Online Safety Bill

The fake Conservatives’ Online Safety Bill.

Make the most of this esteemed site while you still can dear cunters.

In December 2019 the Conservative (in name only) political party won a landslide election on the promise of “getting Brexit done”. (Hidden away in the small print of their manifesto were the details of some truely pernicious climate change policies but that’s been highlighted before – here’s another subject to add to the list of disingenuous laws these cunts are going to force upon us to say nothing of Brexit actually being BRINO in reality.)

If you voted for Brexit, chances are, part of your desire to ditch the EU’s shackles was to get away from the endless EU Directives intended to control every small aspect of your life and making everything simple bloody awkward. The EU‘s “cookie law” is a prime example. I had hoped that, as part of Brexit, this would get binned straight away. But no, it’s still there pissing me off on a daily basis with irritating, and completely varied and random, pop-ups that you can never get rid of.

Some Yank websites have the right idea of dealing with this law and simply state something along the lines of “we don’t support EU bullshit so if you are in Europe fuck off we ain’t going to let you use our website” (a breath of fresh air in a fucked up world IMO).

Back to the main subject: the Online Safety Bill. There’s no EU pushing this one it’s all Doris’s own work. His own cookies law but it’s much worse than that.

This fucked up idea is designed to clamp down on free speech on the Internet with the force of a 1,000 megaton nuclear bomb. God forbid you diss Sparkletits once this law is in place – you’ll be facing a ten stretch!

Can I have my 2019 vote back please – I don’t want these total cunts running the UK they got in on false pretences!

Nominated by: mikdys 

42 thoughts on “Online Safety Bill

  1. Ridiculous infantilism. Sounds like BloJo has swallowed the Snowflakes fear of micro-aggressions hook, line and sinker.

    If a snowflake dislikes my views and finds them offensive then she/he/it has two free choices –

    1. To fuck off.
    2. To debate with me in a rational way.

    If the snowflake chooses the second option then, who knows, I may even be persuaded to modify or change my views.

    Freedom of speech, including the freedom to voice controversial views, should be sacrosanct. The alternative is to become like China.


  2. I am led to believe that this site is based in the USA so not UK based, that should take care of that!

    The battle between the woke and the freethinking will rage for aeons, in fact there will be peace in the Middle East before I have to watch whose feelings I hurt!

    Fuck off!

  3. On a technical point: if you do find yourself locked out of a site because it does not comply with EU regulations (and you do not have a VPN) you can use one of the may free web proxy sites available to route you through a non EU/UK IP and bypss the cuntery. I currently use this one: but there are plenty to choose from. Just paste the destination URL and set the location to US or similar and there you go.

  4. Here’s a debate.

    Now, I am no royalist, think they’re all me, me, me, money grabbing ponses BUT what has really pissed me off is (an we all knew this was gonna happen) Martin Batshit suddenly steps down from his role at Ali Baba Beeby due to ill health, and surprise, surprise a report it published today that he ‘deceived and induced’ certain individuals to get an interview with Diana:

    This cunt, who I have always thought is a bellend of the highest order, should face criminal charges and scrutiny. Forging bank statements, are you fucking kidding me – if I did that I’d put bang to rights, and rightly so!

    I would add that some of the revelations revealed in the interview may have resulted in Diana never having taken a trip to Paris…

    I don’t care if he is ill, fucking drag him up in front of a judge.

    Watched a telly box programme a few months back and saw, as clear as daylight pictures of this cunt walking around like a normal person, at the time this cunt could allegedly hardly walk!

    SAS him.


  5. Free speech is going fast
    I follow a splendid gentleman called Alex Belfield who calls himself the aptly named voice of reason
    He is fighting with the bbc and notts police plus a national radio presenter as they don’t like the truth
    He’s probably on this site anyway as he’s smart enough to be.
    Worth a look if you haven’t already
    10000 employed to check if you’ve been on holiday, they’d be more use patrolling the channel

    • I like what Bellfield sells-apart from making every fucking story about his fight with the beeb.
      20 years in local radio and very bitter about not becoming a household name.
      He needs to get laid more.

      • I sometimes watch him too, his beefs with Jeremy Vine and Piers Morgan are quite funny as I’m sure they probably don’t know who he is. That said, he covers a lot of the bullshit that passes under the radar.

  6. Hurt feelings are on the way to becoming a criminal offence.

    The definition of ‘hate speech’ or even ‘targetted harassment’ are purely subjective.

    I’ve seen sports pundits (female) who’ve talked bollocks on TV and been pulled up for it (politely). The pundit then claims they’re being harassed and others rally around her. When you look into it, it’s simply a case of somebody disagreeing with an opinion for the most part.

    Targeted harassment to me, would be getting others to gang up and abuse someone online (adding a hashtag to their direct account with a message for others to ‘tell her to kill herself or that she’s ugly as fuck’ or something like that.

    It is not disagreeing with an opinion. Yes, even if 5,000 people login into say you’re taking bollocks. If you put yourself out there on TV and get well paid to give opinions to TV package subscribers, then expect pushback if you call their club ‘lucky’ for being promoted etc. They’re paying your fucking wages.

    There are so many fucking snowflakes now, that disagreeing politely will be cause for meltdowns and the rozzers kicking your door in at 3 a.m.

    I see YouTube are getting rid of the dislike button too. That says it all doesn’t it? When Owen Jones posts his next lefty rant, it will simply show 150 likes and not the 57,000 dislikes. Disabling comments is not enough lol.

    “Too many people downvoted my video on how great it is to have trannies in primary schools encouraging 5 year olds to transition to the opposite gender. Boo boo I’m hurt. Make them stop!”

    So now kids will grow up looking at YouTube thinking this shit is fine.

    ‘Conservative’ Party by the way?

    You’re having a laugh, Boris.

    And if anyone disagrees with any of this, I’m off to get my blanket, calling my mum and then pressing charges against the blimmin’ lot you. Boo boo!

  7. Every bill is named the exact fucking opposite of what it really is.
    “The Power Grab and Self Enrichment Bill” should be the name of every one they write, the cunts!

  8. Freedom of speech went years ago. Not sure when but probably the time someone muttered “You can’t say that” in your ear. 80 years ago a war was raging across this planet for freedom of speech and liberty. Those who served and fought and lost their lives will probably wonder why they bothered when they see the fucked up mess we have become. Brit spirit, stiff upper lip ? Not any more, just a fucked up soft as shit mongrel nation.

  9. Couldn’t give a fuck, Friday tomorrow which means beer run to the CO OP.

  10. The French did it. The Russians did it. Indeed most Nations did it. We did it once , but we backed a cunt who shafted us big time.
    People ( usually the low life ) get pissed at some time, and when someone presses the right button or two, shit and hellfire erupt. They revolt. Somehow though, they emerge on the other side of a revolution with the same cunts ( or worse ) as before.
    Johnsons big Circus Charade has certainly pissed of the rabble , of that there is little doubt. He has however in his own unique way, pissed off not just the people who supported him, but the fuckers who hated him. In short, the little fat cunt has pissed off everyone. Nowhere to go, nowhere to hide, and it is coming….soon.
    His curtailment and effort to squash the last vestige and sanctuary of those who still stand tall will be his undoing.

    • Hope so, the fat useless cunt stitched me up on Brexit.
      What’s more he’s a hen pecked toff, I won’t get fooled again but I fear it’s too late, and I’m irrelevant anyway.
      I hope him and his family die.

  11. The elite miscalculated with the internet. I don’t think they ever envisaged just how creative people like to be when given the opportunity, and they’ve been looking for a way to clamp down on that for a long time. Free speech and free thought is a dangerous thing (to them).

    The tentacles are firmly in the big tech companies now. They are curating your search results without you realising it, censoring content and providers, and more. The internet has gone from the wild west frontier to corporate urban shithole in 20 years.

    The NSA filters and stores just about everything transmitted over the internet through their gigantic data centres, sharing it with GCHQ and the 5 eyes. God knows what meta analysis of data they do.

    Give it another 20 years and the internet will be fucking grey, beige corporate playground and not much else.

  12. I remember a few years ago when the Chinese were censoring the fuck out of the internet over there and it seemed to be frowned upon over here. Like it was almost heresy and an outrageous infringement on freedom of speech and thought by a totalitarian dictatorship.
    Fast forward a few years – lo and behold, when it comes to things like freedom of thought, speech and information, what’s good for China is now good enough for the UK.

  13. As long as you can still find educative documentary websites like or I’ll be satisfied.

    • Oh herro Captain, that good news, I rike my Asian resbian rorepray.

      • Oh, Riberal Riquidator. It’s been rong time. You rike a bit of research into sexual position? I lecommend cowgirl but I had leverse cowgirl at Rap Dance crub rast week and now my back no good.

        Dodgy style is good but also name of meal we eat at lestaurant for cereblation time.

    • Twisted Asian-is that 1950’s dancing from Hong Kong?

      (He asks innocently)

      • Aah! Yoga!
        I spent a week on the Isle of Wight, as a randy teenager-drinking and smashing the granny out of local “downward facing dogs”.
        Does that count?

  14. They do not like anything they don’t fully control.
    Add to that they are spineless cunts and you have a recipe for a new Lenin.
    A disgrace.
    This country has become a wishy washy multi cultural shithole.
    Fuck Off.

  15. Cunts utter cunts, that’s what gets me through the day, dissing cunts that deserve it….

  16. Tinternet, like many places fast disappearing, is a very dangerous place for the rich elites. They don’t like us mixing together, sharing opinions and coming to conclusions that they don’t approve of. They’d much rather we sat at home, staring at screens and absorbing the information they approve of. One day the only way you will be able to find sites like this is because some bloke down the pub told you about it. That’s assuming there are any pubs and the bloke isn’t a wokie Government agent trying to stitch you up. Watch your back!

    • When ISAC goes toes up I’ll return to the rich and full entertainment I used to do before.
      Sending celebs hate mail,
      Public exposure, pissing through mosque letterboxes,
      And Far Right trolling.
      Free speech is ok I suppose,
      Its a myth weve always had it,
      Like fuck.
      Spoke out of line through most of history youd get hung, beheaded, at the very least a public flogging.
      Its not a right its a treat.
      Hope ISAC lasts for years.

      • I see Sadiq Khan was in Yorkshire yesterday Miserable. He came here to ‘build bridges’ he said.
        He travelled around a bit. You didn’t happen to see him did you? Give him a friendly wave?

      • Maybe he heard about the fantastic dating opportunities for muslim men in Yorkshire cities Miles?
        Id definitely of given him a wave, well, a gesture at any rate.
        Unfortunately for me I was down south in Wiltshire.

    • We’ll have to go underground and meet up in one of Fiddlers old barns.

  17. Some interesting comments and it’s a good thing if this site is based in the USA. I like the idea of proxy servers but putting a URL in each time is a bit of a PITA. I think VPNs charge but the upside is I think you can do things like get Netflix USA content through your UK account. Do you become totally anonymous using a VPN or can you still be tracked down easily?

    • In Line of Duty, H used a tandem VPN using Dark web. Now don’t ask me how you do that,,,but it worked for H

  18. TCM+1
    “Escape to Victory” renamed as “Victory”
    Somebody has been offended by words again

  19. Johnson needs to be chased off the white cliffs of Dover by a baying mob.
    I have running shoes and a mind to assist.

  20. I think it was Ricky Gervais who said something along the lines of… if you are offended by what I have said or done, then that is a problem with you (not me). I haven’t done anything to offend you. You have taken offence, which of course is your difficulty not mine. The ‘offending’ isn’t given (or handed out). The offending is received or perceived.

  21. This is why conservatives conserve absolutely nothing just as fucking useless and backstabbing as the libtards cunts are

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