Yvette Cooper (6)

A “don’t-you-know-who-I-am?”, back to 1997 mini-cunting please for schoolmarmish, self important Pixie Balls – yes, Yvette “Sugartits” Cooper is back to leap aboard the Blair bandwagon since she saw Rachel Reeves creep back to the front bench last week – aided and abetted by the greasy old queen himself, who lets us know he is still available.

How long before working class heroes Hilary Benn and Mandy join them in the foetid chamber, still reeking from the afterglow of AnalEase;s soiled bloomers?


Sugartits takes herself FAR too seriously and it should be remembered that, in addition to her part in the expenses scandal, with her husband, she and Hilary did all they could to overturn Brexit. These days though, like Kweer and Anthony, not forgetting Doreen Lawrence (though she is highly forgettable) she has taken up epidemiology. and crystal ball gazing.

Britain needs a strong opposition but Kweer’ s shambling shower isn t it. We don’t need an infant school teacher dreaming of 1997 mithering on, and the re-emergence of these ageing backbench harpies is depressing and disgusting to see.

Of course, the big question for the little lady is – how has Ed Balls managed not to flatten her in bed?

Nominated by: W. C., Boggs

95 thoughts on “Yvette Cooper (6)

  1. But I had to knock out a quick one just in case I never saw filth like that ever again.

  2. I hope house hubby Ed remembered to put the rubber sheet on the bed last night, otherwise he will be waking up to a wet bed, as little Pixieballs is so excited at questioning that guttersnipe cunt Dominic Cummings today about Chinky flu. One of the things upsetting the BBC this morning is that Boris referred to it as “Kung Flu” – that really shows the desperation both Labour and the BBC have reached. It was a Chinese infection, they caused worldwide mayhem, and it is just as acceptable to use that term as it was to use “Krauts” for Germans in the war.

    • The Beeb are desperately trying to stop us thinking about Basher.
      Look, a squirrel.
      They really miss Trump, and Sleepy, Sniffing, Joe never gets a mention.

  3. Another self appointed hypocrite via The Labour Party ??
    Mrs Expenses her and her twat of a husband Ed Balls milked the system for all it was worth ??
    Always amazes me how stupid the electorate are who vote stupid corrupt people like her into office???

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