Furniture Poverty

Furniture poverty, as publicised by the BBC.

The link is a short film about a woman with no furniture. In London, natch.

I watched the first bit. If you can be arsed watching note that:

The woman isnt British.
She is a single parent.
She has a very nice flat.
She is entitled and bears no responsibility.

I am assuming she pays for none of this. I may be wong but I doubt it.

So come on, why arent we getting Harrods to furnish it? And it’s good that the BBC highlights our guilt and obligations.

Nominated by: Cuntstable Cuntbubble

72 thoughts on “Furniture Poverty

  1. The Fucking BBC.
    They never tire of this race grafting, ant-white, bullshit narrative.

    Immigrant you say?

    What about the 30 000 plus army veterans, who today, are homeless in the UK.
    Veterans who suffer from genuine PTSD, many with physical and emotional scars, earned in the service of this country.
    Veterans who are British citizens but are firmly at the back of the queue, for help.
    Furniture? These poor bastards don’t even have a roof over their heads.

    The shame of it ?

    • There are many veterans on the streets. They served our country. I agree – they should be at the front of the queue for furnished accommodation. And what about the Gurkhas? They have been shamefully treated by successive governments. As far as I see it they are the only effniks worthy of our support and gratitude.

  2. Maybe she’s a minimalist and likes it that way?

    At least she has a roof over head. I see a couple of chairs in the picture and a tv. She could sell the tv and buy a bed? Or she could get a job. Or she could go back to whichever 3rd world paradise she came from where she wouldn’t even have a roof over her head, two armchairs and a tv?

  3. If the lazy cow got of her fat arse and did a decent days worth of hoeing she’d soon get the furniture the grasping idle bitch, or failing that go skip digging.

  4. This is a fucking tragedy.

    If I rock up in Africa or some Dooshka country without a decent job or medical insurance, the cunts meet me at the airport and take me to my new pad (all paid for by them, of course).

    Then, I’m given a brochure of various decor options. Minutes later, a few flouncy interior decorators turn up with some builders and decorate and furnish the property to my specifications. All paid for by the local taxpayers. After that, I’m given a bank card with money in it so I can fill my cupboards and fridge freezer with food and drink. I also call the satellite TV companies to install TV channels I like from back home. All paid for by the locals obviously.

    After that, it’s down to the welfare office to claim my people carrier for me and my nine kids. And to register them for their free education. Well, free for them the locals are paying. When one of my kids is struck with s serious medical condition, he is taken for treatment at the local hospital for his year long stay and four years follow up treatment, costing the locals close to three million pounds. But my child was left waiting ten minutes for his lunch once, so of course, I immediately complained and got the duty manager fired.

    I then join a local pressure group and campaign about the horrible racism and oppression my new country has shown me. Even going on TV to say that I should be given more favours and that the blacks should not be in positions of power and influence. It should be people like me. Their history was wrong too. I also was given media and political platform to demand statues be turn down and street names changed from ‘Mandela Avenue’ to ‘Enoch Lane’.

    The local sport stars then kneel in honour of the awful treatment I’ve been shown since my arrival. And I of course, demand it never ends.

    Yes, the locals have come a long way, but more needs to be done to satisfy me. It always does.

  5. The BBC were still trying to push the George Floyd BLM anniversary, on the day it was revealed some blacks had shot that mouthy whitey hating BLM bitch.

    If there was any more proof needed that the gun and violent crime problems in black communities is that black people live in them, then this was it.

    If people are still pushing this shit of whitey being a problem call them out on it. Enough of this fucking bullshit.

    The cops should go back to being heavy handed with the cunts. Crack some skulls and send any cunt still chimping out to fucking Africa.

    • Although I believe some stupid Labour MP cunt tried to blame Johnson getting shot by da hood on white men inventing guns and selling them lol.

      Always looking for any desperate angle to blame da honky, the racist cunts.

      Although they surprised me with that one, I was really struggling thinking how they’d frame da honky for that piece of karmic reality bitch slappin’.

      (Please don’t go off-topic – DA)

      • Weren’t the first functioning firearms invented by the Chinese anyway?
        Perhaps that labour imbecile should complain to them…

  6. Although I do hope that her chairs and mattress are at least comfortable.

    We all know what can happen when the dark keys feel a bit ‘uncomfortable’.

    • Put them in a new luxury tower. Tall, West London, prudently fitted out, electrical wiring by South-East asians, and all with lightweight cladding.

      The Grenfell Experience. It’ll be a blazing success.

  7. When I heard that the well known peace loving activist Sacha Johnson had been headbutting a bullet. I was really hoping that the perp was Tommy Robinson. That would have been fun.

  8. I thought minimalism was the modern way to go. I read about people getting rid of 90% of their stuff.
    So this cunt is a trend setter.

  9. There’s a charity shop in my local town that collects and sells unwanted furniture. I got a settee off them after the horsehair started dropping out of the old one following years of hounds (and me) sitting on it…only cost £25 and is as good as new.

    Perhaps she should lower her expectations while leeching off the taxpayer…maybe downgrading her mobile phone contract or less visits to the ethnic hairdresser might give her the cash to buy her own furniture…or she could always do the unthinkable and get a fucking job.

    • Oh the poor lamb.
      I read this and tears were rolling down my hairy face.
      But its better this way,
      Furniture is possibly racist,
      We once had a sofa from DHS and it kept shouting the ‘N’word.
      Just get a large dog basket
      Problem solved.
      Or…… fuck off back where you came from you fuckin parasite?

    • I had to take the chainsaw to the old settee to get it out…no idea how the fuckers ever got it through the doors in the first place…three off us couldn’t manoeuvre the bastard out.

      • I had to shift furniture for my sister’s friend once Miserable. She was into Feng Shui – all about the ‘alignment’ of the furniture for calming the nerves or something. Anyway it was all ‘no this way, no that way, no just a little over there’. What a palaver.
        You ever get customers like that?
        Hey just thinking though Miserable maybe with Mr Fiddler we coukd have some fun say he needs his furniture ‘aligning’. You could go up there and you know pretend you know all about this shit and shift the settee the wrong way round and the armchair turn it around (not facing the telly) the dining table against the back wall or something. Poor Mr Fiddler and the Hounds they wouldn’t know where they were!

      • You have a long beard Miserable? To make it more authentic sellotape your eyelids slantwise and wear Chinese garb and knock on the door and ‘I have been sent by my master to help you’. All mysterious like?
        Mr Fiddler will swallow it.

        Like this fella-

  10. When me and Ethel got married we had very little cash, consequently, we had a furniture shortage, tbh there was a shortage of most things.
    No carpets, no telly, a small wardrobe, a third hand suite, second hand table and benches, one bike.
    What did we do, to remedy this tragic state of affairs ?
    We worked and saved up for the things we needed.
    A habit that seems to have become terribly old fashioned.
    As someone has already commented.
    Get off your fat arse.
    Good morning.

    • Exactly. When I first came down to London I was sleeping on an inflatable camping mattress for a solid year.
      Did I think of myself as ‘furniture poor’?
      Did I fuck!
      I knew I was making a few concessions to get my foot in the door. And did I go bleating to all and sundry about something I refused to even recognise as a problem?

  11. The BB-fucking-C love pushing this narrative of victimhood, where nobody is ever expected to take an ounce of responsibility (unless you’re a white male in employment). They really are the gold-plated cunts among cunts.

  12. Overall looking at the picture of the flat all I have to say is :-

    “I’ve let worse”

  13. I’m fed up with the BBC and the liberal media saying we owe the rest of the world a living, fully furnished, because we had an empire 80 years ago. I think the rest of the world owes us something for trying to civilise the savage cunts in the first place.

    • She doesn’t know how lucky she is im not her keeper.
      I wouldn’t even put straw down in her cage.

      • You’re feeling generous today MNC? A cage! I’d give her a soggy cardboard box.

  14. What an entitled cunt, she don’t know she’s fucking born!

    I had to wait decades before the previous Lord and Lady Creampuff carked and I could inherit their furniture.

  15. It is a shame.
    That it’s allowed to live in this country.
    I have something of use though.
    Full oven.

    Mewling lazy parasitic bitch.

  16. Chippy entitled bitch; managed to push out a niglet though, didn’t you. No sign of Daddy?

    Furniture poverty indeed. What a fucking load of old tosh.

    Fuck off.

  17. In recent days we’ve heard the BBC blathering on about its ‘usual high editorial standards’ and they still produce guff like this. Unchallenged fairytales of hardship induced by nasty white authorities (most probably conservative) in the the most racist country on the planet. There’s more to the issue of BBC editorial standards than the stitching up of a horse faced sloane ranger 25 years ago.
    As mentioned above, why not check out charity shops. Or better still, Facebook marketplace is full of free stuff (they could use their motability car to pick stuff up). Beggars can’t be choosers, even dark key ones.

    • When I first went into business for myself, I did a job for the council.
      It was furnishing a flat with donated furniture for this african cunt.
      She had like a multicoloured duvet cover wrapped round her nut, and bare feet.
      Everything had to be carried out the van, across a carpark,
      Into the flats, up in a lift,
      Down a corridor,
      Then into her flat.
      She was screaming
      “I dont want it! I want new!
      My friend got new!”
      And was throwing it out into the corridor!?
      As you can imagine I was full of sympathy and didn’t call her a daft cunt.
      Entitled to fuck when they get here think theyre owed it.

  18. The BBC (and others) Love pushing this kind of bullshit and their choice of selective victimhood.

    Thanks to the Dink Flu there’s probably thousands of indigenous people who, through no fault of their own, have lost their jobs or seen their businesses close, or been hit with massive debts to subsequently find themselves evicted from their homes and living on the streets or sheltered accommodation. But the BBC choose not to focus on that because it doesn’t suit their tedious narrative.

    And yet these cunts get hugely protective when it comes to the licence fee, which they expect EVERYONE to pay for on pain of a visit from Crapita. Yes, you can choose not to pay through legal means, but that still doesn’t stop the BBC/Crapita from constantly harassing you even if you are struggling to make ends meet!

    I don’t recall the BBC ever making a documentary about the licence fee and how so many millions just don’t want to pay, but feel intimidated if they don’t!

  19. I may well have some nice furniture to get rid of it at some point in the very near future, however I would rather burn it than give it to this sponger and those of her ilk!

    Fuck off!

    • Got a decent 3 piece suite to spare? The cats have destroyed ours.

  20. I used to work for the CAB as a debt adviser. Grants in the thousands are available for exactly this situation.
    But very difficult to get if you are white and Male.
    The entire BBC should be in prison for treason and this fucking leech should be on the first plane home.

  21. You may think that the UK is following the past laws of the EU by looking after these immigrants the way that they do, but that is not the case.
    Just like getting on one knee for the past year they are overdoing everything.

    This is what people can expect when they arrive in my country either legally or illegally.

    If you have no money you can fuck off, you will get no benefits.

    If you do not qualify for health care then you will get none. Not even emergency care.
    This also applies to Spanish citizens.
    A Spanish friend of ours was knocked over by a car on a pedestrian crossing.
    The first thing that the ambulance crew wanted to know was how she was going to be able to pay for her trip to the hospital.

    Lost your job?
    Get another one quickly because you will be given the bare minimum of assistance for a very limited time, and only if you have paid into the system.
    No help with paying for your mortgage, the banks will repossess your property after 3 months.
    If you are renting then the landlord can have you evicted if you owe him 2 months rent.

    The illegal immigrants that do turn up here are given a basic health check and a bottle of water.
    Then they are forgotten about.
    No point sending the majority back because they will only come again.
    And besides that, they will quickly make their way north to Calais.
    They will get fuck all here.

    These immigrants know which countries are soft. Scandinavian countries are a magnet, but the UK is the holy grail.

    The only way for the UK to stop people coming is a complete overhaul of the entire benefits system.
    If you haven’t paid in then you get fuck all out.
    No accommodation, no health care, no education, no food and certainly no money.

    • Or torpedo them in their plastic dinghies before they set foot on our soil.Bleeding parasites

  22. No sign of any blokes about and that’s the problem. Get your legs open, get some cocks up you and bingo!……. there’s your meal ticket! From then on you improve your lifestyle by popping out more foreign brats. Every immo knows that.
    Anyone see that video of a tv report from George Floyd Square in Minneapolis yesterday? It was an English ( I think) reporter just starting to eulogise about the dear departed when a fucking gun battle breaks out! “Duck down” somebody shouts and there are rounds going off all over the shop. You hear the bloke say “oh shit, where’s it coming from?”
    I fucking pissed myself. ?

    • If that room/house is in London you’d get some cunting estate agent saying its the latest in organic/ergonomic/fusion lifestyle design, and it only costs £900,000, darling!

      • Techno, I’m sure someone with more money than sense would buy that. Hehe 😀

  23. Fuck this.
    Fuck the Blacklives Broadcast Cooperative for airing it. Stop paying a licence fee to those cuntz an all.

    Never give to any charity, only veterans.

    I once went out with a bird who’s mother did charity work. The local regional mangager for the area had a company car and he was paid 65k a year, this was back in 1992. For a fucking charity.

    Plastic begging bags pushed through my letter box are used for rubbish.

    Old clothes is recycled as garage rags.

    Everything else is burnt. Fuck the lot of em.

  24. I bet she still hasa 40 inch TV, a mobile phone, eats takeaway and has her nails done. Fuck off.

  25. This shit is never ending, I watched newsnight last night and there was a report about some fucking charity with Carey Muligan as its ‘celeb mouthpiece’
    Raising money to prevent Afghan kids being trafficked into Iran, apparently they were promised money from the government but it’s been pulled….

    Who gives a fucking shit!

    We still have relatively low unemployment in the UK even with the disaster of Covid and hotels/hospitality crying because they can’t get enough staff, there is no fucking excuse for all these bone idle cunts who just want hand outs.
    Get a job and pay for your own stuff!

  26. Furniture poverty? I’m sure second hand furniture is cheap enough. Even brand new ikea furniture is cheap.

    Some kindly person who is thinking of getting rid of furniture could donate it to someone else who needed it.
    I don’t mind second hand stuff as long as it is good condition.

    I notice brand new clothes are cheap in supermarkets. Sometimes cheaper than second hand in charity shops.

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