

  2. Great cunting Vernon. Hard to believe that people are still buying this bollocks. 80% vaccinated but the virus is still keeping them in fear?

    • From my experience of the last 2 days it has got a lit worse. Not the going out in two and threes but the way you’re treated. I went to the library I had to wear a blue band. I had to walk along a designated pathway. I uintentionally went array and was soon told. The I was told or rather asked if I wanted to stay any longer. I said yes. Well that means you will have to put on this new red wristband for the next ‘cohort’.
      You know ‘cohorts’ the right word. We are creating cohorts of officious cunts to ruin our lives. A paradise for pious prigs.

    • Great cunting?

      No – inaccurate, based on personal prejudice not facts. Amazed it wasn’t binned.

      Clearly you know nothing about the Indian variant. Have you brrn living under a stone for the last few months?..

      • Dioclese@ – I am very glad you no longer run this site.
        Your personal, hateful attack on me was an utter disgrace and you should be fucking well ashamed of yourself.

        (A warning to all. If this nomination turns into yet another personal abuse shitfest it will be pulled. And any further nominations, scheduled or otherwise, regarding anything to do with Covid and Vaccines will no longer be considered for publication. Warnings have been issued previously regarding infighting, and this is the final warning. Thanks – DA)

      • Take your final warning and stick it where the sun don’t shine.

        If it wasn’t for me this site wouldn’t even exist and if you presume to have the audacity to lecture me as to the rights and wrongs of my comments then i would respectfully point out that I still have the power to delete it in its entirety.

        Free speech is free speech. This was not a personal attack. It was pointing out the the fucker is talking total bollocks. You want agreement to everything that’s posted, you won’t get it from me. Find your echo chamber somewhere else. If you don’t like it, tough.

        Stick that on your pipe and smoke it…

      • Oh and btw, you wishing Vernon gets Covid and dies a slow death isn’t a personal attack?

        Up your medication, you’re all over the place 😉

    • Remember Hancock telling thick cunts to ‘act like they had it? I’d like that cunt to act like Big Fenty when he met Derek Chauvin and choke himself off.

      If that cunt Johnson delays the 21st June, then it will be clear to ev en a blind man on a galloping horse that he fucking lied everytime he spoke since January.

      I’m hearing on radio ‘softening up’ talk of restrictions remaining for potentially foooooooooor moooooooooooore weeks? Anybody honestly going to buy this shit again? Oooooh, it’s to give us time to vaccinate moooooooooooore people? Why haven’t they vaccinated moooooooooooore people already? They have been sending vaccines overseas for months now so clearly the demand has been fulfilled and any cunt who wanted it has had it. How many cunts were daft enough to believe his take the jab to gonna on holideeeees bullshit?

      This is another attempt to cause division and force / coerce more people into changing their mind. The cunts are reeking with desperation to get more people to take this untested injection and Boris had no fucking intentions of opening on 21st of June. He made that date as he shit himself at the turnout at freedom march in London to try and con people freedom is coming.

      The plan has always been Vax, Vax, Vax while the fucking NHS has failed to treat, treat, treat. They need as many gullible cunts taking this poison now because in September when seasonal flu arrives, all the gullible cunts will see exactly how effective their ‘jab’ was and once the cat is out the bag, no more cunts will touch their poison. If Covid deaths remain low this autumn & winter, I can assure you that flu & pneumonia deaths will miraculously appear again to levels just like 2018/19.

      The cunts must be due to pull the tricks & lies about ‘having a normal Christmas’ in December and only a dumb cunt will fall for this one again. Wakey wakey.

    • The cunts are hedging their bets with possible transmission to humans of bird flu. Anyone tuning into their bullshit for anything other than laughs or to see what their elderly relatives are being fed so they can unprogramme them needs help. This is not an information service they are providing, it’s a fucking brainwashing exercise.

  3. I dont wear a mask on the bus or tube or shops. Im just back to normal. Im having a barbecue later with 20 people from loads of different households. They can stick their rules right up their arse. Cunts

    • I hope its in a gender neutral way that we ease lockdown regulations.
      That im very concerned about.

      I said it during the Brexit period
      Boris Johnson is a lying, snidey,
      Dodgy piece of shite .
      His missus calls the shots,
      Pointless asking him anything,
      Ask princess nut-nut.

      • Ps
        Due to the new craze for wearing masks,
        Im selling a new line printed with Tony Blairs lovely grin on them,and in the sake of diversity chiggun Georges lips and nostrils.
        Says on the back ‘I cant breathe!!!’

      • We are going to build back better….. gender neutral and more feminine ?

        All that practice of mincing in your bedroom MIS, now it’s time to show the world ?

      • Cant get in my bedroom Sicky.
        It houses my doll collection and musicals posters.

  4. Meanwhile, in Florida..

    It’s embarrassing at this point. How much contradiction do you need before you realise your beliefs about CV19 are in error?

    There’s no shame in admitting you’ve been conned by a sophisticated gov/MSM propaganda machine. But for fucks sake people, hold your hands up already before your ignorant compliance leads us over the cliff edge.

    This all stops when people take off those damn masks and magically no spikes occur. They symbolise the public acceptance of this bullshit narrative, and symbolise the psychotic delusional state of belief in this fantasy pandemic.

    Maybe if another footballer has a heart attack in the Euros.. that might prompt some reflection.

    • Ordinarily I’d agree that a conspiracy on such a large scale would be logistically impossible due to the number of people who would have to be complicit in it at every level.

      When we consider that people who were talking about massaged death figures were called “conspiracy theorists”, once it was revealed that that’s EXACTLY what had been occuring, there should have been public outrage and continued skepticism about the figure reporting but that isn’t what happened.

      If the criteria for a “Covid death” was set at such a low bar and NHS staff at every level never even questioned it, that kind of proves that mass conspiracies can and do occur if done in such a manner that either people don’t ask questions due to fear, ignorance/stupidity or because they just trust that their higher-ups know better.

      I like to consider myself a skeptic but I find lots of conspiracy theories absolute nonsense but I just wish that the sneaky fuckers in control would stop proving Alex Jones right.

      • This is the misconception about conspiracies and atrocities, Mr Stink. It doesn’t become a logistical nightmare when you understand a few basic organising and psychological principles.

        There’s no need for everyone to be in on it.. it only takes a few key players in strategic positions, the hierarchical apparatus of an organisation/s, and the initial seeds to start the thing in motion. Belief and fear joins the dots, and a certain psychologclical momentum builds that carries it along.

        Compartmentalizing the key players is important too. The military and intel use it as standard. Great for security, but it is dangerous because it gives tremendous unaccountable power to those at the top with the strategic oversight. The Stasi is a good example of it in action.

        I think people are repelled from this notion, not because it couldn’t happen but because the implications are terrifying.

      • Could not agree more Chunky.

        It is organised I believe on a pyramid structure. On a need to know basis and compartamentalised as you said. The closer to the top of the pyramid the more knowledegable of the big picture. 7.8 billion people on this planet and probably only a few hundred have 90 percent plus of the picture. P

        Politicians/senior govt members act on those instructions either because they are a) compromised (blackmail), b) bought and paid for c) hope for they and their families to be given a role/status in the NWO and be included.

        Many in the medical profession (doctors/scientists) have no clue and if they do, are too scared to speak out for fear of losing their jobs. Others are owned by and/or trust Big Pharma.

      • @Big Chunky Cunty

        I see what you mean. Regarding the psychological aspect – if people, even people in the medical sector, can be propagandised by authority figures and professionals, then due to them being over-represented in the middle and bottom of the hierarchy/pyramid, they’ll be lead to believe what they’re told without question and then bolstered by each other due to peer influence and conformity. Ironically, the effecto could be said to be “viral”.

        Examples below. (first couple of minutes)

      • Viral indeed, Mr Stink.

        Medical professionals spend years in training, taking on good faith that what they are being taught is correct – who has time to verify every previous scientific discovery themselves? And what professional is going to admit they’re betting on the wrong horse, especially when you have debt, a house, family, etc.

        In the case of virology and the virus not being real, it doesn’t take a widespread conspiracy either. It’s self-deception. A few at the top may know, but again the average lab worker takes on good faith that the cloned samples they are provided are actually what is claimed they are. They have no way of proving otherwise because they can’t see it or work with it using direct methods.

      • @ Cunt Two Three

        Quite right! Just look at all the high-ranking medical professionals ilke Professor Sunetra Gupta and many of the Great Barrington Declaration signatories. They went off-script and got denounced by their peers, ignored by the government and sensored by the MSM and social media.

        I’ve long been suspicious and skeptical of politicians, the MSM and social media but due to recent history, I now also have to add medical professionals to that list. This saddens me greatly.

      • @Big Chunky Cunty

        I wasn’t really alluding to highly-trained virologists, epidemiologists and immunologists. I was referring to nurses, GPs and non virology-related doctors who aren’t specialist in the field and so take what they’re told on faith.

        There are undoubtedly plenty of medical professionals who’ve seen Covid under an electron microscope considering that there are many universities which possess them such as:

        – University of Texas
        – University of Princeton
        – University of Yale
        – University of Birmingham
        – University of Edinburgh
        – University of Newcastle
        – University of Nottingham
        – University of Sussex
        – University of Manchester
        – University of Liverpool
        – University of Leeds
        – University of Sheffield
        – University of Reading
        – University of Dundee
        – University of Swansea
        – University of York
        – University of Southampton
        – University of Plymouth
        – University of Bristol
        – University of Leicester
        – University of Bath
        – University College London
        – University of Exeter
        – University of Durham
        – University of Cambridge
        – University of Oxford

        Probably many more but I can’t be arsed listing any more.

      • Mr Stink, read up on how viral isolation is performed and how microscopy takes place. It’s not as simple as having the electron microscope;

        Never has a virus been isolated directly from a sample. From animal, plant, fluid, etc. It is always via cell culture of that sample. This includes HIV.. never seen in the blood of a single patient with high viral load. That is a fact.

        What they’re looking at is the molecular mess thats left from cell culture death. This is why the actual images of what they claim are viruses look suspiciously similar to known cell nano particles e.g. exosomes.

    • There have been some truly awful although rare occurrences of fit healthy young professional footballers keeling over during games.

      Miklos Feher and Marc Foe being the worst.

      Hopefully Christian Eriksen is just another unfortunate one (fingers crossed for a speedy recovery to one of Europes top players)

      Due to the fact that we are currently living in some form of worldwide government and media driven hell, a lot of people are quite rightly, highly dubious of what they are seeing playing out in front of their eyes.

    • Just when I read ‘cliff edge’ I immediately thought of the brexit cliff edge fear that the MSM installed in the remainers since result announced in June 2016. Did I blink & miss the arrival of the cliff edge? This propaganda was a good rehearsal into measuring the gullibility of the UK public and how powerful media influence was. The only difference today is instead of measuring the number of fooled people by the amount of Twitter / Facebook profiles with FBPE in them, they use face nappies to measure success of the obedience brainwashing. No wonder that cunt Hancock can hardly keep a straight face on TV (cunt laughed on GMB as he cried. Ha ha), well I can tell you it’s not me he’s laughing at. I’m the cunt in his statistics who makes him & has cunt mates angry, it’s cunts like me who keep them all awake at night. I anchored down for the long haul when the cunts shut down the NHS and starting killing if the elderly & vulnerable. The mask slipped while they tried occupying minds with MSM bullshit about PPE, testing figures, nightingale hospitals, clapping for cunts on your front step while folk were getting killed off. These cunts couldn’t get disposable PPE from their chinky pals but Hancock had a wand that magicaly made 10,000+ hospital beds appear for them nightingales? Most at of you probably know now of course that these beds were taken out from all of your local hospitals as they shutdown wards. They had staff to deal with these beds in hospital but they were virtually all left empty in the nightingale setting. The mission was to reduce bed numbers in hospitals so that they could claim the hospital capacity was overwhelmed. Most hospitals are at a capacity during winter of 90/92% full now if you pull 100 beds out of a 600 bed hospital leaving 500, how would the capacity be affected if the number of beds required was exactly the same as in November 2019?

      They have headfucked everyone with numbers and where numbers revealed the truth, they used percentages to scare instead. For example your local 600 bed hospital receives ONE person with Covid symptoms one week, then the next week they get two patients admitted, if they want to create fear, they won’t say at press briefing the hospital admitted 2 people. Instead they create fear in the elderly by saying statement like ‘hospital admissions up 100% on last week’s admissions’ or ‘hospital admissions have doubled since last week’. People didn’t know or get told by msm how many the initial figure was before it doubled. Every cunt duped had got it into their heads hospitals were bursting at the seams with infected patients had no fucking clue of the actual admission o& occupancy numbers. My hospital was never over 85% on its ICU bed occupancy since this began but my neighborhood all believed hospital was overflowing. Some actually argued with me that my local hospital corridors were full of beds with people dying on them when a friend’s son who is an actual nurse specifically in ICU care told me of occupancy numbers while Sturgeon lied. When I told him a neighbour claims about beds in corridors, he laughed like fuck and explained that this would / could never happen as infection control protocol ends anyone occupying corridors whether in beds or seating areas

      Why hasn’t anyone asked what happened to all the ventilators our government claimed our captains of industry were churning for the NHS? My local hospital hasn’t fucking seen any of them and I have yet to hear of anyone working in a hospital seeing one. I suppose if only 10/16 beds were occupied at peak winter season leaving 6 spare, ventilators weren’t a real problem.

  5. I don’t really care if the final solution is delayed, other than a mask in Tesco it’s not a problem….

    The Great Reset is coming and that is much more worrying, the fucking Green Agenda and the UK being the most ambitious in the world. We are only a few months from the climate change bullshit in Glasgow and you can be sure about one thing Bojo will commit more fucking money and accelerate even faster down the route to the UK returning to the dark ages.

    If the country isn’t finished already it will be very soon.

    • With you all the way on this one SOF. Keep asking all the people I know who are a bit keen about green, not many I might add. How the U.K. becoming carbon neutral or whatever will save the planet when we produce a tiny fraction of what China belches out , USA, Russia and India are also well up on our meagre output. China will not reach its max CO2 output till 2030 at least. There is a formula that works out CO2 emissions by using the population of a country and its wealth? Using this method number1 on list is Saudi Arabia number 7 is China. This method of displaying CO2 emissions is really bollocks. To any one of any sense all that matters is how much CO2 each country pumps into the atmosphere. We create a minuscule amount have done for years even so there is a good chance my next car will be fucking clockwork if I can afford the cunt. If the great reset turns violent I will do my best to comply might as well exit stage right in a blaze of something if the meds last.

  6. “As the clock strikes 13, on a warm day in June, Boris decrees that you will be free soon, but only if you take a prîck in the arm, to stop Achmed, Mo and Yasir coming to harm, you will be replaced by hook or by crook, with tanned types and dar quays who can’t read a book”

    Wiffle waffle ha

    Love SAGE

  7. The Johnson is a national disgrace. ‘Three weeks to flatten the sombrero’? Flying to Cornwall wank off with his new chum, Hairsniffin’ Joe.
    f Sir Qweer Starmer were Prime Minister we would have the same if not worse, but without the gutless pretence that we have a conservative government.

    No need to troll Johnson, he is a fucking troll. Hounding people until they are in despair, lonely, unemployed, scared, mentally ill, Johnson, you are a fucking cunt.

  8. You’ve got to hand it to the government they’ve done a first class job in terrifying people using psychological warfare. We’ve been being attacked now for well over a year and the result is nazi Germany. Neighbours grassing on neighbours, people tutting and criticising others for freedom of choice, vaccinated against un vaccinated. I tell you Goebbels or Mao or Stalin would have been so chuffed at this. People now are afraid of freedom. They want to be told what to do. It’s probably 50/50 in favour of freedom and against. People have been persuaded to hand away freedom and liberties in exchange for a safety which the government can’t give. The media are up to their necks in this and anyone disagreeing is silenced. It’s likely we will never be truly free again. Not because of the government but because of a large number of people who now believe it’s dangerous.
    Well done Doris. You truly are a slimy devious dishonest little cunt the likes of whom the worst dictators in history would be proud of .

    • I suspect some of this is due to massive enclaves of our swarthy chums refusing vaccination.

      Of course it is a personal choice, it shouldn’t be anything otherwise, but freedom should not be delayed to save people who choose not to be vaccinated.

      Fuck off Boris and let Biden sniff your baby’s head.

    • Uttercunt@ – People at each others throats is EXACTLY what they want.
      The “Government” have lifted their agenda right from the pages of 1984.

  9. Yet again more mealy mouthed tripe from our betters about variants and stopping the spread.
    Has vaccination failed?
    The untold truth is that thick as pigshit goat riders and dark keys won’t get vaccinated.
    Then another “spike” occurs.

    The panto goes on indefinitely.

    Let’s put up with lies and nonsense just so some politicians won’t get accused of racism.
    Don’t forget to take the knee as well.
    Appeasing vermin CUNTS.

    • It’s not just that the snackbars won’t get vaccinated, it’s that they live shoulder-to-shoulder in multi-generational households with their at-risk grandparents.

  10. Vernon, you are a fucking idiot.
    I’ve no idea how old you are but I’m betting you are under 30 and have not had the vaccine.

    Whilst I wish no harm (an approach you don’t seem share) it would serve you right if you caught Covid and spent weeks on a ventilator before dying slowly and painfully.

    The one positive of such an outcome would be to remove a complete and absolute fucking moron ftom the gene pool. I sincerely hope that you never get the chance to breed because we already have enough fucking idiots in the world without producing any more.

    Vernon Fox you are an total cunt. And I see from the comments above that you are not alone.

    Christ give us strength. Anyone who believes your shite is a cunt…

    • Steady on Dio, its not on cunting a cunter. I don’t always agree with everyone on here but they do have the right to express their view.

      God help us if this forum ever became an echo chamber.

      • It’s appropriate in these circumstances and I refuse to apologize.

        As regards echo chambers, did my comment just prove it isn’t

        People have died because of posts like this. Perhaps our Vernon should go have a chat with Kate Garraway or the 100,000 plus bereaved families?

        Do no. I’m not going to steady on…

      • Derek Garraway fell ill before the vaccine programme commenced. Vern has a point as where we are now there are no covid deaths occurring, but a small number of hospitalisations where people have had a single vaccine.

        There are probably more people committing suicide or being treated in hospital from depression at having lost their livelihood/job/business/house. Doesn’t make Vern a cunt.

        Let’s just agree to disagree.

      • If this year plus of pandemic has taught me one thing it is I am sick of hearing about publicity hungry Kate Garraway and her tales of woe!

    • I’ve declined the vaccine but if I ever leave my house/hermitage for long enough to catch it and develop a life-threatening case then I will also decline hospitalisation and treatment (with the possible exception of pain relief).

      That being said I hold my own life and existence in contempt so I can’t really understand why anybody who wishes to live a long life would take a risk by refusing the vaccine but then expect life-saving treatment if that decision proved erroneous.

      Everybody has their own personal reasons for declining the poke but not all reasons are equivalent.

      • I must also be a fucking idiot. I am also one of the bereaved families. I lost my favourite uncle and a less favourite mother in law to Covid. It says that on the death certificate. The fact that both had long term cancer and were admitted into a hospice was irrelevant. The Covid killed them. Talking to the undertaker he said so many families were shocked that their relative had died of Covid despite them being old, infirm and terminally ill. The figures have been massaged, the risk manufactured and people like Hancock, Fauci, Boris and so on have lied to us repeatedly and continued to do so. The BBC are one of the worst for leading with a scare story headline. Covid kills old people, very, often terminally, people or it kills fat cunts.

        I’m not an anti Vader or Covid denier but if anyone thinks that the lockdowns have been a success and we should continue with them is …….a fucking idiot. The lockdowns have cost more life years than Covid, the financial cost cannot be calculated and we shall look back on this as the worst mistake or more likely the biggest sting of this century. If you can’t see you have been played then you are a sucker like the rest of us. I shall add my own postscript.

        Instead of dying a slow death on a ventilator with Covid try living the last months of your life like my neighbour is with a missed cancer diagnosis watching your young kids play in the garden knowing you will never see them be teenagers let alone grow up. That’s a real slow death.

      • @ Cuntsince:

        An eloquent and deeply moving post??

        We are witnessing the biggest power and wealth grab since 1939-45.

      • Sorry to hear of your loss Cuntsince1068 but the fact that they had underlying medical conditions doesn’t mean they weren’t killed by Covid before the cancer killed them. In fact you said so in your comment.

        So yes, they died of covid. Usually the death certificate would also list the cancer as an underlying factor so really they died of both…

    • I would have put it rather more diplomatically, but I strongly support the general thrust of your post Dio.

      • PS: I also strongly believe lockdown measures should be fully lifted on the 21st.

        No more excuses, the old and otherwise vulnerable have been doubly vaccinated (apart from a tiny minority who cannot be for medical reasons, they can continue to shield).

        Anti-vaxers and those who deny the virus’s existence will of course be happy to take their chances, which is great as far as I’m concerned.

      • @ Dio;
        Agree without reservation. Unfortunately not believing in Covid does not ensure that it ceases to exist; however arguing with the echochamber achieves nothing except to invite them to give their views an outing; exactly what they want. And see how they all plunge in when their pet obsession is raised!

        But ISAC is one of the last bastions of non-woke free speech. Sadly, non-woke is a broad church, and some of its more apocalyptic members hold some pretty bizarre views too. Perhaps it is better to contain your fully justified irritation, which only gives the, er, non-cunts a taller platform?

        Sure, raise the restrictions, but not without severely hampering travel abroad. There’s no 100% safe strategy, though.

    • Dioclese –
      “Whilst I wish no harm (an approach you don’t seem share) it would serve you right if you caught Covid and spent weeks on a ventilator before dying slowly and painfully.”
      Whilst I generally support the vaccine program but not lockdown, you disappoint me with that comment.
      You’re generally held in high regard by IsAC users. Please don’t change that.

      • Thanks Bertie. It does seem to me that a couple if weeks delay in order to get even more people vaccinated would be sensible. I support that approach and it’s what I would if I were PM.

        I don’t wish him any harm, but just think that denying the existence of covid doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist. That’s my point. Only an idiot would take such a stance and frankly I just don’t tolerate fools gladly…

    • Dio@ 55 mate, not stupid, presenting facts from almost 18 months of experience and your personal attack and wishing I catch a potentially fatal virus because I do not share your opinion is pretty fucking nasty TBH
      I await your apology Sir.

      • The inner Nazi of quite a few nasty old cunts has been released due to Covid.

        Don’t expect any apologies for having death wished on you for having an opinion Vern – you should be used to it by now.

      • Bloody hell Vern, someone thinks you are under 30, best compliment you have had in ages ?

      • It’s not your opinion I’m concerned about. It’s your total disregard of the facts.

        So don’t hold your breath waiting for an apology because as far as I’m concerned that’s the way it is and if you don;t like it you can fuck off.

        (Now now – DA)

    • Dio, I have hesitated in the past to comment on this shit. It was empty hospital beds a bit back. I think from the same source. But cunting cunters is frowned upon. However, I agree with you in every detail. Although I support the right to hold these opinions, however distasteful.

    • Dio

      This is not a cunting of a cunter. I would never sink that low but just a response to your measured reply. I hope to be as measured in response.

      As I said old people and very ill people dying with Covid is a very different thing than dying because of only Covid. The Covid saved my relatives from about three days of being jacked up on morphine. I/we should never be counted as some of the hundred thousand bereaved families. My concern ,and there will be thousands like her, are for those like my neighbour who will be lucky to see Christmas, because she has been shafted by the lockdowns and the entire focus of our NHS on Covid. Dying at 82 on a respirator I can assure you both her and her husband will take that now. (In fact so would I) I don’t deny Covid exists and have happily had my jabs but the long term response to it has been catastrophic. I have followed you for a long time and have great respect for your many posts and your own site. But on this we will have to disagree. time will tell if lockdowns were the correct thing. Personally Maybe at first yes I agreed with them but now I am totally convinced it is either the biggest mistake or the biggest con played out on a forgiving and complying public. Extending lockdown would be just a massive and unnecessary overreach. I understand SAGE who want to continue to exploit their five mins of fame will pander for it but look at Florida, Texas Sweden and so. Beyond that the mask wearing in schools and the MSM ramping up the fear while cashing cheques from the government’s advertising budget. Even this weekend If you still don’t believe me look at the worlds leaders, maskless yet drinking and eating together and chatting face to face without any social distance. They are trolling the world and so many have fallen for it. We may win! a fairly useless war against Covid but the continued cost to the massive majority does not justify the continuation of lockdown. Even you as one of the most respected cunters around must know that.

      • I’ve just looked – as of today we have more hospitals than we do people in hospital with Covid.

        Make of that what you will and maybe use that as a judge on have we met the 4 criteria. If people still can’t see they have been had conned then they never will. It is easier to con people than it is to convince them they have been conned.

        The govt are like the Prince from Abuja who has just sent me my luck lottery win. Sadly so many are still (the number is changing) falling for it.

        My arguments will be dismissed by some though because those in support of the lockdowns will just dismiss people like me with name calling and labelling. Just like they do of those booing the taking of the knee and just calling them (no ifs no buts) racists. No argument just BS and name calling and vicious labelling. Shame on those who did, do and will continue to resort to those tactics.

  11. Ever get the feeling you’ve been had?

    As I said the other day – I’m just glad I have refused to partake in any of this from the start.
    My personal freedom has been generally unaffected apart from the simple pleasures of a pint in the pub being denied to me.
    I’ve visited all my family members and they’ve visited me throughout this and guess what – we’re all still here. Shock..

    I have known of more suicides due to people losing hope than I have even the fabled and magical “cases” of Con-a-virus but hey ho shit like that doesn’t matter does it.

    If the subservient people who have believed this and gave up over a year of their lives, worn paper masks plus taken part in experimental vaccines, still think this is simply the result of BAME folk not “following orders” then we can look forward to a lot more of the same.

      • Could you perhaps expand on it with personal experience as opposed stories you have heard or read in the media?

      • My fucking 18 year old stepdaughter had the vaccine a few weeks ago and just spent 3 days in hospital on a drip.
        She’s never been right since she had the bastard thing.
        No she wouldn’t fucking listen either and chose to go along with the school/media propaganda.

        I didn’t come running on here to post about it but all I’ll say today is FUCK OFF.

      • What’s an 18 year old girls future and health compared to a frightened old cantankerous cunt or Kate Garraways husband.

      • We’ve seen the comment you made earlier you dense, nasty bag of shit, thank you!

    • Why was a 18 year old vaccinated a few weeks ago?

      Didn’t think it was available to under 30’s until this week.

      • @Sick of it

        Hundreds of unused Pfizer jabs were available and the local GP surgery had a 3 hour walk in session dishing out injections for anyone over 18.

        My stepdaughter’s friends mother, who is a local health care worker made them aware of it.

        A load of them ended up partaking in it from what I can gather.

        She was unwell for weeks culminating in being taken in to hospital.

      • Ah, spare jabs at the end of the day…. Probably had gone off a bit (just joking)

        I am sure that she is a very rare unlucky exception, I firmly believe that the vaccine is safer, even for younger people than getting Covid.

      • I got offered mine 5 weeks before the rollout for my age group was announced in UK news and on the news pages of my local health authority website which makes such announcements on rollouts and alleged uptake. Shy on deaths, infection or hospital admissions though.

  12. Johnson and Biden amongst the most dishonest and corrupt politicians out there. Just look at the slob Johnson, he has lied to all those he was meant to love and cherish all his life. He is a vile liar who should be nowhere near the levers of power.

    • I think his ex-boss Max Hastings observed this as well. Sad to think Johnson is the very best of a bad bunch.

      Notice how the No 10 flat refurb funding hoo haa has gone very quiet.

      • It was investigated and although Bojo didn’t have a complete handle on the financing he didn’t break any rules and he did pay for the extras.
        He got a bit of a slap on the wrist for not being completely on the ball.
        Pretty minor compared to the complete fuck up allowing 20,000 unchecked cunts fly in from India carrying the ‘Delta’ ? variant.
        For that blunder he should resign!!

  13. All I am going to say is those who trust the government or the Establishment and the globalist elite on this issue have been brainwashed by the 24/7 propaganda.

    Having read the cuntings/comments on this site on Brexit, immigration, political correctness, the media, large multinationals, banks, ONG’s (charities/foundations), politicians, celebrities, the BBC and pretty much everything else there is total distrust of the system.

    Yet, some of the same rightfully cynical/skeptical people on those issues have bought the ‘rona narrative hook, line and sinker without question.

    Do your own INDEPENDENT research. There are plenty of sources out there. I have no idea if cunters read links but I have loads worth reading.

    • I won’t be sharing kitchen equipment with any cunt. I’ve got all the stuff I currently need to cook meals I like. These cunts want you to hire a fucking pasta maker in advance to cook yourself a lasagne? That’s gonna work out good during the confines of the ‘pandemic’. Sharing equipment & therefore transmitting diseases not limited to Corona? They can fuck off. Anyone thinking this is a good idea in the slightest is a cunt as if you think for one minute that pasta maker is gonna arrive spotlessly clean is a daft cunt. Cast your mind back to the days of VHS and betamax video hire where when you got home and found the previous cunt hadn’t rewound the tape? As for the porno tapes? People imagine renters washed hands before ejecting that tape and picking up the box?

      I’ll stick to using my own stuff thanks and Schwab can go fuck himself or whatever it is that floats his boat but he won’t be fucking me.

      • I have rented cars that were 2 months old and a couple of thousand miles on the clock. They looked abused. One had what looked like jizz on the passenger seat.

        This rental idea is a pisstake. Obviously, someone will own the items they expect us to rent. Most probably some chosen corporate. For example, Amazon or Blackrock. When they say you (we) will own nothing, they actually mean they will own everything. Ker-ching!

  14. All I am going to say is those who trust the government or the Establishment and the globalist elite on this issue have been brainwashed by the 24/7 propaganda.

    Having read the cuntings/comments on this site on Brexit, immigration, political correctness, the media, large multinationals, banks, ONG’s (charities/foundations), politicians, celebrities, the BBC and pretty much everything else there is total distrust of the system.

    Yet, some of the same rightfully cynical/skeptical people on those issues have bought the ‘rona narrative hook, line and sinker without question.

    Do your own INDEPENDENT research. There are plenty of sources out there. I have no idea if cunters read links but I have loads worth reading.

  15. Divisive one this isnt it?

    Ive had both vaccines and glad to of had them.
    I understand peoples suspicion of the government,
    Theyre right sneaky fuckers.
    But this is new territory,
    Become PM and just as youve got in,… pandemic.
    Ive seen someone whos survived covid,
    Shocking, a shadow of the man he was,
    Fucked him right up.
    I don’t wish it on anyone.
    Well maybe the odd politician…

  16. Johnson is a cunt. Agreed. But what the fuck can he do? Opinion is divided and the hindsight experts are waiting to pounce.

    • It’s not just an issue of hindsight though; it’s also an issue of common sense and good judgement in the moment.

      When it first became apparent that an international health emergency was occuring Bojo decided to stay on his foreign holiday. When he got back he proudly shook hands with Covid patients and ended up on his back for a week or two.

      You don’t need hindsight in order to recognise a fuckwit.

    • What he could have done was have open and robust debate involving experts with differing opinions . Instead we had videos taken off line articles removed from web pages,eg The Spectator, and scientists who disagree dismissed. There has been one train of thought all along with two experts, Valance and Whitty , effectively setting state policy.
      To ignore so many experts with a different opinion and have no platform for debate or criticism is highly dangerous. You end up with a single mindset, no questioning , and tunnel vision. When Hancock talks rubbish about eradicating all variants, impossible, or putting people on jail for 10 years if the return from Portugal,because they may be carrying the virus ,you are dealing with fanatical behaviour. The virus is endemic in Britain but this buffoon wanted to jail someone if they brought a virus into a country where it was already present.
      In any democracy you must have transparency and open debate. Both have been lacking.

      • Very well put Uttercunt.

        There has been one narrative and one narrative only.
        Fear Fear Fear
        Zero opposition to this pathetic government’s inept handling of this entire debacle from Sir Queer Charmer and his joke of a party certainly hasn’t helped.

        What kind of fucking virus needs a 24-7 advertising & propaganda campaign?
        What kind of virus needs to be fully endorsed by vacuous celebrities?
        What kind of virus is enough to render the opinions of thousands of medical experts around the world as null and void.?
        What kind of virus needs to keep the numbers falsely inflated?
        A responsible government would seek to reassure the public not scare them with false statistics.


      • This.

        The fact the government have gone out of their way to censor any dissenting narrative from other experts is proof alone this pandemic is a scam. It’s SAGE and Imperial only. Despite being consistently, horrendously fucking wrong with their predictions – now it’s 100k cases by end of July!

        Then you have big tech censorship, military involvement with 77th brigade, etc.

        Only liars are afraid of dialogue, because questions inevitably lead to confrontation – the truth can always withstand scruntiny, lies can not.

      • The cat got out that bag who funded cunts like Whitty. Most of sage have their snout in the trough and a frighteningly high percentage of sage ‘advisors’ are not epidemiologists or virologists, they are behavioural scientists who demanded they remained anonymous when media eventually asked for disclosure of who was behind it. We don’t have anonymous MP’s making decisions about our lives and I will be fucked if anonymous sage cunts will. What have they really got to hide? The indemnity against prosecution of big pharma is another alarm bells that rang the minute they surprised us with the announcement that they ‘were going to try and invent a vaccine’. It’s been on the shelf for longer than we will ever know. The deceit reeks from the arseholes of these sneaky cunts.

  17. The knives are out for Doris.I want him out.His own party are saying enough is enough.We wouldn’t be in a mess if he never caught Chinky flu.Throw him under a bus Larry the Cat for P.M

    • EW@ – Larry the cat is over qualified!
      It makes no difference which talking head is in charge – politicians all share a hive mentality and have long since stopped serving us.
      A debate should involve all parties, not just those with pharma shares and an eye on a knighthood.
      Recognised and qualified experts in epidemiology and virology have been silenced, sidelined, sacked, de-platformed and threatened if they dare to give a different opinion or viewpoint – why?
      And how do you multiply 3,000 into 100,000?
      Say they “died with covid”.

    • The cunt has made Theresa May look like a good fucking PM by comparison. Both treacherous cunts who need a trip to the tower along with every predecessor still alive today. From days of Tony, every one has eroded this country and contributed to the shithole we are now in.

  18. My handwashing regime was back to normal within a week.
    There was obviously something going around but it’s long gone. Some witnessed the worst of it, most witnessed nothing.
    At the beginning of this politically hijacked shitfest Chris Whitty said, “Most people won’t be affected by the virus, but of those that catch it, a fraction of 1% could die.”
    And he was right, pretty much the same kill rate as flu.
    For total deaths over the last twenty years, 2020, the year of the virus comes in at number 8. Gov. figures.

    Wasn’t we also told that kids wouldn’t be affected but now the government can’t wait to jab them.
    Personally, I think this is preparing the people for more restrictions and government control.
    Have a look around, this isn’t normal behaviour.
    I’m not a doctor but I’m not convinced anyone needed the experimental jab and if you’ve had it, Johnson and Hancock have had your pants down….

    • The request we partook in extra curricular handwashing was another obedience piss take from the merchants behind the likes of Proctor & Gamble & Lever brothers who rubbed their grappling hands with glee as sales of their hand soap went through the roof. I bet as the cash came in and profits soared that they wanked themselves to death imaging all the gullible stood at washbasins across the globe rinsing their hands too. ‘Look their hands like ours now’

  19. “Do your own research” is code for “I read a random linked article on Facebook to a website nobody has ever heard of usually with a silly name, or a random bitchute video with a Dr of phrenology”.

    Believe what you like, I just hate it when people are asked for their evidence and they use that phrase or link to real

    • You have not heard of the Independent newspaper you’re saying?

      Nor, the World Economic Forum which most governments (including ours), the UN, World Bank, IMF, Central Banks, Prince Charles and 1000’s of the World’s biggest companies and banks sponsor or partner? The WEF is telling you what they have in store for you. Straight from the horse’s mouth.

      Conservative Woman – as you eluded to – why not read their about us and tell me which elements you disagree with? Sounds like their views align with ISAC cunters.

      Clearly, you are happy to stick with the BBC for your ‘news’. Bit strange why you come to this site then.

      • I was talking about people who use the phrase in general not you specifically, but ooh you’re defensive. The independent article you linked mentions nothing to do with your posts in this thread.

        Alternative media can be fun (check out the hilarious realrawnews) but the infowars/Icke/qanon stuff is interesting in places and yes I listen and read it for a balanced picture, it can also be contradictory.

        Alex blamed COVID in the Chinese, 5G, demons, satanists plotting to turn us into robots to become slaves all in 2020.

        I come here because I like calling cunts cunts.

      • I assumed it was directed at my links since you used the word “conservative” in your spoof Russian link and referred to “doing your own research” – which was similar to what I wrote -in a negative way. Maybe, coincidence. I’m not defensive and will happily debate my views with anyone who has a different view which they can back up.

        Some of the alternative views are not backed Jand are contradictory but that’s because they are trying to piece the jigsaw together. Looking at the MSM reporting for example. Always flip flopping like the government and rarely using real stats and documents for evidence. News is no longer fact, it is opinion/comment or lies.

        The Independent article references the Danish MP Ida Auken from 2016 who wrote a piece on WEF about owning nothing and renting everything. They have since altered the article and deleted the infamous video “You will own nothing and be happy” from the same year. It got too much pushback.

        You can still find the original WEF video which was downloaded and reposted by the likes of Armstrong Economics.

        If you’re interested in source backed and referenced articles/videos then is one of the best with “show notes” for the videos.

      • @Lazy Biscuits

        I also check the infowars website regularly for balance as AJ can be right on some things but as you say – the man is so inconsistent from one report to the next.

        Any conspiracy theory regarding the virus or vaccine’s purpose or design and he’s on it like a tramp on hot chips. I love how many people who follow AJ claim to be skeptics as opposed to “sheeple” but then listen to every word he says without checking the veracity of his claims for themselves’.

        I don’t trust him as far as I can throw him as he just seems to try to terrify people so that they’ll buy his doomsday prepper health food crap.

      • ” I love how many people who follow AJ claim to be skeptics as opposed to “sheeple” but then listen to every word he says without checking the veracity of his claims for themselves’.”

        The fat fuck Jones is a complete menace, a paid info-shill, a mouthpiece for the QTards and should be viewed as the floatiest turd in the punchbowl of truth. His function is to act as the first point of contact/dragnet for those seeking to inquire deeper into the real facts and herd them into his fantasy land where he’ll feed you 80% fact dunked in his special mix of kook sauce and nutball sprinkles. what that does is dissuade anyone else from taking up the search for fear of being lumped in with the Jonestown gang.
        Cunt always hovers over the wrong target too and he knows it… with Jones it’s always (and only!) the Chi-Coms, elite luciferian Bavarian freemasonry, the CFR, Bilderberg Islamo-fascist gay frog death cult Space Force,dustification directed energy weapons ‘rods of god’ let’s pray for Bibi and don’t forget…
        “BUY MY DICK PILLS!!!!”

        The man’s a cunt and frankly is not looking too good these days, should have the tranny porn loving bloated fucking cockslapper in the dead pool by rights. Creepy bastard’s got an embarassingly obvious man-love for Jared Kushner as well!

    • Both sides are shite. Mainstream and alternative media. The MSM are paid liars and shills, the alternative are a tad hysterical.

      But if you have to pick one, the alternative wins because it basically gathers everything and says ‘here, look!’. It’s conclusions may be wrong i.e. 5G, lizards etc, but at least they’re not deliberately obfuscating information.

      I’ve done my own research. I’ve looked at the three main virology papers on SARSCov2, and I’ve come to the conclusion it’s fraudulent psuedoscience.

      Without the alternative media it would have taken me much longer to get going. If I only watched the BBC I’d have no clue.

    • The reason many doctors & experts have ended up on bitchute is because the commonly used mainstream media outlets such as YouTube deleted their videos and then accounts. Pretty shameful if you ask me as nobody has s forced to watch clips of and doctor, epidemiologists or virologists unless you watch the BBC, Sly or listen to LBC. They silenced / shut them down and denied the public to acquire a balanced view and there can only be one reason why. It’s a bit like all these alleged ‘fact checking’ cunts who only appeared when the truth started to come out in attempts to shut it down. I’ve seen some responses on these fact checking sites where something was for example stated in reports by experts and the fact checker won’t acknowledge it’s true and instead use bollocks statement like ‘not entirely true’ or partially true to sway cunts into thinking it’s a lie just because the headline result isnt true. They are quick to attach a clear false to anything challenging the government/ sage narrative though. Cunts.

  20. I suppose the “Government” have to be careful in dealing with a virus so devious and clever it can travel across continents without infecting anyone until it gets to the UK, will immediately kill you if you are not wearing a face tampax and standing two metres away from people and will attack you the very second you do not buy dinner with your pint or at a minute past ten.
    Best way to “stop the spread”? – Why, leave every single airport, sea port and ferry terminal wide open to everyone in the world – cracking plan Boris!
    And use a PCR test which finds fruit and cans of pop have coronavirus and was originally designed to study isotopic decay in inorganic ancient artifacts – what a stroke of genius.
    When one is stood in front of a massive wall called “fact” and people are banging heads into it and still denying it is there what exactly can you do with that?
    Anyway – back to my day job of being a “complete and absolute fucking moron”.

    • Lionel.
      Its a sunday, I don’t eat chippy on a Sunday.
      Like all Englishmen I eat roast beef.
      Glad of your illuminating input..
      I for one am in awe!!
      Dont understand why people think your a troll and a mong?

    • The lawnmower man doth return yet again.

      Honestly CS I can’t work you out.

      You seem to hold the view that we’re lesser beings than yourself, but here you are week after week, month after month, year after year. Each time with a different nom de plume*

      I thought that a “A fool’s paradise is a wise man’s hell.”

      *There are others here also well versed in HTML amongst other things.

    • Back during WW2, the government issued a proper gas mask to every cunt to protect you from nasty nazi gas that wasn’t even here in Britain becauseMIGHT be inside a bomb that MIGHT come over the channel / North sea and MIGHT get dropped and explode near you

      • Boris has a highly contagious deadly virus present and spreading across UK and he sends you a letter and appears on telly with his mates telling you to make ‘face coverings’ from your old t-shirt or wives knickers? No government issue masks required that meet a specification to protect you, no special bins to deposit contaminated masks in for incineration either. Bear that in mind the next time you pick up some cunts soggy old face mask that’s been dumped / blown into your garden. I stay close to local Tescunts store and clearly cunts dump them on way back home with shopping. I pick up anywhere between 4 & a dozen of these filthy fucking things from my shrubs every week as do my neighbours. There are absolutely fuck all infection control procedures in place for a virus that is so deadly they have imposed lockdown bullshit. To be fair, the government downgraded the severity of the virus on their website once they got their dodgy Covid powers passed through parliament.

      • What’s your point? At the time, the Nazis were capable of anything, and chemical weapons were available to both sides, so being attacked with them was a real possibility.

      • ” the Nazis were capable of anything, and chemical weapons were available to both sides, so being attacked with them was a real possibility.”

        Hitler expressly forbade the Luftwaffe from deploying chemical/gas weapons on Britain. Churchill on the other hand in a pissed up rage actually ordered the readying of 250,000 of anthrax loaded bombs in 1944 in complete violation of the Geneva Conv. The fucking maniac didn’t give a fuck that it would render the greater part of Europe completely uninhabitable (including Britain and its islands!) and it was only the combined chiefs who stopped the mad cunt from carrying it through by pointing out that Germany had by then already developed the faaaaaar more deadly and immediate nerve toxins inc Sarin and Tabun.

      • My point being every cunt got a gas mask for a threat that wasn’t even on these shires yet fast forward to 2020 and a deadly contagious virus was actually here infecting, hospitalisng and killing people and the advice in March 2020 was DO NOT WEAR A MASK, then when the government moved to their next phase and masks were in stock everywhere at prices for version 10 X the previous sale price, they told every cunt to wear them or if you are a poor cunt use your wives knickers or an old t-shirt which are just as effective. Yeah because that’s what we see scientists wear in laboratories when working with viruses, they wear their nans old Sloggi’s.

        If the virus was so deadly and contagious, no cunt would be dropping their soiled soggy cheap Chinese masks (now £5 for a huge box in home bargain as no cunt wants them) in my fucking garden. The police would be on the street shooting cunts for not disposing in dedicated refuse bins that get emptied and treated as hazardous hospitals waste.

        They’ve locked people down from earning a living as if this virus has a 99.7% chance of death should you catch it, yet everything else points to it being the 99.7% survivable virus that it is.

        They are clearly more interested in curbing people’s ability to run their business and earn money & keep their staff employed & paid over the health & well-being of UK citizens. Otherwise the NHS wouldn’t have been shut, cunts wouldn’t have been papped into carehomes to die nor would cunts have been left home to die.

        All this fucking time has passed and at no point did the cunts pursue the approval of medicine used for early intervention treatment. They started and immediately halted (probably as they found they worked and were ordered to). Many people f these drugs are already approved by the MHRA to treat other medical conditions so it’s obvious the current dosage prescribed for them doesn’t kill you, give you blood clots, bells palsy or any other life threatening condition but rather than give them to someone calling NHS with Covid symptoms, they told people to stay home for 14 days with fuck all medications then by the time 14 days had passed, any cunt who hadn’t begun to recover was then admitted to hospital and most over a certain age or with lifelong medical conditions were fucked onto palliative care/ Liverpool pathway or as it’s now known Sustainable Development Goals or as part t should be known… Fucking murdered by NHS doctor who played god and chose their fate based on the guidelines laid out in the good handbook from the fucking UN.

        Funny how the mhra refused to approve these existing medicines that were already approved and in use for other conditions globally but wouldn’t complete trials & release study info for use against Covid 19?

        Funny how the MHRA wouldnt grant ’emergency approval’ for their use in early intervention treatment against Covid either? Yet they granted their rushed through vaccines ’emergency use’ approval which has resulted in its administration into millions of perfectly healthy people with no symptoms? Yet the thousands with actual symptoms were denied those medicines and left for dead.
        From the beginning, this government has been interested in one thing and one only and that’s injecting the substances they have decided to brand vaccines into people. It’s been Vax, Vax, Vax, from day one and people were more interested in the distraction techniques like clapping on a Thursday night and Uncle fucking Tom walking round his garden raising money that would vanish into the sunset & not the actual NHS the lying cunt media cunts claimed.

        The NHS left people for dead thanks to government orders and total failure of the mhra in their remit. The cunts gave up in June 2020 six months before any vaccine was unveiled. Gave up working on cures but continued development of prevention substances? Cunts of the highest order. Here’s confirmation when they gave up, a mere 3 months after virus arrived

        And as for Ivermectin, the cunts tried every trick in the book avoiding it when they finally scapegoat the manufacturer for not applying to MHRA for use. Maybe the French pharmaceutical supplier was so overwhelned providing Hancock with supplies of Midazolam that were for France as Matt wasn’t content with the quantity he could obtain through UK supplier. What did he want all that Midazolam for? Ask some poor cunt who lost a relative in a carehome who has managed to get their relatives medical records released. Follwing a court application as the cunts don’t want relatives getting medical records of the deceased easily. Why?

      • @Basement Bo

        Remdesivir, dexamethasone and hydrocortisone were other Covid treatments that just disappeared along with immune system boosting with Vitamin C, D and Zinc.

    • Why bother trying to work him out?

      He is a lonely, bipolar, semi-suicidal fantasist, without a friend in the world. A man so boring even the Samaritans have blocked his number! Unwanted and unwelcome wherever he goes, including here.

      He really isn’t that much of an enigma, Harold!

      Fucking hilarious when you think about it.

      LOL 😀

    • @TBRILW
      You sum the cunt up perfectly!
      He’s never been the same since his business failed – allegedly!

    • As a troll, he is the only one I’ve seen that bores people. I’ve said before, what kind of fantasist aspires to being an insufferable boring twat? Unless the real twat is even more boring.

  21. I’ve had both jabs and still have tingling in left arm which I’ve had since the first one. Could just as easily be a trapped nerve or something and is just coincidence. Will I have a third one? No I will not because enough is enough. Give us our lives back, you scruffy blond twat.
    Believe what you like, but the first and second waves were brutal to those worst affected. However, if Vernon were a fit and healthy 30 year old non-ethnic, he would not have ended up on a ventilator because in my experience that DID NOT happen. It may have happened in other ICUs, but not where I work.
    In Essex if you go on the coroner’s website, you can see the verdicts and the amount of suicides over the last year has been awful.

    • BS@ – that ties in EXACTLY with my research pertaining to age/infirmity fatality demographics, and the reason there were so many UNNECCESSARY deaths was, amongst other things, a Government driven initiative to remove infected elderly and infirm people from specialist hospitals into care homes with no relevant trained medical staff, no isolation facilities, no proper medication or safeguarding – they invited the grim reaper in, locked the doors and said “nothing to see here”.
      State sponsored murder, and people should be in prison for it.

      • And now we’re seeing patients coming for delayed cancer operations where the tumour has become inoperable.
        Theatres are now working at 120% of their normal – I hesitate to say “safe” – capacity, but that is not sustainable because eventually staff will have enough of the extra shifts. Not sure where all this extra money is coming from but Capt Tom should’ve hung around a bit longer to get us some more money, I think.

      • “…a Government driven initiative to remove infected elderly and infirm people from specialist hospitals into care homes with no relevant trained medical staff, no isolation facilities, no proper medication or safeguarding – they invited the grim reaper in, locked the doors and said “nothing to see here”.

        Yup, that’s what did for Mum, exactly that scenario.

        “State sponsored murder, and people should be in prison for it.”

        Why? …is there a scarcity of rope/piano wire Vernon?

  22. I know let’s jab the entire world with a experimental drug (cough cough) population control, release a mild mutating virus kill a few off, make it look like a pandemic
    Frighten every cunt, turn ppl against one another, economic instability, blame it on China, well whois going to make them accountable,

    That is what I choose to believe,
    I have relied on my own immune system for 54 years you can call me selfish I don’t give a fuck, there are thousands of ways to die everyday and a virus is just 1
    I’ll take my chances on my term’s, live long and prosper V

  23. My morbidly obese, asthmatic sister got Covid last year and was rough for just over a week. She gets a bit out of breath more than she used to bit if you listened to the government warnings she should have died.
    I was watching David Starkey being interviewed last week and he came out with a great quote, “If you give up freedom for safety, then you will eventually loose both”

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