I’ve just seen an advert on Eurosport for that medical charity (‘text Javid’ or whatever, it’s the doctors without borders cunts).
Now, if people want to donate they should be free to do so, of course.
What got on my tits was the ‘text Javid to send £30’ bit. A bit steep innit bruv? And there was me thinking charities are glad of any donation? Not these cunts it seems.
£30? You’ll get what you’re given you cheeky cunts. Which is fuck all from a tight cunt like me by the way.
Fuck off.
Nominated by: Cuntybollocks
I also wouldn’t of taken her couple of quid offered.
Id of insisted on her setting up a direct debit!
Ha ha ha?
The charidee adverts showing animal cruelty should be banned too.
Having travelled our globe, I can tell you that some cultures are simply cruel to animals. No charity will stop that, sadly.
And these charities pay execs 100k or so at a time and need the cruelty to continue for their business to survive.
The one where that Arab CUNT is making a donkey walk up stairs with a broken leg had me shouting ,’Oh just film the cunt, why don’t you?
If someone in that advert from the charidee ran over to him, rescued the donkey and then took a lump hammer to the sand dancing cunt’s knees and made him walk up the stairs at gunpoint, I’d definitely donate.
Still, better to film this tragic scene that they just ‘happened’ upon with expensive filming equipment on them at the time, eh?
The 100+k cunt in the charidee office probably broke the fucking donkey’s leg for the bastard advert!
Fuck them!
Took Mrs Stroker to Woodbridge yesterday for a quick look around.
Within 5 minutes accosted by two charity workers from Barnardo’s. One pretty girl and a bloke. After a minute or so explained I had to go as Mrs Stroker had wandered off. Bloke then started the hard sell, immediately felt angry with myself for even being civil to them. Sean Locks got the right idea.
I’m keeping my thirty quid in my pocket