Why do Americans love the words “ass” and “shit”? Why has it gone from being a physical to a metaphysical part of their lives? I´ve just watched a Netflix series of “Suits”, now best known because it was the debut for the Black Princess Meghan who is not at all black but let´s not go into that here.
It´s quite well written but every episode has a scene in which someone is told to “move your ass”, “watch your ass”, “shake your ass”, “kick ass” etc. It doesn´t stop there because it is accompanied by “shit” as in “I don´t give a shit”, “take your shit and go”, “shit happens” and, most eloquent of all, “shit, shit, shit”.
Tut, tut, tut. What would George Washington say?
Nominated by: Mr Polly
A strange, one might say, contrived nomination. Would you be terribly offended if I said…… shift your motherfucking ass and stop watching Yankee shit tv?
You missed assole from the end
My favourite episode of Fawlty Towers is “Waldorf Salad” where the American tourist rants away and says….” i’m gonna bust your ass Fawlty!”
Basil looks at him and says “everything’s bottoms with you people isn’t it?”
You couldn’t get away with that these days……homophobic AND raaaaaay-sist. Some little offended snowflake would cry and the BBC would shit themselves.
Happy days.
Its just how the yanks talk mr Polly.
Bit like watching something made in Japan then complaining its all in Japanese?
Its solved by turning over the bleedin channel.
Ass sounds weak, and shite sounds better than shit,
Yanks dont swear like us.
A good yank swearer is that jewish woman on ‘curb your enthusiasm’
‘Larry David you cocksucking motherfucker’
I like her.
Have her as a envoy to the Palestinians.
Ah Susie Greene MNC.
“Get the fuck outta my house Larry you bald fuck!”
Thats her Herman!
Fuckin ace.
Foulmouthed isnt she?
I was shocked?
Say “what-a-at!”
First nom of the day “gots me thankin ‘bout ass!”
“No shit mother-fucka!”
“Know wh’a am say-in!”
I think that the overriding reason is that all Americans are cunts.
Very true, although at the risk of being called a pedant, technically they are all shit ass cunts.
Yanks have started using the term wanker now,
Must of picked it up of British tv shows.
Swearing is a artform.
Its all in the delivery.
I think its big and clever,
A great emphasis in a sentence to get a point made.
It should be taught in schools.
Not much room in the curriculum these days, what with all the bumfuckery, trannyism and anti-raaaaaaaaaaay-sism. The little cunts will just have to learn it in the playground like we did.
Try using different key- words in your Pornhub search if you’re bored with “ass” and “shit” action, Mr.Polly.
“Tut, tut, tut. What would George Washington say?”……probably “Shiiiiit, I should never have freed those uppity Dark-Keys”
..said as some Mandingo was riding his wife’s “ass”.
Now isn’t that a salutary story Mr Fiddler for a Monday morning? Little George given the gift of a hatchet went into the garden and chopped down his father’s favourite cherry free. Asked whether he had done it he replied ‘Pa, I cannot tell a lie’, I cut down the tree’. And you know Mr Fiddler his father’s anger was assuaged, and he bent down and embraced him. Now what a moral that is for us all!
Always tell the truth.
If I’d cut down one of the cherry trees in my Father’s vast orchards, I’d have lied like fuck and blamed my brother.
Strange nom. Personally I don’t give a rat’s arse.
There’s nothing wrong with their word shit. But ass is incorrect, unless talking about the animal. Arse is the correct term.
The problem is Americans, who can’t talk properly.
They should be made to watch films starring Terry Thomas, until they get it right.
They’re an absolute shower.
Good morning.
the word, not their word.
Motherfucking phone.
Their lack of use of the past tense gets on my tits or should I say, shits me to tears(verb). It’s ‘I shat the bed’ , I shat a brick’ and ‘I’m shat off by Seppos’.
I like the term motherfucker.
Get To Fuck.
In the pic above the they’ve all got sunglasses on?
Like the institute for the blind or something,
Or is it the new more representative, diverse Blues Brothers?
Amusingly for the name of this site nothing triggers Americans more than the word cunt. Call them a cunt and they’ll act like you just burned their parents alive in front of them. Call an Aussie a cunt and they’ll just tell you to fuck off.
Fuck off, cunt.
Yes, the yanks seem to be especially triggered by the word, I use VPNs a lot and it used to amuse me that trying to access this site when connected to some of the US endpoints gave a ‘site not found’ or similar shite message as whatever DNS filter was in operation choked on cunt.
Out of intetest, I just tried it using Opera’s inbuilt VPN client and a USian endpoint…got this
‘If you are seeing this message it’s because Admin has decided that you have been behaving like an asshole and are not welcome.
Please feel free to fuck off and annoy someone else’
If you’ll accept a suggestion, a delayed follow up http redirect to, for example, a goatse mirror after the message would reinforce the point in a suitably cuntish manner…not that I’ve ever set up the web servers in a large ‘institute’ to do this with the 403 – ‘forbidden to you, you nosey cunts, so you can just fuck right off’ error handler…it was in place and active across a number of servers for months before anyone had the balls to complain to me about one site ‘being hacked’ and ‘serving porn’.
As a Northerner, my preference is for the word ‘shite’ instead.
There are many annoying words/phrases in American
Can I get, I’m good, like (very irritating), from the get go…..
Plié of shite, shove it up your Arse
If you watch Suits, shit and ass are the least of your problems.
I’m a big fan of the American TV drama “The Wire”, which was originally broadcast back in the early 00s
It focused on ghetto-life in downtown Baltimore and the conflicts between the police, drug kingpins, pushers and addicts. Nearly every other sentence someone uttered “motherfucker” or “Migger”
Migger this, migger that,
you’re just a stupid motherfucker,
fuck you, motherfucker
I’ll pop a cap in your ass, migger
try it, motherfucker
Back then the only onscreen warning you had before each episode was broadcast was something like “This show contains offensive language”, but nothing was cut.
In today’s more “sensitive” era, I wonder if it would still remain uncut without causing offence to the usual suspects.
Seems its okay to call someone “motherfucker”, but call them a “migger” or “Vaggot”, and there’s hell to pay on social media
Well they can all kiss my arse, eat shit and die, the goddamn motherfucking motherfuckers!
The Wire.
A detective I know went to Baltimore to visit the scenes and take some photos as souvenirs.
Got mugged and his camera nicked. He went to register the theft and got told to fuck off by the local plod.
I quite like the Yanks when they are blowing stuff up.
Their use of the English language is a fucking disgrace however.
I love the Americans use of the word ‘Ass’.
It’s because Americans can’t speak proper and have a limited vocabulary.
Properly….not proper. Word check is a pain in the ass. Shit.
Motherfukin word check. A double dumb ass on you.
I could care less about Americanisms
I was banging a Yankee lass up the ass once and it was quite fierce.
The safe word was colour but she kept screaming color.
There’s an interesting distinction between American and British expletives.
American expletives focus on the fundament and its exhaust products with an unhealthy detour into incest – ass, motherfucker, etc.
British expletives tend to favour male and female reproduce organs and processes – cunt, bollocks, etc. Of course there is considerable crossover between the two nations, but this is the general tendency.
For a more analytical consideration of the matter I’ll need to consult the standard textbook on the subject – Rogers Profanisaurus (18th edition).
Americans are just not very good at swearing. You’ll never hear one say” stick it up your fucking arse you cunt”
I like how Frankie Boyle reacted to the BBC saying that he couldn’t say, “motherfucker” on his show to welcome the audience as it’s against the written rules, so he used “Good evening, fatherfuckers!” instead, which is a more disturbing concept, but as the word wasn’t in the rules, the Beeb were snookered.
Americans use the term “motherfucker” without thinking. I was watching a program on Netfux a few weeks ago about the tourist season on Mt Everest. It convinced me that there should be no “tourism” on Everest and the mountain should be left to the native Sherpas and professional mountaineers. Anyway, some Yank who was no doubt finding it hard going lashed out at one of the Nepalese Sherpas and called him a “motherfucker”. There is no graver insult to the Sherpas. The Yank was nearly skinned alive and had to be rescued and the whole climbing season put in jeopardy. Stupid cunt. I wish the Sherpas had skinned him.
My mistake. It was an Italian that used the “motherfucker” insult. A way, the moral of the tale holds – Westerners use gross insults casually without thinking about their impact.
I agree with your tourism on Everest stance.
You’ve mentioned, now, that it was an Italian that called the Sherpa a motherfucker, however it wasn’t because the Italian was finding it hard going, it was because the sherpas pride was hurt because they couldn`t keep up as the Italian was part of a professional mountaineering team. Also there is no mention of him being nearly skinned alive, just that there was a brawl.
The climbing season next year is in Jeopardy because of an avalanche that killed some Sherpas and the horrendously low compensation package (A few hundred dollars) offered to the families by the Nepelese government who in turn earn millions from the Everest tourist industry.
I expect better research from you next time, MMCM! If I want dodgy journalism I will tune into the BBC News 😀
True TBRILW. I was using a poetic metaphor. I don’t know if the Italian was a pro or not. He was undoubtedly a cunt.
He was a pro. All that information is in the article link you posted.
I’m not sure he was a cunt either.
I am guessing part of the package for a climb of Everest is having to have Sherpas with you. If you are part of the professional mountaineering team and happen to be lumbered with lazy Sherpas going at their own pace and slowing you down you would probably call them a motherfucker too.
“Cunts Climbing Everest” should be nominated. The amount of narcissistic bellends who spend $60,000 to join a long waiting list and try to “conquer” the world’s highest point and then collapse because they are out of shape slobs in an area of the world where the oxygen content of the air is so low that you’re cells start to die. This is all explained to the affluent arsehole many times in the year(s) leading up to the climb, but you still get raging egomaniacs with heart and lung conditions who bullshit their way to base camp then collapse and need to be rescued or just die and are left there for the rest of time, a frozen corpse next to all the discarded plastic bottles.
Job done. I’ve nommed it but it’s gone into moderation ?
(All sorted now. Wordfence doesn’t like multiple links as it thinks its spam – DA)
Yanks also like to idolise actual walking /talking/ dying
piles of shit like the massive king of dogshit George Floyd
Whatever happened to calling someone a git? You don’t hear that expression any more. When I was at school, the word was get, but over the years it got changed to git for some reason.
How about “your ass is mine”?
“The Chief’s gonna put your ass in a sling”
“Your sorry ass”
It’s all boolshit.
All I can say is that I’m very, very sorry…..sorry you wimpy, sissy, Puritan, politically correct, namby-pamby English cunts get soooooo pussyhurt whenever we Yank cunts use the foul fucking language YOU cunts motherfucking invented! If you’re fucking, cunting traumatized by fucking Americans swearing, you are more than the fuck welcome to take your goddamned, fucking, cornholing butthurt and STICK IT UP THE BODILY FUCKING ORIFICE OF YOUR CHOICE. Whinging fucking bitches.
I’m not, I quite like sweary Americans. You need to work on the word twat though. After a shaky start, you have cunt well sorted, but twat doesn’t convince me. Sometimes you say it more like ‘twot’, other times you linger on the A for too long. Just think of it like tw@ and you’ll be fine. Practice makes perfect.?
Yank cunts who use foul language are cool, hur hur…
Anyone who watches Suits is a cunt.
The Yanks never did get Top Of The Pops either.
Here is the most recent edition. Already a classic.