Baroness Jenny Jones [2]

A nomination for this raddled, shit-stirring ugly old boot, please. Why? For tweeting about a Police Scotland officer wearing a Thin Blue Line patch on his uniform. (A Union Flag with a blue line through the middle, green for ambulance – I have one, and red for fire). They’re worn to commemorate fallen colleagues.

She retweeted a tweet from a fellow Green Party, (who else?), calling it a ‘Fascist Symbol’.

This dozy old trout is in The House Of Lords.
A link to the original.

We’re doomed. I genuinely believe it.

Nominated by: DCI Gene Cunt

52 thoughts on “Baroness Jenny Jones [2]

  1. Wasn’t this the cow who was saying that all blokes should be off the streets by 6pm to stop them raping all the wimminz?
    Or was it some other mental case, out of touch, wokey posh bitch? Who knows, who cares?
    Either way she can shut the fuck up and fuck off while she’s doing it.

    • This is a textbook case of the problem with this country.
      The enemy within.
      Posh rich woke interfering fucks who know best.
      A police officer wearing something that commemorates fallen colleagues?
      Whats to oppose?
      But Baronesses know better?
      Just go count your money you inbred twat.
      Good nom DCI!?

      • The house of Lords is full of rich skeletons sat snoozing reeking of piss.
        It needs doing away with.
        I dont mean disbanded
        I mean burnt to the ground with its chinless occupants nailed inside.

      • Quite right MNC. Any cunt who thinks the Union Jack is a “fascist symbol” needs to visit a library. They can start with a dictionary and look up the word “fascist”.
        Then they can wander over to the history section and see if they can find some past examples. I suspect, in the case of the esteemed Baroness, it would be easier to dump her in the middle of some peaceful shithole and let her mouth off and learn for herself.
        There are some people who can only learn from bitter experience…..shortly before they get themselves killed. Natural selection I think they call it.

      • If the old cunts hips could take it, she probably took the knee to real in-your-face BLM fascists not imagined racism on a fucking badge and clapped for the NHS from outside her massive house in an exclusively white neighbourhood, not that this cunt goes anywhere but private.

    • I think it was this crazy old loon who wanted curfew for blokes after 6pm.
      Tough luck if her house caught fire at 18.01

  2. I recommend a short but lively stay at Uncle Adolf ‘s special care home.

    Cunts like this we can well do without.

  3. By the same token I could quite easily say I’m “offended” by those “white privileged” old cunts in the House of Lords, wearing fancy clothing, robes and medals that all hark back to Britain’s colonial past!

    I am also “offended” by the way they’re called Lords and Baronesses – which again highlights privilege and elitism!

    I am so “offended” by these old piss-smelling fascist cunts spending all their day in the HoL asleep or doing the Mirror Bingo, while collecting their £300+ “entitlement” for being smug cunts!

  4. I loathe this cow. If anyone’s fascistic it her and the woke brigade. Frankly, it’s great to see someone in Scotland wearing the Union Flag. Must have slipped beneath the notice of the SNP (Scottish Nazi Party). No doubt the SNP will insist on its replacement with their favoured, mandatory flag – the EU one.

    • She should stop blithering about badges and wear one herself. A black one with a yellow line down the middle indicating incontinence and a ghastly odour.

      The thin, yellow line.

  5. It’s strange how these people can see institutionalised racism under every bush unless it happens to be them insulting and belittling the majority of people in this Country. The nasty old bitch sits in The House of Lords,an anachronistic institution that reeks of unearned and undeserved privilege,and sees fit to smear the flag that represents the people who made it possible for her to spout her race-bating nonsense.

    • Do you mean Red Ken who was kicked out of the Labour Party for being a Jew baiting fascist?
      Or was that a different Red Ken?

  6. Didn’t this also happen at some inner London sink school called the “Pimlico Academy”? The zoo-like inhabitants took the Union flag down and burnt it on some council estate. As this was in London, there were no British citizens there to see it. Funny enough, I don’t recall Bojo the Clown condemning this incident, nor Baroness weirdo.

    • The Pimlicunt Academy needs to be shut down and the kids sent to a Boot Camp where they can be taught to be British instead of the little spoilt immicunt brats they so obviously are.

  7. Is that a scratch n sniff photo above? Give it a good scratch and you get a heady waft of stale pensioner piss mixed with lily of the valley.

  8. Doesn’t the union flag fly over The Palace of Westminster?
    If it does then she is not so outraged that she refuses to attend The House of Lords to ponce her daily allowance.

    But I wonder what design of flag would she want to represent Britain?

    The Union Jack should stir up 2 emotions.
    A feeling of great pride for all British citizens and a feeling of abject terror for all those that stand against us.

    If you are the enemy in any war zone and you see the British flag advancing on you from the horizon then you are fucked.

    That’s what the Union Jack is all about.

  9. Whenever I read twitter feed it proves we are fucked. Gormless sheeple. They all need public Hewitt type therapy. As for this old crone, just forget the pointless hag exists.

  10. If only Hammer still made horror films – she would be up there with the greats like Peter Cushing and Christopher Lee.

    She could have played opposite Joan Crawford instead of Betty Davis – as it is, looking at this old boiler, we now KNOW what happened to Baby Jane;.

    Roll on the day AnalEase joins Jones and the ghastly old waxworks in the House of Lords – the smell of their soiled bloomers will probably gas the old buggers into kingdom come.

    She almost makes Jess Phillips look beautiful and glamorous.

    • ‘Almost makes Jess Phillips look beautiful and glamorous’?
      Steady on old chap.

      • I concur: it would take a paper bag on her head and a welders mask on yours, to make that a reality ?

  11. A standard issue yogurt knitter!!!
    Unfortunately these kind of looney cunts are gaining power through local elections and the green vote!!!

  12. Dozy old bint.
    Obviously blinded by leftist self loathing dogma to the point she comes across as a fucking idiot.
    I wonder if that infamous 6pm curfew that this old crone recommended was inclusive of peaceful groomers and knife wielding architects as well.
    Probably not.

  13. I see this bag of rotting chicken bones already has a noose around its throat.
    Tyburn jig anyone….

  14. Baroness Jenny Cunt should fuck off and feed her fucking cats. Bet she stinks of piss.

    Good cunting. The trouble is, they are all the fucking same. Yesterday the fucking Tories announced they are going to re-nationalise the fucking railways. Fucking Tories? Fucking leftie cunts more like.

    The whole fucking rotten political shit show is a festering boil filled with marxist pus. This country is being raped and sodomised by every cunt imaginable. Fuck off.

    Oh, and good morning, everyone. I am off for a week long bender in Cornwall. Hope to see you there!

    • Watch out for big black cats, busty, pink faced wenches offering you a “cream tea” and car park attendants, after your last tenner.

      • Thanks, General. I take it that advice is based on extensive experience!

      • Yes, yes and yes?

        Get a Cornish flag car sticker-and claim your surname is Trelawney, to protect yourself?

  15. I know not this ‘Baroness Jenny Jones’ you speak of, but based on her appearance above I presume her to be the she-bastard offspring of Gromit’s boss Wallace, and Darth Vader’s boss Emperor Palpatine.
    Am I correct?

    • You are correct, Chimp Licker. But created in a test tube with a fair helping of Michael Foot and Eddie Izzard DNA.

  16. An anti-British member of the house?
    No, I simply don’t believe it-it will never happen!

  17. I bet she’s got an absolute mess and hedge down there. Birds nest and all.

  18. Looks like it lives on a diet of Cod liver oil and and mothballs. Hateful angry old Green party anarchist feminist currently on £110,000 HOL worth of taxpayers money.

    Rarely has a Deadpool candidate seemed more appealing!

    Fuck off!

  19. That nomination photograph-she looks like “Zelda” from Terrahawks?

    A associate of mine (he was a bit of a cunt), had a next door neighbour who looked exactly like her. She was a fanatical vegetarian, a Lib Dem local councillor, and an ex teacher.

    When he filled in his garden pond, due to the arrival of grandchildren, she went berserk at him for displacing common newts and frogs-reporting him to the RSPCA, the Wildlife Trust, the local and county councils and the Police.
    The stupid fucking bitch.
    As it turned out, I took ALL the flora and fauna from his pond, and put it a friends large, natural pond.

    The time wasting harridan.

    Fucking raddled old wimping=cunts?

  20. It’s very revealing to dig into the past history of these weirdos. She was born in Brighton,, – alarm bells! She spent approximately 10 years as an archaeologist in the Middle East, studying carbonised plant remains.
    Since then her life has been in ruins.
    Fuck off you old fossil.

  21. What an ugly looking and unfuckable ( at any stage in her lifetime I would wager ) biddy! Bigoted bitch of the Metropolitan Elite.

  22. I recommend a single ticket to visit Unkle Terry’s oven please.Old harridon.

    • He really should start doing public ‘open days’, guided tours of his facility to see that awesome 50kW micro-waver in action, bit of scran in the cafe and a trip to the gift shop to grab a souvenir “Burn ’em In Hell with Unkle Tel!” tee-shirt. Crackin’ day out that. I’d pay.

  23. House of Lords should be made into a tea room and all it’s occupants put into Uncle Terry’s oven Gas mark 9 ??

  24. DCI@ – If Baroness Jones of Sisterfist needs treatment in the big van, take a walk around the block for a couple of hours after pinning a note to her forehead saying “I can’t treat you – I may be a fascist or something”.
    Return when she is safely dead.
    A Paramedic earns their wage (Fk all compared to a mid level managers salary BTW) and is vital – a Baroness does not and is not.
    A burning HOL with some ravening dogs savaging any who attempt escape – super! ??

  25. The Union flag was flown by every ship that ended slavery, and every line that was held to defeat actual fascism. I think this cunt likes fascism. Adolf was a vegan and wanted to turn the conquered eastern territories into a post industrial agrarian liebenstrien. The green movement was born is Nazism which is the reason its so popular in Germany.

  26. She reminds me of that floppy-haired pontz AX Grayling; for that alone she is a massive cunt. I bet she smells of piss.

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