Lucy Scott-Moncrief

A nomination for Lucy Scott-Moncrief, House of Lords commissioner for standards, who has put Baroness Boothroyd, the former Commons Speaker under investigation for failing to attend a sexual harassment course.

The 91-year-old did not attend a training session because she was recovering from open-heart surgery. But despite informing this Moncrief cunt of her condition, she was told that a formal probe would still be opened into her conduct.

Betty Boothroyd told the standards watchdog: “The reason I have not been able to respond to the requirements is due to the fact that early in March 2020, I was advised by two consultants to leave London and isolate at my home in the country. I had an aorta valve replacement followed by a leak in the mitral valve. The respiratory consultant in particular insisted I stay out of London and in the country.”

Mongcrief asked whether the medical condition meant Lady Boothroyd could not attend the course online. Lady Boothroyd said this was the case, but Mongcrief said she would still be investigated.

I wonder how many innocent young bucks have recently been sexually harassed by this insatiable, voracious 91 year old vamp.

Nominated by: mystic maven

Link and additional commentary provided by: Hard Brexit Cunt

Here’s a link:


56 thoughts on “Lucy Scott-Moncrief

  1. Some people insist on abusing any and all power they get. This definitely makes this Monqueef woman a cunt.

    • A brief vicious cull is in order. Then let’s protest this Harpy. nothing in the news, just boothroyd bad, orange man bad etc etc ad nauseum. Fortunately, the electorate just ignores the media these days and their soros agenda.

      Still sink some french ships, burn down their barricade as they did our lorries. CUnts

      • The Guardian describes this person as a ‘ mental health and human rights lawyer’. Nothing more needs to be said.

  2. It’s a fact that nobody in their right mind would harass that mong looking ugly cunt.

  3. At ger age and given her experience of Parliament and life in general I don’t think Betty needs their advice. – she should tell them to go and fuck themselves with a shitty stick

  4. Sexual harassment must be the least of this fat lezzer’s problems.

  5. “Cram it up your fat arse I’m off for a sherry or three” would have been a reasonable response.

  6. Pathetic – power gone mad and enforcing “the rules” for the sake of it. Boothroyd ought to tell her where to stick it.

  7. I’m sure the cunts in the Lords are constantly sexually harassing each other. Piss stained nickers being constantly prodded by flaccid cocks. Must happen all the time before they nod off.

  8. The whole sexual harassment course is a total waste of time and money. Most of these decrepit lazy bastards are asleep for most of the day and probably haven’t seen their own cock in thirty years.

    • Apart from young males escorts that suck them off on expenses….allegedly…

  9. This brick faced cunt sounds like every mid tier manager I’ve ever dealt with

  10. Ridiculous beyond belief. From what I remember of Betty any soppy cunt trying to sexually harass her would get a right hander and a boot in the spunk sack.
    And at 91 years old I can’t see any woman trying to touch up Lord Hezzelslime, Lord Fatboy Prescott or Lord Concorde Nose Sheepshagger Kinnock. Still less Lord Handleyourson, the aficionado of Brazilian rent boys. This is all about wokie power, the wokies telling us they know best and you will fucking do as we say. After all, we all know whiteys are racist they just don’t know they are……until the wokies educate them. I would love to be in the Lords, and not just to piss it up and get paid £315 a day for doing it. The real pleasure would be telling this double barrelled posh twat to stick her courses up her wokie arse. Fucking thick as shit loser.

  11. House of Lords “Commissioner for Standards”?
    “Hardly any r*pists these days”..

  12. Loony snot Mangrief is a penpushing, petty, no common sense little nazi.
    And when I say nazi I don’t mean in a nice way.
    Your time will come.

    • By the looks of her, she’s probably riddled with silverfish. I reckon when she drops her bloomers in the loo it’d be like slashing open an old nattress that’d been dumped on some cunt’s turnip field: An acrid stench followed by a torrent of insects.

  13. Ffs…my eyes!!!!!!my eyes!!!!!!! I cant see!!!!! Blurgh…….???

  14. So she’s a commissioner for “standards” in the House of Old Cunts!

    Well there’s a misnomer right from the get-go. There are no standards in either Houses – they’re all a bunch of arrogant, jumped-up unaccountable, expense-fiddling, do-as-I say-not-as-I-do cunts!

    This cunt needs to find “herself” a replica WW2 Nazi uniform to wear. Or perhaps a replica of the Hindenburg – which ever suits best!

  15. Fuck me, I haven’t considered the possibility that Betty might be a lezza! I need to go on a course! However i don’t think we need to worry about Baroness Shameless Checkmebankaccount. Shameless failed to spot a single Jew baiter in the Labour Party so she’s unlikely to notice a 91 year old woman trying to get in her drawers. Sometimes ignorance is bliss.

    • I was just about to make a start on preparing a couple of Tacos.

      But the sight of Betty and The Thing munching crusty old wizard sleeves has killed that idea stone dead!


  16. Lady Boothroyd has brought some principles and standards to the Commons and the Lords that are anathema to makeweight loony lefties like scott-moncrief. Little things like honesty, honour, integrity, duty. Her career as Speaker of the House was glorious when compared to Gorbals Mick and the Poison Dwarf who both managed to not only scrape the bottom of the barrel but dig straight through the bottom and keep going. I agree, Lady Boothroyd knows more about maintaining standards than scott of the house antics will ever know. Generally these “courses” are simply a money fountain for people who could not pour water out of a bucket if the instructions were written underneath.

  17. The cunts are insane. Hitler didn’t need to invade, the cuntry was swarming with fucking Gauleiters and still is. Fuck em fuck em all.

  18. Can’t we drop Lucy Scott-Moncrief into the English Channel?

    If that doesn’t deter the French or the Dinghy Express then nothing will

    • Aortic valve replacement? Know the feeling. So what was stopping her getting off her arse and doing her job? I was at the gym lifting weights two days after my op.
      Was I fuck. I had the assistance of a nice lady from the hospital team for five weeks. So what’s this ugly double-barrelled oddly-shaped horror moaning about?

  19. News just in…..
    18.30pm..The Royal Navy sends two warships to Jersey. 18.31pm, France surrenders ?

  20. Lucy Scoffs Anything-Goodgrief, she was called at school.

    We all know the type. First in line in the dinner queue and the tuckshop, last in every race, that’s if she didn’t forge a note from her mother to be excused! Teachers tattletale too! Jealous of all the other girls too and always shit stirring! None too keen on soap and water either, the boys used to give a wide berth!

    Fuck off!

  21. Sexual harassment? In the House of Lords?

    1. Who’d want to grope that thing in the picture above anyway?

    2. There hasn’t been an erection in the House of Lords since 1926. I think the ladies are safe (not so sure about the men though).

    But yes, Betty should be telling her to fuck right off.

    • Either Elton’s had a new syrup drilled in or Sturgeon’s bought some Timmy Mallet specs.

      • Not sure who the biggest cunt is. Nicola fucking Sturgeon, Elton fucking John or Timmy fucking Mallet.

        2 hamslammers and a gash grinder.

    • I don’t think so. Look at the dress, glasses and syrup. Reg wouldn’t be seen dead wearing shit like that.

  22. C.K. Scott Monctief, possibly an ancestor or relative of this numpty, was famous for producing the definitive English version of Proust. Lucy Scott Moncrief has produced the definitive version of a jobs-worthy cunt. Sign of the times.

    • I thought I’d heard the name MMCM. I tried to read him probably in that translation) but never really git anywhere. It’s odd that because I like odd detailed books with little plot…like Ulysses. I know ‘Rememberance of things past’ is all about memory. And how memories are triggered by taste or seeing or az smell In RofTP its the taste of ….can’t remember!!!Ah! anyway a cake.
      Are you a fan?

      • Yes, I do like Proust, Miles. He can be a bit daunting at first due to the sheer length, but once you get into it, you really are transported to another time and place. I have only read it once though – it took me about 4 months – maybe time for another reading. Proust has a lot to say about life and memory and just the texture of existence. Quite a unique book.

      • I suspect he might untranslatable. In the sense that there would be word- associations you wouldn’t get in the English. Still I’ll give Marcel another go in time.

  23. FFS Mystic, how could you inflict this horror cunt on us? Davis Cronenberg should make a film about it.

  24. I have heard of Baroness Boothroyd, but NEVER of this bucket of lard Monggrief.
    Straight to Unkle Tel’s oven

  25. Fuck me talk about invent a reason for a very big financial package. These wasters should be culled with maximum prejudice.

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