The BBC (39) – Double Standards

An emergency cunting please for the BBC.

Today’s news headlines were full of Benjamin Hannam, a Met police officer accused of being a member of a Neo-Nazi group.

A secondary story was the conviction of the murderer of Lorraine Cox in Bristol.

The perpetrator was described as “A Man”.

What wasn’t really highlighted was that this “Man” was Azam Mangori, an Iraqi national of no fixed abode who murdered and dismember her above a Kebab shop.

After murdering her he used her SIM card in his mobile phone to text family and friends and pretend she was still alive.

Yet another case of media bias by the BBC giving full coverage to the crimes committed by a white man whilst downplaying the crimes committed by a peaceful.

Nominated by: Uncle Monke

(Shall we be expecting some street demos in London from the Wimminz this weekend I wonder? Or any comment from Baroness Jenny Jones, who wants all men to be off the streets after 6pm? – DA)

49 thoughts on “The BBC (39) – Double Standards

  1. “Failed asylum seeker”…….”liable for deportation”…….yeah, like that was ever going to happen. No “vigil” for this bird. No “reclaim the streets” from the wonderful peacefuls. The wokies always fall asleep at the most convenient times.

    • Your last sentence should be shouted from the rooftops. Such a shame that only the likes of IsAC seem to realise it. WOKE is just a different 4 letter word for CUNT.

  2. The Met police officer concerned had three different sections of headlines on the BBC website.

    The BBC really are Far Left scum!

    • By the way, when I read this story yesterday the man who murdered the woman is a FAILED ASYLUM SEEKER, for those of you that may miss a slight mention the BBC gave it!

      • The asylum seekers application was denied in December 2018.

        So why the fuck was this lying piece of murderous filth still here over 2 years later?

        What is the fucking point of having a so called system if the cuntish thing doesn’t work and no one is culpable or responsible for this poor girls unnecessary slaughter?

      • He has been living above a kebab shop, Willie, where else.

        Why hasn’t he been deported? Human rights, aided and abetted by a whole host of lefty legal assistance at a guess!

  3. Hypocrites. The only vigil you’re likely to see is a woke one to release this “unjustly maligned effnik”. I hope he rots in jail for the rest of his life and is raped every day by a 14 stone pikey.

  4. I’m surprised they didn’t say the piece of Iraqi excrement was Norwegian or a British Citizen. Because that’s what they usually say.

    And I dare say on Good Friday that Chiggun Floyd George will get more coverage and mentions on the ‘Beeb’ than the man from Nazareth.

  5. I hope this camelshagging smelly turd ends up in the Scrubs or Pentonville, and ends up with an arsehole the size of Lake Windermere.

  6. The BBC get ever more brazen. THis morning I just put on Wireless 4 after having changed the batteries about 0845. The male presenter on Today was talking to a Labour party official about Dame Keir’s reluctance to have vaccine passports, a view shared by all of the LibDems (all 10 of them) and some Conservatives: “couldn’t WE use this as a means of defeating the government?” te presenter said – he quickly changed the “we” to “you”, but I thought that was an interesting Freudian slip.

    • If they try this it will be Boris’s Poll Tax…guess they are just putting things out there to see if they can get away with it.

  7. I hate the fucking BBC.

    Anti Male
    Anti White
    Anti Brexit
    Anti Heterosexual
    Anti Christian
    Anti British

    Every day I am reminded several times by these cunts that as a white middle aged male who was brought up with Christian values, married with three children and voted to leave the European Union, what a complete cunt and total waste of space I am.

    Perhaps I am a dinosaur in modern day Britain and my values are outdated however I am fully entitled to my own thoughts and opinions.

    It probably goes without saying just how much I resent having to fund their minority left wing propaganda bollocks and ridiculous values.

    Fuck the cunts at the BBC and everything they stand for.

  8. It’s not just the BBC, but the media in general. A woman was murdered in a woman’s refuge by a tranny. An India bloke. He raped her an cut her up an dumped her in the woods. It goes down as a woman raping and killing another woman. Then you get fuckwits like Jessica Phillips and Lisa Nandy who are supposedly campaigning for women’s rights but are actively supporting trannies going into women’s refuges, prisons, changing room and girl guide camps because they self identify. Women are less safe in this lefty woke world because peados, rapists and groomers have the freedom to pray on women and your girls with the government’s protection.

  9. The stark truth is if the late Sarah Everard was murdered by this muslam piece of human filth, there’d have been no protests, no vigils, no Antifa faux outrage, no rants from Phillips and Jones, and her death and her killer would have been ‘swept away’ as quickly as possible. And the BBC would have cooperated fully with this skullduggery. It’s not Ms Everard’s tragic death that they care about. They couldn’t care less if she’s dead or alive. For them, it’s all about who did it, and a deranged white cozzer fits their woke and anti-white male agenda like a glove. The ugly peaceful cunt in the nom could have butchered Ms Everard and ten more women, and the leftist scum and their BBC mouthpiece wouldn’t have given a toss. Very indicative of character, I would say…

    • The local newspapers now ALWAYS conveniently omits certain information whenever reporting a crime and where the perpetrator is not British.

      NO name (bit of a giveaway) or NO mention of country of origin.

    • Absolutely spot on Norman.
      Heard this cunts name mentioned on the radio yesterday and thought the same thing.
      Where’s the protests and vigils.
      Oh wait a minute…

  10. The provisional bbc. Cunts.
    Failed asylum seeker. Cunts.
    Doris and Pritti. Totally useless Cunts.
    Border Farce. Cunts.
    Lefty wokists. Cunts.
    The Rozzers. Cunts.
    SAGE and Whitty. Cunts.
    Charities. Cunts.
    Blacks. Immigrants and parking Stanley’s. Cunts.

    All responsible in their own way for the state of this once great country.

    M3M machine gun the lot of em them oven.

    That is all. They can get to fuck.

  11. This particular piece of shit was in Exeter. The news showed his picture and gave his name but fuck all else about him.
    He wasnt a member of a far right group ie a bunch of fucking half witted misfits.
    He wasnt a serving copper.
    So nothing to see here.

  12. They don’t care about double standards. They know full well they’re doing it. They just don’t give a fuck.

    They do it because they can get away with their anti white racism.

    Make no mistake. The anti whites want the honkies dead.

    • Not just the anti whites. Some of these cunts are white themselves but view other whites as the enemy, I would not be at all surprised to discover they view themselves as BAME.

      • There are plenty of idiot white anti-whites, that is true.

        It’s like mental illness. I used to be a libtard years back and felt that way too. I view those years as my brainwashed, mentally ill years.

        But they will be absolutely positive that they are right. Fucked in the head cunts.

    • White Europe is the only civilisation on earth that wants to anilate itself. Go figure?

  13. I dont like the German Nation Socialist Workers Party. Im not bothered about “nazis” as were all one nowadays.

  14. I despise these filthy bastards.
    Traitors and liars.

    Failed asylum? Then get the cunts head in a vice.

  15. Some sand dancer mutilated a women, but stinks of curry and goatshite, best downplay it.
    Some copper in a far right club of 5 members and youd think he was a cross between Jack the ripper and the IRA!!
    Did he have guns? No
    Explosives? Well no,but he did have posters!!
    There is no Far Right terrorist organisation in the UK-fact.
    Theres no neo nazi threat.
    Few daydreaming cunts who live with mum, thats it.

  16. Nothing arriving on theses shores from the Middle East is of any use to British society, all lying scum, no point in allowing them to make an asylum claim just ship the cunts back and all the cunts who are encouraging and funding them.

    The BBC are cunts.

  17. Crime of the century, a bunch of racist cunts running about in the woods shouting the n word. And spray painting nazi symbols! Many at the BBC and everyone at the Guardian regard the IRA and PLO as plucky freedom fighters, and probably genuinely believe far right terrorism is the biggest threat to society today. Try to educate these morons and you will be denounced as a fascist and cancelled. You know it’s a big news story when the china virus and Brexit related stories are relegated from lead item on the news. Perhaps Panorama could get Martin Bashir to infiltrate the Socialist Workers Party, or investigate fund raising for Irish republican terrorists in North London pubs? Or the rise of no go areas and threatening behaviour in Muslim ghettoes, or maybe the root causes of inner city gang culture and violent crime? They could consult isac for expert opinion, before the website is taken down for crimes against humanity.

    • Or the fuck that most of the pubs have closed in predominantly muslim areas.

  18. What a piece of shit. Barely a human being. His punishment should fit his crime.

    • Now I know why arab scum like this hate dogs because they don’t have the humanity or the cleaniness of one. Next chav scum cunt who tells me how great kebabs are I’m linking that article

      To be fair no middle eastern country would allow scum like this a comfy jail cell and human rights They would be hung or slow rotting death in a uncomfortable shit stained prison

  19. After reading the previous pikey story and this one. The death penalty should most definitely be put back as punishment but libtards convinced people it was cruel and mean

    We would be deposing of the worst of the worst serial killers, nonces, people who can’t be rehabilitated at all. Libtards also convinced people that putting killers to death is too costly which is of course fucking ridiculous and absurd

    • I agree, the fuckers should be offed to make the country safer. As for price I gallows and rope or a 5.56 round aren’t expensive, and are a damn sight cheaper than housing the cunts in a prison.

  20. The BBC used to be the most respected and trusted broadcaster in the world.
    It is now a UK hating, toxic propaganda vehicle for the sneering, racist, anti white, hate filled, arrogant, extreme and dangerous far left. Want to find dangerous extremism? – look no further.
    I wonder what the BBC would have reported if it had been discovered a serving Police Officer was a member of Islamic State? They would have probably demanded he was promoted.
    Illegal immigrants have broken the law by very definition, and should receive no taxpayer funding for their application – fingerprint them, photograph them, take their DNA then turn the filthy fuckers around, put them on a boat and dump them back on the French shore – any stupid or brazen enough to return get a full life sentence without parole and are made to work as part of their sentence.
    I have four years to get every single current MP out and get people in who will deal with the fact our nation is being strangled to death – but the biggest problem is that too many people are sat naively waiting for the cavalry arriving over the hill to sort it out.
    I have news – the cavalry ain’t ever coming – WE ARE THE FUCKING CAVALRY!

    • I cant ride a horse Foxy!
      Nearest I got was the donkeys on Blackpool beach as a kid.
      Put me down for the catering tent.????

      • MNC@ – Not to worry, you can drive the Luton van which will transport Sir Fiddlers horse to the battlefield! ??
        And tell any lefties making for shelter in the catering tent “no – we don’t do fkin vegan”!

      • Foxy@

        In the spirit of brotherhood im willing to let you convert my removal van to a battle bus and cut gun ports along the sides ala Jones butcher van in Dads Army.??

    • Funnily enough, when I was growing up (b. 1961), you never heard Richard Baker announcing that someone had been hacked to death with a machete. Because it wasn’t bloody happening. We desperately need some goatfucker to hack a pointless female MP into dogfood-size bits. I bet Layola Moron smells of Fido meat. They used to put benzedrine in it; my great-aunt’s tom cat was a caricature of demonic possession when the bin-men turned up.

    • Right on Vernon. Vote with the ballot box, wallet and deplatforming these cunts on tv and film. Diary fucking, left wing, scummy cunts.

  21. Question, why did she go with him? Seen CCTV of her with him. Must have been desperate for a shag off some greasy slob. He should go to the gallows, but…..

  22. Ah yes the hypocrisy of the left. This cunt deserves to be put in a woodchipper feet first

  23. This is despicable, and deeply ingrained. The MSM are happy to describe a white man as such, but when it comes to anyone else, they hide behind “police have described him as….” and similar weasel phrases. Convenient mechanisms for when speaking truth unto the nation becomes a little too raw. And truthful.

  24. Heard some woke Labour bitch on the radio yesterday crying about the dinghy cunts risking their lives and how we should just fly them all over and throw money at them. It was pointed out to her that asylum seekers are supposed to claim in the first safe country so why are they coming here?
    Oh no , she says , France is safe for us but the peacefuls face terrible raaay-sism and police brutality. So……exactly the same as they face over here according to posh slags like you? Of course that was never put to the bitch.
    We know very well why they are desperate to come here, we don’t need some woke posh cow to tell us.

  25. This cunt should be hanged, drawn and quartered on a boat in the middle of the English Channel, and his head stuck on a pole out there to deter the other dinghy scum rowing across from France.

  26. The French navy and our Boarder Force act as a fucking illegal migrant taxi service. It boils my piss to 1000c!

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