Michael Slater is a massive fucking cunt.
This fucking shit has been Aussie cricketer now rubbish commentator has got his knickers in a twist cos the Aussie Prime Minister has stopped flights from India arriving in Oz to stop the spread off COVID.
This cunt thinks it is out of order and is making himself look even more of a cunt than he is whining that Aussies cricketers deserve to come home. Not that this cunt is even in India anymore he fucked off to the Maldives at the first opportunity the cunt.
These cunts all play cricket in India for lucrative million dollar contracts, they fucking CHOSE to go there for the money, as do the commentators, off their own back for the fucking dough.
Now it’s all turned to shit they want to fly back and everythings rosie?
As the Aussie PM has rightly said ” Get fucked you CUNTS” you made your fucking million dollar bed, fucking lie in it.
https://wwos.nine.com.au/cricket/india-covid-michael-slater-cricket-flight-ban-australia/98d7553a-1952-4001-b7dc-5eb2634d845b link to story
Nominated by: flexicunt
Forgive the irony (and pedantry), but they did this off their own “bat”, not “back”.
The BBC website announced today that the increasing number of Indian variant cases in the U.K. is concerning. That’s what happens when you announce that you are going to stop flights from India in five days time. The cunts never learn.
They were two weeks too late in stopping the cunts coming in from India.
The ban should have been applied to all shit holes 14 months ago.
Two weeks late ? Try seventy fucking years.
Number of cunts in ICU in Bolton as of 8:45pm on 13th May just one.
This is More fearmingering and miss reporting. Cases mean fuck all.
If this is all about save the NHS (as it was originally) then all is fine.
If this is about something else then another conspiracy theory could be coming true
What exactly is this conspiracy?
I think we should be told.
They probably have enough money to stay isolated on the top floor of the best Indian hotels with 24 hour chicken madras, popadoms and Tiger Beer. Count me in, please.
Absolutely. The Rona was ripping through India at the start of the IPL. They knew the risks, they were warned but they went for the wonga.
While I don’t blame them for that, they can’t come crying now it’s all gone tits up, as expected. The Aussies and kiwis are more paranoid about anything to do with disease than any other cunting country (East Asians are close though).
They all would know this.
They’re all loaded anyway. I’m not a fan of the IPL (20/20) as it makes players play in it rather than proper cricket (County cricket). Indians have short attention spans it seems.
So fuck these cricket ruining cunts anyway. And fuck 20/20!
With nobody allowed to visit, nobody allowed to leave, no inoculation or vaccination programme, and consequently no tourism, Australians are imprisoned on their island like, well ….Convicts.
Might as well open another abo’s handbag then Shaney, we’re gonna be sitting here like a black fella scratching his balls for a while yet mate.
Aww fack yee Libs, ya young yahoot. I got me goonbag ripped outta me box o’wine an am gonna swing me chateau cardboard loike a piss-ridden bogun in the paark so quit hangin’ shit on me ya bladdy hoon.
Australia’s policy and New Zealand is starting to look more and more like a huge mistake, . And do you know what I’m finding it very very funny.
As for jacinda Arden – how do you feel
Adios councillor
Mistake? Keeping the chinky virus out is a mistake? Fuck me. Because some cricketers are stranded in 5 star luxury in India.
Cricketeer? Is that an entomologist?
The difference between India and any other shit hole in the world is that it is the largest.
Covid probably mutated there because India is a huge Petrie dish ripe for diseases to do as they wish.
Anyone travelling abroad now does so at their own risk. There should be no subsidy from the public purse as that it is giving money from those with a greater sense of responsibility to those who have just followed their own desires. Fuck ’em.
Guzziguy you are spot on with that observation about 5 days notice of flights., I just hope the AZO vaccine gives some degree of protection against the Indian variant.
What do you want to go abroad for?
There a war on?
Only thing abroad is flies an foreigners.
I like neither.
Go Morecambe.
You stuck up twat!
What’s wrong with Towyn or Rhyl?
Hark at you, with your new found, fancy Lancashire friends?
Ive gone upmarket.
Got to show im flash now.
I have spent ages online, looking for a caravan park with a dozen free statics, available for the middle of July.
I had pre-booked “Sewer Works View”, for the IsAC Summer Holiday.
Mrs Taffy-There’s -Luvly made it sound lovely on her website:
-games room with one armed bandits, Commodore 64, megadrive and selection of jigsaw puzzles
-8ft communal paddling pool
-views of the sewage works, and only 45 minute walk from the sea.
She was going to put on a cabaret for us-Elvis tribute band, The Nolan sister?and Lenny Henry !
What a shame ?
Atkinsons chippy, on Albert Road, after a bracing walk on t ‘ front .
Lovely ??
Bloody Nouveau Riche!
Miserable just hasn’t been the same since he started having fancy artisan gates made CG.
I blame his subscription to Lancashire Life.
He will be parading around Stockport in a tweed suit and monocle, like Cwittthhh Eubanks.
Only Whiter.
And a Burberry flashers mac for the weekends.
Ive started wearing spats.
An sock suspenders.
The Australians have the right idea in threatening to gaol (note the English spelling – the Yanks misspell it as ‘jail’) anybody, including Australian citizens, who is coming from, or has recently been in, India.
Why can’t our government do the same thing? And why are they still letting the dirty dinghy rats cross the English Channel?
Not just letting in, housing in hotels and showering with benefits, mobiles, laptops, and trainers. Aiii.
? Who wants to be a Refugee? I do.
Slater is a cunt for this hissy fit.
Pity. I saw him murder the Somerset bowlers at Taunton back in the 90s. What a player. Preferred scoring in boundaries. Probably sick as a pig for not being a modern day IPL$$ star.
Never really enjoyed cricket TBH – always found it a bit pedestrian.
I played once at school, batted, hit the ball like it was a ginger stepkid ? but then again I wasn’t exactly facing Curtly Ambrose.
But leaving Australia to cash in on IPL cricket then having people demand they come “home” when they don’t like it does rather smack of hypocrisy.
I dont like cricket?!!!
Oh no.
I hate Jamaica
Oh yes.
If they are that well paid they can site without in a 5 star hotel. Wouldn’t bother me. Moaning cunt.
Slater is a fair dinkum arsehole.
May the fleas of a thousand Indian cows infest his wizened bollocks.
The cunt.
Pure poetry, Paul.
Slightly off topic but still on stinky cunts, the home office tried to remove two tanned illegals from Glasgow but instead of enforcing the removal they let the cunts go because of protesters, cheered on (not literally) by Wee Jimmy and her P*ki justice secretary, fucking disgrace
The sooner Scotland fucks off the better and they can have as many Indian, P*ki, towel heads they want, complete with diseases.
They can’t let them go it’s a court order. Get the cunts out.
Uttercunt@ – When the laws work against the good of the Country and the safety of its people it’s time to get rid of the laws.
The police were there and did nothing, they could have made arrests and dispersed the crowd but when the Scottish politicians are openly opposing the removals how the fuck can a couple home office enforcement officers do anything.
Where was Priti Patel, she should have been on the blower to the Scottish fuzz to tell them to clear the street.
? Skippindah, Skippindah
Skippindah the Punjabi kangaroo-oo ?
Stuck in the Raj Bruce?
Awww, that’s tough shit mate.
Fuck you Bruce, get some tinnies in cunt.
The dunnies in Australia are only marginally better than the shit holes of Calcutta.
Sewer with a space programme.
We’re all the gutter but some of us are looking at the stars.
Yeah, well it was easy for Oscar to look at the stars……he wasn’t the one on his knees taking it up the bum.
Fucking raving iron.
Oscar Wilde that isn’t it Miles?
I like it.
Shame he went to hell really.
Oscar Wilde didn’t go to Hell, he went to India. He went in search
of the black hole of Calcutta.
He had a deathbed conversion Miserable.
Crickets for cricket.
If you think this is a ‘deadly pandemic’ then you don’t support anyone coming in from anywhere.
Yet, as you’ll see on ‘flightradar24’, Heathrow is alive and well with planes landing every few minutes from India, Bangladesh, Brazil, you know, all these places with supposedly ‘deadly’ pandemics going on.
What a load of cunt.