Creepy Joe Biden (9)

A hide your daughters and call the pea dough hunters cunting for Creepy Joe, the Pea dough file, I mean, President, of the United States.

Now, I hadn’t heard about this story as the MSM are constantly sucking this creepy twat off. They’d rather ask him about the flavour ice cream he’d just bought rather than the meeting he was having with his dodgy son’s business clients, or, more tellingly, the very creepy comments he made towards a primary aged schoolgirl.

Now imagine for one minute if Trump or Nigel Farage had made the following comment towards a primary aged school girl?

“I love those barrettes in your hair, man,” Biden told the girl. “I tell you what, look at her, she looks like she’s 19 years old, sitting there like a little lady with her legs crossed.”

The girl is thought to be under the age of 10.

Of course, the media, including the BBC, ignored this story. I heard about it and had to scoot around to find the story. But it definitely happened.

I suppose the cunting is aimed at Joe the (alleged) pea dough, but also at the MSM, who seem to ignore shit like this because they want to suck him off.

They needn’t bother trying if they’re over 12 years of age by the looks of things (allegedly lol)

What a fucking disgrace. Might as well vote for Gary Glitter in the next election then, you mad septics.

Nominated by: Cuntybollocks 

74 thoughts on “Creepy Joe Biden (9)

  1. Well Uncle Joe will be meeting up with Her Maj and family soon so I hope Baldybollocks is going to keep Princess Charlotte away from the old cunt. Best to say she’s sick and keep her at home.
    It’s not as if Joe will notice anyway…….if it ain’t on the prompter it don’t exist.

  2. Biden is Kane from Poltergeist 2…
    Except creepier, with a greater penchant for little girls and with less life flowing through his veins.

    An appropriate world leader during an era so completely retarded.

    Record votes ???

  3. Recently described as a progressive leader, when we all know the only thing about this cunt which is progressive is his dementia….

  4. Biden has a long history of sniffing and fondling pre pubescent girls. Have a look at the cuck fathers faces doing fuck all as it happens. A perfect analogy of the MSM.

  5. Creepy Joe Biden has sent fatback Harris to tell Guatemalan illegal immigrants not to try and come to America. Imagine if the Majestic Donald Trump did such a thing when he was in power, you would have never heard the last of it!

    • TBRILW@ – They must have imported enough Democrat voters to rig the 2024 US election then.
      Might not even need votes from dead people this time.

  6. He just needs a hat, net and tempting them in by asking “would you like a lollipop?”.

  7. President Harris is most embarrassed by creepy sleepy China Joe – the “Man” whose hands wander as much as his rotted old brain.
    Oh, forgot – the Woman who got political power by being whored out by her Mother to elderly p*rvert Willie Brown does not understand the concept of shame.
    Anyone seen Hunter?

    • Where theres a kindergarten theres a the old saying goes.
      People like Joe used to get dealt with properly when I was growing up.
      Off theyd trot in a ambulance never to be seen again while the wind blew through their smashed windows.
      Quite lovely.
      This fuckin skeleton is creepy as fuck,
      Doubt theres any truth to the rumour of bodies under the white House lawn,
      But wouldn’t put anything past this toychest hiding old fuck .

      • MNC@ – China Joe is still blaming the Alsatian for shitting all over the White (soon to be renamed) House.
        Nobody is admitting to owning the broken down Camaro at the back of the Woke House filled with weird plants – but that Harris girl sure seems to love gardening!

      • Foxy@
        Deja vu for me.
        On our estate growing up we had a local pee do,
        His nickname?
        .. chinaman joe!!
        He was deaf& dumb and later he was also unconscious and sans teeth due to some worried fathers.

    • Harris even stated that she believed the accusations about Biden in regards to carrying out sexual assault…until he offered her the job as VP, then suddenly all that was conveniently dropped!

  8. Ok. I am in for a hammering here I know.

    I thought that ISAC had been pretty quiet about Sleepy Joe recently. And now rather than attacking his policies we revert to a desperate personal slagging.

    In office, Biden has actually done well. He is reversing a lot of the madcap policies of Trump such as revoking permission to drill in Alaska, one of the world’s last great wilderness. The USA has rejoined the climate accord in an effort to save the planet before it’s too late. The president is talking to rather than at other world leaders. He values NATO. He is doing a good job with covid from a disastrous starting point. He is reaching out to Republicans but of course they are still terrified of incurring Trump’s wrath. The stock market which is the only thing the orange man ever cared about is stable.

    You could say Sleepy Joe is now woke but he is not idle.

    So no I do not support this nom which is a bitter tirade alleging totally unfounded pedo tendencies in a decent man.

    I realise this won’t go down well in this forum but I am no lefty liberal. I just like to judge fairly.

    • Then judge fairly. He (or should we say, his team) have made Critical Race theory part of federal policy. They’ve effectively sown the seeds for the endtimes.

      Some achievement that.

    • LH@ – A rigged election, record debt, record unemployment, record fuel prices, food prices rising, massive tax hikes, record illegal immigration, a clueless communist puppet “President” and a marxist slut for a VICE “President”, 100,000 oil and gas workers made redundant, people freezing to death because the cloud cuckoo green power agenda failed, a President with a Ukrainian arrest warrant against his name, riots and murders in the streets and a party filled with hate filled communists who will sell America out to the islams and yellow peril for profit.
      Are you Jen Psaki by any chance LH?

      • You forgot the impending disaster of inflation and political prisoners from the wandering around in the capitol.

    • Maybe his fondness for sniffing little girls hair is completely innocent and wholesome?
      Maybe hes quite normal and not a barely concealed Yewtree?

    • Freedom of speech and thought LH.

      This site is one of the few remaining places we can all enjoy it.
      Personally I don’t think he’s in any fit state mentally or physically to do the job asked of him.
      Plus the recent election was similar to the kind you’d find in Somalia or for that matter.. Russia.
      But that’s just what I think.

      • When you send out millions of ballots out and then a political party pays people to pick them up. Thats when you live in Zimbabwe rather than the once great USA. Its a tin pot republic.

      • Hahahahahaha….Lord help us, indeed!

        More war and instability in the Middle East than under Trump!

        Immigration and illegal immigration at record highs than under Trump!

        Revoking Trumps vandalisation of statues and memorials 10 year jail term, which stopped burn loot murder and cultural Marxists wrecking up the country’s history!

        US embassies worldwide authorised to fly the BLM terrorist flag!

        When Biden ‘won’ the election and was getting some stick here you asked for us to give him a chance! We have done and he is the creepy bumbling Democrat party leftist cunt we knew he we would be!

        “Drilling in Alaska” indeed, ffs!

        Fuck off!

    • It’s not a ‘bitter and unfounded tirade’.

      He sniffs kids. Letches over them.

      It not fucking normal. Maybe it is to a Yewtree type though. Get to fuck.

      Yes, the media call everything he does as great. You’ve noticed that too. Maybe not the same way I have though. It includes the media saying there is evidence of the Rona coming out of a Chinese lab. Well done Joe! You tell ’em say the BBC, CNN at al. Thing is, the same comment was lambasted when Trump said it. Said or did anything, in fact.

      Joe’s been kissing BLM’s arse and he’s just put the USA trillions more in debt by chasing his climate change shite, which will see the car become a thing for the very rich. You know, him, his family and cunts like Thunberg and her family.

      So fuck that too.

      But thanks for your comment.

      • No Biggus I am not a MSM man. I distrust the BBC and the rest of it as you may see in my upcoming rants on MSM and taking the knee and other issues if admin are good enough to publish them.

        I just can’t/don’t see Biden as a devil. He may be old and doddery but that doesn’t make him a bad man or president. I judge him on the actions he takes which I believe have been sound.

        I think Trump was an awful president. And the things he said about women were despicable. All he cared about was making himself and the already rich richer. The election was not stolen, he was just a bad loser who had to be wrenched from power. The world is better off without his malignant presence.

      • @ Lord Helpuss 2

        Look, you say you’re not an MSM man, but both of your posts are laundry lists of official propaganda talking points, barely congruent with reality. Biden is wholly corrupt, therefore wholly compromised and irrelevant as President. Forty-seven years in both Congress and the White House and all he did was enrich himself and his family (oh, and bring about a law that imprisoned a lot of young black men, but we don’t talk about that). It’s not even the Biden presidency, it’s the Biden-Harris presidency, another wholly compromised figure (who also imprisoned young black men at an impressive rate as California’s Attorney General, but we don’t talk about that either) who seems in some ultra-constitutional step be co-president. They’re not there to govern, they’re there to not get in the way and continue the dismantling of the United States.

        You sound like a young guy, and I don’t want to be rude – you are here at IsACunt after all so there is hope, but I’m an old dude who’s studied politics a long time so do have some idea of what’s going on at this point. Whatever Trump was, what’s more important is what he wasn’t. He wasn’t a globalist shill, he was not part of the imposition of the oligarchic technocratic dystopia that every conscious person is aware of and alarmed at. That is why he was immediately set upon by all the globalist lapdogs – Merkel, Macron, May, Sadiq fucking Khan – all of them. Irrespective of what you think about Trump (or the machine told you to think cf. your posts) the sheer disrespect for the office of the president from day one of Trump’s presidency was completely unprecedented. They had to take him down. And if you honestly think that 80 million Americans voted for a candidate who could barely speak and didn’t bother campaigning (while Trump was speaking to adoring crowds of tens of thousands several times a day) you don’t know shit about politics. When you said the election was not stolen etc that is precisely the MSM lie and it tells me that you have not actually looked into it yourself you have just drunk the koolaid.

        Do you believe the biggest threat to the United States today is white supremacism’? Biden’s autocue does, and if that doesn’t convince you of the vacuousness of the empty president, well I don’t know. Don’t believe a fucking word of any of the MSM. Not a word.

        Good luck and God bless.

        I also highly recommend Cunty Chops link to Cornpop’s Revenge.

      • Fine comment BC

        You are absolutely bang on the money in my opinion regarding the treatment Trump recieved from day one.
        Absolutely disrespected, sneered at and ridiculed by so many so called western leaders.
        Sadiq fucking Khan (although he’s no fucking leader – he’s just a inept Islamist cunt) being among the very worst of these loathsome bastards.
        The likes of Merkel and that clown Macron behaving like petulant sneering cunts despite quite brazenly destroying their own countries through mass uncontrolled immigration.
        All the while looking down on the US president because he wasn’t a woke globalist self loathing traitor to his own people.
        And just to add – the US election did indeed fucking stink to the high heavens.
        Biden was, is and will be until his removal – a total embarrassment to the genuine people of the US. Not just the woke brigade of New York and California.

      • “The things he said about women were despicable”.

        Do you mean crocodile teared, rabid leftist, Blazey Ford. You know, that saint of a woman who after Donald Trump nominated Brett Kavanaugh for supreme justice, tipping the balance of power in favour of the Republicans, it jogged her memory and reminded her that when her and Brett were teenagers they both got drunk and were fooling around at a party some 36 years earlier, which she then claimed was a sexual assault!

        What a coincidence! Luckily everyone saw straight through that lentil faced hag and Kavanaugh got in even after the democrat party had tried every dirty trick in the book, although in the terms of sheer fucking left wing spitefulness Blazey Ford wins out right! I hope she gets cancer of the mouth!

        So yes, boo fucking hoo, what a mean mean mean awful man that Trump really is!

  9. I absolutely love the fact this old fuckwit in the president of the good ole U.S of A. He is perfect for a nation whos entire population think that WWE wrestling is real!

    He can sniff Greta Thunbergs eco-farts till he drops dead of ARSE COVID.

  10. Based on Joe’s fetish I think it’s unlikely that we’ll see Joe visiting a kids cancer ward anytime soon….

  11. If Trump had done this the media would be all over him like a bad case of Gonorrhoea. But Uncle Joe gets a free pass. Yes, Trump was a sexual predator (as was the sainted Jack Kennedy) – but at least it was for women over the age of 18.

  12. The Yank media are a sight to behold in their fawning over Uncle Joe and licking of his ring piece. When he gets over here it will be the BBC’s turn to suck his commie cock. Can’t wait…….and neither can they.

    • The free pass this cunt gets compared to the last president is just another nail in the mainstream media’s coffin.
      Anybody with a functioning brain cell can see he’s not fit for purpose.

    • I can’t wait for everyone to see my massive inflatable of China Joe in a nappy! ??
      I couldn’t use the Kamala Harris inflatable – it kept rolling onto all fours and hissing “here cums anudda promotion”..

    • BF@ My naughty protest gang already have something arranged for when Guevara and shitty pants visit! ??
      Being driven to see the Queen past a thousand signs saying “stolen election” will be difficult for even the BBC to ignore.

      • Good show! Although I’m not sure about your last statement, the BBC are experts at not seeing that which must not be seen. They didn’t seem to notice a million or more marching through London two weekends ago! Not even the crowd gathered outside their offices in Portland Place shouting “Shame on you!” came to their attention!

  13. While Old Joe was ogling little girls The Donald was shagging the arse off Stormy Daniels.
    That’s what I call a leader, the cunt!

  14. It’s not that the media ignore this behaviour, there is plenty online about this cunt sniffing kids, the Mail website, the most read news site in the world regularly has him up for his antics, it’s that people choose to ignore it, or excuse it.
    He’s just a good old catholic boy. Must be why they are so against abortion, less kids to bother….

    • I wonder if he thinks that if he sniffs and gropes enough kids he will get free IRA membership?
      What a fucking disgraceful, embarrassing excuse for a President.

  15. Joe Biden: “I can’t wait to visit the United States of Britain, home of such inspirational figures to me such as Karl Marx, Harold Shipman and of course, Sir Jimmy Savile, a man like me who knew how to fix things. I’ll be staying at the historic Alton Towers with the King and Queen and I shall attend Gay Pride in Manchester dressed as a drag queen but I’ll have to shave my famous hairy legs, of course! I love lesbians of all ages. I may be joined by Hunter, my wonderful son, unless he is a flight risk, of course. Goddamn laptop, I told him to delete that shit, them black bitches are always trouble. Anyway, hope to see you all soon!”

  16. Democrats rigging the 2024 elections Sleepy Joe the Fake Irishmen won’t be around then ?
    Bring back the Orangeman Big Don will sort the US out ??

    • I love the term, “plastic paddy” for a pretentious cunt who isn’t Irish but bangs on about their Irish grandmother and the Emerald Isle like they are Daniel O’Donnell with a Shamrock up their arse.

    • “Big Don will sort the US out ”
      No he won’t, he did his appointed job of herding the right into an identifiable and now individually identified colective and handed them over plucked and trussed to the left and the fucking christian zionists have lauded the whole despicable process; his utility is now spent.
      He had four years to pump the brakes on America’s slide into socialism and didn’t. A thousand interventions he could have made, but didn’t. Fuck Donald Trump. The cunt!

      • Trump was naive. He should have fired every fucking cunt that infested the U.S. government including the generals he thought were like Patton or MacArthur pfs! He had no idea what he was up against. He was just a speed hump on the fast lane to Marxism at best.
        I don’t even pray for my country (U.S.) anymore. What the hell do I pray? That God will change everyone’s thinking?!
        I pray my family will be ok through whatever is coming.
        God is patient but eventually it runs out. See ancient Isreal in the Bible and how He dealt with their rejection of Him.

      • I have a deep sympathy for your plight, the US is now the ‘canary in the coal mine’ regarding our European fate. I’ve been trying o get to the bottom of this obviously directed and controlled shit fest for decades and only recently begun to knit the threads together.

        “See ancient Isreal in the Bible and how He dealt with their rejection of Him.”

        I’m seeing it clearer than ever Meat.

        Building on the research and reading of Cristoph Jon Bjerknes, Michael Collins Piper, benjamin Freedman and a meagre handful of others, yer man Adam Green is currently front and centre, kicking arse and naming names as to its Biblical/Torahic origins. You thought this was all myth, self defining ‘prophesies’ and ancient semi-history? Think again folks because the ancient hates are being played out right now.

        A real eye opener…

        Kabbalah, Amalek, Purim, Holocaust, 9/11, & the Destruction of America

  17. Yip this creepy old tamperer can so no wrong. He could dress up as Santa just to get children on his knee and still get away with it.

  18. And I don’t hear the puppets at the BBC admitting what the even the democrat party in America has finally admitted (in the light of overwhelming evidence) – that the election was provably rigged.
    Should be null and void and re-run with proper checks and impartial observers at every polling station.
    Biden needs a hidin’

  19. Typical that Hollyweird slags like Skanklett Johansscunt, Devil Streep, and Natalie Portmouth love Uncle Joe’s Mintballs. Of course, all three have ‘form’ with messrs Allen and Polanski. Say no more.

    • I bet James Woods,Stallone,Arnie,Bruce Willis ,Jon Voight ….are sick at what Biden,Harris ,AOC and Pelosi are doing.

  20. The fact this is glossed over just shows how psychotic we’re becoming. Of course, we all ‘know’ that elected officials don’t touch children, that’s wild conspiracy as proven by the guilty verdict of Carl Beech here in the UK. Case closed.

    Hunter Biden’s laptop. What the fuck are the FBI doing? Someone leaked some images and it’s clear ‘like father like son’. Fucking noncy family. (and cheers to the cunt who posted them on twitter where you can’t not see them in a tweet. You dickhead.)

    The noncereity of establishment figures is probably greater than we’d like to believe unfortunately. Power affords protection.

    • Chunkers old chap-I have yet to see “dem de’re Hunter’s laptop images”-any chance of a link, old son?

      • There were two images floating around on twitter. I’m not searching them out or linking them.

        Hunter was clearly identifiable, looking mashed, with two (might have been same 1 in both images) prepubescent girls in lingerie/exotic dancing style clothing.

        Looked real, unfortunately.

  21. Creepy Joe in Cornwall… the cream on the top? ….or is my cream down below ? Christ you smell sweet.

  22. Creepy joe Biden is somehow an even bigger cunt then Greta Thundercunt a impressive feat to achieve .

    I wonder why she’s more concerned about phony fake climate change then muzzies killing and raping Swedish girls and women. At the going rate Sweden in 10 years time will be an Islamic country

  23. If Trump had said what the media would run for it for months and be like a dog with a bone.If I was that little girls Dad I would have punched the old cunt.

  24. Holy water and a pointy Hawthorne stake for the dodgy old bastard. Make sure your pre teens have garlic flowers in their hair. Sniff that you undead cunt splatter with the holy water and in quick with the stake. My research has lead me to believe that many senior World leaders are in fact vampires. You may think this is fanciful bollocks but how else can you explain their self centred fuckwitted behaviour. Taking the knee that’s just to get below window level so you don’t get zapped by the Sunlight obvious when you think about it.

  25. I can imagine all the Peter Files were secretly delighted when the Sniffer became President. No doubt they both have something in common, and given the wishy-washy neo-liberal lefty government pulling his strings, the “P” letter will soon be added to the Alphabet branding with complete legitimacy – at least in the US.

    So it definitely will be a case of locking up your daughters (and sons) from these degenerates!

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