Dr Paul Williams, Goes Walkies (2)

A red faced, just what the doctor ordered cunting please for this opportunistic arsehole, who, while trained at enormous public expense as a doctor preferred the easy life of politics, and became for 2 long years the MP for South Shields (didn”t that used to be ducky David Milliband’s mining ground?). In 2019, after many attempts to derail Brexit, South Shield, who vogted Leave, kicked the arsewipe out.

This year Dame Keir decided he would be ideal for Leave voting Hartlepool, and parachuted him on a selection list of one – with, as they used to say in the best comedy shows, “hilarious consequences”.

Despite visits to Hartlepool from the Dame himself (3 times) and Mandy Mandelson slithering round for 4 days this week – well you know the tragic consequences.

What boils my piss is that, unlike every other candidate, the snooty cunt didn’t have the decency to appear at the declaration:


Even his brother from the Monster Raving Loony Party stood there, after only gathering a few votes.

It is clear Starmer put him in place in the hope that if he won he would help Labour get the Brexir debate going. As it is Mandy is distraught and nearly had a turn on TV yesterday, and Adonis is calling on him to resign.

What a liar and coward Williams is though – his excuse was that he had to “take his children to school” – AT 5.00 IN THE MORNING?

Nominated by: W.C. Boggs

(PS. We do have a nomimation about Starmer (and Rayner), due to be published very soon! – DA)

46 thoughts on “Dr Paul Williams, Goes Walkies (2)

    • I too thought it was a cunting about the man who played Swan in Phantom of the Paradise. Fucking great film, BTW.

      • Amazing film. They did a documentary about it too for a re-release that’s also worth a watch.

  1. From memory some American Leftist wannabe named Clinton did the same thing when she lost. What do you expect from the jellyfish left with no backbone?
    When the tide turns they will be groveling bits of shit.

  2. Putting this twat up in Hartleool shows the degree to which Labour has lost the plot. Kweer Stammer intelligent? What was his strategy? It was like Hilary Clinton standing for Governor of Alabama.

    • Exactly. Dame Kweer is as thick as pig shit.

      Needed a Dennis Skinner like character to stand any chance.

  3. It’s slowly dawning on some in the Labour Party that what sounds great to the intellectual elite left and students doesn’t attract working class voters. When you have key members of your party who openly despise the working class and working class concerns you are going to find it increasingly difficult to attract the working class vote.

    The problem for the labour party is the majority of it’s members are either diehard Marxists far too the left or Blairite who’s also despise the working class for similar reasons. There isn’t anyone in Labour who you can rebuild the party around to make it electable.

    The working class have not abandoned Labour, Labour abandoned the working class. We all remember Gordon Brown calling that woman a bigot because she mentioned immigration to him, that was an enlightening moment for many working class people.

    They seem to think they are in opposition to the electorate not just the government.

    • Absolutely.

      Their attitude is ‘The reason they didn’t vote for me is that they’re stupid and need educating. What’s wrong with these people?’

      • It’s pretty bloody obvious that in order to get power you need people to vote for you. That simple fact might dawn on Kweer and Co one day.

    • Another moment of enlightenment was Labour handing out memos to police forces to ignore the victims of child exploitation.

      An unnecessarily stupid political move to boot as nobody in the police had the bollocks to challenge the peacefuls anyway.

  4. I know Dame Keir “radiates competence” (according to Mandy) but it was suggested today in one or two newspapers that the Dame wants to bring that working class lad, Hilary Benn , back into the shadow cabinet – that’s right, the backbench cunt, who did more than anybody to stop Brexit is his answer to the Brexiteers in Hartlepool and beyond.

    I think it’s time for Starmer to fuck off.

    • Starter doesn’t have a clue, so stuck is he up his London woke anti-Brexit ass.

  5. This is how to win friends and influence people the Labour way.

    Labour spend years pissing on and trying to overturn the Brexit vote when it was very popular in their natural, working class constituencies. They deride the natural concerns of those constituencies around immigration and call them racists. They embrace every woke fuck-stick ideology going and use those ideas to call their constituents racists and “gammon”. They abandon the working class for the trendy, metropolitan tweet-loving student and middle class ideologues. They are more interested in the fate of Palestinians and illegal immigrants than the working class. They call the UK institutionally racist at every opportunity and sneer at British values and the Union Jack. Then they field a useless candidate in a Red Wall constituency that represents all these values and obviously had no regard for the people of Hartlepool, probably regarding them as Brexiteer savages and “gammon”.

    Now they say they lost Hartlepool because it’s the electorate that are idiots and they are the ones that need to change, not the Labour Party.

    The Labour Party is dying. Good riddance cunts.

  6. Labour hates the white working class and the white working class know it.Go woke, lose elections.

    • They particular hate our kids, or maybe just really love the peacefuls. Hard to be sure.

  7. Labour was created as an answer to those who used the class system and wealth to abuse those with nothing and no voice.
    They figured the best way to do this was to adopt the principles of socialism, which made them unelectable in the most part, and they bankrupted the Country whenever they were.
    They then decided under Tory Blair to be the Conservatives with a red ribbon, which worked for a bit until the people realised that the people in charge were evil globalists paying lip service to Labour values and principles and caring not a jot for the traditional voter base – they had the vote of Mondeo Man, they didn’t need Cavalier Kev the factory worker anymore.
    Then, in a whiff of cabbage, complacency and corruption Jeremy Corbyn conned his way into power in what I still think was a rigged contest, Labour lurched into full on weirdo commie anti Semite self destruction, so they hired a plastic Tony Blair copy who they soon found out is a wet, indecisive, weak, vacillating champagne socialist.
    There is not one MP who is worthy of their job or my vote, and Labour are facilitating and empowering a dictatorship by offering no meaningful or competent opposition.
    Labour are dead, they just haven’t been told yet – and I hope my MP fat Nige has the decency to stick around long enough to congratulate me when I defeat him in four years.

  8. Labour really are deaf & dumb cunts.

    After their catastrophic defeat in the last general election, they said “The electorate has spoken. We must listen to the electorate……”

    After their catastrophic defeat in Hartlepool, they said “The electorate has spoken. We must listen to the electorate…”

    Clearly they haven’t bothered to listen to the electorate – or at least not the working classes. And it also brings into question why they didn’t listen to the electorate during the respective election campaigns?

    It would seem that when Labour do bother to listen, they don’t like it, and therefore simply ignore them, believing that their own ideas about running local, national and international polices are far more acceptable.

    Moreover, given that Labour, or New Labour, or Woke Labour consists of Wokey Islington types, they feel that diversity, integration, acceptance and understanding are all pivotal for a better nation. And that hate crime should be put placed front and centre, especially those from the Right and Far Right.

    But despite this, as soon as they lose an election their mask slips and all of sudden they’re calling the electorate “idiots”, “bigots”, “racists”, “ignorant” etc.

    So much for hate crime!

    The Labour party stands for hypocrisy, ignorance, arrogance, incompetence and above all contains some really vile, conceited and nasty people who should know better.

    • ‘ contains some really vile, conceited and nasty people who should know better.’

      Like Clive Lewis MP.

  9. What Labour doesnt get is that it matters not whether they go left, right or middle. They are the party of London whether Corbynista or creepy Mandleson/Charmer. This is why they are fucked. An Islington lawyer or an Islington anti-semitic allotment holder? No fucking difference outside the M25.
    This is also the reason the Jocks have lost their marbles. Labour has alienated them so they vote for a local Nazi party.

  10. The dumb cunts in Hartlepool don’t know what’s good for them, Hartlepool is Labour, it’s always been Labour, what a bunch of cunts.

    The shadow defence minister resigned from the front bench describing Labour as being taken over by a London based bourgeoisie and woke social media warriors, a pretty accurate description, even the dumb working class Hartlepool voters could see it ?

    As for Dr Paul, looser!!!

  11. On the subject of dodgy politicians I see dodgy humpty, dumpty Bojo is in the news again – this time it is alleged for accepting £15K’s worth of accommodation on a Caribbean Island via one of his dodgy tory donors (one of the founders of Carphone Whorehouse no less).


    This fat cunt has no filter, or shame and I bet this is where that cunt impregnated Carrie the talking the horse.

  12. I understand Labour flooded Hartlepool for weeks with record numbers of “activists” on the ground. Bad mistake. Seeing these posh, braying Hoorays up close is bound to put people off.
    Still, you’d think the good Doctor would stick around and make the traditional losers speech thanking them for their hard work, loyalty etc. No, not this arrogant cunt. Then they wonder why nobody wants the fuckers.

  13. A book that might interest some cunt on here. Paul Embery…..”Despised : Why the Modern Left Loathes the Working Class.”
    Paul is a Trades Union and Labour activist for 25 years so he knows what he is talking about.
    Correction…..suspended from the Fire Brigades Union for 2 years for speaking at a Leave Means Leave rally. Democracy……a total stranger to the wokies.

    • Freddie@
      I like Paul Embery.
      Dont give a fuck if hes a socialist.
      Very rare I like the cut of anyone involved in politics,
      But hes a honest man.
      Not seen one of those, right or left, in a long time.

      • I like Paul Embery as well. ‘Oh, you are awful. But I like you”.

        Oh, wait – that was Dick Emery.

  14. And is a brilliant epitomisation of why the Labour party are doing so badly. A complete disdain for the electorate, whichever hue they are poiltically.

  15. There are total cunts like Richard Burgon, another solicitor. All he is famous for is crowing on about Palestine and gassing an SNP MP with a fart.

  16. Easiest campaign the The Tories have ever had. They could’ve just gone round showing a photograph of Eddie Izzard in lipstick, dress, old woman’s specs, and pink beret.

    Ha-weyy mon, yous wan’ me ta vote for a par’y with women that uuglee? Haddaway and shite.

  17. They hung a fucking monkey in Hartlepool because they thought it was a funny looking foreigner.

    And Labour thought they could try their woke shite up there?

    Fuck off.

  18. If Wee Jimmy Krankie gets “Indyref2” and wins, labour are finished.

    The worst thing is, it has allowed the government to become even less honest.
    We desperately need a strong opposition ?

    • I know it’s a parochial shitshow, but you should *really* look at Scottish politics, it’s more of an entertaining farce than you might realise.

      Krankie has no interest in Independence, she’s an Internationalist, and is using the shitshow up north as a step on the way to a cushy EU/UN job with her French girlfriend, her creepy beard of a husband and his bent/deviant friends in the Scottish Nonce Party have already gotten the hate crimes laws passed which means they can get you jailed for the hurting their McFeelings by calling them out for the cunts they are, and now they’ve won the election they’re about to go full-tilt ‘woke-trans freaks are the new normal uberMcMensch’…remember the old jokes about Scots being men in skirts?, well..



      Bonus fun fact, one of the women who cannot be named in Scotland is the wife of someone who will immediately benefit greatly when Krankie steps down, the fat cunt Salmond was set up by his ‘ain folk’ when he started to call them out on their shit.
      (Incidentally, rumour has it she tried breaking up Salmond’s marriage when he was SNP leader, sleeping her way to the top even back then, and is a classic ‘woman scorn’d’ …sorry, wummin’ scorn’d..)

      Double bonus fun fact, there are between 800,000 to 1,000,000 English people living in Scotland, that, coupled with the Unionist vote, means any Indyref2 will fail, and Krankie and her freakshow know that, all talk of Independence is to keep the tartan McSheeple quiet whilst they financially fleece them…



      Once the ‘Scottish People’ realise they’re royally fucked, and wake up to the fact that the freakshow of rainbow haired wokey chicks with dicks ‘People of Scotland’ (hint: not scottish, for example, see https://www.ercc.scot/welcome-to-mridul-wadhwa-our-new-ceo/this cunt is legally a man) run the place and there’s fuck all they can say (hate crimes bill, remember…) or do about it, the McShitshow over the next couple of years north of the border promises to be both most entertaining and instructional (in a cautionary tales sort of way) as an example of what happens when woke looneys take over the asylum…

      I’d get the haggis flavoured popcorn in, but can’t abide haggis or popcorn.

      • Brilliant comment, CT. You’ve nailed everything.
        Can’t wait for indyref2 to crash and burn.
        WJ Krankie, awa’ wi’ ya, and boil your hid in bile.

  19. The THICK cunt must have realised that he didn’t have what it takes to be a specialist in the NHS so he did the next best thing ….went into politics…… as a Labour candidate.

  20. The best bit was watching that Cunt Munchetty on BBC the next day with face like a slapped arse. If her whole family died of penile cancer she could not have been more sad looking – made me fucking smile as i know the woke scum will never accept they are in a minority and fucking wrong about everything – cunts.

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