How bad the journalism at the Guardian has become. I know Malcolm Muggeridge worked for The Guardian in the thirties. Reporting from Soviet Russia telling of the communist experiment there. That was in the thirties. Now we have in 2021-
There is a paywall I’m afraid. But it’s not so much the subject matter. Its how they’ve done it-which is to to give 2 friends the opportunity to basically show their old snaps, where they hung out and turn it into history. In this case something they’ve called black queer history.
Yes there he is an old snap with his friend. It looks like a snap you’d take just before you went out in a Saturday night. But in this case it ‘around the time’ when black queers were coming out. And they were off to some ‘legendary’ nightclub that catered for them..
Then his ‘report’ I suppose you’d call it reveals that a lot of the gay bars frequented by blacks back then were owned by white homosexual men. But then the ‘legendary’ (can’t remember the name of the club) owned by a black queer was opened. And the black queers felt more comfortable there
You’d have to read the bullshit but I think as I say there’s a pay wall.
Anyhow more generally this bigging up your life to be part of ‘history’ I think needs calling out. What comes to mind are bands in my home town who got really famous…er…in my hometown.
On their websites (names made up) it says– It all started when Dave and Rob accidentally bumped into each other in The Dove Inn. They had known each other at school. They found out that they had a great love for The Cure (or some other band) and decided there and then to play together. That was the beginning.
Then they met Craig the drummer and he ‘introduced’ to his mate Alan who was greatly influenced by Motorhead and he brought that ,(some muso waffle about the ‘new wave’ and how they were a part of it() and they developed their sound.
Oh that first gig who would have known that that was just the beginning ….and so on and so on.
But wait I know you lot. Craig wasn’t ‘introduced’ to you he fell over you in the pub drunk. How do I know? I was there! .
You only played in town. It wasn’t anything great or historical (even for the town)
Maybe I’m being a bit too hard. Everyone likes to put their best face forward as it were
Really what I’m getting is the idea ‘we’re all celebrities now’.I might start my own. That was a famous day for me John as and Steve when we were photographed posing with our putters for The Barnsley Chronicle! That was a famous day when we were 8 years old in the history of our gang. (thats story’s true, the names as well)
As I get old I am becoming more and detached from the world. I can say say honestly I am happy to have lived and died a nonentity. I didn’t live a life of historical importance. Nothing truly out of the ordinary happened to me.
Nominated by: Miles Plastic
The Guardian pandering to the only cunt’s that will vote Liebour. B lacky s poofs T-rannies peacefuls and illegals.
It is not too late. If you still have that putter you could go and wipe out a few of the undesirable riff raff, scoundrels and traitors we see nominated here! Then at least you’d be remembered for something!
The media is obsessed with Black but Black and Gay? Fuck me. This is likely to become curriculum in schools. Mongs.
With apologies to an esteemed counter who posted very recently; one item was False Limbs (for Moose Limbs??) I feel a bad ditty coming on. Re Groaniad paywall, I think it can just be skipped by clicking on “Remind me (in May)”… and that reminds me of Lehrer’s “When You are Old and Gray”. The Groaniad is more than grey, it is rotting and maggot-ridden.
I don’t think Black and Gay will be taught in schools in Uganda and areas controlled by Boko Haram, not to mention many other parts of Africa.
Anyone who ticks both of these boxes in Africa is likely to end up wearing one of Winnie Mandela’s famous necklaces made from round burning rubber thingies.
This ticks all the right boxes for Grauniad readers – black and gay. So they have to big it up and make out it’s historically important. What it really is is a sordid tale of a few black queers and the nightclubs they liked to go to. Who gives a fuck? Cunts.
Black!…Gay!…Women next!….. The Guardian will be gone within 5 years. As soon as you click on the link the ‘begging bowl banner’ pops up….”Any spare change sir?” CUNTS!
There is something desperate about it. I think it is trying to situate itself as the organ of the Woke.
The link opened fine for me, although some of the images are vomit inducing.
Well, it’s different!
It opened fine for me too but I’m not even interested in reading it for free. I’m sick to death of hearing about gays.
I would say that it’s all part of trying to feel ‘relevant’ because they know, deep inside, that everyone knows they aren’t & couldn’t give a flying fuck about them. The thing is nowadays though, is that being a total fucking nonentity is ‘harmful’ to their ‘mental health’, so the media, social & otherwise, has to be filled with every cunt having a ‘voice’, basically making a lot of noise saying nothing of any value to anyone, ever. Get on with sucking each other off, wearing a fucking dress to hide your cock or whatever other weird shit you want to get up to.
I don’t need to hear or read about it, so just shut the fuck up!
For every article in a newspaper there is some journalist sitting there with a blank piece of paper saying to himself “What the fuck do I write?” and the editor needs 1,000 words from me to fill the gap in Page 14. I know he says to him or herself I can write 250 words and fill the rest in with some photographs.The twat who wrote this was having a particularly bad day at the office. Although, surprisingly I found the article interesting, because it, unintentionally, reveals Black, anti-white, racism, it is not all the peace and love. I liked the liberal use of the word queer, it took me back to those happy days of the 1970’s though God help any straight chap using it.
It is now produced only for the BBC and Brighton. A dearly departed socialist mate (he used to call me a fascist) used to buy it. There is fuck all in it apart for the job adverts.
Haven’t seen it for 20+years but the crossword was good from what I recall. The eye too has a decent crozzie.
This is where the Guardian and their beloved Labour Party are going…… to represent the freaks, the social justice warriors, the hopeless cunts on the margins of society. There ain’t many votes in crying about batty boys.
Starmtrooper ain’t stupid and you have to feel sorry for him as all those traditional working class votes are slipping away from him. Yes there are still plenty of people who’s families have voted Labour for generations. I know some of them and they voted Tory last time. They weren’t happy but once you’ve done something unthinkable once it becomes much easier the second time. There’s only so far you can go with race and bender politics before you hit a brick wall.
Absolutely, although I must take issue with ‘Starmtrooper ain’t stupid and you have to feel sorry for him’, wrong on two counts.
A brick wall you say Freddie?
Good,I hope it’s been built by Iraqis so it falls over on the heap of cunts.
A shitty barrel of vermin.
Malcolm Smuggeridge… that’s a name I’ve not seen in a while.
What a cunt.
Yes it was the Manchester Guardian then. And its economics of ‘The Manchester School’. Very liberal laizzez-faire.
Did MM become the editor? I know he became the editor of Punch.
When asked what her thoughts were on marrying Malcolm. Kitty ‘I just wanted to know what it would be like to be called Mrs Muggeridge’.
How grateful we all are to Malcolm Muggeridge for making famous Mother Theresa.
The shrivelled brown nun, as Victor Lewis-Smith called her.
What happened to Fyfe ‘Bananas’ Robertson? I think I saw him in a film called What a Whopper…
Not entirely accurate. I mentioned¹ Malcolm Muggeridge and rather recently but without your neologistic aptronym. He was pretty smug, to be sure.
As a very young child, I wondered why Muggeridge was in the film Bullitt². (He reminded me of Paul Genge, the gunman.)
When I spotted his name in your nomination, Miles, I was gratified to think you had read my footnote about Charlie Stayt. I know you didn’t read it though, RTC. A curious coincidence nevertheless, I’m sure you’ll agree. As Nᵒ1’s archives will confirm, my mention of Muggeridge not quite four days ago is the only one in the entire – and extensive – isac archive!
¹ that comment garnered a vertigo-inducing 11 tickies. Presumably only ROFL and Miles actually read it, then.
² which I mentioned yesterday evening. Won’t be long now…. ?
but four days ago
“my mention of Muggeridge not quite four days ago is the only one in the entire – and extensive – isac archive!”
Untrue. According to No.2’s files, Muggeridge has been mentioned several times on ISAC, usually in connection with his ridiculous appearance on national TV where he condemned Life Of Brian as being “blasphemous”.
Also mentioned in relation to turds that look like celebrities:
Paul Maskinback on February 23, 2021 at 8:52 am said:
“I once curled out one that looked like Malcolm Muggeridge – it had a bulbous nose.”
Sounds like the late Malcolm Muggeridge is worthy of his own Cunting.
You’re not the only one crying with laughter RTC; you fell for it! (I have no idea how many times Malcolm Muggeridge has been mentioned on here, but he died 31 years ago and was a bit “niche” so not many I trow.)
“Muggeridge has been mentioned several times on ISAC¹” yet “Smuggeridge is not a name I’ve seen in while”: hmm. A touch contradictory again, to be polite. On balance, I would suggest that, having mentioned him myself four days ago you go with the first assertion². Seems like Malcolm Muggeridge gets even more of an airing than Fred Dibnah³.
¹ Number One must have been having a morning off on Feb 23 but Number Six clearly never rests!
² personally I suspect “several” is pushing it a little. More like “a, handful of times in ten years”, of which one was four days ago. Which you read, evidently subconsciously – unlike Mr Maskinback’s input⁴ 6 weeks ago. Errm, hence my reply above.
³ whom I mentioned about 18 months ago, in the context of my mother having been in the same class at primary school in Bolton. Very like Muggeridge here – but much more do – Dibnah suddenly became “flavour-of-the-month” on isac. Does Number Two remember that?
⁴ or perhaps Mr Muggeridge has been featured on a documentary on television recently ?? I must have missed that too! You kind of can’t have it both ways dear boy.
Am we heading for another ban here, RTC? If so game set and match to you. Oh my days….
I saw a news report last night, a company (I guess quite small) designing ‘ladies undergarments’ tailored for the trannies. There was a black woman doing the designs with her ‘model’ a black bloke in a wig.
What the fuck!
Talking of underpants. (The Guardian once again).The Swiss Army are to issue women soldiers with women’s knickers. The poor things had to wear ‘loose fitting men’s underwear’ for years.
Eddie Izzard will take a few pairs of those for verisimilitude. Do they come in a nice shade of pink, MIles?
But what about the Tranny soldiers Mr Boggs? No mention if those.
I think they would ‘demand’ frilly ones.
Yes kit inspection-‘You soldier! Make sure you’re frillies and ironed properly and put away neatly’.
Maybe stockings and suspenders ?
If they are part of special forces will the go commando ?
Am rather surprised that Swiss Army underwear is not multifunctional, like their knives…
I didn’t even know the Swiss had an army. A bit like the French really.
All those Toblerone eating cunts did in the war was stash away Kraut gold.
It just struck me that this might be an April Fool joke. If so it’s not a very good one, in that it is exactly what I would expect from the Guardian. It’s hard to test credulity in the mad world of the Islington champagne Marxist.
Diversity is our strength ???
What do you expect from this lefty rag?
Motto of The Guardian.
“We hate and sneer at you, yes, you the anglo saxon heterosexual types and our aim is to boil your urine should you read our dross.
Oh and give us some of your money please, we’re skint”
Written by cunts, for cunts.
The link opened fine for me, the photos, like that bleck shit stabber on In sickness and in health are unnecessary and unfunny.
The stench in some of those places in the pictures must be like a mass grave.
I don’t know whose worse, the pervets on the photos, or the pervets who want to celebrate them.
I would take them to the Yorkshire wildlife park, and feed them to the polar bears.
I knew there were beavers in devon and great bustards in wiltshire, but polar bears in Yorkshire?!? Another good reason not to go to leeds or bradford. I blame that cunt Chris Packham, what’s next, giant crocodiles in the thames?
Black q ueers coming out?. There is a 26 part hour long documentary series there for Wireless 4, to be trailed endlessly throught the day from Prayer for the Day to the midnighty thirty Shipping Forecast.
“Coming Out”? -I wish they’d fucikng wel go back in again.
Reading about “Patrick Liverpool” being kind to strangers reminded me of:
This ticks all the right boxes for Grauniad readers – dark key and gay. So they have to big it up and make out it’s historically important. What it really is is a sordid tale of a few dark key gays and the nightclubs they liked to go to. Who gives a fuck? Cunts.
This cunting about queer blacks reminds me of an old joke.
Q: Is it better to be born black or homosexual?
A: Black – that way you don’t have to break the news to your parents.
This cunting about kweer blacks reminds me of an old joke.
Q: Is it better to be born black or homosexual?
A: Black – that way you don’t have to break the news to your parents.
Hmmm. The Word Fence software doesn’t like an old word beginning with ‘q’ that means ‘strange’. Is Word Fence homophobic? It’s certainly a cunt.
I was binned earlier for using the q word as well.
This is odd as q is still a mainstream word meaning strange or unusual.
It doesn’t only mean a shit stabbing pervert.
I was binned earlier for using the q word as well.
This is odd as q is still a mainstream word meaning strange or unusual.
It doesn’t only mean a shit stabbing weirdo.
I stopped using the Guardian after the print started to rub off onto my arse.
Quite a few publications have ceased to be in recent years.
The NME, Select, Smash Hits, FHM, The News of the Screws, Melody Maker, Loaded, The Football Pink (RIP), all those magazines with the tits (Nuts, Zoo and all them).
Yet the Grauniad limps on. I pray every day for its demise. There will be a toast in Chez Norman when (or if) this awful anti-white anti-christian anti-hetero and anti-british rag finally breathes its last.
Print is dying, full stop.
I f you saw the circulation figures for some of the hobbyist magazines, you would have to ask, why bother??
It survives because half its print copy is delivered everyday to the BBC, that they pay for via the licence fee.
The Grauniad, the print wing of the provisional bbc.
Fuck the dribble the Plebeian publishes from the Colonial outposts as well. Predictably a Kiwi Cunt by the name of Bryce Edwards publishes weekly, an arselicking piece on Jacinda Commie Ardern in praise of her efforts to destroy New Zealand’s economy along with her Union ragtag bunch of losers and gobshites. Good morning and Goodnight.
She’s saying she’s white?
Google tells me otherwise. I’ll leave it there…
Wrong thread
Thick cunt, sorry
The Guardian newspaper is I believe a limited company and has been since 2008 when the Scott Trust was wound up and replaced by The Scott Trust Ltd, which appoints a board comprised of bankers, management consultants, venture capitalists and bizarrely, when it comes to editorial and columnist stance, left-wingers.
The paper itself is written nearly exclusively by elite-educated members of the upper middle class. The viewpoint you would expect to come from this privileged set-up is exactly what you do get.
Wasn’t the ‘Manchester Guardian’ founded upon profits generated by Slavery?
Should they not be cancelling themselves, providing repatriations to the jig e boos and generally just applying the first rule of wokery pokerey… go woke go broke?
Any rag that employs the likes of the two hypocrites Polly Toynbee and Owen Jones is best avoided ?