Andrew Marr. Leaving, thinking of leaving, threatening to leave the BBC.
Because the BBC is biased. Shock, horror.
As Battery Sergeant Major Shut Up Williams would say Oh dear. How sad. Now fuck off.
Supplementary nomination for the Beeb for employing this tosser in the first place.
Love to see him and Jeremy Clarkson bareknuckled behind the bike sheds. No fisting.
Nominated by: Fudman
So this cunt hasn’t been expressing his political opinions all these years? So how come I know he’s a lefty, woke, Guardianista, Labour loving, EU worshipping piece of shit?
Just a lucky shot in the dark I suppose?
Andy Marrs-Barr was known as Lefty-Andy during his student days. So no surprise he found a home in the Bashir Bumfuckery Corporation.
Think he used to hang around outside tube stations selling copies of ‘Sociallist Worker’ to the comrades. Allegedly.
Regardless he has the looks, personality and political beliefs that makes me wish he was acquainted with a baseball bat.
I reckon he has had a date with the bat already with that mug shot.
Socialist Worker is invariably sold by the unemployable.
Isn’t “Socialist Worker” a contradiction in terms?
Probably let Bashir bum him after the interview with Michael Jackson, probably let him bum him too…
Andrew Marr was literally bouncing up and down in his chair with anger whilst ‘interviewing’ Boris prior to the election and by ‘interviewing’ I mean constantly interrupting. What a biased and ludicrous cunt. Has he never heard of the pot, kettle expression? Off to Room 101 with him.
A couple of lefty mates came over for Sunday lunch the day Marr did that interview and were crowing about it, saying that Marr had really nailed Boris. I said what just in the same way that he nailed Nigel Farage before the Euro elections?
If you want to get ahead in politics get nailed by Andrew Marr. If you’re female and want to get ahead at the BBC get nailed by Andrew Marr.
Like John Barrowman if he hadn’t been a BBC pin-up boy he would have been fired off long ago.
Toad-faced, flap-eared, string-haired, tube-lipped, pellet-eyed smarmy soft-boiled turd.
jug eared,fish lipped,kidney tumoured, bubble gum faced, communist bucket of sperm
Rubberlipped commie cunt.
Yet another prick who thinks socialism is a fucking grand idea, but only when applied to the ‘little people’.
Fuck off.
Indeed this.
The BBCistan mould these pathetic commie cunts to order.
Fucking awful Quisling vermin.
This is what in football they call a “come and get me plea.” He thinks he is Billy BBC Big Time and he can get more dough at ITV or Sky. So he sticks his arse out in the wind to see if anybody bites. Typical champagne socialist………always trying to get richer while crying crocodile tears about the poor and deprived.
What a fucking cunt.
Andrew Marr was created by the dark lord Morgoth from Middle Earth.
Back in the day.
Little known fact.
No, he’s a Scottish posh boy. Plenty of dough, private education, married to a Guardian journalist who just happens to be the daughter of a Labour peer. This is champagne socialist aristocracy. Born to work at the BBC.
Father-in-Law was Jack Ashley, son of a miner I think, old fashioned Labour, a decent bloke who fought for the rights of the disabled. He was deaf, but at least it meant he didn’t have to listen to his son-in-law’s crap.
Leave you cunt, no one really cares what you think. You’re no Paxman.
Fucking pathetic twat.
For that disgraceful interview with Farage.
For being unfaithful to his wife and getting caught in a drunken grope with a fag holding woman whilst having his hand down the back of her trousers.
One of BBC’s top reporters apparently.
Can’t stand the horrid prick.
Just the one hand though. The other one is fucked
The problem with lightweight “journalists” like Mr. Marr, that James O’Crap-Brian, etc is that they think they are politicians themselves – I have no doubt in his own mind Marr thinks that he, Dame Keir and Boris are all on the same plane.
In truth they will never be Robin Day, much as they would like to be. Robin Day was as tough on everyone regardless of party. I liked it when he told – was it John Biffen? – that he was a “here today gone tomorrow politician” and lets face it, these days they all are.
That was John Knott, W.C, on the future of the Royal Navy. ‘A transient, here today, gone tomorrow politician’. Enjoy watching it!
Marr’s not fit to lick Day’s boots.
I remember that DCI. John Knott stormed of the set in a huff. I see no journalist of Day’s calibre today. The one that gets closest is Andrew Neil whose very good, but not quite in Day’s league.
And not long after the interview, the Falklands kicked off, so, the admirals were vindicated and, I believe, Knott resigned. (At least he did, cunt politicians nowadays would brazen it out).
Brian Walden as also very good back in the day.
The BBC dumped Andrew Neil in typical underhand BBC “style” because he was too neutral politically and not the BBC’s required left leaning.
In my opinion he was the best political commentator on tv by fucking miles and one of the only reasons I ever watched the BBC. Favourite interview was with Greg “do you know what you’re doing” Hands.
Also miss another political commentator Norman Smith, who “retired” last year.
Still waiting for GB News to get up and running. Freeview Channel 236 for those who are interested.
Forgot to mention on my earlier post, it’s a shame his Concept 2 rowing machine didn’t work a little harder.
Yes – Walden was good and also Peter Jay. Dimblebore was good in his prime as well.
I’m also looking forward to more Neil on GBTV, Willie.
And Paxman of course. Also good, but very condescending.
@Wille Stroker
I too am looking for to GB News, but you just know what’s going to happen once it goes live. It will get slammed from all sides of the Left-leaning MSM and social media, accusing it of being right-wing and not being impartial blah blah (oh the irony!)
It may even generate death threats if the show isn’t pulled!
I’ll give it 6 months before its forced off the air for the “sake of democracy” and “freedom of speech” ffs
Oh, and John Humphreys. The only reason I listened to Today for so long. Now Paxman, Humphreys and Neil have left were left with the likes of Emily Witless, Wonky Laura Cuntsberg, Emily Witless and Mishail Hussein. A veritable shit storm of no hopers.
Sorry – mentioned Witless twice. That’s how much the cow annoys me.
According to an email just received GB News launching Sunday June 13th.
What is it with, not all, but quite a few BBC broadcasters and interviewers who have deformed gobs, Andrew Marr is an outstanding example along with Kuntberg but there other less well known.
One tart who reports for Newsnight has an entire head issue, she seems to constantly screw her face into strange positions, looks fucking weird and you loose track of what she is saying because you are drawn to her weird mannerisms.
Back to Marr, tosser!
Marr is doing a Paul Mason. Mason was actually a reasonably professional journalist when he was the BBC economics editor. I don’t remember seeing any trace of his left wing bias then. He left the BBC and came out as an far left anti-Brexit democracy hating knob and a real cunt. Suspect the same will happen to Marr.
Does Marr think the BBC is in danger of lurching to “the far right” – AKA “a normal political opinion”?
Every example of BBC twattery makes me even more glad I do not fund this shitfest of left wing UK hating traitors.
A little off topic.
How Portillo or Neil didn’t smash the gobby little cunts head in I will never know.
If anyone deserved a smack in the mouth ……
Please add the Cody Lachey cunting.
Its very important that Bury dog walkers are made aware of the Radcliffe Pug Humper ?
#K9Cody quick clip showing a post he sent to a female subscriber/follower about his dog porno interest.
Dogs need to be free to walk our parks without the fear they will be snatched and bumraped!
The BBC should be burned to the ground with Marrx and is chums in it. Total cunt.
He looks like an aging Thunderbirds puppet.
People who believe the BBC are like the bloke who believes that the lap dancer fancies him….
Hope Wingnut resumes his indoor rowing career and finishes the job…..
Brian Walden and John Humphrys, two of the very best.The people who complain they are held back due to discrimination should go and check from where these two started.
I remember there was quite a furore at Ali Bin Beeb when he was appointed as they feared he would not remain impartial, and that his natural lefty tendencies would lead to bias.
Oh how times have changed.
But hang on, hang on. I’m forgetting one thing:
You can’t be white any more. Off you fuck, Marr.
He makes a Garden Knome look like Brad Pitt.
Gnome not Knome, fucks sake.
Never liked this self satisfied arrogant remainer baked bean headed cunt. He’s just a piss poor Brian Walden (RIP). Except he’s nowhere near as good as Walden was.
This cunt reminds me of Pob for those who remember it.
The only reason the wobbly mouthed cunt is getting pissed off with the BBCunts “impartiality” (rolls around floor in uncontrollably fits of laughter) is that he can’t spout off his Commie views. This is from his wiki page: “Regarding his political affiliations, he was formerly a Maoist and a member of the Socialist Campaign for a Labour Victory, a left-wing pressure group founded by Labour Party members, now known as the Alliance for Workers’ Liberty. At Cambridge, Marr says he was a “raving leftie” who handed out copies of Mao Zedong’s Little Red Book and he acquired the nickname “Red Andy”. The cunt should never have been employed by the Beeb in the first place.
He has a strong physical resemblance to the late Stephen Hawking.
Hawking’s face was deformed due to Motor Neurone Disease?. Also his speech, unintelligible.
Marr is just a mumbling, ugly twat?
Sunday politics programmes used to be ace. I loved on the record with J Humphrey’s and the wonderful title sequence of the crocodilian palace of Westminster crawling about. Liked Walden and Weekend World, with its Nantucket Sleigh ride theme tune.
I also have fond memories of ‘a week in politics’ on C4- I think that was early evening Saturday ?
Long gone- Like a lot of things I liked and enjoyed
I had a habit of watching Marr and Sunday Politics, but gradually stopped.
more or less at the same pace I stopped watching BBC news, HINFY etc
I go for a walk on Sunday mornings now
The saddest thing for me is the disappearance of comedy from television. I used to enjoy loads, sitcoms, sketch shows, panels. As a series of one favourite ended , a new series of another would begin. I’d be flipping between BBC2, BBC1 channel 4 watching for hours, especially Friday nights, but any day of the week there would be something
Now it’s a wasteland- sorry to go on. Things have got so sad last few years
And decent sport on Saturday afternoons.
Into uncle Terry’s oven gas mark 9 ?
Leftie Commie Bastard ??