Luke Warm Christians

Not Very Good Christians

I have a friend. His now ex wife is very Christian. Bible based. So my friend accepted Jesus as ‘his Lord and Saviour’ and has proceeded to carry on as he always did -namely bolting from his house to go on benders, borrowing the money to do so because he has lost most of it gambling, taking absolutely no interest in his young son.

I could go on but I am conscious of a Bible verse ‘He who casts the first stone…’but take it from me he really is bad. Better say a kind of lovable rogue type. But really what takes the biscuit is he knows I am a Catholic and sits me down (invariably he falling off the sofa) and tells me where I am going wrong. I can see him now pointing to his head ‘the journey of faith is from here to here’ pointing to his heart.

I cannot but think that the ‘ease’ with which found faith is indicative of its superficiality. It has not gone very deep I believe.

I mean you have to work at it. Simeon Stylites sat atop a pillar for 37 years wrestling with the things of faith.You might think it a pointless but at least it took some EFFORT.

I anticipate criticism of Catholicism here. Often said you can drink and debauch then go go confession and you’re forgiven and you do the whole thiing all over again the next weekend. But once again there is some effort to get up and go. Whereas my friend just has to lift his eyes to heaven…

I don’t know what I am saying here or who I am criticising. Luke warm Christians I suppose.

But then my friend’s ex wife comes to mind. Oh she’s soooo Christian. She gave me a lift to work one morning. For small take I said ‘nice day?’ ‘yes I’ve been out earlier photographing the beauty of God’s creation’.

I am conscious once again of ‘He who cast the first stone…’ but I was always a bit of a Pharisee.

I know do it this way.

‘The Christian ideal has not been tried and found wanting; it has been found difficult and left untried.’ Chesterton. Discuss.

‘I’d be a Christian if it wasn’t for Christians’. Was that Ghandi? Discuss.

My long dead brother- ‘it is only a veneer Christian civilisation’.

Nominated by: Miles Plastic

44 thoughts on “Luke Warm Christians

  1. Abu Hamza for a cunting. The hook handed peaceful cock sucker is wanting to leave the prison he’s at (supermax) on compassionate grounds due to the conditions.
    Now call me an old cynic here but he’s got a life where as the people he’s had murdered and the families that have been ripped apart due to his brainwashing of North London goat fuxkers don’t.
    His legal team are also supermax cunts

  2. I am no Christian. However I dont put my lack of faith out on to others. I am no vagan/antivaxer style proseletyser. I am willing to admit that Christianity is the difference between the civilised, enlightened western countries and the rest. But this is only because the Enlightenment overcame the church. Unlike Islam it could no longer persecute and murder apostates and thinkers. The Catholic church remains rotten to the core and there are any number of other denominations that are dubious, to say the least. The CoE is a limp wristed, weak joke. However, the fundamental christian values that survived the corruption of the churches are the difference between us and the hell holes of this world.
    I suppose that makes me a not very good atheist.

  3. Nail them up! Nail some sense into them!

    Religion and football, it seems their followers aren’t really all that different!

    I am going for an afternoon nap!

    Fuck off!

  4. Christianity as peddled by Welby and co is a waste of space. All things to all men, what bollocks. A religion should be a no nonsense business, not some sort of moral candy floss served up to pansies. Proper retribution for recidivists is what is called for. The sooner Christianity gets back to butchering camel riders and excommunicating heretics the better. At least everyone will know where they stand.

    Great nom, Miles. Peace be with you.

  5. Need any help removing that plank from thine own eye Miles?

    Happy to do mates rates. ?

  6. Never understood why God gave us certain things, lemons for example. Fruit should taste sweet and juicy, not like some crack whore’s rancid minge.
    Not that I’d know, I’ve never eaten a lemon….

  7. I don’t mind if somebody is Catholic, Anglican, Baptist or Born-again.

    You’re all deserving of a blood-eagle.

  8. I am a Catholic, but lapsed really and not religious. But I’m not an atheist and I like Catholicism, but not enough to go to Mass and confession. So I suppose I’m honest about it. If you accept Catholicism, or any other type of Christianity – and I mean really accept it deep down – then it’s going to turn your life upside down. That’s what Jesus meant when he said he had come to separate fathers from sons, etc. Anyone whose boastful about how pious they are has not really accepted religion – if they had they would not boast. It’s not “business as usual” for someone who is truly religious. It’s life changing stuff.

    • Miles@
      Your friend doesn’t sound like hes consumed by faith.
      A shit dad, degenerate gambler etc.
      The cunt should put more effort in.
      Like that Simon Stylistics sat on a pillar, thats a show of faith.
      Daft but convincing.
      Hes in no position to lecture you!
      Tell him straight next time,
      “Look your a fuckin bum.
      A bad parent and a degenerate’.
      If hes truly a Christian he’ll forgive you.

      • Just to talk about him Miserable. Or her the ex-wife. She is the ‘enabler’ in the relationship. He can do whatever he likes because she always bails him out. Also, I detect about her…she’s like a martyr to it/him. Very angry- making and frustrating. He is ‘one of God’s children’ see. She’s nearly 60 and wears pigtails.
        When Mr F says he has his Guinness and Frosty Jack’s it reminds me of my friend. Maybe sometimes three bottles of FJ’s in a day. Vodka when he has money. Morning, noon and night. Sleeps gets up, drinks, sleeps…
        As I say getting 3 parts to the wind then getting religious!!!
        A bit too much to take.

      • Hes a hypocrite Miles.
        Take no notice.
        He’s hardly in a position to judge you or anybody for that matter.
        He should be a better man
        Be a father to his son.

  9. It’s all a bunch of bollocks.
    Morals, rational thought and a bit of common sense.
    Just get it in your head what’s right and wrong and try not to be too much of a cunt.

  10. What kind of religion leaves some poor bugger trapped atop a pillar for nearly forty years and doesn’t even bring a ladder? – seems a bit mean TBH..
    It has been my lifelong experience that those who shout loudest about what a good Christian etc they are tend to be the biggest hypocrites (with no inference intended towards young Miles I hasten to add!) – the US ones especially – “Jesus is my lord and loves and forgives all – now get that criminal in the electric chair”.
    I do not need billionaire moneymaking organisations to tell me what’s right and wrong – that’s the job of the police and my psychiatrist! ?

    • St Simon Stylites was not forced up his pillar. It was his choice. He could have come down any time he wanted. Granted, it was a bit pointless. Tennyson wrote a superb poem about it.

      • So Simon Stalactites was a lazy Labour supporter and philosophy student was he?
        37 years of JSA (Jesus Support Allowance) as he sat around doing bugger all – I would have told him to climb down and get a rewarding job in a warehouse or sanctioned his benefits! ?

      • Your problem Foxy is you dont appreciate a view!
        Simon statistics could see for miles and earned a second income as a lighthouse.

      • ‘O Lord, Lord,
        Thou knowest I bore this better at the first,
        For I was strong and hale of body then;
        And though my teeth, which now are dropped away,
        Would chatter with the cold, and all my beard
        Was tagged with icy fringes in the moon,
        I drowned the whoopings of the owl with sound
        Of pious hymns and psalms, and sometimes saw
        An angel stand and watch me, as I sang.
        Now am I feeble grown; my end draws nigh;
        I hope my end draws nigh: half deaf I am,
        So that I scarce can hear the people hum
        About the column’s base, and almost blind,
        And scarce can recognize the fields I know;
        And both my thighs are rotted with the dew;
        Yet cease I not to clamour and to cry,
        While my stiff spine can hold my weary head,
        Till all my limbs drop piecemeal from the stone,
        Have mercy, mercy: take away my sin.’

        Doesn’t sound like much fun ?. Although this is Tennyson’s view. Who knows what the real StSimeon thought.

  11. We ALL have a discrepancy between what we are and know we should be. God’s word gives us the knowledge we need to understand who we are, who God is, and how we can become acceptable to God. It’s up to us to redeem the small amount of time we have and become “dependable witnesses” to testify with our lives that God’s way is the only way that truly works.
    There will always be a struggle to not succumb to the tugs of our inner cunt.

  12. I very much keep to the adage that my faith is like my penis. It’s fine to have one, I’m even faintly proud of it, but it’s not right to wave it around in other people’s faces.

  13. When Jesus died and ascended to heaven, wasn’t he basically just moving back in with his parents….

    • Yes , and I bet his mum got fed up of crispy socks under his bed

      • Typical spoilt kid if you asked me. He went into his fathers business and thought his mother was a virgin.

  14. Surely if you blow a load of kids up outside a McDonald’s, murder a copper or two, repent and you’re good to go, being a pisshead doesn’t even come on the register?
    And where’s all the forgiveness crap, and judge or ye be judged?
    The hypocrisy of faith.

  15. Miles:

    Gutstick has highlighted the elephant in the room here-the tenet of Christianity is tolerance and understanding.
    Don’t judge, lest ye be judged….


  16. You get Christians in the middle east who are proper devout – which takes balls being surrounded by Muslims. The mid-east Christians crawl on their stomachs to Jerusalem as pilgrimage to the Holy Land. Never heard of a British or American doing this. You get Christians who pray deeply for hours a day in the mid-east. Never heard of that in the western world. Most white people in the west “do religion” in a very soft way. Your evangelicals over in America are hardcore, but you don’t get that brand of Christianity in Britain. “GOD HATES FAGS” signs in Britain wouldn’t be met with the same controversy, would it?

    In this day and age, you really should keep your spirituality to yourself and not socialise it, let alone politicise it.

    Eat magic mushrooms!

  17. The god bothering loons are like political party canvassers to me, I’m not interested fuck off, or I will set the Jack Russel on you, you have obviously mistaken me for someone who gives a fuck

  18. Religion is just lazy thinking, whatever variety we are talking about.
    It has the huge bonus for psychopathic loons that the majority of idiots fall for.
    As a way of explaining one’s place in the universe, it’s worse than useless.
    If you decide to explain it by saying the universe is too complex to have come about by fluke, so there must be a creator, where did that cunt come from?

    Turtles all the way down makes just as much sense.

    Religion, IMHO, is the ultimate cunt.

  19. Here you go with your Catholic absolutism again Miles The world would be perfect if Protestantism never happened right?! Enlightenment humanitarianism

    I had this pointless debate with a Mexican I want to say lady but her mannerisms and horrible attitude was all cunt so I’ll just say demon of female orgin

    Now let me tell of this silly Spanish speaking shithole called Mexico Cartels, massive corruption, organised crime, even the police have their own mafias and cartels And she is so fucking happy that Mexico is a Catholic majority country. She boosts of throwing Protestant bibles in the trash shes a maid in Arizona btw I guess god will be happy with this?! She wants to slowly turn all America into mexico and said her latina gfs are more then happy to each have 5 kids to achieve this

    Whatever long story short shes a mental patient latina and I had to block her for her crazy rants about the heretic pagan prots

  20. I personally feel we need more Christian guidance to counteract all the weirdness and base attitudes we now currently seem to be awash with in the media.

  21. I am a terrible Christian, as in i’m an atheistic agnostic. I went to a C of E primary school so that explains it.

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