The woke bandwagon continues on its merry way and the Scottish National (Socialist Workers’) Party has jumped on.
Yet another group of left-wing Nazis wants to present a negative one-sided view of the British Empire having been ‘inspired’ by the thuggish Marxist BLM movement and spouts the usual shitty platitudes about waaycism and colonialism.
Chris McGovern, a retired headteacher and chairman of the Campaign for Real Education, said: “It is blinkered, distorting and racist to teach history through the narrow perspective proposed by the SNP”. There you have it: somebody has said correctly that it is the left who are racist towards the [white] British rather than the other way around.
When I was at primary school, my teacher asked the class which was the biggest empire in history. Answers included the Roman Empire, the Mongolian Empire, and he had to tell us it was the British Empire as nobody knew. At that moment I felt extremely proud to find out that my country had the biggest empire in history.
None of these left-wing cunts will tell us how and why the British Empire came about. Sure, one reason was to find extra living space and escape religious persecution. But another bigger reason was to ensure we weren’t disadvantaged in trade versus the frogs, dagos and the clog-wearers. We also established colonies/protectorates to refuel our ships and protect our trade routes to India, etc.
Also, it was much better for those parts of the world to be ruled by the British than the frogs or dagos. The Spanish plundered the New World for its treasure and decimated its native people with diseases and, unlike the British, they didn’t build railways (we built the railways in Spain’s former South American colonies). In fact, until quite recently when railways were constructed in Spain with ‘EU’ (actually British & German taxpayer) funding, the dagos travelled around their own country by riding donkeys over dirt tracks. And those parts of the world colonised by the frogs ended up with garlic breath and stinky cheeses, although to their credit they did defeat the surrender-monkeys in their wars of independence (but who doesn’t beat the frogs in war?).
If these Scottish Nazis want people to learn about black history, they should deport the fuckers to Africa or tell them to go to the School of Oriental and African Studies in London.
Nominated by: Hard Brexit Cunt
History is history and that’s it.
Once you start emphasising the history of one race over another’s it is no longer history.
It’s indoctrination.
History requires a written narrative. Other than black interaction with Europeans and Arabs, there aint one.
The British Empire was quite benign compared to other empires. Yes, it was not all sweetness and light and there were some regrettable incidents. But we did develop many of the countries we went to and laid down the roots of the rule of law, constitutional government an effective civil service, roads and railways. The British Empire started more or less by accident and there was no master plan to dominate the world. When the time came we were happy to surrender our empire in a largely peaceful way.
The dominant narrative now is that the empire was a dastardly racist construct and was evil. It’s compared to Nazi Germany. There was absolutely no comparison. Just look at the largely positive heritage of the Empire and the willingness of many countries to commemorate the link through membership of the Commonwealth. Hardly the mark of an evil empire.
Woke history has nothing positive to say about anything unless it originated in Bongo Bongo land. It’s a distortion with a clear political agenda. It can fuck right off.
…..and so can the SNP. Fuck off you dim-witted haggis shaggers.
Let’s face it, when they say British empire, they mean the English, and will find some convoluted way to say Scotland was forced to do their evil bidding.
Fuck them.
The irony is that the Scots were the most enthusiastic proponents of the Empire. Many colonial administrators were Scots on the make.
Exactly. Glasgow was the ‘second city ‘ of the empire.
But lets face it fellow cunters without the English and Scots (the empire) the civilised world of today largely wouldn’t exist.
We opened up The USA, Australia, New Zealand, Canada, did great things in india, stopped slavery around the planet, invented or discovered 60% of what the masses of earth take for granted. Overall the empire was great. Built by white Brits.
I was on line looking at how amazed black kids in America were at what we had made and discovered and how we are largely responsible for freedom in the world today( not that most countries have it). So fuk of the SNP . You are all retards with the brain power of a baked bean .
Give the cunts independence and they can do what the fuck they like in the schools they pay for themselves. They might consider their own history of inter clan warfare, cunts slaughtering each other for control of the land. The Romans had the right idea…….build a big fuck off wall and let the savages get on with it.
I don’t give a fuck if they indoctrinate all the kids with lies.
If their parents have half a brain they’ll soon set them right.
It’s likely a not so subtle exercise in promoting the anti English stance the SNP enjoy so much.
We’d be much better off banning the cunts and hanging the fuckers for the traitors they are.
Unfortunately most of their parents don’t have half a brain.
Are they going to apologise for Sean Connery’s Egyptian accent in Highlander?
If its time for some tough love then so be it.
Fuck Scotland
Fuck Wales
Fuck Ireland
Let them all go their separate ways: no more money, no compensation, no reparations, no more government support, no turning back when it all goes shitshaped… sweet fanny adams in fact.
The Union Flag will be removed, and only the cross of St George flag will fly representing England (assuming we’re still allowed to of course)
But Wales, N.Ireland and of course Scotland can follow that great song from Fleetwood Mac… “Go Your own Fucking Way!”
Enough is enough!
Fuck Drakeford, he looks like Shirley Williams’ decomposing corpse.
SNP are total and utter cunts. FULL STOP.
Please do not associate me with those moronic scumbags. I thank you Harry.
Well the Jocks will have their say next week. If they want these commie bastards and their beloved EU then so be it. I’m hoping they have more sense but if not, then fuck the cunts. Let them have their bed and lie in it. It will be full of shit and piss but it’s their choice.
Most of the SNP’s voter base think the English still wear red coats.
This poisonous little cunt will just cause division and guilt in Scots children. Any parent with a brain should take their child, if possible, our of state edukashun.
Note: the private skools in Scotland rejected the government’s so called curriculum for excellence as it is total bollocks. Don’t let these retards turn your children into SNP zombies.
Nazi krankie can fuk off .
Land of Heroin, porridge and ginger people.
Give them independence and watch them rot.
If they do get indepedence then all the Jock MPs in the House of Commons, and any Scot in the House of Lords, can all fuck off home as well. No more decision making from them when it comes to English affairs.
And they can take Andrew Marr with them as well.
In case any of my fellow cunters missed this, Andrew Guttmann, a parent of a girl at one of America’s most renowned, private girls school, withdrew his daughter from the school, after 7 years of attendance.
Why? Because of the critical race theory being taught there. 55% name students, with lots of bursaries awarded to game students.
He also went one step further, sending a copy of the following letter, to all parents:
Our family recently made the decision not to reenroll our daughter at Brearley for the 2021-22 school year. She has been at Brearley for seven years, beginning in kindergarten. In short, we no longer believe that Brearley’s administration and Board of Trustees have any of our children’s best interests at heart. Moreover, we no longer have confidence that our daughter will receive the quality of education necessary to further her development into a critically thinking, responsible, enlightened, and civic minded adult.
It cannot be stated strongly enough that Brearley’s obsession with race must stop. It should be abundantly clear to any thinking parent that Brearley has completely lost its way. The administration and the Board of Trustees have displayed a cowardly and appalling lack of leadership by appeasing an anti-intellectual, illiberal mob, and then allowing the school to be captured by that same mob.
I object to the view that I should be judged by the color of my skin. I cannot tolerate a school that not only judges my daughter by the color of her skin, but encourages and instructs her to prejudge others by theirs. By viewing every element of education, every aspect of history, and every facet of society through the lens of skin color and race, we are desecrating the legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., and utterly violating the movement for which such civil rights leaders believed, fought, and died.
I object to the charge of systemic racism in this country, and at our school. Systemic racism, properly understood, is segregated schools and separate lunch counters. It is the interning of Japanese and the exterminating of Jews. Systemic racism is unequivocally not a small number of isolated incidences over a period of decade. We have not had systemic racism against Blacks in this country since the civil rights reforms of the 1960s, a period of more than 50 years. To state otherwise is a flat-out misrepresentation of our country’s history and adds no understanding to any of today’s societal issues. If anything, longstanding and widespread policies such as affirmative action, point in precisely the opposite direction.
I object to a definition of systemic racism, apparently supported by Brearley, that any educational, professional, or societal outcome where Blacks are underrepresented is prima facie evidence of the aforementioned systemic racism, or of white supremacy and oppression. Facile and unsupported beliefs such as these are the polar opposite to the intellectual and scientific truth for which Brearley claims to stand.
Furthermore, I call bullshit on Brearley’s oft-stated assertion that the school welcomes and encourages the truly difficult and uncomfortable conversations regarding race and the roots of racial discrepancies.
I object to the idea that Blacks are unable to succeed in this country without aid from government or from whites. Brearley, by adopting critical race theory, is advocating the abhorrent viewpoint that Blacks should forever be regarded as helpless victims, and are incapable of success regardless of their skills, talents, or hard work. What Brearley is teaching our children is precisely the true and correct definition of racism.
*not name/game: BAME.
Fuck off Apple?
Yeah I read about this posh school. It’s in Manhattan and costs $54,000 a year. Chelsea Clinton sends her daughter there. Nice.
Don’t care about the word correction but very much applaud the sentiment re Apple.
Little is known about African history because while the rest of the world was writing theirs, the Africans were still eating each other and not even inventing a wheel, never mind a fucking pen and readable language.
Krankie lookalike slag.
Why is nobody giving a single fuck about modern slavery, trafficking, child labour and labour at 1 Rupee a day and half a Chinese Yen for 5,000 garments by one person?
Sick of hearing about what happened 200 years ago. Fast forward to today you twats.
Because modern slavery is run by foreign fucks and pikies. The wokie enemy is the British working class. They must be punished.
1% of Scottish population is black. Why do they get special treatment then?
In my experience at least 50% of the Scots are brown. This figure would plummet to zero once the learn to wipe their arses properly.
Scotland…home of the skidmark.
In your experience? Yuk.
Of course,I was just referring to the women!
The female students attending the University of Glasgow were the worst.
Not only do they get free tuition fees but they save a fortune by living at home.
Most of them went to private school ( Hutchenson’s) so why can’t they be bothered to clean up after a shit ?
I found them to be the most arrogant,entitled bunch of bitches that I’ve ever seen.
Funnily enough, the people that you would least expect,(ie. the local prostitutes) had the cleanest toilet-areas!
From “my experiences working in the Glasgow STD clinics” 1980
Everywhere was better, governed under the British Crown than it is now. 80 000 British administrating 300 000 000 indians in 1900 was better. George III in America was better than the kings they have now. Africa was much better. So fuck off woke , uneducated cunts
What a bunch of cunt.Burn them all and burn them again