Climate Racism

Fuck me, where to start with this latest load of bollocks?

According to a ‘study’ reported on the BBC (where else), climate change is fucking racist now: “A new study says that black people living in most US cities are subject to double the level of heat stress as their white counterparts.”

It goes on: “The researchers say the differences were not explained by poverty but by historic racism and segregation.”

If anyone can be bothered, here’s the link

Nominated by: Cupid Stunt The First

85 thoughts on “Climate Racism

  1. I’ve read that article and still can’t understand why the people researched it. Basically due to building materials in cheaper houses they’re a bit hotter. That’s not racism, that’s cheaper housing vs expensive housing. The cheaper the house using shit materials the more it retains heat. A fucking cat could grasp that concept without an extensive study into it. Nothing to do with race, it’s about what you can afford.

    • But the Left would continue clutching at straws by saying only “people of colour” can afford cheap housing, and therefore suffer the most blah blah blah.

      They choose not to look at the empirical evidence that states that a lot of the underclass and working classes living in cheap/social housing are in fact white. But that doesn’t fit in with their fucked-up narrative.

      Now that racism is a big issue, every little thing, every little issue, every little problem, every little bit of unfairness will be classed as racist. (Apparently playing a game of chess or draughts, is now deemed racist, especially if white wins!)

      • Wasn’t there a pisstake where people said “white going first in chess is racist” that got picked up as being serious by the media despite it being a joke?

        Also America has literal trailer parks. I think the only place in the world where people live like that, mainly ‘white trash’.

    • Ruffy Mother Nature is sexist and probably racist. I’ve seen seen her through. She’s like Dog everywhere but unseen.

      Mother Nature being a mother is probably some sort of ‘ist’ to those men/women transformers who physically can’t be mothers because the have a penis.

      • Afternoon Spoons.

        Mother Nature is racist too. Why else would she let loose the world’s most dangerous animals in Africa?

  2. 30 years ago nutcases who came out with shite like this would be openly mocked and regarded as not quite right in the head.
    Now they are regarded as sages.
    Bit warm is it?
    Fuck off back to j*gaboo land and see how you like the weather there.

  3. Well I was sweating like a n 1 gger on a rape charge last night and I’m white. Blows their theory out of the water doesn’t it?

  4. Without “racism” and “white supremacy” the Dems would have no chance of power. Bidens latest was describing the Tulsa race riot in 1921 as “a massacre” ‘. Death toll 39, ten of whom were white. The left are so full of shit its embarrassing.

  5. So the “lead author” of this study is a Dr Angel Hsu. Not a Chinky by any chance? Not a fucking commie?
    The BBC must employ dozens of ex public schoolboys (none of whom are “people of colour”) to trawl through these obscure journals looking for the tiniest trace of raaaaaaay-sism. Keeping the pressure on them is the great June Sarpongo Umbongo with 100 mill of licence payers money to piss up the wall. These anti British traitor cunts really need to fuck right off but don’t expect anything from the pussy whipped blob of shit in Downing Street.

    • Blow-Job Boris is still reeling over the latest resignation – this time some made-up job title tsar, Sir Kevan Collins, who said the government’s approach to getting education back up to speed was slow and hugely underfunded (He wanted £11bn, the govn gave £1.5bn) So he fucked off in a huff.

      But that’s for a different nom

      • Just pay for your own child edukashun. Wtf would you trust the government to educate your child ( sorry I meant kid)?
        What is it with folk in this country? They get a mortgage, pay home insurance, buy a car in instalments, insure it, get holiday insurance blah blah…..but for the two most important things in life,health and education, they trust the state. Get a fukin bank loan and stop expecting the state to care, it doesn’t.

      • I really don’t get this “oh, the childrens’ education is being ruined thing” one little bit.

        Some have been off school for a while. What sort of fucking hardship is that then? When I was at school I used to skive off occasionally – I would have bloody loved a open escape ticket. What sort of kids are these that are stressed because they can’t go into school? Do they actually exist or are they made up by the media?

        Missed a few lessons and exams? Do another year to catch up then. Why the fuck should the taxpayer shell out to give you extra tuition. In any case, kids entering the labour market/Coronation Street degree course a year late will be a good thing. Keep the unemployment figures down a bit.

    • Ooohhh racist weather.
      Not on is it?
      Big black cloud?
      Heat stress? chill out!
      Sit in the rain, have a banana butty.
      I dont like it when they say ‘apache rain’ on the weather forecast.
      They’re native American
      And wise and noble,

    • Sarpong’s contribution so far has been a plethora of big budget ‘dramas’ full of dark keys with ‘waycism’ themes.

      All poorly acted, all shite and all panned by the viewers.

      Get her fucking out of it, the dumb anti white token.

      • June sourpong can fit a honeydew melon in each nostril.
        -guiness book of records

      • June sarpong fucked off to the usa some years ago and ended up with that other fucking bellend jesse ventura on he’s show ‘conspiracy theory’ needless to say she was fucking useless at that as well and made her way back to blighty and the al jabeeb! useless fucking mong that she is.

  6. I don’t care . I was reading an article in which the writer said that he was tired of bleks’ neediness, their helplessness, their inability to take full advantage of what opportunities are laid right in front if them. Their devotion to street culture that says if they succeed they are some how betraying other bleks.
    I don’t care and never did. There is no racism in Britain or America. If there were the bleks would be either dead or in a concentration camp awaiting extermination. Let’s face it if we really wanted to wtf would stop us?

  7. Thing is, Africunts are not genetically wired to handle hot weather.

    They’d be better off going back to Africa where it’s nice and cool.

    • I did wonder about that, in Africa it’s a little warm mostly? What’s the answer to the problem of baking black people in the states? Free aircon for every BAME home, causing more global warming and more hot black people in Africa?

      • Give a dark key free aircon and he’ll strip it out and sell it for Chiggin, drugs and gold dollar jewellery.

    • Im with the shades on this.
      I hate hot weather too.
      Bollocks glued to your thigh
      Sweating, dehydration.
      But they’re fuckin hypocrites!
      Because they’re always whining about being cold.
      They don’t like heat or cold,
      Dont want whiteys aid
      Do want whiteys aid
      Contrary cunts.
      Take the knee, and when you take it, youve killed George!!
      Quit your fuckin whining Shonika.

  8. I’m fed up with idiots assigning racism to impersonal forces of nature. You might as well call rainbows or comets racist as climate change. No one sat down and said “I’m going to damage the climate so as to upset Woligogs”.

    I dispute climate change in any event. And even if there is a climate crisis it effects whites in poor housing just as much as dark keys.

    Arrant nonsense from shit-stirring cunts.

    • Not rainbows, aren’t they the symbol of the nhs and the poofters,lessers and trannies

  9. I remember who it was or even what nom it was, but I recall somebody on here (in jest) saying the political class would try to merge climate change and racism or Covid being racist.

    These statements as the time were meant as a joke, but they’ve both fucking come true.

    And they’re both fucking bullshit, of course.

    Soon, maybe extra ‘reparations and racism tax’ for honkies while the dark keys don’t have to pay any tax, as ‘compensation’ for us being so horrible and racist to them.

    Am I joking? We’ll find out, I’m sure.

    • I think Sasha Johnson is one step ahead of you there.

      Is she dead yet by the way?

  10. Substitute “racism” for “class discrimination” and I think we are on the right page.
    UK a bit warm? – prefer the snow and glaciers of the African continent?
    Sound – fuckoff and don’t come back, take a warm jacket for those sub zero temperatures.

    • Won’t work VF. A whole lot of muzzies were given asylum in Finland. They went home cause it was too cold. Face it no matter what whites do or don’t do the poc will whine. Just ignore the cunts.
      I don’t care .

      • I think that it may have been the Soldiers of Odin and the Finns in general who can take credit for that.

  11. Books must be racist too because you never see dark keys in Waterstones.

    Never seen one in there in my life.

  12. This is easily solved. Give them all a bathtub full of sticky mud and a bundle of twigs, hey presto, a build it yourself mudhut kit. No more having to live in whiteys cruel racist housing, everyone’s a winner.

    • Then they will be moaning the buffalo piss water is too far away, there’s no chiggun shop and no benefits office . Fuck off Mtebe.

  13. What about the benderboys? The hot temperatures make them go out in skimpy clothing (ooooh look at me Julian) thus making them more attractive to straight men who, as we all know, are deviant criminals. Inevitably bum rape follows but this outrage is conveniently ignored by the homophobic police, right wing media and the fascist Tory government.
    Better housing rights for gays! When do we want them? NOW!!!

  14. Go back 100 years, and this is what you’ll find – true poverty in the North East of England, with kids (all white according to the pic) waiting to be fed and watered!

    But again, this didn’t happen according to today’s woke cunts

    • Notice a young Fiddler there,
      On the serving side of the table!
      Probably spat in the soup.

      • Fiddler would probably have asked “Am I getting paid for this?”

        I bet Jimmy Saville or Sniffer Joe, would have loved to have “served” these kids!

      • That’s him dishing out the ‘wages’ to the orphan labourers.

        “Not too close, you smell! Only one bowl remember!? Back to the mill in 10 minutes or no gruel tomorrow.”

    • Is that Sparkletits on the extreme left, crying and weeping over the poor and oppressed?
      Must be.

      • Indeed. No doubt she would have also proclaimed she was “white” just to suit the narrative of the times.

  15. It’d be hotter still in Africa if we nuked it. Mind you, if we nuked Ethiopia less people would die in the explosion than in the stampede to eat the mushroom cloud.

  16. We live in a racist climate or rather a race-obsessed climate. The atmosphere is heavy with it.

    • Never hear the chinkys moaning about the weather do you?
      They are comfortable anywhere those cunts.
      Underwater? No probrem!
      On the moon? No probrem!
      Inside of a dormant volcano?
      No probrem.
      Like cockroaches or something.

      • All our astronomical nomenclature is raaaaayyyycist.

        White dwarfs, black holes, dark matter, dark energy, brown dwarfs, the Coalsack nebula, the Black Eye galaxy. There’s no end to racism in space. Surprised BLM haven’t got onto this yet.

  17. The racist London police were racistly (?) called to a racist shooting last night where a macaroon was shot by a macaroon due to white supremacy. The cops then racistly (??) had ‘objects’ (chiggun legs?) thrown at them due to structural racism.

    It suits the narrative to blame race on everyfucking thing. Victims = Democrat or Labour votes. Never mind what the problems really are.

  18. Night time is totally racist then. That’s when people of colour always get stabbed. Go on, tell me that’s a coincidence.

    • Daytime and nighttime are clearly racist.

      Daytime is associated with bright colours and thus hope and happiness
      Nighttime is all to do with blackness, and thus fear and dread.

      Clearly the Big Bang is racist
      And for the believers, clearly God was white and definitely racist.

      and on and on and on it goes……………

  19. Everything is racist, isn’t it?

    England cricket is also racist now. Story developing about Ollie Robinson (made his test debut yesterday) and ‘racist’ tweets with ‘n’ bombs in them. Some ‘sexist’ tweets too, apparently. From about 8 years ago when he was 18.

    He’s just given an apology that he seemingly read out at gunpoint from what I’ve just seen.

    Another player apparently told a joe daki to ‘go back to your own country’ too.

    And yesterday, they stopped kneeling for blm (‘a moment unity’ instead lol – no knee taking for BLM – the new thing is about making cricket accessible to all, irrespective of class or race). They’ve fucked BLM off more or less, basically.

    So… come on England lol

    Atherton and co wringing their hands saying the players need ‘educating’.

    Fuck off.

    The major on Fawlty Towers had it right about cricket.

    • The fuckers who look back years into a persons history online to find something to be offended by should be locked up. Shallow cunts.

      • Absolutely. That’s what leftist filth do.

        Some cunt thought, ‘Oh a debutante? We don’t know anything about him. Let’s see if I can ruin his life!’

        Must’ve taken them hours to trawl through years of his social media comments. 8 fucking years worth for fuck’s sake.

        Any cunt who does that should be forced to have their computers examined .

      • I collect old football matches and shows from online providers (not YouTube you pay for this coverage which is picture perfect including the old pundits. Even get the mic checks by the commentators etc).

        I could easily break a few stories by posting certain clips online, with legends of the game saying ‘n’ bombs and some very risque stuff.

        But I’m not a cunt so I’d never do it.

    • And Wokegate moaning about the knee being booed last night. Apparently people just “don’t understand.”
      They understand only too well shitforbrains.
      Fuck off you big nose crawling cunt. And take Sterling and Rashford with you fuckface.

      • Perhaps all the commentators, pundits and presenters on Sky Sports, BT Sports and BBC’s Wank of the Day, should all take the knee before they start talking about the game.

        Basically these cunts tow the line because they’re too shitscared of the tirade of abuse they’ll get on social media if they don’t!

        The Left talk about “hate crime” and that everyone should be nice to each other. But clearly this comes with lots of caveats.

  20. It is nice and sunny here. Lovely, albeit a bit on the raycist side. Anything over 15 Celsius is clearly a whitey conspiracy hence the term “oppressive heat”.

    Fuck off, leftie cunts.

  21. Utter tripe.I can’t be arsed.Everything is all woke.Oven all of these twats please Unkle Terry

  22. Racist alright since most of it is caused by the fucking chinks. When is Turdberg going over there with her speeches? Oh I forgot her parents are communists. Fuck em, fuck em all.

  23. Picture of a black bloke carrying an air conditioner, picture of a black bloke pouring water over his face, BBC are wankers!

    Just put the news on, piss boiled in seconds…. High court ruled government broke the law putting ‘cross channel cunts’ in the Napier barracks, now the cunts will be after compo. This is what happens when the weak fucking government don’t just turn then around and send the cunts back.
    They are living in make shift tents in France with no support but the UK are breaking the law giving them shelter and food.


  24. Oh and on a slightly different tangent, yesterday (2nd June) the area where I live (not far from Sellafield and Seascale), was in mourning.

    On this day 11 years ago, Derrick Bird, went round and shot and killed 12 people, injuring a further 11 before committing suicide.

    I don’t bother with MSM much but I doubt it was mentioned on the BBC, The Guardian or Sky News.

    And yet the townsfolk paid their respects, didn’t make any big statements or bent any knees. But just carried on with life, despite the appalling event that claimed so many innocent lives, thanks to a “white man” losing his marbles.

  25. I think we can conclude Earth is the designated nuthouse for the milky way galaxy.

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