You thought it was just a bunch of ego maniacs trying to appear superior. A tiresome haggard old trout asking ‘is it organic?’.
But no. It is, inevitably, drafting in an effnik. And not like other ethnics they have on the panel, who are business people. Oh no. This one is bleck. Ish. With the usual chip on his fucking shoulder. With a Soshul Mejah company, so obviously well versed in industry and commerce.
“I’m not against white men in suits, but I am against leaving talent off the field because they don’t feel included. And so by being a Black man in a snapback, I will appeal to other Black men, and women… or anybody that comes from an underrepresented background, and I will let them know that they can sit at the table.”
(I have no fucking idea what a snapback is. Perhaps a sort of shoe?)
The subtext is that blacks are excluded, not that they are not very enterprising and are too busy dealing and stabbing to do anything useful, but because they is black. Innit.
Dragons Den. Chiggun.
Nominated by: Cuntstable Cuntbubble
Where I live in London a shop called Black butcher and baker opened a while ago selling black peoples meat and bread (whatever that is) .Obviuosly no out rage that would come with White butcher and baker. Went bust. Stupid twats.
Black meat and bread?
Monkey brains, chimps’ knackers, fried zebras’ tits and lions’ arse meat. The ‘bread’ was probably a handful of maize from a bowl with flies around it.
There is a farm near me that produces and farms Nile Crocodiles as well as other “bushmeats” for consumption.
I kid you not. Google Old Hurst. Exotic Meats.
Ebola here we come yaaay!
Rastus is ready to give his pitch to the dragons. Will they be willing to invest £3,000 in his drug dealing business?
“I gots me a sweet patch to sell my goods, innit? I’m shifting 3 kays of food every week blud. Product is safe. Pure as. Me and ma crew all got pieces for the bizzies if they come knockin, innit fam? So I is asking you innit? Is you in on this for 3 large? Hear me now. Bumbaclaaart!”
Ha ha ha?
Didn’t even realise it was still running. A good idea in principle, as Levi roots will probably agree, but the cost of that is selling your soul to the devil!
A good business model is a good business model despite colour.
So presumably this cunt will be splashing his money about every time a BAME pops up with a business idea that doesn’t involve selling drugs, stolen goods or ripping off benefits?
Good. I hope they turn him over, rob him blind and he ends up in the gutter. In fact I would like that to happen to every one of those flash, arrogant bastards, no racial discrimination here.
Is it still presented by that skinny ugly shirtlifter wanker? He can fuck off an’ all.
Never been a fan of this programme, cunts lending money to cunts that they aspire to be like. No thanks I’ll do it on my own. You can probably count on one hand how many of these businesses are still going. Most ideas probably finish up in Poundland. The Dragons probably manage a tax fiddle on it all so for them it’s a winner and the cunt pitching their idea ends up skint.
Some piece of shit business man posturing and putting on their pearly shit eating grin whilst they plot how to carve up some desperate cunt panning for gold. Or, congratulating some cunt with a great idea whilst they plot how extract maximum value like a fucking leech.
These cunts are vultures. They don’t produce shit, they don’t invent shit. They just market and fuck over.
Confiscate their cash and limit them to ebay. Cunts.
The egos on display in this program are astronomical. But in its early days I used to enjoy it. It’s well passed it’s sell by date now.
I’ve never heard of many dark key entrepreneurs- unless it’s the founders of Baboons Love Moaning, who are clearly onto a good money making scam. I suppose there was that dark key with his Reggae Soup or whatever it was called. With a regular dark key dragon expect dark key numbskull ideas to do with Chiggin or whitey racism to get a free pass.
How many times? Don’t. Watch. Television. It’s mind poison, it’s bad for you, stop it! Having said that, did anyone see the BBC coverage of the hundeds of thousands (?) milions (?) of freedom lovers marching in London on Saturday? No? What, no coverage? I thought they would have covered it extensively, you know. like they did with the BLM and Extinction Rebellion riots, I mean mostly peaceful demonstrations. I hope you’re not suggesting that the BBC are a bunch of despicable lying cunts!
The BBC are informative, today is the 100 year anniversary of the ‘Tulsa Massacre’, as usual they only present half the truth and half the story…..
We love the BBC ?
Fuck Tulsa. Not nearly enough.
I have got a ‘shit product’, with no real market and I am going to try to con savvy business people to invest time and money into making it a success ?
Great TV
“Black men, and women… or anybody that comes from an underrepresented background”.
‘Underrepresented’??? Has this cunt ever WATCHED television???? Especially the fucking adverts?
Myopic cunt.
Snapback? Sounds like a sort of turtle.
I think ‘snapback’ is only available to gentlemen of a non-Jewish persuasion, if you follow my drift.
Snap backs are the elastic in the waist of underpants.
I’ve never watched Dragons Den.
Just assumed it was a bunch of yuppie types and Gordon Gecko wannabes showing off.
Putting in a token makes no difference to me, still wouldn’t watch this shite.
I don’t get why Red Sea pedestrians are characterised by circumcision.
I’m only 1:256 Jewish and someone did it to me.
Christians of all stripes, peacefulls all have it, their doctors like vivisectionists getting into their MGM. cnuts
Madam, ‘do you have any Jewish in you?,
‘No none.’
‘Oi vay, would you like some?’
The nomination reminds me of this…
And this –
I did wonder how long it would take for an appearance of a Black. There are others of a tanned origin already on the show, so why another?
Venture Capital in Black Economies … where do I know that from ?
“County Lines” perhaps ?
The Blecks and Paks never get past first base anyway as they have never lodged a tax return so fuck up when fudging the figures
I used to watch this when that tight fisted Scottish cunt was on it. He used to take the piss out of the wankers and their ridiculous ideas and when he said “i’m out” you knew he meant “fuck off wanker.”
I remember some bloke had invented some plastic cap thing to put on the end of a sliced cucumber to stop it going manky in the fridge. The Jock looked at him and said “that’s already been invented……it’s called kitchen foil. Why would I buy your plastic thingy?”
You could tell he wanted to add “you cunt” but the BBC wouldn’t allow that.
Black n white dog owners.
Keep the dog indoors today, it’s a ban-collie day.
Effniks already figure above demographics in the wankers asking for alms. I can only think this black cunt will demand 100% kaffirs.
Am assuming this blick cunt replaces Tej Lalvani, the resident dragon of effnik Indian origin, who’s been on the programme for the last 5 years?
Haven’t watched it for yonks, but the wife still does and occasionally bores me with the comings and goings.
Happy to report that I have never watched it.
Chippy Knee-grows will ensure I never will?
Won’t be drawn on the race issue but the show is flawed anyway.
Prospect: I’m looking for 100k for 10% of my business selling widgets.
Dragons: What is your turnover, cost per unit, net profit?
Prospect: Not sold any yet; at the idea stage.
Dragons: Fuck off, only interested if you have made at least 50k in sales and your profit is sky high.
Next prospect: I’m looking for 100k for 10% of my business selling widgets. I’ve turned over £100,000 in the last year and my profit is sky high.
Dragon(s): Ok I’ll make you an offer. I’ll give you all of the money but I want 50% of your business.
The premise is false.
There have been loads of blacks and asians pitching over the years and the usual percentage got the money.
Deborah twists her fingers like a witch, Tej only ever backs certainties, Touka nearly always loses out and Peter idolises himself. Every episode now has an XFactor “I’ve had it so tough” background sob story. Sickly.
Yeah don’t wanna hear no sob story everyone’s got one. If I’m watching sone tv show that starts to twitch my interest, then suddenly they start probing the back story of some person, you know where it’s heading they’re not here because they’re clever or interesting or successful, I don’t wanna hear no sniffling or teardrops falling about your hangnail PTSD or that you lost your whole fucking family in a tectonic event fuck off change channels.
I worked with a quiet chap who lost his entire family parents siblings nephews nieces aunts etc In the Aceh tsunami. I only found out when I asked him why he’s staying locally for Ramadan rather than travelling to his home province to visit his family like everyone else. “Because they are not there anymore, they were all washed out to sea” Oh…
Never watch.Pile of dog turd
It was only good when the Fast Show did it. Bunch of jumped up cunts looking to make a quid, phoney cunts in Dragons Den.