Mya-Rose Craig and the RSPB

Birdwatcher Mya-Rose Craig has claimed that images of female birds used by the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds in an identification chart were smaller than their male counterparts and is therefore sexist.

This cunt, who goes under the name @BirdgirlUK on Twitter, brought the issue to the RSPB last week after sharing an image from a bird-watching hide of a poster used to identify birds that visitors might spot.

Craig pointed out that the poster showed the male of some of the featured species with the female variety depicted in a smaller image. The RSPB, instead of telling her to fuck off and get a life, responded to her tweet by acknowledging it “must do better”.

In a follow-up tweet, Craig said the response to her attempt at using humour to highlight ingrained sexism in conversation made her realise that it was a much bigger issue than first thought.
She said: “When I posted this, it was to highlight the ingrained #sexism in #conservation by using humour. I should have expected the large number of responses from #sexistbirders, so now I see it as an important issue at the core of #birding that must be changed.”

An RSPB spokesperson said: “It is a fair point and we must do better. We’re pleased Mya brought this to our attention and will be reviewing these posters with our team internally.”
Meanwhile, back on planet earth… Well maybe not, since this woke cuntery is the norm nowadays.

(Link provided by Night Admin, who likes birds – NA)

Nominated by: mystic maven

36 thoughts on “Mya-Rose Craig and the RSPB

  1. Ffs anything of a female species is always smaller, it’s a genetic fact, what a cunt

    • No no no black windows are much much bigger. The spider not Flabbott.

      • The female of the species is more deadly than the male.
        As we are finding out with Carrie.

    • To be fair though, the sexual dimorphism represented in the picture she was whining about is kind of exaggerated as seen in the video of this female mallard getting gang-banged, duck-dicked and donkey-pecked.

      Although the size difference in the video doesn’t indicate age of the males or female, they’re a lot closer in size than in the picture although it could be argued that the female birds in the picture are represented not as being drastically smaller, but as being a distance behind the males which would show that not only does this bint not understand 3D perspective, but that she has no sensitivity for the traditions and cultural practices of “Ducks of Peace”.

      I’m calling bullshit on her claim that she was merely using humour to highlight issues of gender blah blah whatever. She did a stupid, got ratioed on Twatter and then did damage control after the fact by saying that she was doing a funny rather than doing a stupid.

    • Some female species are larger.
      Raptors for example.
      But generally most female birds are smaller, and their plumage is as dull as dishwater.
      Hence identifying them is much more difficult.

  2. There’s no end to these cunts crawling out the woodwork. I just have to ignore them or I’ll have an epi.( that’s an epileptic fit for those of you not in the know. It was parlance for going mental,boko,radge…etc)

    • Hanging round in bushes?
      Twitching, spying on birds?
      ….oh Mya; you a bit Jodie Foster?
      Birds are always smaller than males,
      The demure Janet Krankie,
      Or Ellie Symon’s the water midget to name two.
      Its natures way.
      So you can as a male force yourself on them.
      Prince Handrew told me that.

      • I wonder if Mr F can have imitate birds song Miserable. Walking his ‘vast acreages’ there must be wooded areas. I can imagine creeping round ‘communicating’ with the cuckoo, his hands over his mouth then opening his hands-‘CUCKOOOO!’ Or a crow -‘CAW! CAW!!! Or the simple sparow-‘TWEET!! TWEET!!!’.

      • Fiddler can imitate over a hundred an fifty British birdcalls Miles!
        If you heard him youd swear he was a tit!
        He also can do a kookaburra and has done so for a Tarzan film.
        Think it was a Tarzan film?
        A man in a loincloth with a monkey anyway.

      • Miles:

        Lord F can be heard, after dropping an item which a young lady will stoop to retrieve for him, saying: “Whilst yer down there!”

        At least that is what Jack the Cunter told us!

  3. Far more birds are killed by wind turbines that people popping them off with shotguns. These wankers are mental. Laugh at the fuckers.

  4. I get my nuts out at the bottom of the garden and attract all sizes of tits.

  5. Birdgirl, the latest wannabe Greta, needs a bit of cock up her I reckon. It’ll have to be a little bloke I suppose so it doesn’t disturb her batshit crazy ideology.
    Daft tart.

    • I would give her one as long as she promised not to start twitching when I got to vinegar stroke ?

  6. When I was about 8/9 somebody gave me “The Observer Book of British Birds”.
    So I decided to become a twitcher. It was about six months before somebody told me you weren’t supposed to kill the bastards and keep them in a shoebox until they stank the place out.
    I never did bag a puffin. I’m sure that’s affected my mental ?‍♀️ elf.

  7. Another cunt that trawls stuff to find offence at. What a sad heap of crap

  8. i’ve got ibs, no cunts giving me any help when i shite me knickers. Just saying.

  9. She’s still a teenager. I imagined some scatty birds nest-haired green party voting harridan.

    Pitty the poor cunt who marries her. She’ll hen peck and nag him into an early grave.

    • Jesus, it’s a full house! Founder of ‘blektonature’, equal opportunity access to nature.. lol what? Climate activist.

      She even has a ‘Dr’ prefix on her linkedin. Is that the reward for completing all these eye-spy bird books? The fuck.

  10. FFS these fuckers need a good hard kick in the crotch, they obviously have life to easy and to much time on their hand…. Release the fucking dogs, give these fuck monkeys something real to worry about, this country is to tolerant of these weak arsed, limp wristed, BLM, lpggthfvr whatever, whinney cunts.
    This is what happens when you give these useless fuckers an inch, they take the piss, bring back the skin heads I reckon, beatings in the street,.
    Now I know it’s not my choice to decide what’s silly and what’s not but at what point was any common sense lost and these mentally unstable weak arsed cunts started being taken seriously, I think when a silly enough suggestion is made Tazor the prick until common sense prevails…

  11. Male birds are also generally more colorful than females to make themselves attractive and win over a mate. The trouble is the females are fussy and often let the poor male exhaust himself with his antics before ignoring him and flying elsewhere. Check out bower bird at the start of this clip out. You´ll note there is no happy ending.

  12. What a muddle.
    Mustard gas the cunts and pull the shutters down on another woke invaded mess.

  13. Males are usually larger than females in the world of bird, Raptors are different the females are bigger likewise the females of some shore dwelling birds. Maybe this cunt should have a word with the big man in the sky as he is obviously a sexist. Stupid fucking person.

  14. To be fair, in very many bird species the female is actually significantly larger than the male. So it could be argued that the RSPB is taking the piss.

    On the other hand female birds are also typically (not always) much drabber, so highlighting the more spectacular males is quite understandable.

    In conclusion, by looking to examine this issue seriously, I am clearly a bit of a cunt.

  15. I read the Tweet “why should female birds always be shown as a smaller picture insert…”

    In the RSPB poster she put up on Twitter for evidence, only 3 types of bird out of the 24 shown on the poster are depicted with a male and female, 21 of them do not have an ‘insert’ at all. Its not ‘always’ then is it? Exaggerating little shit.

    • p.s. Just read her bio thingy on Twitter. Apparently she’s interested in race equality in nature!!! What the heck is that when its at home? Also see she’s a Greta fan.

  16. It’s somewhat shameful that there are no public figures with the spine to stand up to these fucking idiots. Too preoccupied with “likes” on Twatter and fretting about the effect on their image and bank balances.
    Cowards all…

  17. Stupid fucking bitch.
    Everyone can see that a cock is bigger than a clit.(Jess Phillips being the exception to the rule)

  18. The RSPB are a fucking load of cunts for apologising to the stupid attention seeking whore. Apparently she reckons she’s a parking stanley (yeah right, with a name like that?) and she ‘identifies’ as a visible minority ethnic (VME) as opposed to BAME as the latter includes white minority ethnic groups. What an absolute fucking cunt.

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