Al Sharpton

Racism is big business and this cunt is probably the biggest titan in the biz. Flying private jets from one Hotspot to another and back to one of his mansions, he fuels the fires of racism and hatred for whitey.

This cunt still believes he holds the title of “Reverend” but there is not one fucking thing that recommends him for it. He is a Goddamn Marxist gangster with so much blood on his manicured hands.

His continued efforts to keep real racism alive while projecting this sin on others makes him a stone cold liar, and high Cunt. I would love to meet this piece of shit alone in a room where I would get 60 seconds to have my way. There would be more oxygen for the rest of us after that I can assure you.

There is nothing to connect this fucker to God or God’s work.
He is a lot more like Satan than anything else.
Slithering vile loathesome CUNT he is.

Nominated by: Meat Curtains

37 thoughts on “Al Sharpton

  1. Ffs look at the picture of them all. Heads bowed,solem looking. Gimme a break. Attention seeking cunts .

  2. Well known professional race baiter who has been in the game a long time, almost as far back as MLK jr. There’s nothing BLM can teach this hypocritical cunt. Not short of a few prejudices of his own…….whitey, of course, but also benders, Mormons and Jews. If there’s a racial problem anywhere in America you can bet SuperAl will be turning up to stick his oar in ASAP. Cunt.

  3. Dark Keys, Indians, Peacfuls, Pie-keys-apart from being cunts, what else do they have in common?
    They always have to demonstrate their wealth or success. Can’t help themselves.
    No brains.
    No taste.

    • Saaaay wha?!!
      Jive ass, turkey talking muthafucka.
      Al, you look like a pimp pepperani stick.
      Eat shit?

  4. Too many goddamn blicks with shoulder chips…..

    It was on the radio again this morning, fucking Covid/Blacks/Asians, fucking sick of it, really sick of it!

  5. Nasty little cunt using one lie (religion) to push other lies for notoriety and of course money. At what point will the stupid cunts who donate money to cunts like him, or the Pope, or any other religious bigwig for that matter, realise that their money doesn’t go near their made up god, or further their made up religion, but allows a select few a life of sheer avarice, the like of which said gold encrusted cunts would denounce others from living, even if they had made their own money from a successful enterprise. Two faced cunts.
    And, it’s all tax free too! Remember that next time some Cunt is banging on about amazon or apple, because these cunts have been dodging tax for centuries.

    • How else are the reverends going to pay for their new sports cars? Pass the donation plate. Fuck that hole in the church roof, I want a Maserati.

  6. Professional RACE hustler plain and simple , so many of these types of cunts making a living spouting endless shite , their biggest nightmare is racial harmony as they would have to go and get a proper fucking job!! So they keep stirring the pot , causing division whilst hoping enough stupid people continue listening to their divisive racist rhetoric.
    Shameless hypocritical cunts…..

  7. Sharpton?
    Racist grifter, obsessed with undeserved wealth and privilege. (His own).
    The first version of BLM.

    • Al despite his wealth always looks like hes dressed at a1970s jumble sale.
      Fuckin flares and broad lapels,
      Like hes in The Drifters or something.
      Spend some of your ill gotten gains Al, who do you think you are?
      Fuckin Shaft?!!

    • I’ve never heard of him but he looks like he was in one of those comedy trios from films in the 1940s. Mo, Curly, and Al Sharpton.

      Mo: Listen up, we’re going to have some Duck Soup.
      Curly: Ohh, I don’t like duck soup. Can’t we have duck a l’orange.
      Al: That’s racist.
      Mo: Why you little…
      Al: and cultural appropriation.
      Curly: Gee Al, you’re such a cunt.

  8. When blacks are murdering blacks, 100’s every year in USA, he’s nowhere to be seen or heard, just like all the other race baiters.
    Excellent picture for this nom, by the way. Could be real soon enough, when Harris takes over from dozy Joe.

  9. Professional race grifter.

    There are cunts out there who make a very good living from race baiting and hating on da honky (Lammy, Doreen Lawrence, Abbott, Kehinde Andrews, BLM, Kahn etc).

    I honestly believe that there are some people out there, who if they could push a button and end all racism in an instant, would refuse to do so. It’s too lucrative for some.

    But the thick dark key cunts and wimp politicians either bow down to them out of fear of losing their places at the trough, or simply believe them.

    We are fucked if this doesn’t change. Because they will never stop blaming da evil honky man.

    • Extremely well put CB. It’s not at all about race. The racism bogeyman has to be kept alive and kicking or else cunts like Al would be irrelevant. The power and money he has is precisely because he does nothing at all to end racism but rather the exact opposite. It’s like Munchausen by proxy. Poison someone but convince them you are trying to cure their “sickness”.
      A cunt beyond adequate words.

  10. You cannot make it up.

    George Floyd mural covered up in Phoenix; drew complaint it ‘celebrates White violence’

  11. If I was stuck in a lift with Hitler and this cunt and had a gun with 2 bullits in it, I would shoot this cunt twice….

    • I would hold him down and force Der Fuhrer to dry-bum him at gunpoint.
      As Adolphos cries out: “Mein got!! Ich bin on der vinegar strokes”, I would shoot them both.

      • In German, in the dative plural, make sure everything ends in ‘n’, Cuntfinder. Hence,

        : “Mein got!! Ich bin on [auf] den vinegar strokes”.

      • Good afternoon RTC. My period of enjoyable indisposition is drawing to its end, and it’ll be back to the coalface next week.

        Interestingly, opbellend is the present participle of the Dutch verb “opbellen” (which means, roughly, “phone up”). That’s what you meant to say I’m sure, Gutstick Japseye (that’s a very, very funny name, btw). You’ve started early!

  12. Speaking of Saint George I heard on the radio this morning that in Yankland 68 coppers have died in the line of duty so far this year. Fuck that! They don’t tell you about that do they?

  13. Sirs:

    “The reality in the community is the viability of the possibility of my receiving a small annuity in perpetuity.”

    — Al Sharpton

  14. He was in an old Louis Theroux episode about black power and came across worse than the leader of the black panthers who openly said he hated the white race.

    Yes, the leader of a violent gang came across better than this guy who acted like a prick.

  15. Just when racism is on the death bed , along comes the millionaires of the race industry with a couple of defribulators to keep the money flowing.

  16. Come on Al, give us a song.
    Minnie the Moocher will do.

    Or, how about Mammy?

  17. Cunts like him will encourage the Grand Wizard to dust off his pointy hat and give a few speeches. This continued browbeating is really really getting on my tits. Either get on with life or shut the fuck up.

  18. Where is Al Shitheads outrage over this story?!

    Won’t America just be paradise like utopia when there are no more cops fully defunded or prisons and black criminals like this can just do what ever the fuck they want? Doesn’t he want to talk about how terrible white supremacy is? Like fuck he does I hate this literal Piece of Shit Turdbeing disguised as a human

    • Coonus Americanus – a debauched species, nothing more than superceded farm equipment!

  19. Nothing more than an Old Uncle Tom, he can have ten jets for me as 99% of his cash must come from fellow woolly heads, just a Ch!mp in a suit.!

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