Andrew Lloyd Webber (3)

Android Lloyd Webber

This fuckin’ cunt has just come out to say that those who refuse to have the COVID vaccination are just as bad as drink drivers in risking the lives of others.

What a fuckin’ ridiculous analogy. Even though I’m completely in favour of the vaccine program, I will always defend those people, who for one reason or another can’t or don’t wish to be vaccinated.

This cunt, just like his sister Rebecca Adlington looks as though his face is being viewed on the back of a dessert spoon. For a cunt as ugly as him, you would think he’d keep a low profile so as not to draw attention to himself.

Fuck off you cunt and go and buy a mask.

Nominated by: Bertie Blunt Tory Cunt 

Seconded by: Once a cunt always a cunt

Andrew Lloyd Webber is a bit of a cunt isn’t he?

He has said that not taking the jab is akin to drink driving. Now there’s a metaphor that needs some serious mental gymnastics to get to.

(Once a cunt always a cunt used the same link as Bertie Blunt Tory Cunt, so instead we thought we’d include a picture of Andrew showing how he fists his friends – NA)

What an ugly, self important, sanctimonious one trick pony this cunt is. Stick to what you do best and leave the rest of us alone. What is it that he does best anyway?

62 thoughts on “Andrew Lloyd Webber (3)

  1. Money made from writing musicals. I could do that and make them all about this greasy mook.

    ? Mid-niiiight, all alone in the moon-liiiight,
    He washes hair in dog-shite
    This Lloyd Webber’s a cunt.

    ? Jesus Christ, SuperCunt,
    Who are you why do you act the cunt?

  2. What a massive twat! Presumably he will not be going anywhere this summer as he might go near someone who has not had “the jab”.

    I’ve just got back from the high street and it is crammed full of locals and tourists enjoying a day out. Social distancing out the window, roughly one in ten wearing masks, trick and trace ignored in the coffee shops as they struggle to serve the queues. The inane Government policies are in tatters as the British public take charge of their lives and enterprise/market forces reassert themselves.

    Fuck off Wankcock. Fuck off Clown Cunt. Fuck off Andrew Lloyd Cuntface. Summer is here and I would love to see the cunts try and reverse it…

  3. Oven the cunt and his musicals. Throw Michael Ball in with him please Unkle Terry.

  4. Andrew Lloyd Plagiariser.

    He stole the refrain from Pink Floyd’s ‘Echoes’ for his Phantom of the Opera shite musical. Cunt.

    In fact I don’t think I’ve heard anything of his that wasn’t a blatant rip-off of other people’s work.

    His Spitting Image puppet said it all – complete twat.

    • I always thought he pillaged Floyd too, the wanker.
      And he got his tongue round a young Sarah Brightman.
      There is no god…

    • Plagiarizing Echoes is essentially treason against British culture.

      Off with his head!

    • Dont know about Pink Floyd but he has form ripping off Victorian tunes.

      • Ruffers, wasn’t the Spitting Image scene a Shampoo advert parody?

        ‘We washed one side of Andrew Lloyd Webber’s hair with Head’n’Shoulders and the other side with baked beans.
        The result?
        It doesn’t matter because with a greasy head as horrible as Lloyd-Webber, nothing will make it look decent.’

      • Don’t recall it Capt, but sounds about right. I do remember one sketch with him playing a cash register. ?

    • Roger Waters had this to say on Its A Miracle on the album Amused To Death in 1993….

      “We cower in our shelters
      With our hands over our ears
      Lloyd-Webber’s awful stuff
      Runs for years and years and years
      An earthquake hits the theatre
      But the operetta lingers
      Then the piano lid comes down
      And breaks his fucking fingers”

    • This Gowachin cunt is a notorious reinterpreter of the works of his musical betters (i.e. from anyone who can get a farting noise from a kazoo using a slightly soiled-in-action bit of Izal medicated paper as a membrane, upwards..).

      Private Eye, back in the days when it was funny and W.H. Smith wouldn’t even order it for you let alone stock it, used to have an example or two in every issue showing which composer’s work he’d ripped off, moved a note or two by a third or a fifth and then called it his own.

      The only thing he’s done that I’ve any time for was ‘Variations’.

      • One finds great variation in the colour, consistency and odours of turds… but they all taste of shit.

  5. How the fuck did he manage to fuck Sarah Brightman??

    Oh yeah-£££££££££££££££££££££

    The fucking cunt gets worse with age-he looks like a Tony Blair mask that has been left too close to an open fire.
    These wankers feel they are in a position to tell the population how two live their lives.
    You compose tunes on your piano ugly, you are not, repeat NOT, a fucking medical scientist.

  6. An image on never forget, the Andrew Lloyd Webber and Sarah Brightman duet….The horror the horror 🙁

  7. Obviously he’s completely hoping to eliminate his nemesis, Batman, with this “vakzine”

    “I’ll get you Batman, hehehehehe”

  8. Maybe his analogy was a bit crass but I can think of worse things. No, Loyd-Weber-Rice-Davies (or whatever he’s called ) deserves to be cunted on another basis, namely his tedious, over-hyped, over-sentimental, boring musicals. I can think of no worse punishment than having to sit through a three hour Lloyd Weber “extravaganza”. Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz…….

    • The experts don’t rate him MMCM. Compared to the great Hollywood musicals like ‘Singin’ in the Rain’, ‘On the Town’. It is an American art form really. The music doesn’t naturally emerge from the story with Webber.
      Also the nature of the story is not appropriate for a Musical. ‘Jesus Christ Superstar’ an example.
      I don’t think Tim Rice is such a good lyricist. It needs to be clever not profound.
      I don’t really care for Les Mis either. (The show not the cunter) I know there is a lot of effort made…just not like the old musicals.

      • I totally agree Miles. Those great American musicals just seemed more positive and happy than Lloyd-Webers depressing melodramas.

      • Jesus Christ SuperCunt was pretty good. A fairy tale put to rock music. Secretly it’s all about Judas really.

      • Wouldn’t it be better if you left your hilarious jibes for a religious subject. Then we expect them and know to swiftly scroll passed.
        I am thinking of the pleasure of other cunters.

  9. Another aging irrelevancy hoping to cling on by doing a Heseltine, persisting by being nothing except an absolute dickhole.

    His face looks like the outcome of several failed pharmaceutical trials. I’ll gladly add in a drunk driving misfortune if he wants.

  10. Sean O Grady of the “independent” has gone further . He says that unvaccinated people should be denied treatment on the NHS,should be denied a job and their children should be denied a state education( Lucky them).. Presumably this doesnt include the dingy people.

    • If this sort of stuff gets normalised, then somewhere down the line having to wear a visual indicator of unvaccinated status or being segregated like some kind of leper WILL become policy.

      • You mean like a yellow star or a pink triangle sewn on to your jacket?

        I’m sure that has been done before. Couldn’t possibly remember when or where.

      • “If this sort of stuff gets normalised, WILL become policy.”

        “…having to wear a visual indicator of unvaccinated status ”
        Oh come now TITS, aren’t we all getting a little bit too fond of tin foil millinery here. I mean just think about it, how difficult it’d be for a state/gov’t to actually put such a hideous plan into action.

        For a start you’d have to issue every citizen with a device, a portable computer sort of thing, that can biometrically scan you in real time and report the results to some sort of “centralised database”. No gov’t could afford that so you’d have to make that device so desirable that they purchase it themselves. make it a fashion or status item perhaps. …oh… they have.

        Plus such a heinous deception would require strict monitoring for non compliance and dissent, it might mean directing traffic through keyword flagging software… oh… they do… grrreeeaatt, we’re almost there… but, how do you counter such dissent?

        Well you’d have to enable the device to locate the assigned and serial numbered carrier/wearer in geographical space using GPS technology that can be surruptitiously enabled without tipping off the owner/wearer that we’ve clocked them, we’ve flagged ’em and now we’re about to bag ’em… but that’s just getting ridic…oh…they can and do…?

        But even then that might not be enough so you’d eventually have to make it indispensible by say… integrating it slowly but irreversibly into the banking system. …oh… they have.

        Then there’s the sheer volume of data to be handled. You’d have to spend a decade or so prior to rollout upgrading the telecoms infrastructure to … oh I dunno.. a ‘5th generation’ maybe. …oh… they have.
        Oooooooooooooh fuck!

    • You can trust the liberal left to come out with something draconian like this. It makes me laugh the way they bleat on about human rights and then advocate violating them at the first opportunity. For my part I think people should be strongly encouraged to take the vaccine but not be coerced or threatened with depriving their basic rights. What a cunt to suggest this.

      • I’m an awkward non-conformist and a cunt. Army service notwithstanding, I don’t like being told what to do.

        My original stance on covid vaccines was:

        – If it”s mandatory I’ll refuse it, if it’s voluntary I’ll refuse it.

        Then when I realised that I’m not an anti-vaxxer conspiritard, my stance changed to:

        – If it’s mandatory I’ll refuse it, if it’s voluntary I MAY refuse it.

        These horrible little authoritarian cunts have shot themselves in the foot really because all of their incessent virtue-signalling and pompous denounciations have made me do another 180 to…….. you guessed it:

        – If it’s mandatory I’ll refuse it, if it’s voluntary I’ll refuse it.

    • Amazing how we go from being ‘the most tolerant people’ to just one step removed from full fascism, in just over a year.

      These cunts are dangerous. They don’t question anything least of all themselves. The true selfish, establishment bootlickers. They will tolerate a migrant wave, so long as they don’t come to their upper class white enclaves in Barnes or Chiswick, and they will tolerate others so long as their own personal pleasure remains uninterrupted.

      Fuck them.

    • I think NHS treatment should be denied to this bog trotting named cunt, who the fuck does he think he is, mind the Irish were mostly Nazi supporters so not surprising!

  11. Interesting analogy. People have to take and pass a test to get a driver’s license. Nobody told me I had to pass a test and get a license in order to exercise bodily autonomy.

    I believe Cardi B wrote a song about this clown, it’s called W.A.P (What A Prick).

    • @Admin

      It took a few hours for this post to make it past moderation. Why isn’t it associated with my gravatar?

  12. I think it is time for the normal people of the UK to remove these cunts to wokeflake island.
    Then introduce a REAL pandemic on the island.

  13. That header picture looks like Pennywise the clown fell in a vat of bleach.

  14. He threatened a lawsuit against Sarah Brightman for saying he had a father large physical attribute. Allegedly.

    I’d have fucking rejoiced.

  15. Has a hint of the Chris Whitty about him methinks ! Reptilian ? Alien ? Send for David Ike ! ( he’ll know )

  16. Are you publishing the Cody Lachey cunting?
    Its important this cunt is cunted cos he is the biggest cunt of all time.There is no bigger cunt than Cody The Cunt.

    • I think it was Otto Klemperer who said their father must’ve had poisonous sperm.

  17. What the cunt with a face like a box of fire damaged Lego actually said was along the lines of ‘I’m not reopening theatres if the audience have to social distance, because a half full theatre doesn’t turn a profit.
    Therefore everyone must have the vaccine and come to see my flamboyant ego wank because I’m down to my last £650m’.

    There is nothing like a hideous fucking gargoyle dictating that everyone should be injected with a vaccine with some seriously nasty side effects because it’s hurting his bank balance.

    What an absolute cunt.

  18. Andrew Lloyd Webber has the sort of face you expect to see peering from under a rock or hanging from battlements.
    A truly repulsive gargoyle of a man who can lick his own eyebrows.
    But despite looking like he should be a henchman to Dracula or swinging on the bells of Notre Dame he makes shitloads of money.
    The most Evi thing a man can do!
    Create musicals.

  19. If the vaccine works and all evidence shows it does why care about the unvaccinated?If they die they die.Andrew Lloyd Webber like me has had the vaccine.Difference is that I respect freedom to choose.Why should he worry about being around people that are unvaccinated he has protection most likely.If he is irritated that theatres have been fucked over blame the government not the plebs.

    • And when I say why care about the unvaccinated I don’t mean to dehumanise them they are entitled to make their own decisions but we can’t put our lives on hold as some might die.

  20. Sadly, it appears that people are doing their research after they’ve taken the clot shot and have realised that they are the research….

    • Rat 1: have you had your wuflu shot yet?
      Rat 2: no, I’m waiting for the result from the human trials

  21. That ugly tree that he fell out of must’ve taken some damage.
    He has a face that looks like he hit every branch on the way down.

  22. A vaccine so necessary and so safe that you have to be bribed and threatened to take it….

    • According to the government yellow card website, it really isn’t that safe.

      Death, spontaneous abortion, damage to the nervous system and blindness are just some of the side effects to look forward to. 750,000 reported cases and rising.

      And that is from a government website, not some random bloke on facebook.

  23. Didn’t that thieving rubber faced cunt nick ‘Echoes’ by Pink Floyd for his crappy ‘Phantom of the Opera’ shite?

  24. Nobody under 45 has ever heard of this tosser. Yesterday’s sleb, nobody cares.

  25. Absolute cunt into uncle Terry’s oven gas mark 9
    Confiscate his wealth and donate it to the vaccine dodgers ?

  26. Terry’s oven is too good for this fucker.

    Let’s bring back the noble art of Immurement for this tone deaf cunt.

    Brick him up in a little box and blast his own tunes at the bastard on a non stop loop. 10 days should do it.

    Then pump cement into it and roll it off the back of an oil tanker.

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