Microsoft Edge/News

An avalanch of shit.

Yes, this is a technical one.

I always used Internet Explorer on my old pc. Straight to the web page. No fucking abaaht. This new fucker uses Microsoft Edge, and probably some others.

Now, when I open up th’interweb I get an avalanch of shit. Tittle tattle about daytime TV, celebrities, the Daily fucking Express, the fucking Guardian. Adverts and clickbait. Like loading a tabloid. And it takes longer to load. In fact, the first page of the day can take 5 minutes.

Microsoft Edge is a cunt. Technically.

Nominated by: Cuntstable Cuntbubble

And here’s another related nom from the Cunstable

Microsoft News

I looked at a story on line that happened to be of interest about an interview. The following was embedded as other items of interest:

Everyone’s talking about Kim Kardashian’s toes again
Homeowner goes viral on TikTok after finding ‘secret passageway’ in 148-year-old house
Woman ‘shaves’ legs with sandpaper in viral TikTok and it’s blowing people’s minds
Father sparks debate over reaction to having a girl in viral gender reveal TikTok video
All the things which did better than Laurence Fox’s London mayoral campaign

Each one of these startling headlines was a ‘news’ item. I dont get out much admittedly but have yet to find anyone talking about Kardasian toes. The first time, never mind again. And that was the only headline I understood.

How the fuck is any of this shite news?

Anyway, here’s a link so long and convoluted that it will deffo give Admin the horn.

25 thoughts on “Microsoft Edge/News

  1. Buy an Apple Mac ?

    I am proud to be able to say, I have managed to never read a single word about a Kardashian-except about the devious cunt of a father, who took OJ Simpson’s blood stained clothes, from under the noses of the detectives?

    Does the sandpaper work?

    • Mr Jenner managed to get away with killing someone in a car crash as well I seem to remember.

    • I have a Mac
      Excellent, but Safari is total shit.

      Ditto Edge and IE

      That’s why I use Chrome. That and 30+ years in the IT business including a stint at Microsoft – the only freelance contract I ever asked to be released from. They are total cunts

      My favourite incident was when MS Sent out an anti-virus app with a virus in it. Says it all really….

      • Sorry CG but I didn’t create it.
        The Eye created it and I seem to remember it was admined by Grumpy Old Twat or Gotty as he was known.

        When he vanished into the sunset for reasons unknown it looked like it would die so I approached The Eye and asked if I could step in.

    • Plus one for that.

      Only hassle I had, a year or so back, is when an OSX update wouldn’t support adblockers. So I restored to an older version to keep blocking them. No more updates for me thanks?

      Microsoft stuff is a cunt I agree.

  2. I never bother with MSN – full of bloatware, fake stories and constant product placement shite.

    Microsoft Edge, isn’t too bad now that its running on the Chrome engine platform – is faster and more secure. But is still full of privacy leaks that you have to manually toggle off if you know where to look.

    Oh and IE11 reaches End-of-Life, at the end of August 2021.

    You can still use it, although Microshite will no longer provide feature updates, only security ones (and that will just be temporary). You’ll also find that of apps that used to run on 11, won’t do so after August.

    Edge is okay-ish; Firefox used to be great in the early days; Chrome is good but again you’ll be tracked no matter what you try and do primarily because they’re moving away from cookies and into the sinister world of FloC (“Federated Learning of Cohorts” – I shit you not!!)

    FloC is incredibly intrusive, more so than cookies; and some adblockers don’t always detect FloC activity. So be careful how you use Chrome from now on.

  3. Good nom, true in every respect. It may be fast but it’s fast at downloading awhole pile of shit before what you ask for. Microsoft loaded it on to my machine without bothering to ask permission (what’s new?) and made it the default browser. You will also find that the uninstall option is greyed out. It can be removed but rumour has it that this may affect your OS. My opinion, ignore it and make Firefox your default.

  4. Good cunting. I tend to use Google which avoids this shit. I used to use Yahoo and it took an eternity to download because of all the useless “news” items about the likes of Kim Cuntdashian, Justin Bleeder, Britney Spearmint, etc. Who want to read this rubbish?

  5. I liked early Netscape till Internet Explorer stole it. Nothng else to say on it

  6. Go to settings and get rid of all the shit. If you want to be a rebel, there is plenty of stuff on google how to remove it permanently. Or use Firefox,. Chrome pissed of my antivirus and made everything slow.

  7. Can we extend the nomination to include nearly all “technology”? My fucking Mercedes has more computing power than Saturn V. What for? To “save” the environment. Turns itself off when stopped (so fucks the starter motor I assume), has an over-complicated water pump that engages/disengage when cold. For fuck’s sake. Years ago, problems would be solved by engineers thinking about things and coming up with a simple and sensible design. Now, we get some Heath Robinson affair, controlled by dodgy “tech”. Fuck it all – I’m going to live in a croft with no telly, radio or internet.

    • Ironically, I “might” have a piece of software. And I “might” own a piece of hardware, that combined, and with the right code entered into it, can override the EMS on some Ford keyless cars!

      What is hugely scary about keyless cars, and computer operated cars is how easy they are to hack! Moreover the operating system built into some models’ EMS is not fully reliable – we’re talking Blue Screen of Death equivalents!

      And yet everyone wants to push towards this kind of half-baked technology in the form of electric cars and driverless cars!

    • On Air Crash Investigation it was revealed why the new (and always crashing) Boeing 737Max was made in the first place.

      Fuel efficiency, due to all this green woke shite.

      Worked out well for the hundreds dead in those crashes didn’t it?

      Still, they’ve ‘fixed’ the problem (which they say after each crash), but for me, they’ve seemingly over complicated stuff that’s already quite complicated, just to stop Greta shouting too much at them. Oh, and they save a few quid too on pollution fees and fuel, of course.

      Well, although no cunt is flying anywhere really nowadays, they soon will be. And I’ll be checking the model of the plane for any flights.

      I’m not getting on one of those cunts. I’d rather fly by Sopwith Camel with Air Umbongo.

      When I’m sitting 37,000 feet in the air, I don’t want any cunt trying to put wokeness to the forefront of the design of the plane I’m in. That’s something you shouldn’t be fucking around with like that.

      Fuck off.

    • My pound shop SUV is the same. More fucking technology that the space station and often going wrong.

  8. Imagine

    Imagine there’s no Windows,
    It’s easy if you try,
    No bugs annoy us,
    Completely free to try.
    Imagine all the people
    giving code away…

    Imagine there’s no companies,
    It isn’t hard to do,
    Nothing to hack or crack for,
    No UNIX too,
    Imagine all the people
    giving code away…

    Imagine no computers,
    I wonder if you can,
    No need for geek or hacker,
    A brotherhood of man,
    Imagine all the people
    Sharing all the world…

    You may say I’m a loonie,
    But I’m not the only one.
    I hope some day you’ll join us,
    And the world will live as one.

  9. In the last year I would have loaded 40+ W10 Operating systems on to computers I sell on. It’s a minefield to disable all the spying intrusive shit so somebody can opt in at a later date rather than figure out how to disable all the catch you shit!
    Yep, I run Apple, a system from it’s long past is designed for multi user, like internet and security. Microsoft Edge is crap. I use Firefox but they will also get the boot if the move any closer to my line in the sand.
    MS is just knuckle dragging crap, fucking reboot required of a background update I didn’t want while I am in the middle liking the screen on PornHub. Patches, viruses, overbearing crap system. Don’t get me started on MS Office 360, fucking cunts.

  10. If somebody talks about a “secret passageway” in Katie Price, that would certainly be news. Alas, there is nothing secret about Katie Price’s passageways.

  11. I keep removing that fucking shite micro edge from my laptop but then along comes microsoft auto update and puts the fucker back on! well bill you cunt i paid good cash for my lappie top and i decide what goes on it you cunt and it aint fucking micro edge it’s slow, shite, and i don’t fucking want it get to fuck you murdering cunt.

  12. Microsoft are cunts. Bought a new pc as my old one was running on XP and took ages to open up and run really slow.
    The new one now has Office down loaded at £80 per year as opposed to £80 on a disk. Also had to buy a new printer.
    The new pc still takes ages to open because of all the online shite running in the background that I have to keep closing. Bill Gates, you are a bastard and a cunt.

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