Drug Addicts

Three dead after taking zombie spice drug, well all I can say is fuckwits who take drugs are cunts and get what they get, my heart bleeds I don’t think.

Natural selection has deprived us of having to support three useless fuck ups in my opinion and not a single fuck is given, these useless cunts probably claimed every benefit in the book anyway, so good fucking riddence in my opinion, fuck they and the drug mule they rode in and subsequently out on, druggies are cunts

Nominated by: Fuglyucker

URL provided by Dickie Dribbler, thank you


61 thoughts on “Drug Addicts

  1. I don’t give a fuck either, I’ve seen spice heads on the streets of Doncaster, they should be popped into the back of a van and made dog meat out of, at least they would be of use. I worked with a couple of Heroin addicts years ago. I’ve never met a pair of more scheming manipulative cunts in my life although I’ve never met a politician yet. One was a lesser that called itself Miguel, the other was a skinny cunt who converted to Islam. I was sat in the office on a call to a client one day and he darted up and prostrated himself on the floor like the cunts do. I went fucking ape shit, he started rambling about the company should give him a place to pray, I preferred him as a junkie.

  2. Fuck me. Is that Granny Rayner in the ‘meth’ picture?

    Mind you the ‘after’ is an improvement on the ‘before’, so there are benefits in working with The Dame

  3. Druggies contribute fuck all except gibberish and criminality. Chuck them in the sea.

  4. Unbelievable that someone would take a drug that induces a Zombie like state. Idiots. It’s their families I feel sorry for. But my real venom is reserved for the dealers, more than the users. Those are the real cunts.

    • You can buy Spice on the internet now. It’s sent from China. They change the “ingredients” so it bypasses the statute description. Once we flogged them junk; now they’re avenging that.

  5. A good mate from school became a junkie, they only found him when he started dripping through the ceiling into the shop below.

    A good guy who grew up on a nasty estate.

    Don’t know how I feel really. Hate the way they accost you when running the gauntlet past their usual haunts. But they must have been human once.

    RIP Kev.

  6. Q: Why do you never see drug addicts on the beach?

    A: They don’t like getting sand in their crack.

    • What’s the difference between a drug dealer and a prostitute?

      A prostitute washes her crack and can use it again.

  7. Going into the park near our railway station is now like visiting Scotland. Copious amounts of junkies scatter the place with the bandstand as a selling point and spotty whelps lain on the grass. You can hear East Euro languages among the dead-eyed cunts. After a hard day of begging or burglary, these scrofulous zombies buy a fistful of scratchcards with which to litter the park in the dry hope of a big win to chase the dragon.

    • A similar story in my local park Cap, they sell near the duckpond, full of quackheads.

  8. The majority of this country are useless addicts, swishing alcohol every day, keeping their minds offline.

    • Is this supposed to be some sort of defence of drugs? i.e alcohol is a greater legalised evil?

      • Alcohol is a drug and a shit one at that. A mere lubricant to keep cogs in the machine turning, and a highly poisonous one at that. That is unequivocal.

        The only substances I’ll defend are the ones which potentially expand your mind and life.

  9. I remember the first overdose I went to. Saved the cunts life as he was in respiratory arrest, gave him some Narcan, he came round and wanted to fight!! Used to it now, but, that did take me by surprise! Remember though, they might be cunts, but, they didn’t wake up one day and think ‘Oh, I’ll become a raddled crack addict, today’. There’s usually a reason behind why, (some are horrific stories of abuse), and, they’re someones son or daughter.

  10. You look at the state of the antifa cunts in Portland. Free class A for all, kill the useless wasters off. Fuck em all.

  11. It’s the middle class coke dabblers who fuck me off. Just a toot or 2 at the weekend. Yes, no harm done except for supporting a wide ranging industry of murder and misery.

  12. Weed smoking cunts piss me off, especially those that are up all night on the Internet, soaking up every bullshit conspiracy theory and regurgitating it and screaming WAKE UP at any cunt who will listen.
    After midday of course, when they finally wake up, when most sane cunts are halfway through the working day.
    Paranoid cunts.

    • Oh and junkies should receive no state handouts whatsoever.
      Drug dealers should be shot and left where they drop.

      • Smackheads in the chemist’s getting a free trip to Methodonia. Whilst everyone else is supplementing it.

  13. Drug addicts aren’t just chavvy cunts littering our streets and parks.

    Athletes, especially the pros, will try any enhancement drug to go-for-gold; but when they get found out its usually a pisspoor ban before making a comeback (Lance Armstrong, being one cunt that springs to mind, but there are shitloads of others, especially sprinters)

    But there’s no end in sight – governments can keep on banning all classes of drugs, but the demand is still as high as ever, and it’s been the same cat-and-mouse game for decades across most countries around the world.

    you either legalise all drugs and have it managed in high-security control centres, along with drug-rehab centres; or you get “medieval on their asses”. But since capital punishment no longer exists in this country, locking them up for 30 years won’t rid the country of the drug problem.

    Pisses me off though, that these cunts feed their addiction by robbing or killing innocent people. And then a clever defence lawyer churns out the usual sob story, and the cunt gets a relatively light sentence, only to do the same shit again on release.

    • Sport generally is riddled with drug abuse and child/sex abuse. I made damn sure my kids knew nothing of sport and had no connection with it of any kind.

  14. My ex step son became a crack addict. Not helped by his useless mum and her lack of discipline. You can’t help these cunts, they lie, cheat and steal off you until they either drop dead or realise they need to change their ways. I’m glad I’m out of that situation.
    A guy who used to go to my gym used loads of steroids and competed in loads of competitions, became a cunt, started using cocain and then lost his wife, kid and then had a stroke. Now runs around in a mobility scooter.

  15. “Every junkies like a setting sun”.
    Stopping the evil nicotine was bad enough for me, addicts have the choice to stop or not, and I do not listen to excuses or tolerate needy weakness.

  16. Drugs are great.

    I’ve benefited significantly from the moderate use of cannabis, speed, acid and mushrooms at various stages in my life. The only things I’ve ever been addicted to are tobacco and alcohol (nearly destroyed my life). Quit tabs 38 years ago and alcohol 12+ years, no longer use the others mentioned either.

    Still got about 2 oz of block in the freezer if B&WC is passing….

  17. The humble and legal cigarette is often the gateway drug for many.

    People who drink alcohol and smoke cigarettes and who are sometimes the type to call those who smoke cannabis “druggies” are a strange breed.

    As there ever been a fatality from Cannabis use?

    • Does walking into a motorway stoned and getting trimmed out by a truck count as being killed by cannabis as it fucking works for Covid.

    • Probably been a fair few suicides where it has been a factor, as the mental health side of things is usually downplayed. And, I say this as someone who was no stranger to the stuff, and saw quite a few people who changed forever, and most of them not in a good way.
      Habit is just as bad as addiction, and is almost as bad to break.
      Best thing I ever did was say goodbye to it, no matter how much fun it was initially.

      • Literally no one ever in the history of pot smoking has died from marijuana alone and if they somehow did they definitely deserved it, the weak cunts

        suicide smooucide if anything pot smoking has kept people from offing themselves The only times I wanted to kill myself were when I ran out and couldn’t get more

      • Says the very stable person who wants to fuck one of the children from Stranger Things.
        I can’t deny what I’ve seen with my own eyes.

      • As you rightly say Gutstick, you know what you have seen with your own eyes and lived experiences.

        I have on occasion smoked cannabis over the years with no adverse effects (at least I don’t think so)
        One friend who has been a regular user for many years insists that smoking it actually helps with his mental health and general well being.

        A couple of lads I grew up with on my old estate snuffed it a few years ago due to heroin (the absolute devils drug in opinion)
        They were also the first lads of my age group to smoke cigarettes coincidentally.
        The changes caused in a person’s personality by that filthy stuff are off the scale compared to any other drug. I’m certainly not playing down the misuse of other class A substances (and alcohol) but from personal experience, heroin is by far the worst and so cruelly destructive for all involved.

        The amount of young people I’ve known of who were the partying type who regularly dabbled with the likes of Cocaine and ended up topping themselves is particularly high as well.
        Nasty “come down” from coke, ecstasy or amphetamines never seems to be mentioned either.
        It’s always a depression thing.
        There’s nothing quite like the recovery period from getting “high” on those if you fancy a bout of severe depression the following week.

        I love drinking cider as much as the next man but I’ve seen alcohol destroy Mrs Jelmets sister over the last 15 years to the point she’s (rather selfishly) waiting for death.

      • Bang on Herman. Occasionally, it’s not a problem, but there are those that will find solace in cannabis, and the problem with it is it doesn’t solve anything, and it robs you of the will to sort your life out. That is what it has in common with alcohol, as I’ve seen people drink themselves to death who had reasons to live, but because their judgment is impaired, they just can’t see a way out.
        You never know how much is too much until its too late, whatever the drug, as we all have different tolerances.

      • Wholeheartedly agree, Mr Japseye.

        I smoked until my early twenties, when I realised it was holding up my life and health. Not everyone has the intuition to escape an addiction though.. the painful irony being that psychoactives rob you of intuition, a vicious circle. Only after I was sober for awhile did that really become clear.

        No one wants to die, but that’s exactly what you’re doing in an addiction. Yet you try arguing that with an addict and you just end up talking to the drug and not the real person inside.

        It’s pernicious. I think it’s actually a form of possession in actuality.

      • I never claimed that about Millie just that I called her sexy which she clearly is Have you seen Enola Holmes yet?

        She’s a young lady now btw and will probably be 25 years old by the time the 4th series of Stranger Things is released

        Why the fuck would anyone care about drug use in the current world today?! the ultra mutant strain of coronavirus is probably gonna kill us all in a few years Did you hear about the double corona in india and brazil?

  18. K2 was once legal alternative to pot proving the FDA are uber cunts. K2 addicts somehow look worse off then crackheads

    Pot you could smoke an ounce or eat a quarter worth of brownies and still feel fine Don’t know why anyone would smoke this spice shit

  19. I having a pre summer sale, get off your head and forget abaaaaaht the Covid.
    I’ve got the lot.
    If the police are reading this I know naffink abaaaaaht it.

    • I dabbled with drugs as a young un.
      Only one I really liked was speed!
      Get a lot done on speed!
      Nowadays I do no drugs.
      Never had any addiction issues.
      Just got bored.
      Now I hate the smell of weed,
      And my opinions have changed,
      Dont smoke owt anymore including cigarettes.
      This hippy shite of expanding your mind with acid/shrooms ?
      What like Peter Green or Syd Barrett?

      • And the Manson family. Watching a documentary series about these druggy fuck ups.

        LSD was peace and love? Not for Charlie boy and his mad bitches.
        Interestingly, the series shows a lot of footage of a younger Manson without his beard.

        Absolute spit of Ewan McGregor lol. Not sure this link will work but fuck it.


      • Cuntybollocks@
        He deserved the electric chair.
        Sick megalomaniac.

        Ewan McGregor that is.

  20. I am well past the bullseye in years but Folks if you have never had an E then fuck me you have missed out. It is for the young but if you never have then you have got a superb night coming your way.

    • 1066@
      Ive done a few Es.
      I was the most level headed, easygoing, reasonable person in the club.
      Everyone said so,
      What a lovely bloke!
      Anything that changes your personality that much is evil!!!
      * Yeah enjoyed em, did me no harm.
      Dont do em anymore.

      • Dear northern cunt. Me neither my last one was before my kids (eldest now 25) – it’s now for the youngsters but I had some great nights and times, it’s up-to the individual but personally for a night out I would recommend it long before the bevvy . That stuff really does fuck you up.

      • E is really just a poor mans MDMA

        Alot of impurities and other drugs found in most ecstasy pills nowadays might get 40% mdma in it.

        MDMA is a better high in low doses don’t mix with alcohol btw A good way to the hospital if you combine the two

  21. There have been several women over the years that I have been addicted to-the most addictive one I married….

    • Ahh! General, you’re a romantic at heart!
      This is despite your boasts of all those conquests over the years.
      So how many years is it now?

      • Bertie:

        No boasts-I have stuffed more birds than Paxo?

        Together now for decades….

        (Lucky cow / poor cow-depending on which of us you ask?)

        As an aside-do you thing LFC will get top 6??

      • *think

        (Thing-could be used to describe that part of a man which can drag him further than dynamite could blow him……)

      • General – top 6, yes.
        However, the important top 4 – no, I don’t think so.

  22. An apology:

    After last night’s more high brow conversation, I have managed to drag us back into the gutter with the lowest common denominator.

    At least I am consistent ?

  23. The gym addicts do make me laugh, they drink to shit shakes, eat nothing but rice and tuna.
    Rip off wet stinking farts that make you nearly pass out, take supplements and steroids and yet think they are the very pinnicle of health, blood pressure through the roof and 2 steps from a heart attack….. Stupid cunts, the only undeveloped muscle is the brain and the cock

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