This sort of tags along the line of non news previously nominated but as of 0053hrs Sunday morning I cannot find one piece of news on the BBC about the 30,000+ strong protesters to lockdown in London on Saturday 24th April.
It’s like it never happened.
ITV and Reuters mention only the 8 coppers that got injured in the clear up but it’s not covered properly anywhere.
With all this shit going on and the pentagon apparently devising Covid testing microchips, not being in a pandemic days with no deaths etc and the fear mongers at every corner I’m beginning to think there might be a conspiracy theory here.
Fetch my tin foil hat please doctor.
Nominated by: Once a cunt always a cunt
…and this from Bertie Blunt Tory Cunt
A recurring theme I know. There’s so much wrong with this pile of lepers that we have to be selective with each cunting.
On this occasion, I am fuckin’ appalled at their reporting of the Manchester United supporters protests before the Man U v Liverpool game.
In trying to paint the supporters actions in the worst light, emotive language was used when describing the supporters as “storming the pitch and breaking into Old Trafford.” I watched this on tv and for the most part it was largely peaceful. This was apart from the thug who bottled a Bobby which was just not acceptable.
Contrast this with recent BLM and Extinction Rebellion protests which were more violent, certainly not peaceful and resulted in more injured coppers and yet described as ‘peaceful’ by MSM.
We all know why this was the case.
I was completely behind the supporters actions on this occasion as I see it more than just a protest against the Glazers but part of the fight for the survival of our national game. FUCK OFF MSM.
The BBC have reported on the news site that WHITE former policeman Derek Chauvin has asked for a new trial.
It seems the BBC only evet highlight the colour white in the negative connotation and only if the person is white when there is a tanned involved! When some of the tanned are guilty of something do you ever see ‘black’ before their name, nope!
Fuck off, dirty, WHITE, self loathing, biased cunts!
This is the opening paragraph from that report: “The WHITE former Minneapolis police officer convicted last month of the murder of the BLACK man George Floyd has requested a new trial.” Fuck off BBC, you race-baiting fucking cunts.
I was going to cunt the writer of that article (always mentions ‘white man’ and ‘ unarmed black man’ right away and then gets even worse), but it seems the BBC has now taken his name off the article (I can’t recall the cunt’s name, but he’s a white male). Probably due to a bit of backlash. The article was front and centre earlier today, but is now hidden away on the US/Canada pages.
The absolute state of this fucking article. Warning. It will boil your piss.
This is a great example of institutional anti whiteism.
That juror said that he had to come in everyday and watch a black man die. Better not watch Zulu I’m guessing.
I was going to cunt the writer of that article (always mentions ‘white man’ and ‘ unarmed black man’ right away and then gets even worse), but it seems the BBC has now taken his name off the article (I can’t recall the cunt’s name, but he’s a white male). Probably due to a bit of backlash. The article was front and centre earlier today, but is now hidden away on the US/Canada pages.
The absolute state of this fucking article. Warning. It will boil your piss.
This is a great example of institutional anti whiteism.
Very true, or they try and obscure the facts by saying a Norwegian terrorist did xyz, we all know the person is not called Sven or Erik. They must think we are all stupid dopey bstards.
The MSM are the paid agents of newspeak and the enemy of the people.
Their lies and propaganda are presented as fact, and the majoirity of the people are fooled and brainwashed.
I wonder if the MSM will report the lone protester dragged behind a police van for a good hiding?
When the whole of the media fall in line with “the narrative”, without exception, it is time people realised that conspiracy theories are perhaps, facts.
No,sorry Bertie but I’m going to have to disagree with you on this one.
That mob was no more than a bunch of football hooligans running riot. Bottling Coppers,firing flares at people…just fucking yobs. These “fans” should face the fact that it is NOT “their” Club and no matter how much people may disagree with a policy,it does not give them the right to act like thugs to try and force their viewpoint on THE OWNER.
I strongly disagreed with my local baker’s decision to sell “vegetarian pasties” but that didn’t give me the right to put his windows out for interfering with the traditional meat pasty recipe.
All this “our” club shite gets on my tits…perhaps the “fans” should pool their resources and buy “their” Club….we’d sharp see just how keen they are on turning down some revenue-generating stream then. Most fans were keen enough when rich owners came along and spent millions on players to buy success… “He who sups with the Devil should have a long spoon”.
They did, it’s called FC United a non-division club.
I take your point Dick but you’ve not addressed the real problem of the selective reporting by MSM.
Why are BLM and ER automatically regarded as worthy causes and their behaviour misreported? They are hardly questioned when they’ve caused so much injury, cost and disruption to the nation’s capital.
Besides, I had to waste 3 hours of a Bank Holiday at Newton Heath nick bailing out Norman.
Don’t disagree with you about the selective reporting,Bertie. It is all too evident in the non-reporting of anti-vax marches in particular…whether I believe that a bunch of people are wrong or right,it would be nice to just have the facts presented and nor skewed or ignored to suit God-Knows-Who’s agenda.
DF@ – Afternoon Sir Fiddler – there were indeed wholly unacceptable scenes of violence towards the police – some of this behaviour by people who have regularly appeared in BLM, Antifa and ER riots, this is becoming a recurring theme with all protests that go violent and it’s pretty much always the same paid and premeditated actors who do this.
But the MSM who so gleefully reported this did not report the innocent Man dragged mob handed behind a police van out of sight and camera shot and given a violent hiding, or the police threatening and removing the people filming it.
Manchester United, in common with most other Premier League teams, could not give a fk if the supporters live or die as long as the owners get the lucrative far east TV deals.
Football for the working Man is dead.
I’d have thought Bertie would be happy, trouble at a football ground and for once it’s not Liverpool’s fault.
Good points from Dick and on this occasion I thought the media were overly sympathetic to the so called fans. If you don’t like a business you take your money someone where else, you don’t start protesting and break into the ground, destroy third party property etc.
There’s something wrong with your life if you can get this worked up over a sports team. Usually I wouldn’t give LFC my piss if they were on fire but this time I think they should have taken the three points and then thanked the United ‘Fans’ who would have handed them to them.
My feeling is when I saw a ‘yob’ on the goalposts it reminded me of the England Scotland match years ago when there was.a pitch invasion and they climbed on and broke the goalposts similarly.
I wish the Man Utd fans would have done that –broken the goalposts and the bar snapped the four corner flags proceeded to tear up the pitch then gone into the stands ripping out the seating then climbed up to the VIP box and smashed the windows smashing the windows of the media centre all the microphones, monitors and broken down the walls of the dugouts and our tore down the gates.
Now that would have been a protest Miles. No more United?
Despite its many faults YouTube is the best source of information presently.
Such are the depths that journalism has sunk to.
Riddled with woke politically correct rubbish.
Mainstream media is commonly called out on ISAC as being woke or left leaning and I agree,
But those on the Left also call out MSM as being to far to the left!
Of being the government’s mouthpiece.
Seems both sides aren’t satisfied?
While I agree with pretty much everything in your post,
I agree with Bertie in the obvious difference in terms used to describe MUFC supporters and BLM supporters.
They arent impartial.
I just want facts not lecturing or posturing off some London media whore .
“What kills a skunk is the publicity it gives itself.”
Abraham Lincoln
“The rich and powerful piss on us and the media tells us it’s raining”
“This is London and here is the news”
Today Manchester United supporters, supported by elements of other teams including Canning Towns, West Ham have attacked and destroyed Antifa,BLM and Extinction rebellion positions in the capitol. They seem to have beat fuck out of the middle class , white people and the revolution seems to have fizzled out.
And here is the weather…….
I don’t know where The MSM narrative is taking the public. It seems their take on everything matters and we understand your plight and it’s all our fault that we own the country and we must share it with you and you’re values no matter what they entail because we are privileged and all you seeking sanctuary are underprivileged and we are above all that , so we will make space for you and you’re feelings and culture because your not a bad person just misunderstood and we love you. We will make space for you with the general population as they love also.
It’s sanctimonious scucttery shite we have to listen to day i day out. Cunts the lot of them
The MSM are governed by reporting standards but these standards don’t compel the news outlets to give the whole truth so the cunts can be selective on what they report, as long as they don’t ‘lie’ they can get away with it.
Not sure what the fuck anti lockdown protesters are doing, we are 80% out of restrictions already and by next month it will be fully open (foreign travel is the exception and rightly so).
Man U fans, from what I saw it was a bunch of fucking yobs.
The biggest joke was the boycott by football and others of social media for 4 days to ‘tackle online abuse’, they must have been climbing the walls because they couldn’t comment on the Man U protest ?
Here is an idea, why not just boycott social media permanently, well no chance because the cunts love it, makes them feel important.
“BBC reporter Winston Smith reports the newspeak at 1”.
The BBC Winston would have never come to love Big Brother as he wouldn’t have known any different.
The only News channel i watch now is SKY NEWS AUSTRALIA . The complete opposite to SLY NEWS UK.
I stopped watching RT NEWS with all its blatant Kremlin Propaganda.
Al jerzeera is an endless stream of Peacefuls Dark keys and reporting from some place called Fuckknowsistan.
ITV news gets on my tits. It’s become a vehicle for Tom Bradby’s personal opinions rather than straight forward news reporting. How the fuck is it allowed to happen? Where’s the regulator?
FMC@ – OFCOM is stacked with former television executives, complaining to them is an utterly frustrating waste of time.
I used to follow Aljazeera, primarily because it gave objective reporting and op-eds.
But ever since 2017, and probably the rise of the Woke, it has slowly moved towards rather subjective reporting, supporting the Left and criticising the Right for the smallest of things.
With this kind of saturation across all MSM outlets is it no wonder our younger people are easily indoctrinated with all things Left!
Al Jizzalot, funded by the mentalist sunni head-choppers, all woke and bollox;. You got to pay to play in the us of a.
It’s all kicking off on here today girls. Disagreeing with each other, hair pulling,sulking….now all kiss and make up.
Oh yeah MSM has biased for years cunters.
I’m rather intrigued to see what this new GB tv news will be like. Perhaps it will be a counter balance to the woke lefty peeeesh we get now. Perhaps it will be drowned at birth by secret dark powers we suspect are out there. Who knows. It’s all very exciting. Or not.
The MSM are cunts, period.
Their selective reporting since the start of the pandemic is blatant. Their failure to ask any real questions to the PM at those shite covi-conferences is blatant. It has reached soviet era levels of ridiculousness, with all the seal clapping, rainbows, and other conditioning methods too.
They blab on about ‘cases’, but still haven’t explained to the public how the science behind PCR works. They reinforce the mask bullshit, but still haven’t offered up the science for it (and neither has the gov). They push vaccines vaccines vaccines, but don’t talk about other treatment methods or even just tips on staying healthy.
I don’t think it has ever been more obvious just how shit and corrupt the MSM are.
Chunky….I’m interested in your thought on why the MSM is so corrupt….who stands to gain ? I genuinely don’t know if you’re right or wrong with your “reset” theory but I’m certainly not one for writing it all off as “fantasy”.
I’m an insignificant man who really doesn’t have have a dog in the fight.. I have no family that I give a damn about and can’t really see any “reset” kicking in until I’m either dead or past the stage of caring. However I do understand your interest and would like to know who you think is behind it….I will say that I’ve sometimes wondered if a version of The Kalergi Plan really is being enacted.
Interesting. I see they want to give a third jag to over 50s before Christmas. Now is it just me or are they perhaps trying to get rid of the baby boomers who will all be up for pensions in the next 5 to 10 years? They make up a big chunk of the population. Get rid of them and hey presto save a lot of cash. That and the fact birth rates have dropped and pitel, or whatever her name is,has signed a deal for more educated Indians to come over here.
Hmmmm are we being replaced?
Replaced with a population from cultures who are more pliable and subservient.
The Great Replacement.
Apparently it’s a conspiracy theory from the continent but I’m seeing it with my own eyes most days.
Sir Fidler-this is exactly what IS happening-Anthony ‘Kalergi’ B. Liar’s wet dream?
Blair won the Kalergi prize as did Angela Merkel a few years ago.
Treacherous scum.
Ultimately I think there is only one controlling faction behind all this, which sits behind several buffers to obscure their involvement in anything. Governments, Gates, Soros, Bilderberg, Freemasonry, etc.. these are layers.
I could be wrong but I hedge my bet based on known history, and that faction then is clearly the Vatican and Jesuits. The last 1000 years of history has been about their conquest of the world. The Jesuit Order.. very smart, devious cunts. Kicked out of over 70+ nations – just priests spreading the love of God..
I think it’s a combination of historical momentum and collective psychopathy in the fabric of that institution, and a natural tendency for a top dog to dominate.
‘Governments, Gates, Soros, Bilderberg, Freemasonry, etc.’
I read down and interested in who you were finally going to reveal as the real mastermind BEHIND IT ALL…the CIA …the Pentagon…Mossad… the Jesuit order
Ha! ha! ha!
Why is that hilarious, Miles? The history is there, they’re a military order dedicated to expanding papal power by any means, and they’re incredibly well trained and obedient.
They’ve been at it for 500 years. How long has the CIA existed? Mossad? You do realise those actually emulate the Jesuit Order itself, right? Intelligence gathering, assassination, interference in other nations, bound by total obedience and secrecy.. sound familiar?
@BCC I always read what you say with interest. Especially on the pandemic. Especially the science of it, the reporting of figures.
But it’s when you get to the Great Reset then I do lose a bit of respect I’ve got to say.
The Jesuit Order. My God this is an old anti -Catholic trope. (Ah spellcheck gave me triipe) The ‘sly’ Jesuit ‘prevaricating’ on morals. Jesuitical. Casuistry. What else? Bound fanatically to the Pope. Well not in recent years the one Order that is most often described as ‘disobedient’ what with ‘liberation theology’ and the like. They are very left wing and radical supposedly.
I have a friend who believes the EU is an obscure Eastern religion that has survived into the present day. Sorry in the guise of the EU. He sees all the symbols as indications of it.
It must be funny to look ist an institution like that. To see each thing they do, each statement they make as indicative of hidden motives.
Could go on but I haven’t time. Just say my feeling about my friend and you is at times you both see very clearly and are insightful and thought provoking. At other times it seems you are blind.
Bloody jesuits!
I knew it.
You haven’t really offered up a rebuttal, Miles. It’s not like saying ‘joos did this’ and offering only oblique connections. It’s demonstrable history – the gunpowder plot aka Jesuit Treason, for example.
I said I place my bet there because I can see no other stronger, clearly demonstrable conspiracy as that of the Vatican versus all people who want to live freely.
They are fucking scum who obliterated an entire continent without qualm. Their whole modus operandi is about domination!
I think it’s a perfectly reasonable conclusion to reach. Where do you think power ultimately lies?
I saw a documentary where two jesuits were torturing a little girl.
Theyd tied her to her bed and throwing water on her,
And threatening her with exercise (which I assumed meant dry bumming)
They were horrible to her.
But this kid came out with a humdinger!
She said
“Your mother sucks cocks in Hull!”
So she knew his family.
And you know, ive been to Hull.
And the kids got a point.
Its full of cocksuckers.
Anyway turns out a happy ending, when the kid grew up she married Boris Johnson.
Jez Hewitt?
The puppet master.
The way the media have been behaving over the last few years is absolutely beyond disgraceful.
When it comes to murders in the name of a certain religion of peace or the skin tone of stabby types – they are total cowards.
Not so cowardly when it comes to honkies though.
The treatment of Trump compared to the relative free pass his kid sniffer successor gets is another obvious display of these cunts bias.
The Burn Loot Murder “mainly peaceful” protests, is beyond parody.
The coverage and 24-7 fear mongering half truth (at best) crap spouted during the covid crisis has been the final nail for me personally.
I’ve reached the stage where I totally avoid all forms of news now. (life is better for the experience)
I used to quite like RT and Al Jazeera but they’re now shit as well.
As someone mentioned previously, there’s only Sky News Australia worth even bothering with, when I can be that is.
I’ve given up on broadcast news I just can’t watch it. All lies, fuckwittery and bullshit. And people who can sit through it, I seriously doubt them. There must be something wrong with them if they can sit through it without having a visceral revulsion response
I sliipped into your way of thinking about the Jews. I remember waking up one morning and being very depressed because I thought I’ve got to get through another day thinking about the Jews. Anyway, about a year ago it passed. It just went away. I don’t switch the telly over when I hear mention of ‘Israel’. I can mention it freely to my sister who very pro with a good friend living there. It’s gone. Just disappeared.
But it was oppressive. Always to be thinking that one group of people or one institution is ‘behind it all’. The world is far too complicated for that.
Except the difference between my position and “the joos did this” is that there is.. history. It’s all written history, it’s not a secret. You can’t just pretend the Vatican hasn’t been conspiring for the past 1000 years to increase its power when it evidently has at every turn ?
I don’t see why it’s unreasonable for there to be one dominant controlling faction, which has come out on top, when history points in that direction. There isn’t some law that says it can’t be that way.. maybe it is that way after all.
PCR test
I am sure there are other references but the science is explained
I am not sure why you are worried about the testing and MSM not reporting on exactly how it works, why not question every diagnostic technique.
The late Terry Wogan was educated by the Jesuit’s ,that order no longer exists in his birthplace. Mind you he did brilliantly take the piss out of the Eurovision Song Contestant’s in his heydays. They must be good for something these jesuit’s
The Jesuits-
‘They are fucking scum who obliterated an entire continent without qualm. Their whole modus operandi is about domination!’
Which continent did they obliterate? It was a teaching order in most countries.
What do I know about the Jesuits? It was started by Saint Ignatius of Loyola. He broke his leg and recuperating had a massive conversion. I read the first few psges of his ‘spiritual exercises’ and thought that’s too severe for me. The present Pope is a Jesuit. Funny he should take the name ‘Francis’ then (Franciscan)
Monsignor George Lemaitre the originator of the Big Bang Theory was a Jesuit. Stop there. It comes to mind in that in some if your posts you do see the Big Bang as not only scientifically wrond but bad. See that would be an example where because you see this group of people the Jesuits as mskign even a neutral scientific theory must be bad, the BBT must be an evil thing.
Saint Francis Xavier got to Japan. Or rather died on a raft in sight of her. Saint…forgot his name..brought science to the Chinese Emperor. Joyce is full of Jesuit priests characters who gave him his education.
Nothing in Joyce about the Jesuits wanting world domination.
The Gunpowder Plot. Well all the conspirators were laymen. I know there was debate about what to do. There was a very small faction amongst the whole of the clergy in support of violence. I don’t think they were all Jesuits.
The Vatican obliterated south america with its inquisition. They purged any opposition to their spiritual doctrines.
You’re naive if you believe the Jesuits were just spreading the good word. Come on, you don’t honestly believe that. They’re a military order, not some beneficent group of Ned Flanders’s. 70+ nations don’t expel nice harmless people.
The Big Bang theory I didn’t approach from the Jesuit angle at all, it was purely on the merit of the science alone, from my investigation into plasma cosmology etc.
They the Jesuit’s loved their Latin, they made sure the pupils they were educating had the benefit of the Latin language. Most of the other religious orders followed suit (Christian brothers etc ) at a time when it was only the preserve of public school boys that received the classical education. Latin should never have been dropped from syllabus in the more modest schools.
Latin is the basis of all modern languages and opens up so much more understanding the tragedy the human condition endures.
This should not be the preserve of the elite but that’s the way it is.
I can’t seriously believe that you think the Jesuits are secretly controlling the world. That’s an ancient Protestant conspiracy trope and I must admit, I didn’t have you marked down as a militant Protestant fundamentalist, Chunky. As Miles has said, the world is too complicated and multi-faceted to be directed by one group – be it the Jesuits, the Jewish people, the Freemasons or any other group. The Jesuits are spiritual teachers, no more and no less.
People believe in conspiracy theories for epistemic reasons – the psychological need for certainty and a simple explanation for a bewildering world. There is also a narcissistic element to it – the need for a conspiracy believer to feel they are privy to some secret information that others don’t have.
Do yourself a favour. Dump the wild conspiracy theories.
I’m not part of any faith. I’m aware of the protestant jesuit conspiracy theorists too, but that’s not how I came to this conclusion either – I don’t think Satan is involved etc, though I would not be surprised if some of these people do practice black magic or something.
I also don’t agree that the world is too complicated for one group to dominate. It doesn’t mean they control and manage everything; they delegate and pull strings when applicable. The Mafia is a good example.
At the end of the day the ‘big club’ bonds over the same things: power and money (and maybe buggering minors). Do you think psychopaths, whether British, Yankie, or Chin Chin, give a fuck who they bow down to so long as they get what they want?
I think this power structure could have happened anywhere, it’s just a natural progression of humanity through history.
It’s not something I dwell on anyway. I stopped looking for info over 10 years ago. You might like to look into the P2 lodge scandal and R. Calvi though.
TBCC@ , I have know doubts that it’s a power struggle since time immemorial. I personally think the landscape has changed it is just to large even for superpowers to supervise.
We as a society should not be concerned about a fart that smell’s in a far away place , yet we are been fed this diet of shit through various outlets . It does feel in this global Cuntdom that the collective voices are being mutated and managed , if that makes sense .
It goes back much further than the Jesuits, but for the purposes of starting at a point in history where most people can understand why the world is so fucked up in our days, it can be a good place to start at the Jesuit-era Vatican. But you’re still in for a 500-year journey through the machinations of what can only be called, a Satanic deception.
I know this site is mostly for entertainment purposes, ie. calling celebrities cunts, but now and again if you ask certain questions about WHY so-and-so is a cunt or WHY Britain, America, the World is so fucked up, then people like Chunky and myself are going to give it to you as we see it. And this is after years of research, some of it a waste of time, wrong, but a lot of it verifiable. And the Jesuits are a big part of it, as Chunky says, but I think it’s older than that and I reckon that “Satan” is real, whether it’s a being or force, just as the true “God” can assume any form. Life really is a battle of Good v Evil that may never have a conclusion, a winner, but hopefully it does as I reckon Good-Truth-Love is superior to Evil-Deception-Fear.
So, “conspiracy theories” can appear depressing, idiotic, dangerous, etc but ultimately the search for truth isn’t as it will set us free.
As a Jesuit I find the defamation of our secret society and agenda offensive!
Fuck off!
Cunty Gordon, the devil is an invention just like a witch doctor, just like Voodoo. If you believe it , your hooked. The Devil has no power over you ,that is only your mind in fear for itself. But bad cunts do exist and they are capable of fucking you up but they are made of flesh and bone , not some entity that is floating around.
I’m not religious either, but there is something true at the esoteric core of most of the religions. Ineffable forces are at work in nature, in all biological forms. It cannot and will never be expressed in words what those forces are. The 10-day formation of a flea in it’s egg is as complex and as miraculous as a human baby in the womb for 9 months. But we humans are closer to the nature of this creative force, there is more of that “magic” in us than in anything we know of and over the ages, there has been an effort to conceal that magic and keep it in the hands of the few, the so-called, “elite”. We have been dumbed down and distracted by a multitude of “authorities” for a long, long time, but a lot of people have been waking up and that scares the shit out of the “authorities/elites” ie, psychopaths who may well be serving a demon called Satan/Lucifer whatever they call this being. So the message is clear: don’t do what these cunts say! Vax? No thanks. Microchip in your body? No thanks. Get on this train? Let’s hope they don’t get to that stage.
They want us to think we are insignificant and go to war with each other not them. That’s what globe Earth, Big Bang, dinosaurs, Darwin’s nonsense, anti-Jesus, race baiting, the planned wars, 9/11, all the white hot madness of the last 100 years was and is all about.
We are in a spiritual war. We the 99.999% v the 0.001% psychos. They have all the money and weapons, but they will lose in the end.
Let’s hope they lose to us in the west and not elsewhere
Crazy pops! ??
Some woman from Mali has given birth to NINE kids !!!
We’re fucking doomed I tell you.
Arriving in Dover, by dinghy, in a couple of years.
Get To Fuck.
That fanny must resemble a used bin bag. Crikey.
Or the Dingey they will shortly be arriving in!
They carved her open. At a beach near is all soon.
Slightly off-nom, but not far, really…
“Never mind the quality, feel the divershitty/
The cunts soon report on a shark attack in Australia. Do not watch any news on TV. like living in another country. Fuck em, fuck em all.
On the 24th there were in excess of 150,000 people in London protesting against lockdown and the “Government”. (The Met were following us and reporting all day from helicopters and drones so the figures can be proven from the Mets own footage which the MSM have chosen to ignore).
Cue the usual bullshit, with the BBC in their 7 second report claiming it was a few hundred and Sly “News” claiming there were less than ten thousand there.
Why are they never, ever pulled up for telling such obvious and provable lies?
It’s so they can report things like 20 million anti trump protesters were in London during his visit. You know. The truth.
Well done on being there and putting your money where your mouth is???
CG@ – Train fares to London from York aint cheap, but if we stand for everything we fall for anything, and our voices are being silenced – I have been banned from Twitter for engaging with other protest groups and have now taken a deep personal dislike to Jack Dorsey.
If I ever meet that little cunt I will give him such a crack I will knock him back to his home Country of North Korea.
The BBC actually ran an article on the BLM riot. It pictured a smashed up littered street with a riderless police horse running amock and ran the headline ‘27 police officers injured in largely peaceful protest’.
Fuck me.
‘2 skyscrapers knocked over in largely peaceful September flight’.
‘40 shot on largely peaceful columbine schoolday’
What can you do against that level of bias. The bbc are total fucking cunts
The best was the Americunt on the spot reporter, standing in a street, with the backdrop of a burning store and rampaging Dark-Keys, whilst, with a straight face, he describe the “peaceful” protest.
Like many of you on here I’m a “person of a certain age” Most of us remember pre internet, pre mobile phones, pre computers pre 100s of TV channels. The news came from the newspapers or TV. Simpler times. Not better, just simpler. All of the changes that we can see coming through now, some of which are truly mind boggling, have nothing to do with us and theyre not intended for us to bother about. Sadly or maybe thankfully most of us will be gone , we can only seeing the seeds being planted, we won’t really see the new society. Maybe it’ll be better, maybe not but it’ll be the kids who are being born now that won’t know any different. They’ll grow up believing everything is great in the garden until, in another 100 years time someone will say ” Hang on. Somethings not quite right here” I sometimes think the future might look like the scene from The Time Machine where the Eloi are just sat about without a thought or a care in the world just making daisy chains!! Raise a glass to the future we wont see and in the meantime Fuck em all!!!
G man. Hats off ,a great summation of the 50 year plan thought up by Think Thanks who foresee a future if currently continues it will lead to destruction. I just hope their right and it is not another Cunt World they are creating . I will Enjoy the rest of what was our time . I always felt I witnessed the tail end of one era and the beginning of a new one in a relatively short space of time.
Oh and to Admin , I see where I went wrong with my post reply about the Jesuit’s . Just to say his hometown where he was born not country. Hope that clears it up .Anyway no need to post it
Brilliant post, G Man.
I might frame it and use it when my piss gets boiled, which happens quite a lot nowadays as a ‘gammon’.
And the BBC and Sky’s coverage of the Old Trafford protests. Focusing solely on the small number of balloons and nutcases and making out it ‘marred’ the entire protest. That bald cunt Alan Shearer, moaning that United supporters had ‘overstepped the mark’. I notice that when those BLM and Antifa scum were rampaging at the height of the Covid lockdown last year and when those trust fund shite were trashing Bristol, there was no words about overstepping any mark then, was there? And as for the Premier League preaching about how ‘wrong’ it was? You have been going down on your knees for a thug and a druggie who pointed a loaded gun at a pregnant woman’s stomach, while his mates punched her in the face and ransacked her home. So don’t lecture us, you bastards.
It’s just the usual hypocr……..ooh look, squirrel!
I always thought I was with it and up to date with what goes on in the world. Clearly I have been kidding myself. Biased news, fake news, BLM, XR, gender fluids, Covid, transsexual rights, and the sort of shit that is reportedly taught in school these days is just a mystery to me now. My old man stopped watching or reading the news a year or so before he passed away. Now I know why. I hear phrases like “Do your research” “Don’t trust MSN” “google this or that” etc. Does researching online make things any clearer? No. Who do you trust? Trust your own instincts – they’re usually right. No World For Old Men
I have not watched main stream news since March 2020.
No newspapers, no radio, nothing.
And I am the happier for it?
Sky news Australia and assorted independent YouTube channels are all I need. The rest can fuck right off with their biased reporting and purposeful omission of important context. Sadly, most of the population rarely, if ever, stray from the mainstream media machine hence why our society is so dull, indoctrinated and misled.
You’ll probably be more up to date by not reading the news now.
Most news is fake, skewed to fit the woke agenda. What’s really going on in the world, the views of average people, they are suppressed.
The news cycle goes like this now –
– Woke garbage posted on some fringe woke website.
– Gains momentum on Cuntbook and Twatter.
– Picked up and amplified on BBC, Sky, Emily Witless, Naga Bigbutty, etc..
– Shared by “influencers” with followers.
– Re-tweeted by “influencers”
– Re-amplified on all media outlets and commented on.
– Cunted on ISAC.
With the exception of the final step, the cunting on this esteemed website, the whole cycle is an utter waste of time and a fraud.
I don’t trust any of the cunts I get my news from this website and the daily wire. I can’t watch or read the bbc for obvious reasons. I can’t watch sky news after they cut off a former police chief who told the truth about why there is so much crime in majority black areas. Also the way they treated trump was a joke. Now itv are doing a documentary about the jan 6th ‘insurrection’ where apparently there was a bomb found. Never heard another thing about that. There were 5 killed. Even though 1 was killed, shot dead by a copper. The others were medical emergency’s. Stroke, heart attack etc. I wouldn’t trust these cunts for anything. Their woke agenda is pathetic and they keep bowing down but at some point they won’t be able to meet the mobs demands. Vile cunts.
Once again, the MSM are the enemy of the people!
I’m at the point now where I watch the BBC ‘news’ once or twice a week. I see ‘Breaking News’ alerts from Sky News on youtube. That’s about it.