Masks in the Classroom

Masks are a cunt.

But not how you may think. I have a class with a few large black (Black?) and Asian lads.

With masks on, and having only seen their mugshots on Teams for the best part of a term, I get their names confused,

Do I think all black people look the same? Of course not. But with masks, and one of the Asians wearing corn rows, it can cause some confusion. Not to mention the islamic girls with their masks. ‘Sir, you mean her, not me.’

Fuck this shit.

Nominated by: Dark key cunt

30 thoughts on “Masks in the Classroom

  1. I am pro vaccination and anti masks and always have been. If they were that good there would have been fewer cases of Kung Flu. That motherfucker Khan forced them on TfL passengers, but the silly cunt, in patting himself on the back forgot that though you could make people wear the, most of the cunts wore them as chinstraps and even if they wore them properly, would whip them off to bellow down their ladyphones.

    In a way I am against P Stanleys wearing masks – they should be forced to wear the full rig including burquas and hijabs – I would extend that to the chinkys, so we don’t have to see their slitty eyes and hearing their squeaky high pitched voices. While we are at it, make Anna Sourberry, Sugartits Cooper Lady Nugee, AnalEase Dodds and Jess Phillips wear them as well because they are so fucking ugly.

    • The main issue with masks seems to be the false sense of security they provide.

      During first lockdown the vast majority of people observed social distancing with an ignorant minority brushing shoulders in Tesco or breathing down your neck in the Sainsbury (granted most of these fuck nuts seemed to be Rinky-Dinks or Iron Curtain types.)

      When masks became mandatory, all that went out the window and people in supermarkets virtually all reverted to being cunts again with the exception of a few Covid Karens.

      If any Cunters here know me well enough they’ll know that even before Covid, I despised supermarkets and was way ahead of the curve:

      I may have found the initial queues, maximum capacity, one way systems and social distancing a minor irritation but at least most people started to develop some spacial awarenes and courteousy during that time.

      But come the mask mandate and everybody’s heads returned to a) in their phones b) in the clouds or c) up their arse.

  2. There are 112 different shades of brown on the Dulux paint cart.Assign each of your sooty students a name based on the skin colour that you can see…his hand as it reaches out to take your wallet,perhaps? The chart contains such wonderfully descriptive names as ” Coconut Husk” and “Chocolate Souffle” but disappointingly no ” Baby Shit Tan” or ” Tarry-Toot”…disappointing.

    • It’s a fucking good job that there are some of us non-academic types on this site to dispense a bit of good old-fashioned common-sense to these teacher types.
      Best to just call all of the Sooties ” Un’Bongo” and tell them to “Fuck Off back to the jungle” if they give you any ( rubber) lip.

      • Get your mortarboard and cane and come and be headmaster at the place where I work, Dick.

        I would pay money to see that.

      • Morning,Mike.

        I don’t think that the only teacher I ever respected had any qualifications. He was a horrible man who detested everything apart from his nasty little terrier…Jews,fatties and swots were his chief target…unless you could play rugby you were guaranteed a hard time.

        There were no Sooties or Gays in those days…..I dread to think what he’d have made of a classroom full of obese,multi-coloured,mobile-phone using, mental Non-Binary students. Probably just as well that the drink killed him before he got to witness such horrors.

  3. Im no academic DKC, but name badges.
    Any other problems in the classroom feel free to consult me.

    • Problem is, they are all called Mohammed Patel. Even the girls.
      Except for Muhammad. Muhammad Patel.

      The only reasonable solution, is a practical field trip to Unkle Terry’s Auschwich-Birkenhau reconstructed, working oven.
      NO masks provided ?

  4. Don’t know what the fuss is about your enthic students will be most probably wearing then at night around town as part of their work outfit where they can deny everything to the cops ?‍♀️ ?

  5. It looks like they’re muzzled in the photo.
    And that’s ok by me.

  6. Personally I wouldn’t worry about it. Don’t bother teaching them anything because they learn more from social media indoctrination.

    Give them all a grade A++ pass, because anything else would be just racist.

  7. I cant tell them apart to be honest DKC.
    Doreen Lawrence, Bill Cosby, Ainsley, AJ, Diana Ross,
    Could be same fuckin bloke to me!
    I wouldn’t even bother to learn their names.

    • Only there to placate the cunty teaching union; cunts. “Its not safe” waaahhh.

  8. Bet you feel sometimes your wasting your time eh DKC?
    Deshawn climbed up the curtains and flinging his feaces at classmates?
    Little shamimas backpack is worryingly ticking under her desk?
    Most of the crayons eaten,
    Protractor and rulers locked away to stop them making weapons.
    A teachers lot is a hard one.
    A far cry from ‘please sir!’
    And the Fen street lot.

  9. The mask wearing shite is a fucking disgrace. Inflicting this pointless psychotic charade on children is an abomination and those responsible should be incinerated.

    • Id go a lot further where these ethnics are concerned Chunky!
      Theyd have to wear astronaut suits or those plague doctor masks with the long beak.
      They carry all sorts of disease not just chinky flu, but ebola, dengue fever, monkey lice, all sorts of things!
      While I dont like to wear a mask personally I think others should be forced to.
      Including new born babies.
      But I am opposed to life jackets.

      • Life jackets!

        Now there’s a thought. In the old days when a ship was about to sink, or a passenger plane about to crash, the captain would sometimes say “women and children first” for first dibs to the life boats/jackets.

        I wonder what the captain would say these days as saying “women and children” would be deemed offensive to the Alphabets, and a form of sexism to blokes who will say “oi love, you wanted equality, so get to the back of the fucking queue!”

    • “…Inflicting this pointless psychotic charade on children is an abomination”

      There is no more depressing and angering sight than a child trussed, muzzled and visored, hauling each stale breath through a totally useless rag.
      Both my lads’ headmasters immediately received letters when this wankery was first mooted to the effect that they will not be participating in this dehumanising fiasco and no further discussion on the matter will be entered into. Any teacher or staff member attempting to ‘force’ compliance will be sued personally for harassment/assault and the Devil’s welcome to whatever remains.

      • The son of one of my neighbours still insists on wearing a facemask at school even though the school has banned the wearing of them since the 17th…

  10. The header picture must be from a BBC report on schools, it seems they only have access to classrooms full of darkies, no point in them wearing masks if there aren’t any whites in the class.

  11. Schools only exist for “progressive” brainwashing these days……bumbanditry, trannyism, critical race theory.
    Any kid will tell you …….don’t need to learn nuffink fam. Just google it, innit?

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