Since Donalds gone ive give up on the US.
As a kid anything American was cool!
Evel Kneivel
Muhammad Ali
The cars they drove
Starsky & Hutch
Smokey and the Bandit
Dukes of Hazzard
6million dollar man
David carradine as kung fu
Planet of the Apes
They were showmen, world leaders.
Wig wearing fat dummies.
Hysterical woke crybabies
And I never see anything American and think its great.
Its a shame.
Theyll soon be replaced by the chinkys, who arent really human.
Come on yanks!!
Whats happening to you?
I used to like your garish, over stimulating, sugar fried self.
But recently you’ve become Canada.
Nominated by: Miserable Northern Cunt
All MSM apart from Fox is controlled by the woke. But there seems to be the shoots of resistance.
Calling mothers “birthing people”, now that is total cuntery.
MNC@ – You forgot The A Team!
Wokeflakery? – a p*rversion of the natural order by sneaky second rate humans who cannot compete on equal terms.
National “break a whining wokeflakes nose day” becomes more and more appealing – and as I have often said – there’s no situation in the world that cannot be improved or resolved by the introduction of a Gatling gun!
How did we allow it to get to this?
Also Top Cat. He was cool. It was sort of based on Bilko, wasn’t it.
It was, in the same way our police force nowadays is based on Officer Dibble.
Top Cat: Well well well, if it isn’t Officer Dick.
Cressida Dick: I want a word with you, Top Cat. You’ve been using hate speech online.
Top Cat: I simply said the EU is corrupt, transgendērs can’t change gender, and Sturgeon is a poison dwarf who stinks of fish.
Cressida Dick: Right that’s it, you’re busted! And I’m coming back for you, Benny The Ball.
Benny The Ball: Oh jeez, what a cunt.
I aint gettin on no plane fool!?
I always admired their pride in the flag and patriotism. Seems to have been buried under the weight of woke bullshit just like the cunts here.
Do they have newspapers that hate the country like the Guardian does here?
All newspapers hate anything white, Republican, american……..
The USA has gone down the woke rabbit hole. It may not reappear for some time – if ever
What’s happening in the USA is the same as what is occurring here in the UK. What is it about the Anglo Saxon nations which makes us so vulnerable to the woke virus?
Speaking of “Saxons” it would seem the RFU have dropped the offensive term “Saxons” nicknames from one of England’s senior rugby teams.
They have renamed the team “England A”
We have freedom of speech.
You tried calling somebody on Twitter a black cunt lately? I think you’ll find that you haven’t.
Uttercunt@ – We do not have freedom of speech.
We have not had freedom of speech for a very, very long time and it infuriates me that 1% of the world tells the rest of the people what they can say, do and think.
VF we do have freedom of speech compared to china,russia,north Korea and every Islamic country in the world. Try being woke in those countries and you won’t last five minutes. This is why woke gets heard in AS countries. But I get your thinking. You are right that we don’t have freedom of speech, the way we used to .
But you can call someone racist, fascist, nazi without any evidence and it’s perfectly acceptable
There is free speech and not so free speech.
Only if they are white.
Freedom of speech – as long as you say the right thing. But what I think Uttercunt means is that freedom of speech is abused by the Wokerati to shut down everyone else whilst they are free to carry on gassing their shite.
Thank you for clarifying my words MMCM. That is indeed what I meant.
Give it another 5-10 years and you’ll never recognise the US of old.
The Great Reset will be in full swing, with the Wokes expunging, or “reevaluating” offensive history as they see fit.
Gender pronouns will be neutralised, and white people will be forced to pay a reparations tax for the rest of their lives as a penalty for all the hurt to the usual suspects.
Films & TV shows of the past will be heavily censored/or banned outright. And new material will also be censored for anything remotely offensive.
White people will be forced to call people of colour a more formal name (not “sir” or “madam” as that will cause offense). White people must also bow every time a person of colour enters the room.
Only the extremely rich and powerful will be exempt from The Great Reset – they can do and say as they please just so long as it doesn’t affect their power, their ego and of course their fortune.
Welcome to America 2030
I think the fight back will begin in next years elections. Even the cunt Ted Wheeler as realised Antifa are a evil bunch of cunts. Too late assole.
Yes America was the place to be . I loved marvel comics and American cartoons . Tom and Jerry, bugs bunny ,top cat ….all great .It seemed like the future 40 years ago but now it’s a landmass full of professional victims demanding special treatment. I think the silent majority of the USA feel the same as us.
Interestingly Fox news has higher viewing figures than all the others put together.
Good cunting MNC.
When you mention “the cars they drove”, I recalled one of my favourite scenes from the Dirty Harry films.
Clint Eastwood played a lot of real men in films. They seem to be a dying breed in the US and other western countries – too many soy boy cucks and trannies.
Check out Gran Torino as well. Cunt Eastwood’s last, great man’s movie. I love Eastwood’s films.
Expect Eastwood remakes anytime soon:-
Slightly Aggrieved Harry
A Cloudful of Bitcoins
The Good, The Requires Assistance and The Facially Challenged.
An Illegal Release from Alcatraz
The Estranged Josey Wales
Where Robins Dare
Two Mules for Gender-Neutral Sara
Don’t forget –
Play gender identity politics for me.
Clint is esteemed in our house.
My mum & dad are both fans too.
Those cars from 60s and 70s were the bollocks wasnt they?
Things of beauty.
I was American Id only drive a American car,
Nothing comes close.
A mate of mine had a 68 Mustang Fastback-I drove the shit out if it and can say, it was exhilarating ??
I understand your concern. Rest assured that most Americans don’t like the current cuntitatiousness one bit. Especially those of us who live away from the Democratic-run urban areas.
The difficulty lies in getting people to be good citizens again. This requires some effort.
The national attention span has shrunk drastically. Frankly, if a message isn’t delivered in meme form, it probably won’t have much impact.
It will start to change when people are forcibly relocated to smart green cities to live in smart green housing and take smart green transportation to their smart green jobs. None of those things exist.
It’s great to get a fresh perceptive from an American. I have friends living in Long Island, Baltimore, Chicago and Washington DC, and they all tell me similar tales – that the silent majority are being marginalised by the Woke minority, and they feel totally powerless to change things.
And what happens in the States will inevitably happen over here, if it hasn’t already!
It’s happening over here in spades (if I’m allowed to say that). I would say we are running parallel with the USA in woke cuntishness. Canada is maybe further down the track.
Not forgetting
Batman (the 60s TV series and the comics)
The Monkees
Wonder Woman (Lynda Carter, of course)
The Twilight Zone
The Fall Guy
The Any Which Way films
Steve McQueen
Sgt Bilko
Looney Tunes
Charlie’s Angels (I’d have had ’em all)
The Fonz
Captain Caveman
Knight Rider
The fun was taken out of American TV years ago. It’s been moody, humourless, overblown, convoluted and pretentious shite for a long time now. Garbage like Lost and CSI: Bollocks that lasts for years and years. And the only comedy they do is woke turd like Saturday Shite Live and poove/celeb ego wanks like Will and Grace. The American chat show host as comedian/clown has also ruined television. Cunts like Letterman and Colbert paved the way for British bellends like Corden, Woss, and that Irish bender Norton.
Also, American music is now shite. Once there was quality like The Band, The Byrds, Hendrix, Creedence, The Doors, The Beach Boys. There was also soul greats like Marvin, Smokey, Stevie, The Temptations, Aretha, and The Supremes. Now? Autoned manufactured slappers like Ariana Cunt, Tadger Gaga and Kunty Perry. And as for rock acts? Green Day and Marilyn Manson? Absolutely fucking laughable. Culturally, America has been in decline for over two decades. From around the time Cobain shot himself (if he did, that is).
Stop it I’m getting all teary eyed here remembering the good old days.
Urethra Franklin was good, Hendricks brilliant but basically Yank music ( quote: The Band, The Byrds, Hendricks , Creedence, The Doors, The Beach Boys. There was also soul greats like Marvin, Smokey, Stevie, The Temptations, Aretha, and The Supremes”) was largely shite.
I can play piano better than Ray Manzarek blind drunk 6 ft under
I don’t mind them, but my wife isn’t a Doors fan either. She said Ray Manzarek was like Mrs Mills. Without Jimbo, The Doors were knackered. The Byrds and CCR were ace and the Beach Boys lost it after Surf’s Up. But all that West Coast coked up twaddle like Jackson Browne, Eagles, CSNY and the Rumours era Fleetwood Mac was mainly self indulgent crap.
Fortunately American citizens have the right to bear arms, an historical legacy designed to deter tyrannical governments.
So they won’t go down without a fight. When Uncle Joe invites half a million Chinky soldiers in on a “cultural exchange” you’ll know it’s on!
No they have the right to “bear arms” most misinterpreted law in bill of rights
If the current President is a portent of things to come then we are all royally fucked.
All Hail The Yellow Peril!
I like Yanks. Sure, they exaggerate everything (“How was your pizza?” “It was awesome, man”), shoot anything, have whole swathes of their country that believe in angels and Noah’s Ark, use monkeyfied English, aren’t interested in anything before about 1900, aren’t cynical enough, have produced some of the worst music mankind has ever known, and consume food like Flabbotamus at a free all-you-eat Nando’s buffet but they’re alright.
Afternoon Cap.
You misunderstand, I quite like yanks too!
Thats what im saying.
Its like they’ve lost their way an its a shame.
As a kid I loved all things American.
Thought they were dead cool.
Dont now.
It will take a bit longer for the thick youth in the U.S. to understand the damage the Democrats are doing and then, like Labour in the UK, you won’t see a Democrat government for 50 years. For now, just sit back and enjoy as the realisation slowly dawns on them of what the Democrats actually are.
As for woke MSM, the only awards they are going to win are the Darwin awards.
Spot on cunting. As a yank I find that I take pride in what WAS rather than anything we are about these days. Our failure to be bothered to vote at all or be informed voters have gradually handed our once great nation to the inferiors among us on a silver platter over the recent decades.
About all we can do now is complain as elections seem to no longer matter.
If they can steal the biggest election, they can damn sure steal any other.
We will be ruled by cunts from now on I’m afraid.
Cheers MC.
It wasn’t a attack on your country & people,
More I cant understand how in a short time (40yr) ive gone from admiring everything American to hoping you find a way back.
Weekend at Bernie’s
Starring Joe Biden as Bernie.
Weekend At Biden’s. Hi there, would you like a …there’s a…you know, that thing.
Hoo-ee, what a cunt.
America is just full of ponse’s and pansies.
All this WOKE, BAME shite started there and it is true what they say, whatever starts off in the US eventually makes it was over here.
Watched a video, the first since Sparkletits gave since Oprah and she speaks as though she is ’empowered’ not this timid little, poor me interview that she did with spawn of Hewitt.
She rabbit’s on about women in poverty, and female unemployment in the US like she gives a fuck but oh do I know this has nothing to do with her giving a fuck, more about what she can do to make her image look better.
Piss off – if you felt that bad you wouldn’t have moved to LA to be around all the other ‘head up in their arse’s’ WOKE ponses!
With you here MNC place has gone to the dogs. Freak show central. Shame.
As Billy Joel sang . . . . .
?Harry Truman, Doris Day, Red China, Johnnie Ray
South Pacific, Walter Winchell, Joe DiMaggio
Joe McCarthy, Richard Nixon, Studebaker, television
North Korea, South Korea, Marilyn Monroe
Rosenbergs, H-bomb, Sugar Ray, Panmunjom
Brando, “The King and I”, and “The Catcher in the Rye”
Eisenhower, Vaccine, England’s got a new queen
Marciano, Liberace, Santayana, goodbye
We didn’t start the fire
It was always burning, since the world’s been turning
We didn’t start the fire
No, we didn’t light it, but we tried to fight it. ?
Somehow or other the great Larry David (“Curb Your Enthusiasm”) has managed to continue to offend everyone regardless of race, ethnic group, sex, religion or gender. In one episode a black guy discusses what kind of pussy taste best and decides it is Asian. In another, David makes pointed comments about the size of a black woman´s arse. In another he screws a Palestinian woman who shouts, “Fuck me Larry just the way your Jews are fucking my people back home”. He did the same when he wrote the Seinfeld scripts. He seems to be about the only survivor.
“somehow” (hollow laughter)
I read today that Adam Sandler was refused entry to an iHop Sunday buffet and told to fuck off as it was full. The waitress didn’t recognise him. He didnt give a fuck wrote a few jokes about it and moved on. When Ihop found out who it was naturally they are all over him about it,
What would happen if Ihop bounced a Nagger ?
Freedumb isn’t free, theres a hefty fuckhin fee cause if you don’t throw in your buck of five who will…
Jonathan Pie says it all