Jennifer Pritzker

Tranny billionaire Jennifer (? see picture. Fuck me) Pritzker. Who is threatening to move HIS business out of Tennesse because of anti LBGTXNBBQRTDS legislation.

And what is this oppressive hate legislation?

Tennesse currently has a slate of at least 15 anti-LGBTQ bills. The Republican governor Bill Lee has already signed one into law that bans trans youth from competing in school sports. Another bill seeks to ban LGBTQ+ content from school textbooks, and yet another aims to restrict hormone therapy for trans minors.

Yep, tranny youth banned from competitive sport. I wonder why?
Banning prevert propoganda from school books.
Stopping children being drugged and disfigured at the behest of weirdos.

These laws look sensible and necessary to me. If I was from Tennesse I would tell this creature to stick HIS business up HIS hairy arse.

Nominated by: Cuntstable Cuntbubble

40 thoughts on “Jennifer Pritzker

  1. LGBTQ
    Lesbians are cutting their tits off to become “men”,So thats the end of that one
    Gays are no longer on the list of the “oppressed ” if they are white
    B- Greedy cunts
    Trannies are not women or men id call them mental eunuchs with body dismorphia, 1st world problem cunts
    Q are paedophiles posing as something else.

      • How odd. I got banned for life on you tube for pointing Biden is senile. Badge of honour.

      • It’s hit and miss what you can get away with on PooTube. I did manage to slip in “What does Biden do after he says goodnight to his grandchildren? Turns over” unscathed recently.

  2. Oven No. 1.
    Regulo 8.
    4 hrs. or until crispy.
    Feed to pigs.
    Get To Fuck.

    • Haste on the day we can read that in a court’s sentencing transcript.

  3. And what’s all the fuss about Elliot Page? Previously the actress Ellen Page. But why the fuck is he/she/it being labeled as a ‘hero’? Because he/she/it has taken a man’s name and wears men’s clothes? Please, fuck off!

    • Why the fuck anyone would want to identify as a white male at the moment is beyond me. She must be mental.?

    • What a fucking human tragedy that is. She was a gorgeous looking lass. Needs counselling not mutilating.

      Went mental and society made her think cutting her tits off was a good idea. I had sympathy, but she thinks it’s murder if you don’t let men compete as women in sports.

      Just keep these mad cunts away from kids in schools.

  4. Fucking state of that. All that money and you end up in a mess like that. If this freak owns a hotel chain how can he move his business out of state? You can’t pick up a hotel and put it on the back of a truck. All the cunt can do is sell up. I would offer the slag half market value and we’ll see how strong his principles are when it affects his bank balance. Fucking arsehole.

  5. The governor seems like a sane bloke in an increasingly insane America. What a state.
    Look at that abomination. Let the tranny take its business elsewhere. Fuck off freaky wacko.

  6. The thing that annoys me is how it’s being basically forced on kids who are too young to know any better. Confused? well you’re clearly the opposite gender because nobody is confused when they’re a kid.

    It’s like someone read Viz’s Modern Parents and thought it was an instruction manual.

  7. I’d forgotten about this one. Admin have found a very flattering picture. Usually he looks like Les Dawson but not as pretty.
    I assume the hotels were inherited as I cant see a fucking freak like this building a business.
    Perhaps he could relocate to Brighton? Bristol even, where I am sure B&W cunt will offer him a tongueing.

    • Nah, the cunt was born rich. Apparently he had a career in the army. Can you imagine the regimental reunion and this fucking thing walks through the door? Is he going to wear his medals on his cardy the fucking ridiculous cunt?

  8. Fuck off you silly cunt. Then, when you reach a fence with a sign saying ‘you can’t fuck off beyond this point’, leap over it with wild abandon into the darkest reaches of the universe.

  9. When I was young piling into the back of a tranny on a night out meant something entirely different.

    I don’t think I even knew some blokes thought putting on a dress and some lippy meant you were a woman.

    It probably meant you didn’t go out much.

  10. All this forced propaganda in schools on kids too young to understand is child cruelty, no more, no less. It is now becoming like schools in the Third Reich in reverse. Normality is the enemy, evolution and normal sexuality are to be eradicated. The basic normal family model is the devil incarnate.

    • Got that right Bob, a complete moral inversion – this is grooming no matter how you fucking slice it, Warwickshire council are/were sanctioning this sickness under the hideous title “Respect yourself” aka “All about me”. Sounds all fluffy and ‘acceptable’ dunnit… “empowering” even… uh uh…

      …what was the lyric?

      And if you tolerate this,
      Then your children will be next.

      I recall about 15 years ago (15 yrs mind) campaigning against some ‘educational’ material being tentatively introduced into secondary AND primary schools originating from Germany’s ‘educational psychologists’ which was pretty much note for note but… actually and actively encouraged the involvement of adult participation!!!!!!!!!!!

      There is here at work an evil that never sleeps nor any hole deep enough but hope springs that justice will be served on these twisted knuckle-fuckers because I hear on the grapevine that Old Nick is currently putting out tenders for the construction of his/her long overdue 8th circle project.
      The patents have been granted for my E600 Auto-Eviscerator and I’ve uprated the red hot jacksie pokers to 400W each front and back (I designed it to d=be ‘inclusive’ so it’ll handle male/female/hemale/shemale with no re-calibration req’d they all geddit up the fucking jacksie!). The blood signed parchments have been submitted just last week for the install, commission, training and maintenence contract for an inital 2,000 units.

      At the site meeting I told ‘im I sez – listen Beelzebub, cards on the table, yer gonna have downstream issues vis a vis incineration facilities and boiling excrement supply. I mean I can gut the fuckers in 30 seconds flat by such foul means as would make a maggot gag but with only a 1000 pits of torment I’m gonna have a big fucking pile o’ Pdohs stinking up the yard! But… I do know a bloke… does a great line in ovening technologies… ‘ang on, got his number somewhere… Unkle something… he’s yer boy. …Oh you know him!!!

  11. Laws prohibiting child abuse, cheating in children’s sports, and prohibits the poisoning of the minds of children at public expense. Sounds great. Only problem is that laws do no good when the almighty Federal Government is lawless. Nice gesture though.
    “No law matters when those sworn to uphold it will not”.- Meat Curtains 2021.

    • “No law matters when those sworn to uphold it will not”.- Meat Curtains 2021

      Engrave these words on bronze plates and bolt them to the front door of every court building in the land.

  12. Bloke in a dress.

    He is a cunt without a cunt ? (well not a real one).

  13. The cunt looks like a worn out Dick Emery. “Ooooh you are awful ……. but I like you.”
    Poor Dick would be cancelled today, in fact he wouldn’t even get through the door at the BBC……..unless he was a Labour MP obviously.

  14. Boring shit. Saw that page creature crying about how having its tits cut off has ‘saved its life’. Really?

    Went from the schoolgirl looking sort you want to stalk in your van with rope and ductape to a freak who should be in a cage at a circus till it gets boring then shot through the skull.

    Criminal wasteage

  15. Put a stick of dynamite in its knickers and kick it off a fucking cliff.

    • Look Jenny you puddled twat.
      Your a bloke.
      Can swan about like mrs Doubtfire all you want but your a bloke and its obvious.
      Scream foul all you want but I think youve been treated patiently and indulged.
      Personally id fuckin gas you but hey, its modern times.
      Go shoot ping pong balls out your arse and shut it.

      • There’s something … an almost poetic cadence about that diatribe MNC.

  16. Why do people like this even get airtime? The lowest of the low in society, A fucking freak who thinks and does all sorts of depraved shit and probably mouthwashes and gargles with a tub of its own spunk every morning takes exception to laws banning children from being channeled into the same bollocks. In no way shape or form would i accept one of these being on the ‘female’ sports team and sharing any sort of changing room with my daughter, castrated or not.

    Id take more notice to the views of a fucking serial killer Than this fucking abomination. Cunt should be stripped of the military title.

  17. Just another fat bloke in a dress except this cunt is worth a bob or two

    Married last year to Erin E Solaro who looks like a woman, it’s hard to tell. I dunno why I googled the fucker, just wondered what would marry this 71 year old billionaire.
    Can’t get my head around it. He changes gender (sort of) and then married a fucking woman.
    Not easy now googling certain people as some law a few years back can remove somebody from searches.
    Anyhow for 2 billion I’d consider it.

  18. The sad state of affairs is that it got to 15 things worthy of banning in the first place.

    The mentally insane left strikes again. The ‘rainbow’ should have been stopped at LGB (of which B I have my doubts), the T was always a front for where the perverts in the shadows want to take things, and boy are they coming out into the open now. Just like BLM, as if the last president but one didn’t spend 8 years correcting all those nasty ‘prejudices’ and fulfilling all their dreams for them. That’s turned out well for ‘unity’ hasn’t it.

    Bring back asylums.

    • Fly to Florida and head north via Georgia
      Oh and tell him/her he/she is a cunt.

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