This shower of shit wasted no time in trying to exploit the shooting of Sasha Johnson for her own warped political ends, tweeting: “Nobody should have to potentially pay with their life because they stood up for racial justice”.
Even before the police announced that it was 4 black guys who shot Johnson, it was pretty obvious that this was yet another instance of black-on-black crime. In fact, Johnson was shot by the exact same type of inner-city violent black scum which her movement has spent the last year or so making idiotic excuses for. They don’t seem to understand why we find this story so fucking hilarious!
When are these useless cunts going to admit that THEY are the problem and stop blaming white people for everything? Even Flabbott’s own son has form ( to be fair I think it includes assaulting her which is a point in his favour). She’s been questioned about this already by both Iain Dale and Emily Maitliss, her response was the usual pathetic and tragically predictable get-out-of-jail-free card – you can’t question her about it, cos she is black!
Stop the lies black people, and Johnson, if you recover, please remember to thank Flabbott for her support by bringing her to your next house party (I assume someone will need to feed you your chiggun and light your blunts for you from now on anyway, as well as changing the batteries in your Speak’n’Spell).
Nominated by: Seanie
And on the subject of Labour and BLM, here’s one from Cuntington Smythe
The Labour Party are cunts…. yet again. Not satisfied with losing shit loads of seats and support, they’ve upped the anti, with this load of fucking shite:-
It just beggars belief that these cunts think that the whole of this country is interested in their fucked up view of what this country is about. I despair, I really do. On the upside though, another nail in their coffin…. the cunts
In that photo it looks as if she hasn’t got her false teeth in. I suppose Sterident is too white – or she has just gven Steptoe a gumy blow job?
No, the deliveroo geezer has just turned up with the KFC. Dianne is saying “how much do you want Abdul?…..i’ll give you a fiver and a blow job.”
Bet Abdul said no thanks, just £3.99 will cover it.
Looks like she’s in full window-liking mode…
We know that the universe is expanding after the big bang, unfortunately Dianne Abbotts mouth is the only thing that expands further when she is spouting blek rights and how down trodden blek people are oppressed, a nuclear grade oven temperature for this cunt, unkle Terry, fire it up
Where are the fabled far right bods they keep banging on about? I’ve not seen a one, only chimps spouting off about how hard they get it. Jackanory, Jackanory
Seen her before
Problem is, no one is going to call them out on it. This, along with the coverage of the anniversary of Floyd’s ‘murder’ and the complete tumbleweed when it comes to anniversaries of Lee Rigby and other victims of terrorism help the far right bellends by showing the blatant bias involved in reporting these stories.
Lies by omission is the msm’s biggest failure.
That last sentence reminded me of ‘sin of omission’. Technically I don’t think can have ‘lies of omission’.
Of course you can. If you only give one side of a story, you let people form opinions on an incomplete picture, especially when the details you leave out have a significant impact on any conclusion that could be reached. The whole ‘white man bad’ narrative is a prime example, as the focus is on stories that support the concept, not the evidence, that proves otherwise.
If that isn’t lying, I don’t know what is.
Lying by omission is when a person leaves out important information or fails to correct a pre-existing misconception in order to hide the truth from others….
Like “5 men arrested”
“White man arrested”
Lying by omission…
“I neh sow da Sashr shootr cuz”
But we all know that black on black crime isn’t touched on at all by BLM. If so they’d be out every Saturday morning after the latest Friday night of
The long knives.
The irony with this, as was commented when it happened is so absolute.
As some comedy cunt on here quoted ” Live by the brappp brappp, die by the brap brap”
The elephant in the room here is at no point in the trial of Derek Chauvin was it suggested the motivation for the killing of Floyd was racial. Sensible politicians and community leaders would of urged calm until the verdict of the trial but no the likes of Abbott even after justice has been done continue to run with a false narrative.
What the police are expected to do when dealing with a large drug crazed career criminal I have no idea. Well I do but letting them walk away Scott free isn’t the way to police any society.
Moving on to the shooting of Sasha Johnson, it had nothing to do with racism and everything to do with the company she keeps but pointing that out will be said to be racism against black culture.
If the reality of the problems in our society is considered taboo there can be no progress in resolving them.
“What the police are expected to do when dealing with a large drug crazed career criminal…”
Dealing with him because they were answering a call from a black store owner complaining that Floyd had just tried to pass him a counterfeit note…
Shout free Palestine take a knee, taser the bastard in the bollocks which will be very effective as the cunt has most likely pissed himself laughing.
I bet it will be kept very quiet but I bet Sasha The Gob is the Peckham Connection. Probably keeps Class A’s up her capacious arsehole.
You do start to wonder why Blm want to defund the cops.
I mean, drug dealing, burglary, violent crime and protection rackets would be a whole lot easier to get away with, with no cops around, right?
And when you then look at the company the BLM leadership keeps… (the ‘uncomfortable ones’)…it all starts to add up.
The racist minority hating british police should have ignored her repeated calls when her drugged up mentalcase son was chasing her around with a knife.
Surely they would have stood down, set fire to a huge cross and all shouted Seig Heil! at the thought of another non-aryan getting attacked eh?
Diane you are a plantpot headed cunt!
Flabbott is an idiot who has been shown up so many times that the media know they can always get a cheap laugh out of her. She is lucky she has an ultra safe Stabistan seat where they would vote for my cock if it had a Labour rosette pinned to it (ouch!). She wouldn’t survive anywhere else, even in Brighton she’d get her arse kicked by the Greens. When Jezza was in charge she should have asked him for a seat in the Lords. Too late now bitch!
How brown is your cock?!
Probably darker than Me-again Sparkles. Mine is ?
Beautifully crafted nomination and it’s difficult to think of anything to add – every nail hit squarely on the head there.
It won’t happen, of course, but it would be interesting to see statistics published on black on black versus white on black versus black on white crimes. I’d imagine it would look something like:
White on black 0.5% – MSM inclusion
Black on white 14.5% – excluded by MSM
Black on black 85% – excluded by MSM
I’m not a Doris fan but, when he was mayor of what is now Londonistan his stop and search policy was actually reducing knife crime. He also bought some second hand water cannon to use on riots and save the tax payer money. Enter Suckdick stage left and look where we are now: stop and search scaled back (because it’s “racist”) and police going down on one knee to appease rioters.
A lot of this shit is going on because 650 MPs have to find something to occupy their time and virtue signalling and bullshit are their stock in trade skills. Look at any large multinational and count how many directors they have creaming off the profits. You could employ everybody in the world in one large company and you wouldn’t need 650 directors. If the number of MPs was scaled back to something more reasonable, 20 max probably, so they had to actually work they wouldn’t have time for this bollox. Also, a sea change like that would attract a different character type actually interested in public service (rather than just wanking themselves service).
Cunts the lot of them!
Hence why I never vote Liebour.U turn after u turn.Same old shite.A toy town opposition.Form an orderly queue for Unkle Terry’s mobile oven.
Why isn’t there a baying mob from the BLM protesting outside the building where the accused are being held, I thought black lives mattered….
Orderly? – they would still be fighting – “Hilary should go before me he is a Blairite, whereas I;am, a Corbynite. Oh, ladies first, go on Jess, dear…fuck you, you are sexist….what about us poofters? says Chris Bryant. How-de-doody honey” chimes in Lammy…
Classic distraction techniques from the commies.
Even this stupid blek bitch knows her ethnic group are disproportionately involved in gang violence drug peddling and violent mugging.
It’s just easier to blame the racist white than confronted the the reality of the shitfest they created.
Fuck them.
Southern Fried Oven.
Fuck me I can’t construct a simple sentence.
I must be related to Flabbot.
Get in your oven, on a low heat
Really weary of these race grifting ‘politicians’. It makes a mockery of our entire civilization.
No wonder we only get international aliens showing up and not the interstellar ones.
As one old cunt who lives by me put it, “that fucking Abbott woman is a fence turtle if ever i saw one”, I asked him what he meant, he said “you can see the turtle on top of the fence post but wonder how the fuck it got there”, never a truer word spoken than old Mr Evans, race baiting cunt, she needs a damn good sjamboking!!!!
Agreed. Maybe afterwards a steel belted radial a-la Winnie. (May she rest in turmoil)
What’s there to say? it’s all been said before.
Diane Abbott was seen wearing mismatched shoes during voting today.
When questioned she replied, “I’ve got another pair exactly the same at home.
Something about Diane Abbott doesn’t add up
Breaking News – Labour win the election after Diane Abbot does a recount
So, if John Lennon said The Beatles were bigger than Jesus and some Christian shot him dead….. then all we need to do is spread the rumour that Jeremy Corbyn said that he and his snowflake friends were bigger than Mohammad and the problem should sort itself out.
Keir Starmer reshuffling the labour party in hope for a better outcome, is like reshuffling a whole deck of jokers and hoping to hit a royal flush.
I’ll get my coat..
She was interviewed on newsnight and claimed that the ‘statement’ by The Take The Initiative party about it being related to death threats was fact and just rejected out of hand the police statement that there was no evidence that Slasha was targeted or there were and threats prior to the shooting.
The latest news, there were four men who burst into the garden and a did a bit of OK corral but the police have made five arrests so good on them, catch 4 get one free ?
Abbott is a useless fat cunt.
I still don’t really get why people in this country are protesting the death of a bloke killed by cops in America.
Had this happened pre-social media nobody over here would have given a fuck.
Didn’t you see the US-wide riots for Sarah Everard? Me neither.
Completely correct. In fact, it did. Rodney King, LA. Too many years ago. Failing to stop, driving while intoxicated, fled police as arrest would have violated his bail conditions for a previous robbery conviction.
It was widely reported, but no one went round in this country smashing up stuff because of that.
Stop and search goes up, black on black murder goes down. Stop and search goes down, black on black murder goes up. Its very simple . The left hates stop and search. Its one of their favourite weapons of “racism” even though their stance kills black people. They really are all cunts.
Flabbot – professional race baiter. No more need be said.
The Labour Part Chiggin George proposals – fantastic. I love the fact that Labour have proposed these as they will guarantee even further electoral oblivion. With any luck these cunts will be done to no more than half a dozen MP’s within the next 15 years.
If Slasha Johnson had received death threats would it be any surprise? She goes round dressed like a1960’s Black Panther, says “we don’t want to be equal with whites we want to be their masters” and calls blacks who disagree “c**ns”.
If some saddo got on her Twitter and threatened to cut her tits off well what do you expect?
Do these lefty twats live in the real world? Not my real world that’s for sure.
They live in a world of idealogical delusion.
Like god- botherers who secretly know it’s all bollocks…
It wouldn’t be so bad if she didn’t such a posh whiney voice. Coupled with her eyes to heaven all the time. You just know she’s done all her hard work at Islington dinner parties.
I mean all her hard work fighting racism at Islington dinner parties.
Her eyes look skywards on TV because she is trying to see if a bit of chiggun is stuck to the studio ceiling.
Looking forward to the tsunami of shite when a darker skinned person is charged with shooting the Oxford Panther. Still of the opinion that some poor whitey will end up in the dock. Cos in the real World black on black violence does not happen. Abbot is and always has been a cunt she has made good money for being a useless cunt ever since she plonked her arse in the sty of commons. She is a joke though the jokes on us as we fund her utter cuntishness. The day will come.ii
Having to look at that face for years it’s no wonder her son is fucking mental.
What is Flabbopotamus on about anyway? She’s a race baiter, a thousand times more famous than Slasha, yet travels about on the Tube on her own. We know this because she’s been photographed in a carriage, breaking the law, drinking alcohol and reading “Country Life.”
Ok I made the Country Life bit up but if I were in fear for my life from the fabled “right wing extremists” i’m fucked if you’d catch me on the Tube.
She’s more likely to read “County Line” magazine.
The Diane Abbott wearing two shoes both meant for the left foot mystery may have been solved.
Just around the corner from her house there is a shoe shop that leaves a rack of shoes outside the shop on the street but they only leave out one from each pair….
Somebody once said to her.
I love the fact that you have one green shoe and one red shoe.
Ooh thank you she said. I have another pair just the same, at home.
Shot to the head
And w0ggs to blame
Giving niigg n0gggs
A bad name
Superb ?
But yes.
No surprise to see Abbot blaming it on whitey. Even when every cunt knows it was the dark keys that did it.
Here’s a novel idea for black ‘community leaders’ and ‘activists’. Or as I call them ‘grifters’.
Start by admitting that the problem of violence in black communities is the fault of failed community. Rip it up and start again. How about this, ‘oppressed’ black people?
1. Stop glorifying gangsta rap. Kids listening to ‘songs’ about shooting cops and honkies can’t help, surely?
2. Stop glorifying having ‘beeches and hoes’ and using women like slabs of meat. Perhaps then kids will grow up with a dad?
3. Let the cops get tough on the gangs. When I say tough, I mean go full Duggan on the cunts. And when they do, back them up instead of protesting.
4. Stop blaming honkies for your failures. If a dark key shoots a dark key it’s nothing to do with honkies. Get that in your thick fucking skulls.
5. Stop claiming whiteys are targeting blacks. The truth is that blacks are far more likely to rape, beat or kill whites than the other way around. The difference is staggering.
6. If all this is too much for you, then it seems you only have one default position. Blame whitey. Well, we’ve had enough of this shite now. If this is your stance, then living in whitey countries is obviously too difficult for you. In such cases, feel free to fuck off to Africa. We’ll have a fucking street party.
7. Stop listening to career race baiters. They are only rich because they perpetuate the myth that you are being oppressed. These cunts are using you. BLM leaders have been busy buying themselves mansions in whitey areas, you clowns. Flabbot, Lammy and many others are only in safe ‘for life’ seats due to their race baiting. Do you think, that if they had a magic switch to end all racism and oppression, that they would flick it?
Would they fuck as like!
Sort your own shit out. Until then, feel free to keep stabbing each other and blowing each other’s brains out.
What fucking brains?!
Nailed it Cuntybollocks. Fucking nailed it. ??
I agree. Sets out the issues perfectly.
I wish Admin would stop it with these horny pictures. She looks like she’s just about to suck my dick. I’ll be doing myself an injury at this rate if I have to keep tossing myself off.
Someone should pay one of the said black gangbangers to blow this fat white hating blobs face off with a double barrelled shotgun tgen send her rotting carcass back to Jamaica in a dinghy
Fat disgusting tub of lard