Selective Race Shaming

Cunts in the media who are quick to point out the race of victim and perpetrator, but only if the victim is black and the perpetrator is white.

Biggest example has been the George Floyd bollocks, but I have spotted other examples.

Like this example from Sky (full article below with them whining about a few fans booing the ‘take a knee for the poor dark keys’ shite).

“Players started taking a knee when the Premier League resumed from its 100-day shutdown in June 2020 as part of calls to eradicate racial injustice in society following the killing of George Floyd in Minneapolis.

Floyd, a 46-year-old Black man, died while being restrained by white police officer Derek Chauvin during his arrest in May 2020.”

Well, even the prosecution in the case said race was not a factor in Floyd’s death. Chauvin’s wife was Asian, he had black mates and the state found no racist shite on his social media/computer. But let’s keep saying it was the reason Floyd died, eh, you fucking cunts.

Do the media mention race when it’s the other way around? Hmm, for some reason they forget to do it. There are plenty of examples of this – too many to mention. The recent murder of the white female cop killed by a dark key. No mention of race for some reason?

From now, I will publicly mention the race of killer/rapist and victim when a dark key is the perp if the case is ever brought up in my presence (“Oh, that’s the case where another unarmed white man was killed by a black man, isn’t it?”)

Fuck off.

Nominated by: Cuntybollocks


33 thoughts on “Selective Race Shaming

  1. The shooting in the head of Sasha Johnson simply points out that white people are not a danger to black people. Black people are a danger to black people.This has been true since Africans had so many slaves they started exporting them.

      • “Black people are a danger to black people.”
        More than that Smugs, they are a danger to ALL people.

        “It is true but how many people are willing/able to accept the truth?”
        I think even the raging ‘basic binary bitch’ level SJWs know in their gut they are peddling a traitorous falsehood; their violent over-reaction to any criticism is a function of, and is directly proportional to the level of cognitive dissonance they have to resolve within themselves. It’s their form of mental self defence but having no valid or rational defence all they have left is attack!!… attack…!!

        As a political colleague once said “The grammar of political correction is solely a European grammar and one which we’ve been thoroughly schooled in and have learnt very well.” – RIP Jonathan Bowden –
        So in answer Guzzi as to “how many?”, the current demographics suggest that an open referendum on the issue (not likely) would tell a government that the vast majority ARE willing and ARE able to understand the issue, it’s plain old fear of breaching those mental grammatical PC ‘rules’ that stops them.
        Can’t be too harsh on them though, to be fair we/they’ve endured 50+ years of remorseless propaganda and programming and, barring some catalytic event, that can’t be stripped out overnight.

  2. Upon using my deductive powers, admin, I believe I know the offending word.


  3. Apologies CB- off topic.

    From today’s local arse wipe:

    A failed asylum seeker whose dangerous driving killed another motorist on the A14 has won an appeal against deportation.

    The man, who has been granted anonymity by an upper tribunal judge, was responsible for the death of a mum in a collision on the A14 near Ipswich.

    He became automatically liable for deportation after serving a custodial sentence handed down at Ipswich Crown Court for causing death by dangerous driving.

    The man had entered the UK using a tourist visa but overstayed after the Home Office refused his claim for asylum.

    He argued that deportation would result in a breach of his rights under article eight of European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR).

    What a fucking surprise. We can’t even deport a failed asylum seeker who killed one of our own.

    • Nothing to see here. Take the knee. Take the Jab. Eat shit. Pay tax. Shut up. (Summary of Government position).

    • Groundhog day. This is been going for years. It will never change, sorry scrums rights ace the indigenous population. Have a beer and forget it.

    • Notice he’s also been granted anonymity in case some ‘right wing thug’ takes revenge on the manslaughtering bastard.

  4. The media isnt our friend
    Politicians arent our mates
    The legal services arent sending us a Christmas card.
    Whats to struggle understanding?
    Were not welcome in our own country.

  5. They mention it in France. Mind you, stabbings are a weekly occurrence there.

    • Yes, it was on euro news today, a police woman in France stabbed by some cunt, ended up getting shot….. no need for a trial, no need for prison and no issue with deportation…… sorted.

  6. Race shaming is a pernicious doctrine that only applies to a few races, viz, dark-keys and mudslimes. It doesn’t apply to whites, Jews or successful Hindus. It’s created an underclass of whining, self-entitled brats who think the rest of the world owe them a living. I’d dump the scum in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean. Cunts.

  7. Take the knee for black people, Black Lives Matter, silence is violence, white privilege, institutional racism, structural racism, have I missed anything.

    Blacks killing blacks is the fault of whites, don’t know why but you can bet that’s the argument, sorry statement because all the stuff coming out of these activists are just statements, no actual evidence.

    The media point at a few racist tweets about black players and everybody is racist, I admit that I have no time for Peacefuls because I can’t see anything positive about the cunts, I am not a fan of the blacks and there are some, the Sasha cunt for example who deserve everything that gets thrown at them, ‘here Sash, on ya head luv’

    • Im a live an let live type,
      Famed for my tolerance and open to diluting my country with as many different cultures as possible.
      One love!!
      (For the pending trial)

      I dont like any of the cunts
      Send em back!!

    • After that gobby uppity bint got shot in the head off some dark keys, I was scratching my head wondering how they’d try to pin it on the honky man. I even (foolishly) thought they’d just be quiet about it as no excuse could be found.

      Well, race baiters, including MPs ffs, managed to blame it on white people inventing and selling guns.

      This is deconstructivist thinking in action. Break everything down until you can blame the honky man or reduce to truth to a lie.

      They didn’t go far enough though.

      Ok, let’s say white men invented guns. Men are humans. Where were the first humans thought to have come from?


      It was the dark keys fault anyway then.

      Fuck off.

  8. I can’t look at any news outlet other than the daily wire even though they don’t report on the uk. Chauvin had no chance of a fair trial and I don’t believe he killed floyd. You probably won’t have heard about the black on Asian hate crime spike in America and there’s an even lesser chance you will have heard about Darriynn Brown. An 18 year black man who kidnapped a 4 year white boy from his bed and beat him to death. Left him a bloody bleeding pulp on the pavement. I do t think it helps to mention the race but if the races were reserved we would all be hearing about all straight white males are racist, bigots!
    The race baiters are complete and utter cunts who should try working for a living.

      • “…the homeowner decided not to press charges.”

        Fer fuck’s fucking sake, the spineless cucktard beta-male bastard. Look where your fucking social conscience got you you cunt. I’m sure your home made halo will be a great comfort to you as you contemplate your facilitation of…no fuck that… your effective COMPLICITY in the sadistic murder of a defenceless white child at the hands of this psychopathic silverback yard ape!

        Coonus Americanus – a failed genetic strain, just outdated farm equipment and a completely different species. You can train it to imitate acceptable behaviour but it’s nothing more than a facade that must be constantly cajoled, rewarded, then ultimately reinforced… with the sjambok!

        I would have roped the cunt, thrown a loop over my towbar and hauled the fucker round the neighbourhood for an hour then a short drive to Terry’s local franchised “All Nite Ovens R Us”.

        Good God when will they fucking learn? How many more will it take before you man up & tool up?

  9. Where did my comments go, admin? One was in moderation more reply to it wasn’t?

  10. What’s going on in the Slasha Johnson case? First we are told it’s a drive by shooting…….bad luck for Slasha. Then we are told 4 geezers broke through a gate into the garden, started a ruck, some cunt got stabbed, a gun went off and…….again bad luck for Slasha.
    Now some cunt has been charged with “conspiracy to murder.” That’s a very different scenario indeed. Obviously the cunt is not a whitey otherwise it would have been all over the media.
    We await developments, as they say. It sounds like a classic Malcolm X situation to me but who knows?

    • Indeed. These gangs don’t just walk up to people and shoot them for no reason (usually). You find these things are usually drug related (somebody dealing drugs ‘on their patch’ or for non payment).

      It may have just been a ‘diss’ (she is very gobby) or a gang initiation, but I would say that these scenarios are less likely than the first two. Although I do believe her big mouth probably didn’t help her.

      The other options are mistaken identity (can’t see that one being it) or they meant to shoot someone else near her. I am not buying that. Even if they shot her by accident, they wouldn’t have left until they’d shot their actual target. They burst into her garden, one had a knife and seems to have injured somebody with it and another pointed a gun and shot old gobby knickers. The garden isn’t very big.

      My guess would be this.

      A party was arranged and drugs were being supplied by a rival gang. The gang who usually deal in that area had members or a member at the party and weren’t happy with it. Words possibly exchanged. Arms flailing “You know whos I is, innit? Dis our manor. Step down bruv innit?” She gets gobby about all the hullabaloo, and kicks the rival gang out. They return and the consequences are obvious (with these types).

      Just my guess. Let’s see if I’m right, but I have a feeling I will be.

      • ‘burst into the garden’ (I believe it was somebody else’s house).

      • The other option is that BLM ‘donations’ were being argued over.

        That could also be a real possibility.

  11. I wonder if third world racist Sasha Johnson is refusing treatment from whitey?
    Shit went wrong, another thief wanted what a thief had taken – it will come out in the trial..
    Don’tl like my Country?
    Fight me for it or fuck off.

  12. What’s really concerning is how the definition of racism is being broadened to include every white person. Part of this redefinition is how 10 years ago you had to say or do something racist to be considered racist, now you are racist if you don’t praise BLM and you don’t donate money to them.

    This us the same tactic used in politics, no if you are not a fair way to the left you are termed far right.

    It’s been a gradual process but 1984 is now, up is down and lies are the truth.

  13. I’ve noticed that the leftie cunts who always scream their snotnosed feces against white males have ZERO problem using the MILLIONS of pieces of technology that us white male cunts have invented over the centuries, i.e., the car, the airplane, the lightbulb, the computer chip, the internal combustion engine, the telephone, god knows how many cunting medical, life-saving accomplishments, and so on. So on the part of liberal cunts, that’s what’s called being STUNNINGLY, JAW-DROPPINGLY full of shit.

  14. The shooting in the head of Sasha Johnson simply points out that black lives don’t matter to blacks.

  15. Now I am a little late on this one, but I will give you an example.

    were there any riots? no, did it go international, No.

    I cant find the body cam footage, but I have seen it and the father had both (empty) hands out his window when they opened fire, they killed a six year old kid and wounded the father.

    so yes things are rather selective, yet it is the majority that are allowing this to happen and I do not know why.

  16. The problem with Black Lives Fecal Matter is that they don’t give a fuck about America’s FBI/DOJ statistical fact: Crybaby-Americans murder each other at many, many times the rate of any other race in this country; the biggest cause of Crybaby-American deaths are other Crybaby-Americans. Since it’s a proven fact that carpet-headed Crybaby-Americans don’t even care about Crybaby-American lives, then why the fuck should their 85-average-IQ Crybaby cunting lives matter to this “white devil”?

    Oh, by the way, in our gun-violence statistics, the overwhelming cunting majority of it is Crybaby-on-Crybaby. If you sort America’s gun violence statistics by race, us white cunts commit the same level per capita of gun crime as the Belgian cunts. Because Carpet-headed Crybabies shit-for-brains have a far less developed pre-frontal lobe and that part of the brain is all about self-control and delayed gratification.

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