Afshah Khan

Warning, the following link may contain material to make you laugh your bollocks off.

Afshah Khan, 17, arrived at the Heathrow Holiday Inn on 12 April with her parents and five younger siblings, after a trip to Pakistan to visit her ailing grandmother.
As someone with “brittle” or “unstable” asthma – in which any asthma attack can quickly become life-threatening – she often needs medical treatment at home in Bradford, and stress can be a trigger.

The whole fucking family troop off to Pakistan from Bradford, both covid hotspots, in the middle of a fucking pandemic and are aggrieved because they had to quarantine. 8 of the fuckers. Ashfah has asthma. Which I assume she had before she went. Perhaps the nasty hotel made it ‘brittle’ and ‘unstable’.
I hope she found the right cousin to ship over and marry while she was there.

Once again thank you BBC for alerting us to this nasty government sponsored abuse. Doctors expect racism and compensation as further complications.

Nominated by: Cuntstable Cuntbubble

75 thoughts on “Afshah Khan

  1. Absolutely no benefit whatsoever to the UK. These parasites are vermin, and should be eradicated like other vermin.
    You wouldn’t pay £thousands every year for a family of rats top do fuck all except breed like…..well, rats, and increase their financial burden on the UK (whilst putting the rest of us in danger by spreading disease)- why do it for these filthy sub-human cunts?
    Lebensunwertes Leben.

    • The female peacefuls age badly due to the brutality of the menfolk. Any woman over the age of 14 I saw in Afghan looked like that mad bitch in Disney’s Snow White. The one waving around an apple.

      • That’s why they all wear the letterbox on husband instructions. Only fans is the Only Place you can escape from the apple munching witchy face cunts. You should see the Clarks shoe shops on days they are having a sale. The filthy fucks try on pairs of shoes in their actual size but still request multiple pairs in the other common sizes before making off with their booty and husbands who linger around the shop doorway blocking whitey from entering. The blue Mazda e3000 screaches off into the sunset to unload at ‘uncles warehouse’. Fucking locusts.

  2. A victim of her own stupidity.
    There is no practical way of protecting fuckwits from themselves.

  3. Agreed, these tikkytakky cunts should fuck off back to the mothership if they all think its so great there compared to here, I don’t understand why anyone would want to be in a cold, wet country full of people who wouldn’t piss on the cunts if they were on fire, whether they admit it or not, they think it.
    They need to abide by the rules plain and simple in this country, quarantine, vaccinations right through to not having sex with little kids and loads of other sruff on top of that before you go down the terrorism, Shammishita route.
    The very fact that that’s how they feel as a rule confirms most of the are here just to milk the system, but they can’t quietly do this, they moan like fuck while they milk, I have a family who live opposite me, everything paid for, even special schools and the wife who don’t even speak English is popping out kids like onion bajies, mind you if they can’t control their breeding/inbreeding in a fly blown, overcrowded, disease ridden shit hole, they are going to go bezerk here with everything being paid for…… Boils my piss

    • They’re playing the long game – it’s their duty as the vanguard/beachhead to put up with everything for the reward, not necessarily in their lifetime, of another country conquered. Don’t watch Gaytrek but like the Borg I assume?

      What to do?

    • I reckon she what in her own nest when they arrived at the airport by presenting UK passports which automatically sends you to quarantine hotel. Had the stupid fucks used their pajeet passports and declared intention to seek medical treatment they could have sailed through. The government quarantine regulations are specifically set up to fuck up UK citizens ‘re-entering’ and foreign nationals are ‘quietly exempt’ from such wallet raping. Anyone arriving for medical treatment from other countries is also exempt (it’s in the small print away from prying UK citizens eyes) because Boris won’t upset the flow of NHS fraud / health tourists that fucks up our hospital capacity & waiting lists such as the mid week flights into Manchester known affectionately by locals as ‘flight MRI’ as they are fucking full of people heading to Manchester Royal infirmary for surgical treatments / operations before returning home on flights at weekend. Everything from day one in f this virus malarkey has been to penalise the UK citizen while foreigners are exempt from grappling hands. When these foreigners with free passage bring in variants it will be UK citizen who will be financially punished by lockdown restrictions. Both fucking years, Boris held off from restrictions to allow the fucking Chinese to return from New Year celebration. The media were totally silent this year when he set the date restrictions would apply over two weeks prior to Chinese New year and the date they started was three days after to let them all back in. Yet remember he fucking told us in January that the lockdown on all of us would remain so that restrictions could be removed mid February. Lying fucking cunts leave the borders open to international arrivals & cross channel immigrants and punish us when positive tests increase. I’m sick of these cunts punishing us for their actions. I nearly said mistakes but it’s deliberately done. I’d love to be a fly on the wall in that cabinet office wall just to confirm they are laughing like fuck at us all.

  4. Ah, the Islamic Republic of Pakistan! That shining country of perfect health, tolerance and understanding…
    Said Nobody, ever!
    Next time you go “home”, do us all a favour and stay there.

  5. Solicitor Theodora Middleton? Says it all, Mum and Dad wanted a boy to bestow a really shitty first name on and got a girl instead. Indoctrinated at any University of Woke and Hey Presto, another simpering wimminz and peacefuls rights campaigner.
    She can Fuck Right Off, the Fuck Off some more and keep going with her 27 year old mate. 17 my arse!

  6. What is it with this Stinking race that they all need to trudge off to the putrid dump they call Mecca every time some relative falls ill, ailing Grandma my arse she’s probably only 36.! They live like fuckin insects and devalue property quicker than Mining Subsidance.!! Fuckin disgusting all of them.!

  7. Since Pakistan is the most inbreeding cunthole on this planet – 75% of marriages are between first cousins. Ergo, Pakis are the genetic abomination equivalent of our Jerry Springer “white trash” or your own Jeremy Kyle “chavs” who look like they have a lot of football riots & jail time in their futures.

  8. Bitch tried to pull a Floydy on the hotel Covid security… “We got to the car park and she looked at me and she couldn’t speak. I realised she was really serious, she was gasping for air,” says Uzma”. Did the Covid security take the knee to restrain her or was she choking on the smell from her own sandals?

    I cant breeeeeeathe.

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