The Green Agenda

The Green agenda and climate change.

So all the cunts in power are getting together to shaft normal people up the arse again. Senile old Biden and Doris are on their high horse telling us were all going “carbon neutral” .

Obviously it wont cost them a penny. India and China arnt on board so its just the working class in the West who will have to pickup the bill. £ trillions. Sums of money so vast the human brain cannot even imagine. Fuck off.

Fossil fuels are the only reason were not all dead by 30. Stick your green agenda up your arse. Where is the opposition to this lunacy? Where can we vote against it. Looks like its another eu type stitch up where no one has a choice.

Fuck right off.

Nominated by: smugcunt 

and seconded by: mikdys

This. Accepting that CO2 emissions really are the harbinger of doom, and that there is a need for reduction, then were the UK to stop all emissions completely that would reduce the total by a measly 1% (.37GT) while China continue to happily pump out 30% of the total (10.06 GT).

If this CO2 shit really is true then we are all fucked anyway, thanks to the likes of China, so what is the point of ruining what little time we have left and spending our remaining years in misery pissing money away for sweet fuck all return? It’s absolutely pointless.

Yet, all the political cunts support this bullcrap. There is no alternative to vote for. Local elections are coming up – vote “none of the above” and let’s try to send the cunts a message.

61 thoughts on “The Green Agenda

  1. I blame St Greta Thundercunt.

    The Green Agenda is, rather like alleged institutional racism, massively over-hyped and beloved of woke warriors, as long as it’s not them that have to pay for it or curtail their international jet setting.

    Once again China and Russia must be pissing themselves with laughter as the West disappears down a woke black hole from which there is no way out.

  2. There is much to look forward to.
    The remainder of our manufacturing outsourced to reduce our emissions. The fact that it increases emissions elsewhere with even less regard for environment seems lost on these cunts. See steel industry and mining.
    Burning wood grown, chipped and transported from the USA with lower calorific value than and far more emissions than coal is part of this blind lunacy.
    Pavement impassable with cables strewn across. Cars randomly stopped everywhere due to flat batteries.
    Power outages because the wind aint blowing and cars have drained the grid.

    This is our commitment while the Chinks laugh their bollocks off.

  3. If we all moved into caves and lived on weeds, the net reduction in CO2 would be less than 2%. Utter cuntery. Fuck off.

  4. Climate change.
    The 20th century was the warmest on record.
    The thermometer was invented in 1709 so the only 2 full centuries where there are any temperature readings were the 19th and 20th.
    Therefore, the truth is that from the last 2 centuries that anyone has a clue about, the last was warmer than the one before.
    Climate Change should not be taught as a subject by itself. It needs to be paired with other subjects.
    Like history and physics.

  5. Two first rate cuntings. I will be spoiling my ballot paper (with a few choice words) at the coming elections, as I did at the general election.

    Fuck them.

  6. Perhaps it’s all a strategic move to neutralise the ever growing might of China.
    Perhaps Doris,Joe and all the other spineless cunts are hoping the Yellow Peril die from splitting their evil sides laughing?

    Fuck Off hippies and Fuck Off climate.

    • Over population.
      That’s the biggest cause of environmental damage,
      But they get nervous if you bring it up dont they?
      The green brigade.
      I’m all for protection of wildlife,
      Ancient woodland and green belt,
      Im all for cleaning up the oceans,
      Im ok with recycling.
      But dont tell me I have to be vegan because a cow farted,
      And im the bad guy while the 3rd world breed like fruit flies.

  7. And yet these eco-cunts still choose to ignore the biggest of big fucking flabbotts in the room – and that of over-population!

    You can be as environmentally friendly as you want, but if there’s 5 billion other cunts around the 3rd world choosing its not for them, then what’s the point!

    The WHO reckon that by 2100 the global population will be just shy of 11 billion cunts, up 4 billion on current population estimates. They then seem to think population levels will fall come 2200 although how they work that out fuck knows.

    All the same, in 80 years time there will be an extra 4 billion cunts to feed, 4 billion cunts to shit/piss all over the place, 4 billion cunts wanting homes, medicines, jobs, civil right etc. But exactly where are they are going to live? (And don’t say here, although there’s every chance)

    11 billion people on planet Earth by 2100 – will every single one of them be vegan eco-warrior types I wonder? Bollocks will they! They won’t give a shiny shit about eating rabbit food and recycling anything and everything.

    Fuck them, and fuck the Eco-cunts who choose not to talk about population control!

  8. I love CO2. Without it there would be no life on earth as we know it. Remember when it was global warming? Then they found out some years are cooler so now it’s climate change.
    How arrogant to think we can change the climate. We’re not that powerful.
    Fuck off climate zealots.

    • The fuckwits think we can get by with windpower and battery back up. If the new Sizewell is only supposed to provide seven percent of our current requirements, we’ll have to uproot all the carpet-sniffers to have room for wind turbines. Can hopeless farts be classed as windpower?
      I despair, I really do.
      I agree entirely re oveepopulation; there is no way the turnip-headed m{NG should be allowed to breed.
      For the good of humanity, I shall don heavy rubber gloves, and go in with a wire coat hanger and a flagon of boiling Lysol.

  9. Perhaps by 2100 the boffins at NASA will have terraformed both the Moon and Mars. That way all the Wokes, 3rd world cunts, Alphabets, Mudslimes, attention-seeking cunts, celebs, SJWs and other Greta-Lefty types can all fuck off and leave Earth – problem solved!

    • NASA could just lie and tell them that the terraforming has been done, then sit laughing as the cunts all suffocate as they walk off the spaceship.
      They could stream it live on the net.
      Best telly ever…???

  10. Where is the Big Chunky, because forget Covid this Green Agenda, even now being driven by Boris, is the great reset.

    The Greens are no longer relevant, even thundercunt who just tells everyone they are very naughty.

    No more new petrol cars after 2030, cut emissions by 78% by 2035, no more gas, no red meat…. this the great reset

    Politicians come and go, so in 10 years time when we are way off track whoever is in charge will just blame the last lot.

    The silly ‘Green’ cunts are opposing a new coal mine to produce coking coal for Steel production, so let’s carry on importing the stuff, thick cunt!

    • Not sure what your first paragraph is getting at due to the formatting.

      All this green shite is just parallel to the great reset. Whilst there’s some good ideas in there, like reducing plastic or whatever, unfortunately it’s all feeding into the same underlying philosophy driven by the same cunts at the top.

      They want to curtail as much freedom as possible under the guise of saving the planet, whilst they themselves still live like kings and whilst China still pumps out all the material dross they need to furnish their lavish estates and opulent lifestyles.

      It’s all fucking bollocks. It’s animal farm meets the matrix, that’s where we’re headed.

      • I just meant you are usually first in on the reset agenda, nothing personal nor taking your name in vain

      • Fucking nailed it Chunky.

        That’s the plan by the looks of it.
        Whether they’ll get away with it as easily as they’ve got away with the virus lockdowns is another matter.

        Easy to terrify the boomers and snowflakes with a bug but can’t see them being as easily duped into surrendering by environmental based blackmail.

    • No new petrol cars in UK but China’s exempt.

      VW are in the process of launching a new, VR6 powered, SUV for the Chinese market:

      I think EU and UK governments have car makers by the balls forcing development of BEC cars (which nobody other than virtue signalling cunts with too much money actually want to buy). If I was running a big car company I’d just sell to China and tell green governments to go fuck themselves.

  11. UK at ‘zero emissions’ is a bit like putting your fag out, while your neighbours (India and China) burn a mile high stack of old car tyres, asbestos and coal for five centuries.

    Virtue signalling tosh that will make every cunt unable to use the roads or air travel unless a multi millionaire. They’re even going after central heating. Within a decade or two you won’t be able to use gas central heating. You’ll need to pay for solar/wind/magic fairy powered central heating which will be shite, unreliable (see Texas) and expensive.

    Non of this shit will bother the rich.

    You see, the very rich can ‘carbon offset’ and do what the fuck they want.

    Well done Greta, you fucking muppet.

  12. For any vegans out there I eat a sirloin, fillet or ribeye steak at least 3 times a week. You can shove your insects and tofu up your stinking hoops.

    Cows would eat you given have the chance. You’ve got meat tearing teeth fur a reason. Get stuck in.

    Then fuck off.

      • Get one in. I eat more steak nowadays simply to piss off Greta and other eco loonies.

      • Would do Cuntybollocks but its a Friday,
        Fish on a Friday.
        Not through any religious commitments.
        Slave to tradition.

      • Miserable, for some reason I see gravy having the same effect on you that spinach does on Popeye.

    • Worst case scenario in 10 years time.

      All the fast-food joints, pubs like Weatherspoons, takeaways etc. They all removed anything remotely meat-ish from their menus and you had to make do with vegan shite!

      Walking into McDonalds and asking for a Big Mac or a Quarterpounder full of processed veg.

      Or ordering an Indian Synthetic Chicken Tikka Masala


  13. Honkies make up 9% of the world’s population, but seemingly somehow are responsible for 99% of the reduction in the planet’s emissions. Do you think the bat munchers, bud bud ding dings and mud hutters give a shiny shite about ‘carbon footprints’?

    Good idea for a political party.

    The We Love Steak and Fossil Fuels You Cunt So Somebody Fist Greta Party

    I haven’t really thought this through yet, but I think I’m on to something here.

  14. My next car will be a diesel. Economical,powerful and reliable.
    Fuck these stupid cunts in their electric toy cars.
    Apparently if you have an accident or breakdown in one those death-traps the authorities won’t go near the fucking thing.

  15. I’m a white male who is proud of his heritage.
    I drive a diesel car.
    I like eating meat.
    I pay my fair share of tax.
    I also happen to think the so called green agenda is a crock of shit.
    Get fucked.

  16. Just bought myself a rough old 1950s trials bike for a restoration project.
    200cc two stroke Villiers engine so lots of noise and clouds of smoke.
    I’m going to name it “Greta” ?

      • Two stroke oil smells good but you need to go a long way to beat the smell of Castrol R blatted out of an open megaphone exhaust – maybe Greta should be invited to the Goodwood Revival she’d have a epiphany and relent?

      • Well most of the old cars and bikes blasting round the Goodwood track have been restored, in other words “recycled” so I reckon she’ll be fine with it.
        Get her on the back of some nutter’s track day special, she’ll soon change her tune…?

  17. Agenda 21, UN Sustainability Development Goals, all this crapola is just a cover and excuse for global totalitarianism that’s been in the works for a long time.

    The elite couldn’t give a flying fuck about green things, except perhaps several acres of completely ecologically unproductive manicured grass lawn at home and at the country club golf course. The old adage of ‘know them by their fruits’: look at their fucking opulent lifestyles, the 23 bathroom mansions, and possibly the coalfired dungeon torture playhouse with child sized restraints in the basements.

    Call it whatever you like. Communism. Eco-fascism. New world order. Great Reset. It’s all the same stinking shitpile of corruption and evil posing as the new Jerusalem, the new utopia.

    • Chill out Chunky, its weekend.
      No point getting upset by this stuff, cant change it,
      Just send your blood pressure through the roof.
      Your young, go out ,get pissed, shag some ugly boot, tell your mates she was gorgeous!
      Long time dead kid,
      Best to crack on and enjoy yerself!?

      • Build a more authoritarian world?
        Surely no career politician or tech giant would ever agree to that…?

      • Don’t worry MNC, it doesn’t bother me like that. It’s all clown world.

        The only time it does vex my piss for real is when it directly interferes with my life, or children who can’t protect themselves. Like atm, getting kids to mask up and soon to be taking a jab too.. that should make anyones piss superheat.

      • When I find ive bitten through my lip at the news I know I’ve heard enough and head for the door Chunky.
        Im lucky as plenty of nearby countryside to escape into.
        And I bounce back to good humour quickly.

      • Likewise. Without nature to look and listen to I would have disemboweled myself with a wooden cooking spoon a long time ago!

  18. All this Green politics, Extinction Rebellion and other climate change activists seem to be of the younger generation. They are the little cunts who drop litter everywhere they go. I would like to shove it up their arses as far as it will go. This green and pleasant land is rapidly becoming a shithole thanks to them.

  19. Tree hugging, like veganism is a first world affectation. Some piss poor Umbongo trying to stay alive doesn’t give a fuck about pollution or the poor animals. You have to be rich to cry about these things. The posh don’t understand that the poor want all the things they’ve got and take for granted. The cunts should give all their wealth to me if they feel guilty about it. It won’t save the polar bears but at least they can sleep at night.

    • True, they hate the jungle. Indonesia years back I said to Rahmat, “come for a walk through this patch of virgin Sumatran jungle over there”

      Fuck off you can go in there by yourself you stupid white cunt. It’s dark wet closed, full of mosquitoes, tigers , leeches snakes, spiny bushes. No way am I going in there, not even if i had a gun and a fucking chainsaw

  20. I’m done with being brow beaten by puppets about climate change.

    In 2017 the total CO2 emissions for Europe as a percentage out of the entire world was something like 14% – can’t find the exact figures but it was low.

    That doesn’t include Russia (yes CS/Ajax I know you’re probably reading this and I know that Russia is technically spread across Europe and Asia)

    Which countries were the worst offenders?

    Until you get them on board nothing will change, and lets be honest abaaaaht (c. B&WC) that’s never going to happen. In fact Russia is actually trying to increase the likelihood of melting the Arctic Sea Ice north of Russia, because then it will open up more oil fields and open up shipping lanes for them (ahem…allegedly of course).

    In fact I’ll go out of a limb and say I have more chance of having a threesome with Megan Fox and Jennifer Lawrence. Than there is of getting Russia, China, USA, India, etc to reduce their emissions.

  21. Oil is the greatest substance on Earth. Everything we live and enjoy comes from it directly or indirectly. All plastics, lubes, coatings, composites, chemicals, along with everyting that gets shipped to you or a store gets there because of oil. These true believers in doing away with it have zero fucking clue what that means. Start by telling them no oil means no iPhone and see what expression forms on their dumb face.
    Cunt is as cunt does.

  22. They picked on the wrong gas, C3 plants the ones we eat grow best at 1050ppm of CO2. They use CO2 generators to get to this level so the plants are not starved of that demon gas. Life will stop at 180ppm, plants will die and us. We are at about 410ppm so where on the scale are we? closer to extinction than survival or is that their plan. depopulation, to stop the deserts receding, stop C3 from growing properly?
    Water vapor is the climate moderator, try getting energy from a solar panel on a cloudy day. More CO2 is more plants, more rain forest, more clouds, better feedback loop for the planet which by the way is one of the few planets that give of more heat than it receives. Depopulation? There is an original reason that the cunt Al Gore started all this shit, still valid today, Greta and her kind are just pawns in a bigger power struggle. The real reason for all this shit is there if your good at jigsaw puzzles. The truth about getting us off fossil fuels has noting to do with CO2 as the feedback loop for that gas is 800 years. These watermelons are just muppets, used for another underlying agenda.

  23. Why is it that BBC at night between midnight and 1am has become The Greta Thunberg Show? Am I seeing a repeat or is it a different programme every time? The energy problem is quite difficult because nuclear is non-renewable and apparently leaves really toxic waste behind it – so the contractors say, coal is too expensive for lazy British workers to dig out these days. The Chinks are using too much resources so we can buy throwaway gadgets.

    The Greens don’t think at scale but it’s probably best to use as much renewables as possible.

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