I Hate my Job

My job is a cunt.

I have working in corporate insolvency for about 15 years or so. It involves talking to company directors who’s companies are in the shit financially. Occasionally, it’s not there fault.

The building industry is a nightmare, large companies stiffing smaller subcontracted companies for thousands leaving the little man to pick up the tab, hateful it is. Carillion alone stiffed loads,those fucking directors should be in jail.

Mostly though directors are lying cheating cunts that couldn’t run a tap let alone a company. They nick money from the companies and overdraw their directors loan accounts then bleat like cunts when they have to pay it back.

Some of these wankers have expense accounts that even an MP would be appalled by.

But the most annoying thing is the foreigners. Today I have 46 calls left to do, of that 31 of these slippery bastards have foreign names, mainly the moose limb names and sub Saharan African names.

I’m sick of it, it wears me down. I’m hoping I’ve saved enough to retire soon, this job sucks the life out of me every day.

Nominated by: Bertram Cuntatious DCO

37 thoughts on “I Hate my Job

  1. I hope you advance to victory BC.

    I deal with cunts all day so I fit right in.

    • My condolences BC, assume we’ve all had jobs we’ve hated.
      When young you can just say ‘Fuck this’
      And walk.
      When you have kids, responsibilities you have to lump it till can find something else.
      I love my job, I’m lucky.

  2. The moose limb names and sub Saharan African names always appear on programmes like Can’t Pay, We’ll Take it Away. Cheating foreign cunts.

    • Yeah too many foreigners, especially Peacefuls, are here to rob, steal p*nce and rape. Not fair on the decent ones but that’s the way it is. These cunts know that this is the best country in the world if you get caught and have to go to prison.
      I feel sorry for the people who have to try and keep a lid on these bastards knowing that the politicians don’t give a flying one. The Jellyfish needs to take a long look at Hartlepool and, instead of crowing like a cunt, learn the lesson. We don’t want wokery, we don’t want more immigration, we don’t want tree hugging and we don’t want being taken for a cunt. Fuck you Boris you pussy whipped tosser.

      • I see Dianne Abbot has said that Jeremy Corbyn won Hartlepool the last two times. Blaming Sir Keir.
        So her reasoning there is the people of Hartlepool wanted a more radical left wing agenda.
        And that’s why they voted Conservative.

      • Makes perfect sense to me Miles…..but then i’m wearing my pants on my head and i’ve got 2 pencils ✏️ up my nose.


      • Oh, and i’ve just been to Hartlepool to buy a pair of exploding trousers.

        Wibble wibble.

      • Hartlepool voted 70% Leave in the referendum. So what does Starmer do?

        To contest the by-election he chooses a Remoaner candidate who one day hopes to rejoin the EU… ?

        Fucking genius!

      • This only goes with the fact that there is not a single member of the shadow cabinet who voted for Brexit.
        Finally though, some members of the Labour Party are starting to say that the fault is not with leadership but with the party who are a rabble of talentless and clueless idiots. This is something that most people have known for some time.

      • That Richard Burgon wilI go to the grave thinking there was nothing wring with the Corbyn agenda. That it had nothing to do with the catastrophic loss.

    • In the early years of the century in my job I visited numerous crown and magistrates courts mainly in London and the home counties. I regularly saw court listings for the day where the vast majority of defendants listed had foreign names. Sometimes I saw the bearers of familiar British surnames and they were not British.

    • Labour fielded a candidate that was a staunch brexit remainer despite Hartlepool having a 70% leave vote statistic. Yes, labour really all that fucking thick and conceited!

      It really is fantastic entertainment watching these Labour cunts digging their own graves!

      • Yeah, and having had his remoaner arse kicked he got the hump, jumped in a taxi and fucked off. You are supposed to make a speech thanking your agent, the canvassers who worked their arse off for you and congratulating the winner. That’s what decent people do. But when you are a wokie remoaner you have nothing but contempt for people who don’t agree with you. Then they wonder why nobody likes them!

      • Indeed RTC.

        Which makes labour look even more fucking thick! Just imagine, two ordinary bods on the site called ISAC being able to work that mathematical conundrum and potential seat loss risk assessment when the greatest minds the whole Labour Party have combined failed!

        Better still the Labour party are passing the buck around like a Corbyn in the woodpile. It’s Corbyn’s fault! No it’s Starmer’s fault……

  3. I’ve just lost my job at a pasta factory.
    A bit unfair really, just a fusilli mistakes….

  4. Sympathy with you there Bertram.

    Carillon really were Cunt Central from where I sit safely outside that shitshow.

    There will always be cunts in British industry. The real mystery is why the useless regulators; in-the-clients-pocket ’independent’ auditors, bankers and MPs can’t see what we the public all saw miles off – Maxwell, Green, Asil Nadir, (and countless other)…….all cast iron rogues

  5. Always surprises me how a sole trader/small businessman can lose everything but “big” business owners seem to be able to maintain a very comfortable lifestyle.

    • Philip Green is a fucking disgrace….I hope the vile Cunt does a Robert Maxwell.

      • …the Cunt is a cockroach…chop his head off and the bastard would still be scuttling about dipping his grasping claws into people’s pension funds.

        His wife and daughter are ugly fucking pigs too.

      • Didn’t his slapper of a daughter get knocked up by some discount George Floyd? His Mrs looks like an old leather suitcase that’s been vac packed.

  6. Insolvency is a cunt. “Insolvency Practitioners” ie cunts who specialise in taking Companies and Individuals through the process and charge “The Petioner” ie cunts applying for insolvency and taking vast dollops of dosh for so doing are the biggest cunts. In short you are boraccic but have to find the upfront first to escape the grisly maw of the law.
    Granted some business cunts are professional petitioners and factor those fees into their cash flow but many are not. Fall into the hard luck category and stupid category. Worth remembering that before the Insolvency Act came in (1986 from memory) broke punters could be pursued through the The Courts for a lifetime and then the heirs after that. Not so long ago that the unfortunate faced The Debtors Prison (read your Dickens).
    So much for background. Me point is that Insolvency Practioners are as dodgy as fuck. Always ready to set up bank accounts outside conventional financial circles to avoid embarrassment from untimely revelations of slush funds, undeclared earnings ect ect. Thinking about going Off Shore? Your friendly and expensive Insol Prac will advise On The Square…..
    Sir Kenneth Cork (late lamented) an aquaintance of Yours Truly introduced this legislation to the UK. Refer yourselves to to Cork Report (no not a classic edgy ’60s TV show). Me attempt at satire. There are many of the UnGodly who remember Sir Kenneth in their prayers at night.

    • ‘Annual income 20 pounds, annual expenditure 19 pounds19 shillings and six pence, result happiness. Annual income 20 pounds, annual expenditure 20 pounds ought and six, result misery. ‘

  7. Bugger me cunters had a struggle to post above. Me anti-virus zapper cut in and blocked some malware cunt with further embedded cunt. Then ISAC froze and YT could not get on for a while. All seems tickety boo again but was there some DOS attack going on?

  8. My sympathies, Bertram. I love my job. Every day you get to do something that makes a difference to somebody. Sometimes it’s fucking heart breaking, and, I’m not ashamed to say, I’ve shut myself in the back of the truck and had tears. Dead children does that to a person. That worthehile stuff makes up for about 5% of my work. The remaining 95% is going to cunts, entitled cunts that think we’re like Amazon fucking Prime and will fix their six week history of leg pain that they’ve not seen their GP about nor taken pain relief, or, the fucking vermin that think they’ll get seen quicker at hospital by turning up in an ambulance. Like you, it’s getting me down.

    • Doesn’t help that GP’s surgeries are harder to access than Fort fucking Knox.

      Evening DCI. ?

      • Evening RTCP. Some are, some aren’t. We go to too many cunts that if the GP surgery doesn’t answer after two rings, the sly fuckers call 111, say a ‘buzz word’ and those pricks pass it to us. We turn up and refer them back to their GP. On the same number… My surgery, however, is fantastic and has been since Covid kicked off.

  9. I’m lucky – I have a job in health and social care that I enjoy and working with the lad I help look after always brings a smile to my face.

  10. Best thing I ever did was go it alone as a sole trader.
    All the faff and mither of colleague cunts, gone.
    Now, just me and one simple formula.
    Turn up.
    Do job.
    Get paid …… yes, cash is just fine.
    Fuck off.
    And repeat.
    Get To Fuck

  11. I had a job interview recently.
    The woman from HR said, “Can you describe yourself in three words?”

    I said, “Violent when disappointed.”….

  12. Insolvency it the ulimate robbery. they come at us for unpaid bills, using credit companies to harrasss you, yet when it is time for them to pay the bill, they say, hey, my yacht is my wifes name, you can’t touch it. I am happy to report I own nothing worth over £300 and I enjoy you sending me letters saying I owe you some imagiginary debt enforced by fairy debt collectors. You are getting nothing you hyprocites

  13. Every company is like a tree full of monkeys.

    The monkeys on top look down and see lots of smiling faces.

    The monkeys at the bottom look up and see a load of arseholes.

  14. Yep, I’m a company director and as tight as fuck, my ex-wife was an Insolvency Officer and some of the stupid shit things people do because they have all the gift of the gab but no common sense, she often came home with tears in her eyes for the consequences these cunts got up to. Hard to feel sorry for these so called high flyer wankers but my heart goes out to those workers caught up in the financial mess their smooth talking have taken then to. BC, they need a good cunting but there are also companies taken in further up the peaking order, bottom feeders always get left holding the baby. But remember there are good people that get caught up in situation beyond their control.

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