On 13 May Flexicunt nommed Aussie cricketer Michael Slater for moaning in his luxury hotel suite about Covid restrictions, Aussie style.
The root cause of Slater’s problem is of course the typically Indian shambles of dealing with the pandemic. There I was along with a few million other Brits enduring lockdown here and tuning into the Channel 4 Ahmedabad Tests. Brand new 100,000 seater but restricted to 50,000 …… except instead of spacing the cunts out they were all crammed into the same enclosures, no masks, wetting their pants loudly every time Virat farted etc. There it was in plain sight, a super spread event unfolding in front of us. All too predictably they are where they are now and it’ll return here too again.
Despite it all, there was Modi, insisting in the usual wobble-headed Indian way that this ‘First World Country’ had “conquered“ Covid ; election campaigning went on; rallies continued. When one of the few brave cunts in Tinpot University pointed out the true situation said, “ typical India. Incompetence, arrogance, wishful thinking, overconfidence” he was of course dismissed as a lunatic and probably made to walk slowly and barefoot over 22yds of burning coals.
The final irony is that Ahmedabad Stadium is now named “Narendra Modi Stadium”. It’s like 90s Lords being renamed after that other psychopath AL Blair. Incredible.
The Modicunt once came to UK to meet some of his fans didn’t he, and if you want to read a sycophantic whitewash with no mention of his various dodgy dealings and ethnic abuses then read his Wikipedia hagiography.
Modi. Fuck off and drown in the shit-filled Ganges you fucker.
Nominated by: Isaac Hunt
and seconded by Lazybiscuits
Seconding this. Let’s learn about lovely old peaceful Modi.
Firstly – he controls Indian media, you speak out you’re fucked.
2002 Gujarat riots: This is the biggest controversy of his career. First he was accused of masterminding it. Then he was accused of asking police to look the other way
Removed several bank notes from circulation with less than 24 hours notice causing havoc.
Asked all of India to provide ID to prove they were citizens under a ‘Government poll’. Anyone without ID (the poor) were automatically non-citizens under a new bill.
Only wants Hindus in Indian despite half the country not being Hindu. Which explains his current not giving a fuck about people dying ever and demanding elections go ahead.
The man is a fucking mental dictator who probably will result in the murder of millions. Oh wait he’s almost never mentioned in the media like this, he’s clearly lovely.
The lionisation of Modi’s India as the next great power has always puzzled me. Granted India’s GDP has soared putting it in the top 10. But there is more than GDP when it comes to great power status. The issue with India is that it’s a chaotic shithole with some of the poorest, most illiterate backward peasants on Earth. It’s overly bureaucratic with a corrupt political, judicial and business class. It is in fact one of the most corrupt and chaotic countries in the world. Couldn’t organise a piss up in a curry house. Cunts.
The world is better off with him just wanting Hindus in India!
Fuck off!
Yeah but if he starts shipping out Peacefuls where do you think they’ll be heading. They’ll be persecuted refugees …….reporting from Delhi for the BBC, our India correspondent, Jonathan Wokie.
Pakistan, with all the rest, hopefully!
I worked with an Indian researcher once. Bright man. He told me every day between 11am and 3pm all the electricity in his city went off. Nagpur was the city. The reason, it had to be diverted to Mumbai ( Bombay to us). As a result he had to work in his lab till 10 or 11pm to finish his work. A first world country!? Yeah sure.
Wait till the green initiatives kick off here. We’ll either only have electricity for 4hours a day or it will become so expensive that only the rich will be able to afford to use it.
I knew an Indian bus driver in Coventry once who went by the name of Bindair Dundat.
Did he become a Mayor by any chance ?
We had a neighbour of Indian descent used to beat his wife harshly.
Chinda Gudanproppa
And exporting all their vaccines. Yeah that was fucking clever.
I watch quite a bit of cricket, a year or so ago I watched (shhhh) the odd feed from Indian TV (in English). They would show adverts for a few different things portraying this cunt as this wise father figure for the nation.
Proper banana republic stuff.
The wobbly heads love the cunt it seems so let them get on with it, the silly twats. Seems a right despot to me, but as long as he’s over there and not here, I couldn’t give a shiny shite really.
Proper racism btw you lefty cunts, is shite like the caste system, but the brownies get a free pass, of course.
Three hundred million people in India don’t have a toilet. They beat even San Fransicsco for poop on the streets.
The country is literally’a shit hole’
The drawbridge should have been pulled up years ago, no fucking influx from any ‘shit hole country’
It’s unbelievable that anyone would not see this coming, 300 million people shitting in a hole in the ground and not only that, no access to clean running water, what did they think was going to happen???
That’s one model that I would allow Neil Fucking Fergusson to make and would actually believe.
The whole country wants burning.
My missus (she of Indian descent) is far from being a fan of Modi. Nor is she enamoured of India generally for that matter.
India. A shithole with a space programme and nuclear capability.
Please give generously.
Get To Fuck.
Narendra Modi … gangster.
Get To Fuck.
He may well be a cunt but the world needed Stalin and millions of Soviet dead to beat the Boche, we’ll need Modi and a billion Hindus to beat the CCP.
I wouldn’t trust the cunt to deliver a chapatti.
My mate is currently in a hospital intensive care unit after contracting the Indian variant and is now in a Korma….
I hope they curry up with a cure for the guy…
What makes it worse, he’s only just buried his naan
…who had a dodgy tikka.
Dahl 999
He well maybe a cunt. But he stands up to the peaceful lot and that surely is a bonus ball?
India Trump…
Bestest friends, both right-wing populists, both narcissists, both cunts…
I love this guy. So corrupt. He heads a Nation of people who either smear themselves in Cow shit, or drink a pint or two od Donkey piss to cure themselves from Illness. Modi is a racist cunt, but a nice one. He fucking hates even detests the Carpet Kissing Squadrons of Carpet Pilots, and has attempted by many means to have them “Un-nationalized ” and booted arse first out of India. What a guy! As for his criminality? Well, the likes of Cameron and a few other wad stuffers in this country follow suit and even attend his evening classes to hone their skills.
This man is such a cunt, I am surprised that he never shows his hand on this site.
Is he a cunt? Of Course he’s a cunt! Fucking brilliantly.
I watched the India v England cricket tests.
Couldn’t help noticing the Indian batsmen wobbling their heads when they were talking tactics between overs.
What’s with the head wobbling?
I thought it was just a lazy stereotype but they seem to do it all the time.
They are fixing the result, and wobble the heads to defeat any lip readers in the crowd…. I think.
Either that or the ball bearings in their neck races have worn down and made them unstable.
“The Modicunt once came to UK to meet some of his fans didn’t he” you say IC, aren’t most of them here already!
I bet they were all crawling over each other in recent weeks like rats in a sinking ship desperate to try and get her, while Modi was noshing on BoJo’s Bellend for VISA’s for his people as part of this Curry Trade deal we are trying to do and BoJo rubbing Modi’s bald head while being noshed and thinking of his next Vindaloo, with Prit taking up BoJo’s rear with her strap-on.
My old man used to be a plumber and on some occasions took me on private jobs he was doing, back in the 80’s. Disgusted is not even a word I would use to describe how these filthy beings live, I visited a couple of dwellings he was asked to do work on and one he refused, they are dirty, nothing short of slum living in modern days. The smell of unwashed bodies and curry farts was rancid, I feel a bit sick as I write thinking of that memory.
I am not surprised COVID has ravaged through India, because they know no better and constantly spread their legs to breed more Tandoori children, while living in shanty houses, 60 to a room. Oh, and it is these BAME types who refuse to wear masks, get vaccinated, etc. etc.
Parts of Africa are no better and I would offer the argument that perhaps COVID is natures way of resorting some population balance before we completely destroy this world (shit, now I sound like Greta, someone’s going to cunt me on here!).
You paint a very vivid picture CM, and my compliments. I can almost smell the Serengeti, and hear the buffalo farts carried upon a gentle breeze. Puke inducing!
Thank you kind sir!
He is a slimy toad
Anyone doing anything to clean the islamic filth out of India gets my vote and my support.
More like Modi needed.
That would be fine if we lived in India but, as somebody has already pointed out, the cunts will be here like a shot demanding mosques are built in their back gardens at taxpayers expense. Oh, and no doubt a supply of young white girls.
Indians in my experience are ok. Nothing like the stanleys and deshis.
I have mixed feelings about this Modi cunt. He knows that wherever there are Muslims there are serious problems but there are so many of the fuckers in India that he is fighting a losing battle. He cant just kick them out as the Burmese have or ‘re-educate’ them chinky style.
My disgust is the fact that they have a nuclear bomb and a space programme but poor healthcare and hygiene infrastructure. I can just about understand the bomb because of the religious looneys in Pakistan having one. But a space programme?
I used to rent out a property to some vindaloo lovers. On the face of it everything seemed fine until they moved out and I went in to do some maintenance. The dirty fucking bastards had changed a once decent flat into the black hole of Calcutta.
I should add that other Indians prior to this lot had been ok but only just
The culture of these people is stench and corruption. Not a place I would ever want to go voluntarily.
I can almost smell the curry, shit, and filth when I think of the place.
And did I mention shit?
We can live in hope that India, China and Pakistan nuke the fuck out of each other.
The send a few to Russia, the middle east and parts of Africa.
Leaving the world to “the better people”?
We are the better people CG, quotation marks not required.
You are of course, absolutely correct?
You would think that with all that towel wrapped around their heads that they could at least wipe their arses the dirty fuckers.
Thursday Cricket update…… the Wobble-heads are exerting pressure on Lords to rearrange/ cancel the Oval Test just to accommodate their unfinished hit and giggle IPL shitefest. Fucking unbelievable.
Tell em to cunt off
When Mahatma Gandhi visited Britain in 1931, he was asked, by the assembled press, on the steps of Downing Street…
“Sir, what do you think of western civilisation?”
He replied. “Wouldn’t it be a good idea if the west was civilised.”
Well me old mucker, the boot is on the other foot. There is nothing civilised about India. I have been. It stinks. The people stink. The streets are filthy. The food is vile, and the fuckers are rude. I have only ever been to one place that is worse; China.
Go to war with each other – and soon – you fucking shithouses.