Some academics at Oxford University are cunts.
They too are jumping on the “decolonisation” bandwagon and in their blinkered sights are our great Imperial measurements such as the mile, yard, pound and ounce.
They claim that our traditional measurements are “tied deeply to the idea of the Empire” despite the fact that they were being used long before the English and the British established their first colonies in North America or traded with the princely states of India.
On the grounds of consistency, shouldn’t they also decolonise metric measurements? These, of course, originated in France, which had its own Empire which was far less benevolent than the British Empire.
Perhaps they should go into deepest Africa and come back with a system of measurements used by the ancestors of Dianne Abbott. How on earth did Africans measure the weight of fried chiggun without ounces or grams?
Give these woke cunts an inch and they will take a fucking mile. This is just another example that left-wing and Marxist academics are a few pennies short of a shilling.
Nominated by: Hard Brexit Cunt
There was no maths, science or writing until we got there. No invention above basics. No unified concept of anything. And it hasnt changed.
So let’s decolonise maths – 1, 2, many.
Science – wet, cold, hot.
History – oral tradition.
Geography – there and here.
And so it goes.
Good nom Hard Brexit! ???
When at school we were taught measurements by the despised french metric system.
When entering the world of work the older blokes measured in inches!
“Dunt know what a fuckin centy metre is son, but here we use inches!”
So a waste of fuckin time.
Apparently, the Mars lander crash was a fuck up due to incorrect understanding between the US and European engineers regarding units. Also, the Saab 9-3 replacement was also fucked up because the Yank engineers worked in Imperial and the conversions to metric didn’t work out properly. I worked in engineering for many years and I had a Welsh colleague who was fervently anti-European. He refused to write any reports in metric and converted everything to Imperial – good lad.
Lord C-Welshies still sell produce by the bushel, hand and foot.
They are totally confused by the whole imperial/metric thing and regularly confuse the two.
Hence why they charge English people almost twice as much as Welsh mutamts?
Also the expression “as thick as a Welshman!s cock”, is based on old Dai confusing mm for inches!
True-fact checked by the BBC
Wasn’t there a guy called Whitworth who standardized everything?
A standard calibre for ammunition in NATO is given as 7.62mm. They mean of course, 0.3″ or in common parlance 30 cal. I seem to be doing a lot of posting on here today. It happens to be my birthday. I wonder if there is a connection?
Arthur-many happy returns ?
A fellow shooter?
Good stuff?
Happy Birthday fellow Isac’r 🙂
The Mars Climate Orbiter, that was the units mismatch fuckup, and had an Oxford connection.
There was an Oxford team involved in one of the instruments on that one, but they were blameless for the cockup (the actual give-them-a-kilometer-they’ll-make-it-a-mile fuckup was caused by the yanks).
The night after it happened, they were all drowning their sorrows in the Royal Oak…the thick air of gloom over their table and the looks on their faces…
I’m sorry to report that I might have laughed…a lot.
Thanks for the good wishes lads. Not really a shooter CG, though I do have some fun with my old .22 cal BSA Meteor.
Is there anything these snowflake fucking retards won’t take offence at? Grow a fucking spine ffs
The metric system was invented by the French so when drunkenly boasting to the ladies it would make the measurements of their cocks sound larger!
And that’s a rock fact, or in this case, a cock fact, in fact!
Fact off!
All Oxford University lecturers are cunts.
Illiberal “liberals”, socialists, marxists, communists and loony lefties who hate our Country, hate the indigenous white population and have spent fifty years brainwashing and gaslighting students so we end up with adult babies who are filled with hatred and anger with no idea what they are so angry and hate filled about and are completely unable to debate or tolerate a different point of view.
Trainee nazis, fifth columnists who would happily destroy us then sit there crying because there was nobody left who could change the fuse in a plug to allow the wokeflakes to continue in their fantasy world of Netflix, Fortnite and soshul meeja.
If I was in charge I would ban muslims, socialists and communists from any position of trust, responsibility or power – they are the enemy within and if they are not defeated we will cease to exist.
What we are experiencing in the UK and the entire western world is nothing short of ethnic cleansing and genocide – but the victims are not the right colour, ethnicity or “religion” for it to be mentioned or newsworthy.
Remove funding, completely, from EVERY place of education which engages in this – and if you want to see what we are facing just Google “Katie Hopkins Oxford University debate” – the baying mob outside screaming that she should be r*ped and murdered for having an opinion different to theirs will tell you all you need to know about the tolerance of the vile loony left.
Extreme leftism, islam, communism, nazism, socialism, fascism – all exactly the same vile ideology with different names and window dressing.
And equally dangerous – the reds are no longer under the bed – they have wet it and are jumping up and down on it demanding Mummy does something about whitey.
IsAC voice of reason???
Post of the century above.
Just ignore the cunts, most of the middle class mummy and daddy’s boys and girls do.. Often because they are off their little faces on da
B lack mans weed. Subsided by Mummy and Daddy…Cunts
Oxford Posh Cunts.
Give them a inch and they will our miles.
So are we reverting to some traditional African units of weight and length then? I estimate I am about one and half Zulu spears tall and the weight of five good sized bags of buffalo shit.
All the wokest countries with godawful economies use the metic system. Take New Zealand. And who’s gunna measure their cock in cms I ask ya? It makes you sound like an extra on The Office.
CaliAngel@ – New Zealand is very quickly beginning to resemble the “socialist utopia” of Venezuela with Jacinta Stalin in charge. (Probably educated by Karl Marx at Oxford I’ll venture!?)
Why have the people of the world not yet worked out that socialism never succeeds and ALWAYS descends into a blood soaked disaster?
Went to buy some chain from the local hardware shop a while ago
Cap Q – can I buy some 4mm chain please
Assistant- we sell it by the metre, how much would you like Cap Q
Cap Q – 14 feet please
Time throughout the world is based on Greenwich Mean Time, a colonial, imperialistic relic which reflects slavery , exploitation and white supremacy. Abolish it and the snowflakes won’t know what time to turn up to get their university brainwashing, when to picket McDonalds and when some dreadful working class oik is going to deliver their vegan takeaway and skinny latte.
The end of the world as they know it!!!
FTF@ – Every snowflake could easily be destroyed by switching off the internet for seven days – imagine them milling round the streets in piss soaked rags, digging old kebabs out of bins because they aren’t trained in going shopping or buying food, jumping lemming style off cliffs because they have no idea how many likes their announcement that they are now vegan and non binary got..
They would all starve to death in a month and we would finally be free of the fkers! ??
Time is racist.
@MP Time waits for no man; its sexist!
Time skips a beat.
Its homophobic.
Old Father Time as well. Always depicted as an old white gentleman.
Thinking of the Lord’s cricket ground.
You have Mother Earth though.
There’s an old saying: “the white man has the watch, but Africa has the time”. i.e., they are all lazy cunts.
In reality these Oxford academics are wasting their breath. When I first studied physics for ‘O’ level in the early sixties we were taught in metric units because the prevailing view was that the imperial system of measurement was moribund and would be gone by 1970. Spectacularly wrong. As an example, if you were asked to estimate how tall a stranger was you would get it correct within an inch or maybe two at the outside. I guarantee that if you aked 99% of Brits someone’s height in metres they would not have a fucking clue.
I grew up with, and was taught, both systems at Junior School. I use both of them for different things. My height and weight are Imperial but almost any DIY is metric as I find grams and millimetres easier subdivisions to deal with.
I take your point Moggie, if you need to divide a length which is an odd number of inches followed by an odd number of fractions of an inch it’s a bit of a task. However I well remember an event a few years ago where a baby in hospital died after being given a dose of something which was ten or maybe even 100 times what it should have been due to a mistake in the doctor’s arithmetic. All it took of course was the decimal point in the wrong place. I couldn’t help but think that if the measurements had been in imperial units it probably would not have happened.
I understand that imperial measurements of distance can be awkward to divide.
But, quite often it is much simpler than halving metric measurements.
Half of 1/2” is 1/4, half of 1/4” is 1/8” etc. Half of 3/8” would be 3/16”, half of that would be 3/32” and so on.
It is a pain when you have to halve an odd number like 25 and 3/8” for example.
Now…. what the fuck is 12 and 1/2” plus 1/2 of 3/8”?
I think it is 12 and 11/16” ?
Yep, you’re right,- probably best to stick with the old metric Moggie!
As someone once said.
“I agree with you in theory. However, Marxism works; in theory.”
The Imperial system was based on an Empire… The Roman Empire! A mile being equivalent to 1000 double paces of a Legionary.
More over paid lefty academics with fuck all proper to do. These cunts are a fuckin pest. The next time some so called dozy academic comes up with shite like this they should be defunded. BJ should pull the plug on all these tossers.
My old gran (RIP) never got the hang of decimalisation.
“Whats that in real money?”
Shed demand.
Fucked if I knew at 8yr old and only ever knew decimal.
She seemed convinced it was all some sort of con trick and shopkeepers were swindling her.
I sided with her.
She was right. I saw no end of shopkeepers simply changing the price from old pennies to the equivalent in pence, so something like 5 old pennies became 5p, which was actually a shilling, although I’m also sure that many shopkeepers just didn’t have a clue. Many of the elderly were ripe for plucking.
Dead right Moggie. If you loook at the figures for the retail price index immediately following 15/2/1971 it’s highly illuminating.
The old Doris was right and so were you. Every price had to be rounded up or rounded down. Needless to say no price was rounded down…….not ever!
As a good northerner you should have made a point of learning the ‘old ways’, English units should be a compulsory subject at school, never let them steal our heritage ?
Would you like some sweets, Willy?
Would you like some sweets, Willy?
(Come on, auntie, we’ll miss the bus!)
(L.S.D… L.S.D… L.S.D…)
Would you like some sweets, Willy?
Would you like some sweets, Willy?
(L.S.D… L.S.D… L.S.D…)
It’s the new money, you know… ?
(St Etienne, Foxbase Alpha, 1991)
What you on abahhhht Ruff?
Lay off those fuckin’ mushrooms.
I’m having trouble staying with reality on IsAC but you might have sent me over the edge!
Buy the CD, Bertie, you’ll like it – it’s spiffing!
Only love can break your heart – used to like that one 🙂
I wish the cunts would sort the measurements out in the building game.
I still buy lengths of 4″x2″ wood in 3.6 or 4.8 metre lengths.
The skips are still in cubic yards but the bulk bags are in metres.
Boards can be imperial with a width 120cm or 122cm if they are metric which is a total cunt when setting out.
And don’t even get started on plumbing.
I’m hardly fucking surprised we never adopted the Euro.
We went metric fifty years ago and never come to terms with it.
What chance have we got with the money?.
I haven’t got any money so it’s never been an issue.
I bought a three metre length of timber recently which the guy at the timber merchant’s told me was “a metric ten foot”. I read also that the ½” BSP thread, as used on your shower head and washing machine hoses, is a standard used across the world.
These turds are committing suicide.
The Achillies Heel of all these Institutions is money. The donations they receive , the incomes they generate from assets and of course, the dosh of its “students”.
Defund the fuckers, close them down and send the bastard lecturers to the salt mines/
Oxford has nothing on my university, which is Cambridge, and in recent years has become the woke university par excellence.
The current Vice Chancellor, a bore called Steven Toope, is idiotically woke. The University houses a rats nest of ridiculously woke left wing cunts all of whom are protected by Toope. Churchill College recently hosted a seminar on Churchill that was little more than a woke shitfest.
The final straw- academics are supposed to control their facial muscles or risk being disciplined for “micro-aggression”. Yes that’s right – apparently arching your eyebrows can be perceived as aggression. It’s pathetic.
Cambridge spawned the infamous ‘Cambridge spies’ who worked for the commies in the USSR.
I watched a BBC drama about this a few years back, and the cunts portrayed them as fucking heroes of sorts.
The fuckers should’ve been shut down for that alone.
Agreed. Those bastards caused the deaths of many British agents. Cunts.
Purely for giving “hate whitey studies” bitch, Prime-Video Klingon a platform, Cambridge university should be levelled.
A housing estate exclusively for Muslim immicunts, built on the ruins.
Cambridge is the wrong one, says anyone who went to Oxford.
Ah the Empire, makes you proud to be British and White
Bring back the good old British measurements, quarter of mint imperials, 2 oz of tobacco…….
Tobacco……cultivated with slave Labour. Mint imperials…..white.
I’m triggered by your micro aggression. ?
I am off to church to repent for my sins ?
If a post is made with a link, does it automatically go into mod?
I don’t believe so, Infidelgastro. I’ve posted links before without issue.
Something isn’t posting!
The link or the full blooded text.
All it was, was a link to the shuttle and horses arses measurement.
How fucking strange. Not to worry.
Horses arse measurement? Fuck me, I need to turn in.
Don’t think so Infidel?
Might be a word thats triggered moderation.
Fuck these commie cunts.
The Barnes Wallis “Grand Slam” bomb weighed 22,000 lb.
Drop it on the filthy bastards then go to the pub.
A rat’s nest of traitors.
Dear Unkle,
I’ve noticed that your solution to every social problem is extreme violence, death and destruction.
You have a point.
Thank you Mr Frog.
I must say that fannying about is not high on my agenda.
Ironically, 22,000lb is 10 metric tonnes, but only 9.8 Imperial tons.
I’ll get my coat……
You’ll need that to break up their bunkers, bridges and U-boat pens! Which I am sure they have.
I prefer metric, far more accurate and easy for simple folk like me. 3/8ths of an inch – what is that when its at home? Cup of flour? Huh? Metric great in my book for baking, measuring for skirting board, fitting furniture, making candles. I still weigh myself in stones and pounds though and watch miles per hour on the car, not km per hour.
Who cares that 200 years ago and actually more recently than that the British used imperial furlongs, yards, pounds and inches. By that logic, ban all lingerie in that case – corsets were a tool of male oppression in the colonial times so the modern descendant is any ‘control’ pant or bra. Evil! Ban the bicycle and camera; invented at the height of imperial times. No more selfies, no more shitty Hollywood films because imperialist. The smartphone, also an evil descendant of imperialist times. No more phone twats then.
Next they will ban the Firkin Cali ! If they do.I’ll go Firkin nuts!!!
Sorry Cuntologist! ( I am going firkin square eyed )
Is that because you drank a firkin of beer? Alcoholic imperialist!
It isn’t necessary to make the conversion, if you use stones and lbs you are just comparing one value with another, same with measurement in feet and inches.
I tried to explain to a group of workers that there wasn’t any need to convert, they were used to working in lbs and couldn’t get their heads around using kilos. If the job sheet says 10 kilos, then just weigh out 10 kilos, it’s irrelevant how many pounds are equivalent to 10kg.
It’s not if your scales only measure in lbs.
Cuntologist: you had me at “the underwear” bit?
Well of ;corset did.
At least I’m consistent ?
When petrol stations switched pricing from Gallons to Litres, the prices increased rapidly-because the majority of people could not work it out.
I was paying over £8 a gallon at a local garage a few years back-not good with my fuel consumption.
Anything french is by definition shite.
Fuck metres, be they centi or kilo, I break my leg?
Plaster of what?
Like fuck!
I’ll limp.
I’d rather go bareback than use a french letter, I agree.
Yanks never stop moaning about petrol prices or “gas” as they call it. Try telling them how much we pay and you’ll get a very funny look.
It’s a look that says…… “look buddy, if you’re going to make shit up at least try and make it realistic.”
In short, they just don’t believe you! No fucking way could that be true!
All will perish in my blood soaked coup.
Prepare for the reintroduction of £. s. d.
Or something.
If these obnoxious cunts dislike this cuntry so much, why dont they fuck off to North Korea. Time for a revolution a clear them out.
Miles and yards are still statute for road measurements – much to the chagrin of lefty councils everywhere. I believe there is/was an organisation that watched out for councils sneaking in metric road distances and made them change them.
Insert Kilometres, in place of miles, in the titles of popular songs-doesn’t have the same ring.
Roger Daltrey singing “I can see for kilometres and kilometres and kilometres”
I like miles.
…….and then there’s Kilometres Davis. Doesn’t sound quite right does it?
? Trudging across the tundra, kilometre after kilometre… ?