The Culture of Stanleys

A cunting for the hard to reach community, or should it be hard to stop community of P Stanleys who seem to think white girls are trash and deserve to be groomed and raped.

Another 29 are due to appear before magistrates at the beginning of July and if there was any doubt that this is a problem associated with Asian, mainly Pakistani men then just read the 29 names.

Where are the diversity is our strength brigade who refuse to admit that the Stanleys are a fucking problem.

The link is to the BBC, even they cannot ignore the truth. The numbers must be in the hundreds by now.

Nominated by: Sick of it

54 thoughts on “The Culture of Stanleys

  1. Why aren’t the mums of these girls in the House of Lords yet?

    Oh silly me, I forgot.

    Wrong fucking colour.

    Dark keys (including peacefuls) are much more likely to commit violent crime, including rape, against honkies than the other way around. The difference is staggering.

    Fact, and about time people recognised this. And yet, the narrative is that it’s the dark keys and peacefuls who are victims of the honky.

    What a complete fucking lie that is. Fuck off.

    Save the honkies.

    • Fucking Good shout fella. On a separate note your job application as a BBC presenter was rejected.

  2. Perhaps if we gave Jess Phillips, Dawn Butler, Dianne Abbptt and AnallEase to these men to use for their pleasure Kweer and his gang would be less understanding and tolerant. In Analease’s case rthey would just have to chew more garlic to get rid of the unpleasant smells.

  3. Readers of my blog know that I heartily dislike the religion that is (allegedly) followed by 96% of the people of Pakistan. However, I have utter contempt for those people who affect to be opposed to sexism and misogyny (amongst many other things) but who give a free pass to the disgusting behaviour of the (alleged) followers of this barbaric cult.

    The events in Cologne on New Year’s Eve 2015 and the attempt to cover up what happened by the media and the authorities certainly opened my eyes to our moral superiors’ view of the world. I wouldn’t believe the BBC or the fucking Guardian if they told me the sky was blue.

    • “, I have utter contempt for those people who affect to be opposed to sexism and misogyny (amongst many other things) but who give a free pass to the disgusting behaviour of the (alleged) followers of this barbaric cult.”

      You will be pleased to know one of the biggest offenders in the UK has decided to fight back. I am sure Abdul is quivering in his boots:

      May I respectfully suggest Admin keep this picture – he looks as daft as arseholes and still looks a limp-wristed old queen – the picture could be used for many years to come, while the Norman Wisdom of politics clings to office.

  4. Is this another case of history repeating itself? I recall only a few years a go a group of dirty old men belonging to a similar ring near Birmingham?

    Having two girls reading stuff like this scares the be jeez out of me and not an English name on the BBC list (though hats off for publishing it).

    These cunts should have their cocks cut off and fed to each other.

    • Give the cocks to their mothers and just feed the bastards themselves, covered in bacon bits, to each other. Last one not eaten goes to jail.

  5. It is a given, that these Muslims are not now, never have been and never will be British.

    Now more people are waking up to the fact that the cunts are not even HUMAN?

    • Dead right Cuntifinder – there are certain values that make us British and these cunts will never have them, despite all the “diversity is our strength” bollocks we get fed. Cunts like Sadik Khunt and the like show exactly why immigration is a bad thing.

  6. Their culture is to treat women as sex slaves to sate their lust. Why should we have to tolerate this in the name of racial amity? This is a significant problem and Parking Stanley’s either have to abide by our laws and culture or face prosecution and jail followed by deportation.

    My wife hates visiting places where there are lots of Parking Stanley’s. She’s Chinese and the Stanley’s love a bit of Oriental. She says they look at her as if they want to eat her.

    Savage cunts who should ideally be sent back in time to the 13th century where they belong.

  7. Looks like the mass importation of a paradoxical culture to live on this small island wasn’t such a great idea.

    Who’d have thought.

    These peaceful fuckers, who obviously feel no sense of collective shame for the way they behave, should be castrated before being allowed back anywhere near society.

  8. When Nick Griffin said this was happening years ago ie Pakistani Men grooming white girls for sex He was said to be stirring racial hatred.
    Now I’m no fan of this BNP Wanker but he was right The media gave this story less than 15 seconds on the news and never mentioned the Males who were charged racial origins ?
    When is this behaviour going to stop from the Stanley’s the only deterrent is to jail them and once their sentence has been served deportation back to their country of their parents / grandparents Pakistan and rip their passports up and British citizenship ?? Failing that Uncle Terry’s Oven Gas Mark 9 ???

  9. Admin:

    2 noms in a row, with bangable wimminz?
    Will we be getting a “hat-trick?”

  10. Superb cunting. The ongoing, industrial scale, rape of white girls by minority gangs is a weeping sore on our society. Those in public office, of all parties and none, who perpetuate the silence/near silence on this issue deserve prison. The MSM (BBC in particular) who cover it up are scum. It is the biggest scandal of the past two decades. When the fuck is anyone going to face up to the facts? Where are the apologies from the Clown Cunt Johnson et at to the girls whose lives have been ruined?

    In this instance all concerned are cunts in the truest sense.

    • Can’t see an apology from the top coming anytime soon.
      An apology would be an admission that these children were indeed sacrificed at the alter of multiculturalism.

      • Ditto from the cunts at the Mooslim Council of Britain. The silence from everyone is deafening.

  11. The left love Islam and are perfectly willing to throw white and sikh children under the bus. They love Iran backed “palastinians” presumably because gays are forced on pain of death to undergo surgery to become eunuchs otherwise known as trans in Iran. Everywhere else in the muslim world being a poofta is a death sentence. Funnily enough Islam doesnt like the left (See the death of Colonel Gadaffi) either. Its another “Useful idiots” moment. Their “culture” seems to be marrying your first cousin, murdering your daughter if she does the wrong thing and a few ceramic tiles.

    • I’m going to by an IDF t shirt and piss off all the fucking mozzers round here.

      • I knew of a guy who had some Peacefuls move in next door- he went to a garden centre and bought a concrete pig.

        Your IDF T Shirt beats that – love it.

    • The Palestinians are cunts. Hamas are even bigger cunts.

  12. This is simply evil and needs complete eradication.
    You will note even after conviction the non “British” passport holders are never deported nor will you ever hear any of their families express any level of regret.
    They are just fucking vermin.
    Gas them.

  13. The industrial scale of abuse against, predominantly poor, white, working class girls, by predominately Muslim Peter-files, is Britain’s own holocaust.

    The fact that politicians, police forces, social services and local councils were all complicit in enabling the filth to continue in this practice, highlights the disdain with which authorities hold the working classes.

  14. Castrate and deport. Families too.
    The white ones get hung for treason.
    I’d vote for that.

  15. Makes me very angry at every level. The cunts that perpetrate the evil. The ignoring the parking elephant in the room. The cubes that try and hide these cunts and their crimes so as not to upset them bastards. ?

  16. Back in 2017, Liebore MP Naz Shah said the Rotherham victims should “shut their mouths for the good of diversity.”
    She is the whore of Mohammed, may gallons of hot steaming piss be upon her. Until she drowns.

  17. This vile behaviour has been perpetrated with impunity where the P Stanleys have created ghettos which are virtual no go areas. I have personal experience of two methods used to create these ghettos which I think are not common knowledge.
    My wife spotted on the net an advertisement for the sale of the house where she lived as a girl in the fifies and sixties. The estate agency which ran the ad was a P Stanley run business. She asked for particulars of the house giving her name. I admit she was just being nosey and wanted to see what the house looked like now. She was told that the house had just been sold and the advert then disappeared from the net. A couple of days later the advert was back on completely unchanged. At the local elections two weeks ago my sister and her daughter walked down to the polling station to vote. Outside the polling station was a small crowd of P Stanleys who gave them a look sufficiently intimidating that they returned home without voting.

  18. Filthy, evil, barbaric medieval third world shit.
    Castrate offenders (physically, not chemically), brand them on the forehead and deport on release from prison.
    Any attempt to come back to the UK will result in a whole life term in prison.
    Close one mosque for every islamic atrocity.
    Islam is a cancer on humankind, and must be cut out and destroyed, completely and permanently.

  19. If this was reversed and 29 white Yorkshiremen imprisoned and abused a 13 year old Parking Stanley girl for 7 years that would be the start of WWIII in the eyes of the FUMC (Acronym of Fucking Useless Media Cunts).
    No prizes for guessing the brothers Butt’s orifice of preference.

  20. A religious culture that promotes the destruction and death of the non believer will never change no matter how civilised the country it is placed in. That’s what’s happened here. The libtards have placed these aliens among us who want nothing more than to see our total destruction. There’s no way we will ever get rid of these cunts now …… every other danger in life you have to be aware and take precautions. Children need to be taught about these bastard vermin and they’re not going to get it in school.

  21. This has been going on for decades wherever you find these cunts. It was covered up by police and politicians until the numbers became beyond sweeping under the carpet.
    I saw this on BBC 6 PM News.
    ’29 men in Calderdale charged with sex offences.’ That was it. No detail. I looked on-line and saw the names.
    Compare with the case of 1 idiotic copper dressing up and pretending to be a Nazi with his wanker mates. Oh the fucking outrage. Lead news item. And there was NO victim.

  22. I have long argued for castration of serious sex offenders and peadophiles, as well as capital punishment to return for various offences. Some argue but the law on who to apply it to is fairly simple to execute – theres a clear difference between a pissed up uni lad not taking no for an answer and a man who has methodically groomed and raped dozens of underage girls. Doesn’t have to be barbaric with painful injections or electric chairs. Just a quick hanging or firing squad.

    The problem is going to be with this, they have safety in numbers and a vague who done what to pin proper charges on. Half of them will do a few months in prison and be back at it.

  23. Just back from Leeds, went to get my second dose of AZ clotting cream, the city was very busy and I had to go into the Meririon centre to Superdrug for the dreaded injection.
    Now without wanting to cause an argument (mask wearing) most people who were in the shopping centre were wearing masks, the very noticeable exceptions were P. Stanley types and blicks, the very same fuckers who are supposedly most at risk.

    They are utter cunts.

  24. Hang the perps infront of others that have done it, watch the cases go down, they do it as they know we’re a soft touch

    • I wish to protest about the inherent racism which is being demonstrated by this prosecution. These men may have alibis or perfectly adequate explanations for their conduct and should have been granted anonymity. Whatever happened to ‘presumed innocent until found guilty’?

      You’re right. Gas the fuckers.

  25. Can you imagine the press, BBC, wokes, left etc if it was 29 white blokes??? Same as always with the bleeding heart liberals, it’s not their young daughters or close family getting gang raped multiple times. I don’t care if it was white, black, yellow or green scumbags with purple spots, it should be reported in the SAME WAY for all of them. A fucking scumbag is a fucking scumbag no matter what their background is.

  26. The number of likes on this nomination is higher than most
    Which means that intelligent people which this site is well represented sees this as a major problem
    Until those in authority take action it will continue
    The Muslim takeover of Western Europe is too worrying to think about
    I am listening to 1970s music when things were very different

  27. Check out the sentences some of these cunts were given in previous cases. Looks pretty good when you see 25 years. Then how come one of the ringleaders of a gang in Birmingham did 8 years of his 20 plus year sentence and now is out shopping, perving, benefit fiddling in the warm bosom of his family and being seen by some of his victims. One of the papers (good for them) published some pictures of the cunt shopping, having a grin with the shopkeeper basically not a care in the World. British legal aid at its best. The word justice should be banned in the U.K. as justice equates to the square root of fuck all in this wonderful land of woke shite

  28. Back in the 80s my mate was told by a indian lad that the pakees get told by their iman to shag as many white whores has they can, before their arranged marriage. obviously still policy, burn the lot of em.

  29. Forget climate change.

    Forget covid.

    These peacefuls are by FAR the biggest threat to our white kids / grandkids etc, – and the onset of this scum’s regime is nigh on imminent.

    As soon as they hold the balance of power,- (which will be sooner than some think, as they breed like fucking rabbits), their true barbarity will be unleashed.

    Why some people can’t see this I will never know,- or perhaps they do not want to see it?

    But…. it is glaringly fucking obvious. As sure as the sunrise, our future generations are in for one hell of a rocky ride. A few exhaust fumes will be the least of their worries.

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