Welsh cunts, Labour and the road to bankruptcy.
Wales is to trial a universal basic income. That’s right, every fucker gets paid by the state regardless of their status. Pensions for all, from 18 if you like.
Various versions of the scheme have been trialled around the world, including in Finland, where 2,000 unemployed people were paid €560 (£480) per month for two years.
Researchers found the scheme left those happier and less stressed, but did NOT AID THEM IN FINDING WORK. (my caps)
Now there’s a fucking surprise.
I presume comrade Drakeford expects the rest of the UK to pay for this. Think about it. They could turn the whole of Wales into benefit dependent chavs.
Result – Labour elected by a landslide of postal votes by cunts too tired to go to the polling booths.
If Plaid Cymru could find the SNP Bluearse factor. Labour would get shown the fucking door. As it is the dull Welsh cunts are stuck with them.
Wales, twinned with Venezuela. Thanks to Tony fucking Blair.
Nominated by: Cuntstable Cuntbubble
And seconded by Sixdog Vomit:
I was just about to cunt this but you’ve done a Sterling job already CC.
This experiment has been attempted in various places around the world and failed. Now Welsh Socialists think they are going to make it work?
The government dishing out taxpayer money in welfare is one thing but dishing it out regardless of need is insane.
I can only imagine Diane Abbott checked the numbers that were originally worked out by a window licking chimp.
If you are going to pay people money for doing nothing then surely it makes more sense to pay them for doing something.
It really doesn’t matter what it is.
It could be sweeping the roads, cleaning beaches, removing graffiti or perhaps gardening in the parks and green spaces.
They can even be employed and paid more, because once they have paid their various taxes and social security they could end up with the same amount as what they were to be given for free anyway.
Giving people money for sitting on their arses doing fuck all is obviously going to increase their feeling of well being. And it is obvious that if you are being paid for doing nothing then your motivation for getting a job will be not be too strong.
Well put. The voice of common sense.
It’s easy for these cunts to spend UK money. Devolution is a disaster. Bin it.
Mark Drakeford or Thora Hird to english viewers is off his fuckin nut.
This is basically saying
‘look your a useless piece of shite,
Incapable of providing for your family, no use in the workplace,
Never amount to much,
Let me whip my tit out
Get your mouth round that kid’.
Anyone with a modicum of self respect prides themselves on bringing home the bacon
( Nut cutlet for our veggie ISACs)
Who the fuck wants to be handed a crumb for lazing about?
£500? I spend that on sweets.
Hope the welsh tell him t fuck off.
Get your cock out of that ewe
Pull up your pants
And get working!!
MNC@ – £400 a month in UC, £600 a month in rent, £150 a month in Council Tax and £100 a month in lost income tax.
Annual cost to the taxpayer per unemployed person – £15000.
My plan?
Unemployment benefits for 6 months for UK nationals and then job or no income or for foreign nationals as much as they have paid in via tax and National Insurance and no more – job or fk off home.
No sane Government pays people for doing nothing.
Haven’t the Government been paying people to do fuck all during the Kung Flu ?
A lot of feckless bastards are happy to continue on there 80% and never return to work. What a shit show. An entitled society living off the state forever more
Oh, and Drakeford is a fucking Welsh dullard devoid of any talent or leadership qualities.
Living in Wales I can assure you that Drakeford won because of voter apathy, once you get west of Swansea and north of the valleys he’s regarded as a cunt, I’ve heard him bang on about an independence vote, should be fun when a sizeable chunk of the population leaves and you’ve got no money, Von Drakeford can spin on it as far as I’m concerned, an authoritarian cunt if ever there was one!
Perhaps Wales could provide money from cradle to grave then abolish private property and raise the proletariat to the position of ruling class. Later Wales could manage people’s thinking and have police arrest you for thought crime. “Alright boyo, how many fingers am I holding up this sheep?”
Would this be in place of all existing benefit payments? If so, it’s going to add up to a fucking sight more than £480 or whatever.
Let’s look at the mathematics involved in sustaining an unemployed person in the UK.
Rent benefit, council tax, gas & leccy, broadband, phone, sky tv, water, fags, booze, weed, top of the range Nike trainers, matching tracksuit, laptops and iPads, school uniforms for the tribe, annual self catering week at butlins etc etc etc.
If Commissar Drakeford can cover all that for £500 a month I’ll rim Flabbots ass while being reamed by Lammy’s bbc!
Lammy is more likely to have a lbd than a bbc.
Stinky Black Maggot
Perhaps this might encourage all the immos, Dinghy Express Riders, Dooshkas, Stanleys, Muzzlims, and other dreck, to uproot out of England and fuck off to Wales!
Moreover, give the Welsh total independence, pull up the drawbridge (especially in terms of central government funding), and let them get on with it!
Cardiff is full of above-mentioned scum already.
I don’t hear much Welsh spoken (wouldn’t expect to, in the capital…), but loads of aba-jabba, dooshka-corva and the like.
The Taffs need to wake up and get their heads out of their arses. Londonstabistan, Brighton and sheepshaggerland are the only places where Labour can get elected. The first 2 are understandable because they are full of middle class wokies, poofs and immos. What’s the Taffs’ excuse? Cunts are still living in the past, still electing money grabbing fucks like Kinnock Jr. Wake up cunts! The Labour Party has changed and you haven’t noticed you wankers!
Doris has set a high bar in terms of spunking taxpayers cash so these cunts had to get radical to beat him.
How the fuck are they going to beat transporting us back to the Stone Age when the ridiculous climate change policies kick in? That one’s going to be tricky (cars banned, gas boilers banned, house sales banned if not ultra insulated with no nasty fossil fuel heating etc – no, that’s not what the Labour cunts will have to do it’s what Doris is planning!).
We’re doomed I tell you, doomed!
Fuck it-I’m moving to Wales?
❤️ ewe.
Leaving my sheepskin cost with relatives in Englanistan. Obviously.
Perhaps buy a few static vans-porta potties, hot water, microwave-that’s 5* luxury in Wales, that is!
Discount on booking fees for fellow cunters ?
Consider me booked CG!!?
C-G, you haven’t got enough flem to move to Welsh Wales.
It’s ok Cap-I shall be the “silent partner” in Cunt-ins holiday park?
7 million people in Scotchland and Whales all paid for by the 57 million people in England. Cunts.
The Jellyfish gets more like the halfwit prince every day. Shacked up with some wokie , green bitch and pussy whipped to fuck. His balls get smaller as every day passes. He’ll be crying about his mental elf next.
Since the lovely Blair cunts government upped the amount you can get from welfare, there is absolutely no need for some cunts to work. Some skum families are now on the third generation of cunts that have never worked, and live quite comfortably on the dole. They seem to have more disposable income than a lot of working people, myself included. And, it’s a poisoned chalice, as any government that tries to tackle this problem of overburden of the public purse will get vilified for being heartless.
Yes I’m livid at the thought of these worthless pieces of shit getting good money for fuck all, but it goes deeper than that. It used to be a crusher, finding out that you were an ‘accident’, an unplanned child that your parents had to make the best of, but if you had a decent upbringing, it didn’t matter. However, how do you feel when you realise that your slag mother only had you to get a bigger flat? Do you confide in your half brother, as it’s unlikely that you have the same father?
If there’s one thing the Nazis had right, was the slogan ‘work sets you free’. If you’ve never earned money, then you can never know it’s value, and by extension the value of anything that you can buy with it. It’s almost cruel in a way to take away the need to work from so many people, as deep down they know they are worthless, a burden, and have no need to even try to better themselves, leading to a resentment of those that have made an effort to support themselves.
Working people have dreams and aspirations, be it financially or career wise, to do more with the money they make, and, to make the free time they have count. To give cunts money for nothing is to rob them of that life enriching feeling of achievement, and you end up paying for them several times over, through benefits, greater need for health services as they make poor lifestyle choices through drink/drugs/fast food etc, the criminal justice system, and the perpetual nature having more kids to get more money, who are destined to live the same lifestyle.
Get fucked Drakeford,
Local to me: er indoors informed me that some local benefits aficionado has just “pupped” for the eleventh time. First dropped when she was 14.
Her “partner” and “occasionally” she, work part time at a Supermarket-just enough hours to be rewarded maximum benefits.
They live in a four story town house, run 2x cars, including a brand new van sized people carrier.
The kids all have laptops, the latest toys, clothes and are well fed.
How much would a working couple need to earn for similar lifestyle? £90k?
Is it any wonder the UK is the favourite destination for immos?
Don’t get me started on those working tax credits cunts. When you hear them eulogising about the food bank generation, and the cunts who work part time, it sounds awful, until you find out a lot of these cunts don’t want more hours, as it will fuck up their free money and housing, so not only can they look down on those who don’t work at all, they end up with more money and free time than some cunt putting in a full week, plus they claim moaning rights at the government that gives them free money, and they can also pop down the local food bank to top up on essentials so that their cash is all to spend on luxuries.
Sometimes I hate them more than dole vermin.
Your analysis is flawless GJ, stone cold logic in every point you make. Have you thought of going into politics?
I did, but I have way too many skeletons in my closet to even contemplate it. It’s more like fucking Arlington cemetery!
Fucking good post Gutstick…with you on all of that.
Might as well.
Every government in the UK pisses money up the wall on the unemployable in obscene quantities and will not stop doing so.
Why not make it a grand a month?
That Welsh commie needs gassing along with the rabble he’s showering with other people’s money.
Fuck Off.
Nice work if you can’t get it.
Right Pub beckons!
Play nicely no arguments!
It’s one these fucking theories that is filled with possibilities of fraud and deception, how the fuck is it supposed to work.
Some cunt gets a basic income but it isn’t enough to pay for rent so it needs toping up, some twat has four kids so needs extra money for them, all that will happen is more people living off the state with absolutely no desire to find work.
People will calculate if working is worth it, if it isn’t then sit on your arse.
Stupid idea!
Socialism is a disease, and we have caught a right dose in the UK. The Scots and Welsh like to piss their subsidies away, but Bojo the Clown is not doing a bad job of fucking things up. Climate nonsense is the best – what the fuck does “net zero” mean? How can we run an industrial economy on “green” power – it’s fucking insane. So, we are going to go the same route in England. Furlough is no different to a “universal benefit” and I can see that being extended indefinitely.
Vote commie, get communism.
Thatcher cleaned out several nests of communist rats in the 70’s and 80’s – we need someone in who will do the same.
I wonder how Drakefords r*pist of a Son is doing?
One thing the Welsh do excel at is pornography.
Log on to Ewetube.com for some exciting action.
The Welsh, like the Scots are heavily subsidised by the English. Drakeford should be told the subsidy is NOT going to increase. Then for all I care he can supply free beer.
The Political excesses of the devolved Regional Assemblies are simply down to the Moronic Class of Politician we elect to Westmincer (No, not a typo )
These Devolved Talking Shops are not Sovereign, have no “Federal” or “National” autonomy , unless with the full approval of Westminster.
Allowing these ( little more that County Councils ) to believe and behave as Sovereign Governments, is the fault of all Prime Ministers who have failed to bring the pups to heel.
Working dogs ( for that is what they are ) need training and discipline. Allowing pups to shit on your carpet is a lack of understanding and discipline between owner and animal.
Devolution was the preparation of the Ground for our Subjugation by Brussels, cunningly contrived and implemented by Blair of the Bastardvilles, and since his time, we have had the weak kneed lickers of the ring in charge, who have failed dismally to counter the excesses of the Devolved Knob Heads.
Scrap these talking shops. If you allow mini governments to exist, then you are complicit in treachery, to a once great Nation.
Marvellous nom ! Devolved talking shops?….CUNTS !
Typical socialists generous with others money.
My social welfare program:
If you are at a point in life where you need to be fed & sheltered using other people’s money then here is what we have available to you:
Report to a Welfare facility. You and your family members will be given pads to sleep on the floor of a concrete room with running water and no wifi.
Food will be a concoction that tastes bland but is nourishing.
Every morning your kids will be taken to class and you will be taken to do various labor around town. If you don’t like it you can fuck off at any time.
Any questions?
Agreed.Send all the scum back to Chiggun land or dooska dooska land.Bleedin’ rats.
Utter madman is living in cloud cuckoo land.Chuck him in Unkle Terry mobile oven
No access to public funds to any immigrant, no exceptions, until they’ve been here for 10 years with no criminal record.
Start there cunts.
The only people in this World who are happy to spend money on ‘the deserving’, are those who are spending someone else’s hard earned; not their own.
The WEF is likely forcing him to roll out UBI before they dish the dirt on what turned this “social worker’s” sons into adult criminals, one a pee dough rapist no less.
He wants everyone to work to pay his pension the useless sack of shit.
Drakeford and Krankie. Nothing to say, move on.
I couldn’t get more up-to-date figures but the population of Wales over 16 in 2019 was 2,589,044.
At a cost of ~£400 a month per person that’s a cost of £1,035,617,600 a month or approximately £12.4bn a year. Now you wouldn’t have the cost of running universal credit because if you become unemployed you’d get your nash like everyone else. That’ll save maybe £1bn a year. People in low incomes will be getting most of their tax money back immediately. Will unemployed people be motivated to find work? No.
Who’ll pay for the hospitals, schools and defence? What will they spend it on? Slate? Leeks? Cheese water? This is a big bribe there for the Boyos at the next election and I’m surprised the Tory government have allowed it.
I don’t see how the figures could possibly work without running up a massive debt for the government.