Fuck me, where to start with this latest load of bollocks?
According to a ‘study’ reported on the BBC (where else), climate change is fucking racist now: “A new study says that black people living in most US cities are subject to double the level of heat stress as their white counterparts.”
It goes on: “The researchers say the differences were not explained by poverty but by historic racism and segregation.”
If anyone can be bothered, here’s the link
Nominated by: Cupid Stunt The First
But the reality, at least as far as I’m concerned, is totally different.
I have a number of BAME friends, and a couple of gays/lesbians. All of them are decent hardworking folk with no political axe to grind.
Yes, they don’t like the Tories, but they don’t like Labour much either. And they find the whole BLM thing incredibly embarrassing and unnecessary. And they have remarked that rather than trying to bring communities closer together, it will do the complete opposite.
I would image a lot of “ordinary” BAMEs and Alphabets, are of a similar mind. But they – like the silent white majority – are being ignored and outmanoeuvred by the usual suspects, aided & abetted by MSM
well said.
Divide, conquer, rule and control. That’s what wokeism is all about. The freaks with the placards in the street are the foot soldiers, the “useful idiots”.
They think they are “progressive” and saving the world. In reality they are building their own prison, digging their own graves.
I think there is actually a strong correlation between BLM and Climate Crisis: they are both utter, complete. BOLLOCKS!
Funded by the same cunts and I bet that if you were to have Stinky rebellion protests and BLM protest footage analysed that many of the same actors would appear. Anyone backed up & supported by the ‘broadcaster of lies’is a cunt.
Bob – you’re back! ?
Great to see you again.
Basement Bob:
Abu Yemeni did exactly that in Australia. The common thread between XR & BLM were the same organisers fro Antifa.
Divide and rule, indeed?
Well they’re not though are they. The climate crisis is real. Yes your Gretas and Extinction Narcissisms might be cunts, but it’s still real.
Hot weather is a cunt anyway, I nominated it ages ago. Brings out all the scum and morons from the woodwork.
Plus an unfeasible number of stunning bitches showing out in their skimpy summer wear, many clearly on heat. Thought for a moment I was going to get done for rape while outside the butchers!
Unbelievable heap of wank. Whatever next??
How on earth can climate / heat oppression possibly be racist?
Absolute nonsense.
Gee it’s hot in here, punkah wallah, here, now.
Not a scientist but it sounds feasible. My issue is the attempt to turn this into a race issue. Just substitute the word black for “poor” and youve just explained a worldwide problem regardless of colour. Simple as that.
What a load of dog wank. How can dem boons suffer more “heat stress” dan dem honkies? Dem is more used to it, havin come from Africa, innit blud?
Lets play a game come up with the most ridiculous thing that we can call racist, what its been done thousands of times ah well, good idea though