Sadiq Khan (27)

Yet another cunting for this vacuous, cretinous looking arsehole, who is “celebrating” his second term as London Mayor (I doubt many sane Londoners are!) by unveiling a piece of art for Piccadilly Circus underground station – created, if that be the word, by ageing shirtlifter David Hockney, who at 83 seems to be well into his second childhood:

What a piece of shit! – but with the old nancy boy’s name attached to it you an be sure it came with a hefty price tag.

To think that little fucker does sod all about the rising knife crime in London, but an turn his attention to puerile daubings like this. Hockney and Khan ought to be sent back to infant school to learn how to draw and – who knows, if they stay long enough? – just a little bit of basic education. By the way, Sadiq, for a bus driver’s son, you are a rotten art critic.

Nominated by: W. C. Boggs 

47 thoughts on “Sadiq Khan (27)

  1. Well, we live in a brave new world! Only today Demi Potato has announced that they are happy to share more of their life with you and they are now non-binary. Their pronouns are now they /them!

    Fuck off!

    • This whole they/them bollocks makes them sound fucking schizophrenic.
      He, she, cunt.
      That is all.

    • That’s all we need. More Demi Tomato! I’ve had enough of that cunt to last a lifetime.

      • Well that won’t wash with publicity shy Demi. ‘They’ want to share their life with you so in this no choice but to be tolerant society you’re going to have to damn well listen to it, without daring to offend ‘them’ either, by hate speech or comment, and that’s that!

      • When is Demi Lovesarsehole going to OD and finally be flushed down the bog for good? That’s all I want to know.

  2. Looks like a reception class effort. But we have seen shit before, didnt Tracy fucking Emin daub something devoid of merit at another London stabstation?

  3. Looks like the work of a 5 year old child. How much did Suckdick pay for this cretinous pile of cuntitude?

      • A superb film RTC.
        Should be made mandatory viewing in all art schools and colleges.

      • Brilliant clip Ruff. ‘Why kill time when you can kill yourself?” Hancock – “yes, well it’s a point of view I suppose”.

      • I love that film RTC. Typical Galton & Simpson script sense that they called their “sect leader” or guru “Jim Smith” – the functional mixing with the exotic world of avante garde art.

        I also liked Mrs. Cravatte offering “to show a bit of leg” when she is his model – an offer he is quick to turn down, as would I if Mrs Boggs was my model.

  4. Khan was re-elected by his adoring fans in the Country of Curryville ( formerly known as London ). He represents everything that they crave. Free or state aided housing, the domination of whitey, and of course, the opportunity to breed like fucking sewer rats at the expense of the state.
    Curryville, its bike Lanes and its crime , deserve no less a leader than Khan.
    His interest in Art? A complete crock. He is enjoying the enormous pleasuer in pissing off the indigenous.
    But….every dog has its day. I don’t know when, but it will come. Meanwhile. The mans a cunt. Simply that. A cunt.

    • You mean the cunts who don’t want to be vaccinated and probably didn’t complete the census recently cos they have 50 to a house of 4. This is probably why variant bud bud ding is spreading – they all came over here quickly with bojo was eating poppadum’s thinking about his trade deal – I understand the Indian Govt. was very keen to secure working visas as part of that deal – fucking right they were!

  5. There has to be a freedom of information record somewhere of Suckdick’s expenditure on this crock of shit.
    I don’t mind Hockney’s artwork normally. I reckon the old con man was taking the piss out of The Mayor of London Khunt.

  6. If you want to completely fuck up a city and turn it into a dangerous, third world shithole you make Suckdick the Mayor and Strapon the Commissioner of Police. Don’t ask them how they do it……’s a talent.

    • To be fair, they have very likely made the situation much worse but London was already well on its way to shithole status when I left back in the early 90’s.

  7. Honestly, you’d have to pay me in gold bars to live in London. Now reminds me of Mega City in Dredd. Like most people in charge in this country, he’s a complete and utter dickhead. He knows the contempt that indigenous white Londoners hold him in, are you telling me if it was 95% white that this tool would get in?? Diversity is our strength.

      • Dreadful Stani cunts have even infiltrated O.B. God fucking help us.
        Still gotta feel for the Palestinian. Imagine have your homeland invaded and overrun by Aliens who despise you and want to ethnically cleanse and kill you. ?

      • I don’t feel for them, I’m afraid. They should have considered the Implications before creating 7 miles of tunnels and proclaiming a jihad and saying all Jews should die. They reap what they sow.

  8. It’s embarrassing. Makes the whole country look amateur. Ffs when are these cunts going to put to bed and when will we get some adults in charge? This type of garbage is fine if you want it in your own home but the underground is recognized the world over. It’s 9n public display constantly. Try just for once to look professional could you? Really? Is it at all possible you piss pathetic clowns?

  9. All you have to do if you want a new logo is to have a contest in a primary school. Winner gets a £5 bag of sweets. Saves millions.
    But it’s not Khunt’s money so why should he give a shit.

  10. It looks as if it’s the first of a series of “art” works under the #Let’sDoLondon campaign with an overall £7m budget.
    The whole waste of money summed up by×900
    Nice to know rich Londoners can happily vote for a kn@b who’ll p!ss money up the wall then plead for more government cash or council tax increases to fund such follies.

  11. I wonder if a terrorist will put his head on a spike?
    That would be dreadful to see.

    • I think it would be great, you could make pork fat balls and fire them out of a rifle, like a fair ground attraction,

  12. London , where I live is the place where the police cheer on extinction cunts, “palastinian ” cunts, black lives matter cunts, but beat the shit out of normal people and dont solve crime. Utter cunts. I wouldnt piss on one if they were on fire. I would personally chuck Kahn into the fire though.

  13. Do you think that Sadiq Khan has ever been to the top floor of The Shard Building?
    Even on ‘tippy toes’ in those light loafers, he couldn’t reach button 95 in the lift.

  14. Tony Hart would probably have tipped this shyte as a wagon load of hairy arseholes and refused to have it displayed in “the gallery” as it is so egregious. Sadly (for Hockney), it would not have been returned to him, as weren’t all pictures sent into Take Hart.

    The difference here is that London taxpayers have been well and truly rob-dogged by this stinky, beaky, useless fucking towelly. The cunt should have paid for it out of his own pocket if he wanted to take the piss out of the people of London. I suspect Hockeny’s “fee” was something in excess of a six figure sum. The Emperor and His New Clothes springs to mind.

    Khan is gigantic cunt. That is unarguable.

  15. It was very generous of every muslim in London and “further afield” to vote for Khan 18 times each in a free, fair and transparent Mayoral election.

    • They used the Dianne Abacus method to count Suck-dicks votes:

      1+1=twelvety hundred.

  16. Sorry to change the subject but just saw this on Al Beeby:

    Health authorities in Malawi have incinerated 19,610 expired doses of the AstraZeneca coronavirus vaccine, saying it will reassure the public that any vaccines they do get are safe.

    “…..It is the first African country to publicly do this.
    The World Health Organization initially urged countries not to destroy expired doses but has now changed its advice.
    Uptake of the vaccine in Malawi has been low and health workers hope the move will increase public confidence…..”

    Now, I am no Oxbridge type BUT unless I am mistaken wasn’t some cunt from the WHO last week say let’s fuck off giving western children vaccinations so we (the taxpayer) can donate vaccines to poorer Afriiiiiiicunts.

    So the reality is the uptake is low, so now they are burning them – I get it that they may have expired but FFS if they don’t want it, fuck it, less people to worry about, less mouths to feed, less Bob Geldof types and his band of merry men get hard on’s being do-gooders!

    • I’m only surprised they didn’t try to sell it on like the fuckers did with the grain we sent in the 1980s.

  17. Someone called him Stabit Khant on the radio the other day.

    Sums him up nicely.

  18. Funnily enough, a few decades ago I visited the ‘rest room’ (that’s a nod to our American cunters) at a prestigious UK university to find the following graffiti scribbled above the bog roll dispenser…..


    The sentiment is even more relevant these days, complete with a piss-taking £60k unrepayable student loan.

  19. Is it true that you simply “chop” the leg of a Camel to get it to come down low enough to fuck its arse? I must ask Khan …

  20. The turd that just won’t flush ??
    Khan is just a complete cunt ??

  21. My life has been disrupted by the news that Hock-a-knee is still wilfully continuing to thieve oxygen. Bastardverminscum.

  22. Five year old could do better. Tourists are going to think London is a backward shit hole…..wait a minute, it is becoming that under Suck Dick Khan

  23. For me these days the terms in office of cunts like these seem interminable. It feels to me that Suckdick has been mayor forever, same with Borrie the twatt as PM. The only pollie who left too soon was the Donald.

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