Method acting is a pile of arty farty self-aggrandizing shite.
Practised by highly strung thesps suffering for their art and immersing themselves in character to deliver powerful and unforgettable performances or self-absorbed egomaniacs looking for an Oscar nod.
There has been a few down the years, Jamie Foxx agreed to be blind on the set of the Ray Charles biopic for up to 14 hours a day, Robert De Niro drove cabs in NYC for 12 hour shifts when filming Taxi Driver but the most well-known is Daniel Day-Lewis.
Apparently in My Left Foot he played a man suffering from cerebral palsy and was rarely if ever out of character. He went everywhere in a wheelchair even when filming had stopped, ate in restaurants where he insisted on being fed with a spoon and talked with an afflicted drawl. He has also lived in the wild for six months and only ate food he had trapped (Last Of The Mohicans 1992) and caught pneumonia on the set of Gangs of New York for refusing to wear modern thermal clothing.
As Laurence Olivier said : “Why not try acting? It’s a lot easier”.
Nominated by: Liberal Liquidator
Ducky Darling!!
LL im shocked at your Vicious hateful attack on the thespian community.
For little reward they entertain us, they live to please others and all they ask in return is some makeup.
De Niro is a method actor.
He gained a few stone the shed it for his portrayal of Jake LaMotta in Raging Bull.
Imagine what he had to endure for his Warburton bread adverts?
Possibly his best work?
George Clooney is in the latest Warburtons advert Miserable. He is in permanent ‘wokie cunt’ character. As for De Niro, has he got time for acting anymore with his all consuming Trump Derangement Syndrome?
Both Clooney an deNiro are champagne socialist crybaby motherfuckers.
Theyre in it for the dough!!!
Sorry, LL, I really can’t go along with this nom.
For as long as I can remember I have played the role, in character, of a Gentleman with a top hat, cane and monocle who spends his waking hours, slurring, arrogant, hoity-toity, sometimes vulgar, largely aggressive and for the most part permanently drunk!
It really is a crying shame after all these years I just can’t remember what I was auditioning for 🙁
Fuck off!
Surely method acting is only a step or two away from cultural appropriation!
Can’t have actors pretending to represent others in case of causing offence.
You talkin’ to me?
To be fair if it makes him pull off performances like the one in ‘There will be blood’ there may be ‘method’ (sorry) in his madness.
What a fucking performance that was. I’m not a film nerd who examines films and performances like a cunt, but during that film, even I said to the Mrs “How good is this fucker at acting?”
Great actor, it has to be said. Enjoy it while it lasts, because they’re only interested in dark keys for the best roles nowadays. And pooftahs and wimminz of course.
Day Lewis is the best actor in modern cinema. By a country mile.
He is as mad as a box of frogs.
Pacino was ok, nowadays he judge shouts, whilst De Nero plays the same part in whatever he stars in.
My personal pick fir an award is that gentleman of colour, George Chiggun Floyd, for his portrayal of a victim of white supremacy. So convincing, it has had audiences questioning reality, ever since….
I recall a critic saying of the later performances of Robert Mitchum ‘ Nowadays he simply points his suit at people ‘.
About Day- Lewis’s performance in ‘My Left Foot’ my mate said ‘he gets an Oscar for taking the piss’.
I like Brando. In ‘A streetcar’ provoked by the snobby Blanche he smashes his fist down in the kitchen table. Always thought that was powerful.
It’s pretentious of course. But maybe the modern world did need a new way of acting.
But for me the word ‘acting’ is about doing Shakespeare. Speaking the verse correctly and ‘acting’ a role. I mean the ‘acting’ is artificial.
The danger of course is to ‘ham it up’.
Marlon Brando was an overpaid, overhyped wanker!
The most powerful performances I have seen regarding method acting is Peter Falk playing Columbo!
Brando was very good at playing a heterosexual though, it took years for people to work it out.
The danger of course is being pig ignorant of the concept of acting and what it’s about, whether on stage, film, television or in real life.
Who new that “hard man” Robert De Niro is in fact the son of a puffy artist . Acting is for cunts. Gay boys pretending to be someone else would have had your head chopped off not that long ago .
Greatest method actor of all is Ken Barlow. Or is that Bill Roach? Anyway, he has portrayed the most boring cunt on earth for over 60 years. And he is exactly the same in real life. Fucking dedication.
All soap ‘actors’ are the same. That’s why they never branch out into any other role.
That Todd Carty was a child actor in Grange Hill and then went and lived in Walford.
Don’t recall him being in anything else, then again i don’t subscribe to the idiot lantern.
Bryan Robson in Jossie’s Giants is still the greatest acting performance in history.
Daniel Day Lewis? De Niro?
Fuck off!
Gawd that was fucking painful
I think Darling Larry’s famous “why don’t you just try acting?” quip was aimed at Dustin ‘The Method’ Hoffman.
Probably for going to ridiculously extreme lengths to become permanently short-arsed by having 6ins removed from both shin-bones.
Actors-give or take the odd Eastwood or Caine they’re all cunts aren’t they.
Robert Shaw
Clint Eastwood
Gene Hackman
Gene wilder
Stephen Graham
Paddy Considine
No not Deadpool!
My favourite actors.
Shaw in The Sting was fucking epic.
That train scene playing cards.?
Shaw might’ve been a decent actor but he seemed a particularly unpleasant cunt off screen. That’s fine by me, as I don’t care a fuck about any of them on or off.
He was a loose canon on chat shows; a combination of Alex Higgins, George Best and Ollie Reed. And Alex Ferguson could drink them all under the table.
Robert Shaw in The Birthday Party was sublime.
Watch the entire film:
Or at least from 8:40 onwards.
You must be fuckin’ joking. Why the fuck would I watch something for 2 hours on the whim of a recommendation?
You tube links should be quite short, particularly with so many of us living on borrowed time.
That’s why I provided the first link – 2 minutes 25 seconds – doh!
Hahahaha ??
PS: Have you been on the railroad gin again, Bertie?
You made no reference to the length of the first link and it still stands why would anyone want to watch for 2 hours?
I hate fuckin’ filums anyway. I think this dates back to when I watched The Towering Inferno and I was sat on the front row.
The only bloke sat in the fuckin pictures with a fire extinguisher!!?
Oliver Reed
John Thaw
Charlton Heston
Tom Baker
Richard Harris
Robert Shaw
Albert Finney
Burgess Meredith was also brilliant.
I’ll d/l the birthday party and give it a go. If it’s recommended. Thanks.
Cinema Paradiso is a must watch even if you’re on borrowed time.
2 hour films are not unusual Bertie.
Most normal people are perfectly able to watch films of that length, unless they suffer from some sort of attention deficit disorder, that is. And believe it or not, most people enjoy films.
Have you never watched a film on the recommendation of a friend? I have, loads, and glad I did.
Anyway, the beauty of YouTube is that you can watch as much or as little as you want. If you’re not interested, don’t fucking watch it, it’s not rocket science!
Oooh! Get you. I give you praise when it’s due but you don’t seem to able to handle any criticism.
The site is meant to be for pithy comments not a Barry Norman type film review.
Pinter’s shit anyway.
@ Bertie @ 9:34
Are you mad? Where did I review the film?
Who’d have thought it? Bertie Blunt would take offence at the simple recommendation of a film.
No good deed goes unpunished.
The entire cast of The Great Escape, which I’ve just watched in full for the first time since it was on the box when I was a kid.
Fritz is a cunt…
Best acting award should go to Robert Newton’s parrot in Treasure Island.
All the time in character and never shit once on his shoulder.
Bet Hoffman wasn’t a method actor in Little Big Man.
Best thing about that Olivier quote was it was after Dustin Hoffman ran around central park and got knackered because his character was doing that in the scene.
Maybe we get lucky and Daniel Day Lewis has to get into character to play a suicide victim.
“Has anyone seen Daniel? He was supposed to be on set an hour ago!”
I hope they don’t cast a Dark-Key to play me when Hollywood makes the film of my life….I wouldn’t like that. I’m resigned to the fact that it’ll be a Gay…all actors are Homosexuals…. but having some Sooty pretending to be me would be intolerable.
The Cunts’ll probably ask Whoopi fucking Goldberg knowing my luck.
No fear of poor Harvey Winestein touching up that ugly auld trout
They have no respect Dick, Robbie Coltrane reprised his Harry Potter character Hagrid for a quick payday when filming Miserable’s gritty biopic.
Lord Fiddler, I have it on good authority (Mis), that “cock-out” Barrowman is lined up to portray your noble self. In anticipation, he has taken a leaf out of Day-Lewis’s book and has declared he will move to the wilds of Northumberland and live on an exclusive diet of Guiness and Fray Bentos to prepare for the role??
Jess Philips, Anal-ease Dodds and Dianne Abacus to portray the hounds. (Or is that “Dogs”).
Barrowman?!!.. I’ve been insulted on here before,General, but that is fucking outrageous.
Ive been commissioned as head of casting for Fiddler the musical.
And its Gary Colman, from Different strokes.
Hes got attitude, your charm,
And he walks the walk
Even does your catchphrase
“Whatchoo talkin bout Wilis?”
He struggles to get on horseback though.
We all know you have chosen Lil’ Gary, in the hope he will bring along some fellow midgets of the female persuasion.
You are the new Harvey Weinstein?
If Gary decides to bring along some red hot dwarf babes who am I to stop him?!
Id wear a rubber in case I caught smallpox though.
Or umpalumpa rot.
If Gary decides to bring along some red hot midget babes who am I to stop him?
Id wear a rubber though in case I caught smallpox.
Or Oompa loompa rot.
What about a gay sooty? I’m thinking like an Ainsle Harriet type.
Ah yes, prick with a fork
Yeh boiiiii
I always thought Sue the panda was such a whiny mierable cunt she must be a lezza. Always trying to stop Sweep having fun the bitch.
Anyway, acting is just dressing up and pretending, same as trannies and drag queens. Fuck em.
Fucking hate cartoon movies too, especially the many sequels. Pretending to be a fucking ant? Fuck off. Would have fucked the cadburys caramel rabbit though given the chance.
They should make a film called The Life Of Diane Abbot and cast Daniel Day Lewis.
As a real test to his skill, he should blacken up and pile on the pies and chicken to 35 Stone.
Diane: Andwew, if we employ 20 more police officers, we could put one in every town in Bwitain.
They could call it Daniel Day Release.
Day Lewis could probably pull off pretending to be Diane Abbott, the mad bastard.
He’d adopt a mental dark key with a knife, just to chase him around naked in his own home. Then, he’d have lobotomies until he couldn’t count. After that, nothing but buckets of friiiiiied chiggun 8 times a day and learning how to blame da honky for everything.
One month later. A best actor Oscar.
Never did like that overrated CUNT ! Every film that he’s been in is utter shite.
What about a method acting macaroon playing Anne Boleyn?
It´s easy to act. As Noel Coward said,” “Learn the lines, dear, and don’t bump into the furniture”. He was a old fashioned homo from that time but would not be woke enough for the present generation of gays.
Too much of a politically incorrect imperialist. This is from another stately old queen, Somerset Maugham´s The Narrow Corner. It gives a more truthful idea of suppressed homosexuality than any of today´s openly gay literature:
“Dr. Saunders, taking his book, lay down in a long, rattan chair. He glanced at his watch. It was a little after nine. It was his habit to smoke half a dozen pipes of an evening. He liked to begin at ten. He waited for this moment, not with malaise, but with a little tremor of anticipation which was pleasant, and he would not cut this short by advancing the hour of his indulgence.
He called Ah Kay and told him that they were sailing in the morning … The boy nodded. He, too, was glad to get away. Dr. Saunders had engaged him when he was thirteen, and now he was nineteen. He was a slim, comely youth with large black eyes and a skin as smooth as a girl’s. His hair, coal-black and cut very short, fitted his head like a close cap. His oval face was of the colour of old ivory. He was quick to smile, and then he showed two rows of the most exquisite teeth possible, small and white and regular. In his short Chinese trousers of white cotton and the tight jacket without a collar he had a languorous elegance that was strangely touching. He moved silently and his gestures had the deliberate grace of a cat. Dr. Saunders sometimes flattered himself with the thought that Ah Kay regarded him with affection.”
sorry i have disagree with this nom
I don’t hear anything about Cristian Bale losing shit loads of weight during his filming of The Machist….just saying
The Machinist That was a pretty decent film Yeah he practically went anorexic for that one starved himself skinny
Shame Christian Bale gave up his batman role. That new batman film with Robert pattionston looks like a pile of shit
Leave the last word to Shakespeare-
Speak the speech, I pray you, as I pronounced it to
you, trippingly on the tongue: but if you mouth it,
as many of your players do, I had as lief the
town-crier spoke my lines. Nor do not saw the air
too much with your hand, thus, but use all gently;
for in the very torrent, tempest, and, as I may say,
the whirlwind of passion, you must acquire and beget
a temperance that may give it smoothness. O, it
offends me to the soul to hear a robustious
periwig-pated fellow tear a passion to tatters, to
very rags, to split the ears of the groundlings, who
for the most part are capable of nothing but
inexplicable dumbshows and noise: I would have such
a fellow whipped for o’erdoing Termagant; it
out-herods Herod: pray you, avoid it.
First Player
I warrant your honour.
Be not too tame neither, but let your own discretion
be your tutor: suit the action to the word, the
word to the action; with this special o’erstep not
the modesty of nature: for any thing so overdone is
from the purpose of playing, whose end, both at the
first and now, was and is, to hold, as ’twere, the
mirror up to nature; to show virtue her own feature,
scorn her own image, and the very age and body of
the time his form and pressure. Now this overdone,
or come tardy off, though it make the unskilful
laugh, cannot but make the judicious grieve; the
censure of the which one must in your allowance
o’erweigh a whole theatre of others. O, there be
players that I have seen play, and heard others
praise, and that highly, not to speak it profanely,
that, neither having the accent of Christians nor
the gait of Christian, pagan, nor man, have so
strutted and bellowed that I have thought some of
nature’s journeymen had made men and not made them
well, they imitated humanity so abominably.
First Player
I hope we have reformed that indifferently with us,
O, reform it altogether. And let those that play
your clowns speak no more than is set down for them;
for there be of them that will themselves laugh, to
set on some quantity of barren spectators to laugh
too; though, in the mean time, some necessary
question of the play be then to be considered:
that’s villanous, and shows a most pitiful ambition
in the fool that uses it. Go, make you ready.
Exeunt Players
All this effort and he looks fuck all like him, woke casting, no idea.
It’s a shame Day-Lewis when he was playing Abe Lincoln didn’t go full method and get some fucker to blow his cunting head off.