I am sick to fucking death of this fucking shit being rammed down our throats on a daily basis. The latest load of bollocks is the crew of the Mary Rose which sank nearly 500 years ago “was more ethnically diverse than previously thought” according to research. And what startling piece of evidence is this based on? Apparently they have discovered that THREE crew members “may have come from southern European coasts, Iberia and North Africa.” That’s a grand total of three possibly non-British crew out of a total of 179 remains of bodies they have found which equates to 1.68%. One of the researches in particular seems to be getting her knickers all fizzy with this astounding revelation: “However, we never expected this diversity to be so rich.” For fucks sake, give us a break.
Nominated by: Cupid Stunt The First
Those 3 were not crew members.
Or chum for sharks.
Maybe stowaways.
Or overgrown barnacles.
There were very few white people on slave ships. In fact in some instances the whites were outnumbered by the tanned by about 60 to 1. This doesn’t sound very diverse to me but you don’t hear me complaining!
Fuck off!
Most of Henry VIII’s mates were blicks and bum boys. In fact there was a touch of the tar brush about the Tudors themselves. Good Queen Bess painted her face with lead to cover up that she really looked like Michelle Obama. Fact.
We now know that Anne Boleyn was a peccie so why not most of the rest.
Anne Bollywood.
What with all the radio and TV “documentaries” (which are really opinion pieces – for example on Wireless 4 not long ago “rapper, Big Nasty’s “documentary” about the 1981 Brixton riots”) I suspect the public will tire of them, due to compassion fatique, or for people like us, we don’t give a fuck and we will see “wokism” will finally become last years ice bucket challange. That was all the rage just a couple of years ago – where is it/are they now?
Another example of the woke take over of history. Three crew members does not represent ethnic diversity. It was common in that period for sailors and soldiers to seek employment all over Europe. There would also have been English mariners and soldiers employed in Spain, Venice, Sweden and all across the Continent and North Africa as well, but most likely as slaves. There were some North Africans likewise employed – Moors they probably would have been called, North African and Iberian Arabs most likely, and not dark-keys. To listed to this woman creaming herself over nothing particularly remarkable or diverse is pathetic. Get a life you moronic slapper.
Very good comment MMCM, people travelled for work as they do to day. The finding that a tiny number of persons came from places other than the green shires of Merry England proves fuck all in the diversity stakes. Note a “few”, always would have been a small number of non natives about. Stands to reason people travelled hundreds of miles in the Stone Age to trade with other groups. Thing is now we have fucking millions arriving every couple of years, not ten or twenty, millions. This is an invasion, I bet the number of people that have entered this country by dubious means and legal means over the past twenty years exceeds the total number of vikings Anglo Saxons , Romans and normans by a factor of two. It ain’t diversity my dear excited scientist it’s replacement.
Very true BB. I’m willing to bet that the total number of Anglo-Saxon migrants to the British Isles in the 4th and 5th centuries was considerably less than the number of migrants over to the UK over the past 20 years. The Anglo Saxons also formed a warrior elite, an upper class assimilating many native Britons to their community. Today’s migrants form an underclass and repel assimilation.
Migrants with something to offer and who fit in – no problem; those who wish to continue living with hateful, Stone Age attitudes should not be allowed in.
Anyone else see that 30+ peacefuls have been charged with rape and sexual abuse over a seven year period. The girl was 13 when her ordeal started.
I suppose jokes like this Spike Milligan classic, are racist & un-pc now….
They were probably asylum seekers picked up from a sinking raft, all under sixteen with no ID ?
Accept diversity of die (of boredom)
Good cunting, it’s a load of bollocks and yes there have been black/non white crew members in the British navy and also pirate crews for hundreds of years. It’s nothing new and any cunt who bothers to learn abaaaaaht history will know it.
Talking abaaaaaht diversity, my apologies to all the fans who ain’t seen me abaaaaaht for a while, I’ve been busy so go fuck yourselves. ?
Krav was your only fan B&W and he fucked off some time ago.
That’s very harsh CC, I dont mention my gay fans that often. Ask admin, there’s a box of used knickers etc delivered to isac’s office’s every week. I still haven’t got through sniffing the last box.
Had 5 violent confrontations in my whole life.
3 dark keys, some pikies and a peaceful. Didn’t start a single one of them. First one a dark key threw stones at me as I walked past his house. All I did was say ‘Ow!’ which provoked him to come out and punch me (with his chimp mates watching and laughing). I fought back and was winning when we were split up by some bloke. We are both about 11.
Next, sledging in winter some pikies came and robbed and beat us up. We were about 12 they were about 16 or so.
Then, a dark key in a nightclub deliberately walked into me (I tried to move out if the cunt’s way too). I told him to watch where he was going and he took a swing (he missed and a bouncer grabbed him almost instantly and I never saw the cunt again).
Other one, I was mugged in a subway (walkway through town) by two dark keys. I stupidly didn’t agree to handing over money (“Get fucked!” I think I said) and got beaten half to death lol. Cops never found them.
The peaceful was at college. He was racially abusing a girl I was seeing (half Malaysian). Called her ‘Charlie Chan’ and did the eyes and silly voice. He didn’t realise I was with her and I punched him to the ground. Almost got expelled, but didn’t. I probably would nowadays as the race card would be believed.
So fuck diversity (most of it anyway), thank you very much.
I’ve got the scars to prove why I don’t want the cunts in my country.
Oh, my mum got mugged off a dark key too about 15 years ago. We don’t even live in an area where there are loads of the cunts!
Take a knee for these cunts? Never!
Fuck them!
This is how the police see a crime incident these days….
White people attack dark key people = racist incident, get the whole force on the case.
dark key people attack white people = provoked incident, get a plastic copper to ask a couple of questions, shrug shoulders, scratch arse, close report
White wokes attacked by white people = Far right, xenophobic incident, get the whole force on the case
White wokes attacked by dark key people = never reported, put the kettle on.
Dark key person stabs dark key person = cultural differences, move on
And don’t forget – very old man says some phrase like “the kettle calling the pot black”. Is immediately charged with race hate crime and gets 30 years.
Probably there for the same reason we have east Euros here cleaning the khazis.They probably needed somebody to wash out the buckets of shit.
`Back in my country I voz doctor.’ Yes yes, just make sure you get that hard boiled crap off.
Of course the boat was ethnically diverse. I just can’t believe that’s it’s taken a Dr. from a University and a research team to work that one out (fuck me aren’t there more important things to be researching – is this what Universities really spend their money on..! Jeez!).
Now, I am no historian, but I do like a bit of history, it’s what make us English (PMSL – the WOKEY COKEY and BAME brigade would slap my chops for saying that). I am absolutely sure that the Crusader armies had ethnic diversity amongst them – I am sure sure the Roman army did too, and the Greeks, etc. etc.
So why wouldn’t old Fat Hazzer (kill every wife who won’t get on her knees for me) have any different in his army…?
Surely ethnicity and diversity is also linked to what religious beliefs you follow, case in point, parts of Afriiiica believe in Muslim Martyrdom, some Christianity (praise the lord), some in cooking each other up in Gumbo pots.
Therefore, I would argue if you have groups of different ethnicities who follow the same religion, they therefore share the same values and would (for the defence of those values) fight side by side… DERR!
What a bunch of snowflake cunts, then again it is in Campshire.
Big fucking discovery!! Anne Boleyn was as black as the bowels of hell……..i’ve seen her on the telly. And Churchill was a right fat black cunt like David Lammy…….i’ve seen his statue outside Parliament.
Don’t know if he had a friend in Grenfell though.
The 3 sailors were not press ganged.
Navel records soon to be discovered will reveal that they were brave volunteers who passed their aptitude and physical fitness exams before their basic training at Torpoint.
Despite being top of their respective classes of recruits they were never honoured at their passing out parade or ever promoted. Such was and still is the racism within the British armed forces.
But such was their knowledge of navel tactics they tried to warn their white, racist captain of the imminent danger their ship was in before it got sunk.
He of course took no notice of them, but it was them that tried valiantly to save their white shipmates.
They were the last to try and abandon the doomed ship.
The families of these heroes must be found and paid compensation.
The new fleet of nuclear submarines will be named in their honour.
I bet they were all given dark rum to drink
and… they were studying to be naval architects. Such a loss.
This whole movement seems racist to me – more so than the people who are the supposed perpetrators.
It’s not right that we don’t fall down in deference to a black person, if we should meet one, and we should go down on one knee to support their righteousness.
What about all the other races? Don’t they count equally? If they don’t then that’s the real racism defined right there surely.
Like Morgan Freeman said “the best way to stop racism is to stop talking about it”.
Also, in the UK at least, “racism” hasn’t been endemic. But, stirring the pot like this, will scale it up if anything. I’d also bet that, “ ordinary” black people here, are as fed up with this nonsense as the rest of us.
Good nom?
Even Captain Bliar has said the Labour Party is finished unless it shakes off all this Wokey Pokery.
However, the cunt himself will still survive in one form or another.
The problem with wokery is that, like any ideology, once you have swallowed it, shaking it off means you have to admit you were a cunt in the first place. That’s not easy as you can see with remoanerism and, indeed, Blairism which are usually one and the same thing.
Do you know a remoaner (as opposed to a remainer) who has changed their mind because I fucking don’t.
Really enjoyed Blairs speech of doom for the Labour Party. Then I remembered was it not his collection of fuckwits that started this shite in the first place. Does this arsewipe live in a different universe perchance? Seems to have forgotten his part in the great Woking. Typical cunt politico keep your head down till the headlines are forgotten then surface like an oiled turd at an outfall praying that the X factor, the masked cunt and love island etc have driven all vestiges of your previous wankery from the minds of the great unwashed. Fuck off Blair you are and always will be a prime cunt with bells and flags.
Miranda B. Liar is Queen of Hades.
It must be a great comfort to Labourites in their hour of need that they still have their agony aunties, Anthony and Mandy to guide them with wise kindly, matronly advice.
…and fuck me ragged, who did I see dusted off and wheeled out for the camera a few days ago? that glottal monocular Jock, Gormless Brown. If only he’d done one of his toe-curling ‘auto-smiles’ to camera. Talk about scraping the bottom of the reputation barrel.
“…was it not his collection of fuckwits that started this shite in the first place.”
Sort of, from the post war period then yes but both parties have been complicit and the ideology that underpins it has its origins at least a century before.
I always find it funny that the same insistence to boast the presence of ethnic diversity or the dominance of bame is always forgotten when it comes to crime, from fraud to murder, gang violence to burglary, drugs and prostitution.
There is never any evidence offered to support ‘Diversity is our strength ‘ because there is none.
Be safe to assume that there was no “swim test” in those days then or perhaps that’s how they drowned attempting to dive down to retrieve a house-brick while dressed in their pyjamas…..either that or they started to take water onboard as they desperately dogpaddled 10 yards out to “da first canoe out of here” while da white wimmin stood on the dock nine months pregnant.
# Free Chiggun for all
Morning DF, I hope you are keeping well and those dark keys aaaaht of the estate.
I find it interesting the differences between whitey and blackie with regards to sports/activity etc. The darkies dominate certain athletics and the whitey dominates swimming, as is the case with boxing and skiing for example.
There is definitely something to it and it could be worthy of one of your more extensive investigations. I am a shit swimmer and genuinely find it tiring more so than most other exercise. However it may be down to my schlong weighing half a tonne and acting like an anchor.
Good Morning,B+WC.
I hope business is picking up in your “massage parlours” now that lockdown has been eased.
I think the Dark-Keys are like hounds…some are bred to sprint,some to dig etc. Yer typical Dark-Key has evolved over the years to suit his environment…he is a good runner because it is bred into him to outrun lions, he is a good boxer because he needs to knock out rival villagers so that he can shrink their heads. He can’t swim because crocodiles have outsmarted him over thousands of years. He can’t ski because there isn’t any snow in Bong-Bongo land.
I’m just surprised that the Dark-Keys haven’t lobbied to have the three-legged race included in The Olympics….their massive “schlongs” would mean that they could enter without a partner.
It’s nice that you can swim a bit….that’ll be the Whitey blood in you.
#Remember Cunters….Keep Britain Safe…call 999 if you see a Sooty in your street.
Business is booming DF, what with all these poor bastards who have realised they don’t actually like the Mrs anymore after lockdowns etc.
I agree with some scientist who said the blek ones should have been given a nice new boat of their own instead of having to share it with white people.
Then it could have been set ablaze and all the science and history botherers shot.
Get to Fuck.
Interesting how these researchers and other bubble-heads never reflect on how Britain was invaded by the various European countries of old!
The French
The Danes/Scandinavians
They all came over, kicked the shit out of the indigenous people – murdered, raped and enslaved mostly white people and snuffed out their cultures, to replaced by this new form of empire-building through tyranny and fear.
And yet these woke cunts care to forget about such things because to them it doesn’t suit the narrative. Moreover, if you said such invasions existed you’ll be accused of racism against those very same Romans, Germans, French etc.
As far as they see it, it is perfectly acceptable for Britain to be invaded and totally fucked over by foreign lands. But they go into meltdown when Britain does the same thing to other countries.
Diversity is was always will be a pain in the fucking arse libtard woke re write history nob jockeys. Diversity is our weakness. Divide and be conquered. Cunts.
Diversity should be celebrated and nurtured!
Isn’t it simply wonderful?
Fuck off.
The crew of the Mary Rose was about as diverse as my family’s gene pool.
Have you even seen the evidence they cite? Skull measurement technology that was past its sell by date in the days of the good Dr. Mengele and one of them had some exotic jewellery.
I once picked up some exotic jewellery bakpacking in the Orient, it doesn’t make me Charlie Chan. It wasn’t all I picked up, mind.
Did you know Unicef spent £30m on a campaign in India to educate people on the benefits of not shitting in the middle of the street?
Then they come here 2 weeks later and some sandal wearing hipster wants me to believe we have acquired some sort of asset that will enrich our society?
Its almost as if everyone is a mindless npc gullible cunt
Makes you wonder. Even my cat knows not to shit where it walks. Mind you, I credit my cat with far more intelligence than any POC.
Cats keep themselves clean and tidy, bury their leavings and maintain their territories.
I have never met a smelly cat.
Smelly pussy?-but not a smelly cat?
I seem to recall a case a little while back where some peaceful was prosecuted for slaughtering animals in his terraced house. Despite copious amounts of blood running down the street not to mention what was have been the screams of the poor animals , his neighbours did nothing about it! Presumably, the all peaceful area thought that this was an acceptable state of affairs.
Well, it fucking isn’t!
I’ve always been a lover of history and have read book after book. Ancient history to as recently as the 80s & 90s. The problem is, once you’ve read the older stuff, you are lumbered with the later books written by revisionist historians with a personal agenda or a directive from their publishers.
Nowadays you cannot read a history book without at least a chapter referencing race, immigration or suchlike which you can tell has been shoehorned in as a box ticking exercise. This then makes you wonder how much of it is exaggerated or even true. Even worse when it comes to tv documentaries. The desire to include the token dark key is embarrassing to watch as well as downright inaccurate.
Chiggun munching spooks storming German machine gun nests in Normandy anyone?
Get fucked!
I wonder how many Guy Gibsons dogs are currently sat in Bongo Bongo Land telling the pavement apes how diverse and filled with whiteys their history was?
No, I don’t think so either.
This will get to the point of violence if this malicious anti white race hatred does not stop.
And it won’t.
All part of the plan https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rwe560kBrik
If you want a good read about life upon a slaver ship, read Flash for Freedom by George McDonald Fraser. No way would it be published nowadays.!
I love the Flashman books. Great fun.
“Me Lady Caroline Lamb. Me best rattle on Balliol College” ?
Good old Flashy.
“Diversity” is now a full on secular ‘religion’ ably assisted by ‘established’ religion. It is simpy woke-code for “I want fewer white peole around here.” How many of the esteemed cunters on here have EVER had a conversation with anyone who used the fucking word other than in a derogatory context? I can’t remember one and in fact anyone who did dare to drop ‘the D bomb’ on me would need to clear their fucking diary for the coming week as I lay out precisely why they were full of fucking shit.
We are under threat of, (and have been given full and ample warning of) our impending extinction/replacement and there can be no gainsaying that fact. This condition of things was not voted for, was never put to the people in a manifesto, it did not happen organically or by popular demand. It was imposed and there can be no gainsaying that fact either.
There are 4 principle factors determining a species’ vulnerability to extinction.
1) Competition for resources from invading species
2) Loss of habitat
3) Hybridisation
4) Direct predation
All four are currently in operation and being actively promoted BYOUR OWN GOV’T /LEGISLATURE!!! It is democide by consent, fucking madness! Dear Cunters we have until roughly 2070 to stop this. At that point numerical parity is reached and all bets are off. And remember too that it would take only a few parliamentary Acts to bring that date forward considerably.
Chops out
The boat still sank, right?