This pissed me off.
Why did ITV feel the need to really focus on Gay wankers and not just normal wankers? What is that they interviewed from the Ku Bar?
It looks like Caitlyn Jenner for fuck sake. Just look at them all. You would think it was their first ever drink the way they are going on.
Standby for a sudden increase in COVID cases in London for which the whole of the UK will pay the price.
Why do people want to go out so much and drink? I prefer drinking in the house to avoid a mass of cunts like this lot.
Fuck off.
Nominated by: AsItIs
I suppose if they are poofters – or snowflakes who might think it “cool” to try it for the first time, to boast about it on Fuckbook, might need Dutch courage to take it up the arse – especially if your first meet up was with Adonis or Mandy on Hampstead Heath.
Bet alcohol wasn’t the only thing these bandits were drinking that night, Soho drinking? Fuck off, I would rather chew razor blades, morning cunters!
“I’ve never seen so many white people in one place.”
……except for the geezer in the high vis gear clearing up their trash at the end of it.
The woke and the trendy doing what they do best….pure fucking self indulgent hypocrisy.
Having watched that link, I concur: I imagine only the pug-ugly wimminz with the pug, drinks from the furry cup?
To be fair to the cunts, after a year in lockdowns, you can’t blame the younger cunts having a few drinks.
Regarding the venue, London-centric bumfoolery and mainstream reporting go together like “peas aaand carrots”. ©️Forrest Cunt
I just wish scientists would stop fucking about and clone an army of Bernard Mannings to mingle with these soppy cunts.
Unlikely to be a “sudden increase” in cases, just like there won’t be following the tens of thousands who marched together on Saturday (not reported by the BBC). But you won’t get anyone from government, bbc or sky news saying that as it doesn’t follow the narrative.
I think “Jacqueline” may have been that “hairy-handed gent who ran amok in Kent”.
“Ahooo, fruits of London”
Mate of mine went for a quick after work drink in Canary Wharf last week. 4 pints….. over 27 quid!
Can I have his name and address ?
I’ve got some fantastic bargains that I’m sure he’ll be interested in.
Four pints, twenty seven quid ?
Not in my fucking world
For £27 I’d expect part ownership.
Nothing worse than walking down the pavement in London and colliding with a horde of drunk boozers, spilling out onto the pavement and the road, refusing to get out the way and behaving like cunts in a sweet shop. It’s even worse when the boozers are a bunch of gaylords.
Why did the BBC cover the gay pubs in Soho? Because that’s where the BBC cunts drink.
Apart from each other’s baby making batter in the toilets, scum
Upturned barstools and the Aids on every surface. Why go to a pub with no birds and only Babycham on tap anyway? If you’re brave (insane) enough to go for a shit in such a place, you might as well go to Barrymore’s next pool party.
It’s probably the only pub that BBC staff know about though.
The media are not interested in showing normal people finally able to enjoy a few drinks after a hard day’s work.
To them anyone newsworthy has to be a poof or trannie making a spectacle of themselves.
Walk past any gay pub in Londonstabistan and you will see plenty of under age drinkers. Of course it’s not the under age drinking that’s the problem, it’s what happens after the place has closed. But i’m sure that would meet with the full approval of the degenerates at the BBC.
The percentage of gays that are charged with diddling offences is startling. Obviously, not all woofters are diddlers, but they are massively over represented.
Never hear that on the BBC or in the education system though.
I wish I’d have been the reporter.
“…but the patrons will be well aware that they’re more likely to catch the Aids today, than they are to get the batflu. This is Cuntybollocks, for BBC News, in his hazmat suit. Back to some dark keys in the studio.”
Quite right Cunty. It, whatever it was, is long fucking over. Just the bullshit to keep us all in line left for Boris the Clown Cunt and his mongs. Good morning, everyone.
Oh aye.
I was not against lockdowns before vaccinations were given. I wasn’t even against facemasks. I’m not an anti-vax type either, I understand the (tiny) risks etc.
But once every cunt who wants a vaccine has had one, there is absolutely no fucking excuse to lock every cunt down or even wear facemasks. For me, anyway.
But anyway, I’m not gonna hijack a thread, I’ve said my piece in reply 🙂
“keep us all in line”
Keeping us unproductive, the country borrowing £hundreds of billions to pay for furlough etc, wrecking the economy, to what end?
Morning lads.
You’ve been told numerous times why, Ruff. They’re running the economy into the ground to crush all except the super wealthy and large corporates in order to consolidate power aka the great reset.
Every measure they’ve enacted has been anti-health, anti-wealth, the complete fucking opposite of the actual pandemic preparedness plan they spent years making and threw in the bin in March 20′.
Told numerous times by conspiracy nutters like you Chunky, but as you’ve been told numerous times, I’m not interested in your bullshit.
Keep floundering in ignorance then. You just want an explanation that fits your predefined paradigm and doesn’t ruffle your feathers.
Despite the fact they’ve demonstrably lied to the public throughout, despite the fact they have shifted the goalposts several times. It’s self fucking evident mate. You’re in denial.
Chunky, OK for the moment, let’s take your hypothesis as being true.
If the proletariat becomes so poor, the economy will collapse – this won’t help the rich because who is going to maintain the roads along which they drive their Bentley, who are going to maintain the private airports from where they fly their lear jets? Who are going to rear their organic meat and grow their organic veg?
This is just tinfoil hattery – as the neo nazi in Falling Down said – “think about it”.
It’s a controlled collapse, Paul, not a return to the stone age. You’re also making the same mistake as Ruff in thinking the upper/political class of this country are calling the shots, and that it must serve their interests. This is beyond that lot of sycophant parasites.
Bojos ‘green deal’ last week shows the course we’re to take. That alone will cripple the middle and lower classes. It’s all about the UN sustainability goals, the ‘climate emergency’. It is a global totalitarianism, not a British one alone.
Controlled collapse? What a load of fucking bollocks.
Go read the worldeconomicforum website for fucks sake. It’s all there plain as fucking day. It’s not a conspiracy theory, it’s an open conspiracy.. they’re telling us exactly what they desire to happen.
You’re being wilfully ignorant at this point.
Ignorant? I’m not the one who’s only reading the stuff that feeds into your very apparent paranoia.
That ‘fact check’, lol, had nothing to do with the DIRECT link to the WEF website.
Reaching for corporate fact checkers is weak son. Very weak ?
I quite agree that WEF should be monitored but not for the reasons you state! They are a bunch of champagne socialists trying to make sure the poor get a fair deal!
‘The Great Reset’ is just a Communist manifesto that has about as much chance of succeeding as you do winning the jackpot on three different scratchcards in a row!
Chunky @ 10:13 am.
There you go again – another flimsy “explanation that fits your predefined paradigm”. ?
You woke millennials have zero understanding of basic economics.
i forget, you don’t do facts or reality. If I can find some loser in his mums back bedroom saying the truth, will you be more likely to believe it?
Morning RTC. Yesterday, the scores on the UK Covid 19 death door was 6!!! That is six people who tested positive (ie may or may not have had Covid 19) died with covid 19 as a possible contributory factor. You tell me why we are still being kept unproductive, borrowing hundred of billions etc? Because I am fucked if I know.
They’re being over cautious to the point of paranoia.
They’ve been badly burned getting everything wrong (apart from the vaccination programme) over the past year and now they’re terrified that if they fully reopen the economy immediately they might be getting it wrong again.
I suspect that once the May elections are over they will feel more confident about following the data.
That’s a load of mental gymnastics. They don’t give two fucks about what we think. Or the economy, given they’ve demolished it.
If they were ‘following the data’ we’d be open NOW. They’ve got all the vulnerable vaccinated. It’s over.
Really? According to you, “there is no fucking virus.”
Talk about being delusional!
“….and now for the weather forecast, which will be racist, as there are no dark clouds and there will be another white supremacist frost…”
Get To Fuck.
I was reading about some college in the US where they have these automatic soap dispensers in the bogs. Apparently they work by the light reflecting off your palm when you stick them underneath. However, somebody discovered that if a black person sticks their hand under palm down then they won’t work. The students are up in arms!……. the soap dispensers are raaaaaay-sist!!! You couldn’t make this shit up.
Please accept my sincerest apologies for saying “black person” instead of “person of colour.” I haven’t had my unconscious bias training yet.
don’t the dark ones have light palms? Apparently, due to all the time they have to put them on the police car hoods (or bonnets in English).
Out of touch lefty shits = Arty farty luuvies cunts.
It’s almost certain to win and that cunt Ayoade will probably cream his kex.
Maybe gay spunk is less white because it’s covered in shit?
This was covered on some cunty channel on TV last night.
History repeating itself; in the 80’s they all thought they were impervious to catching AIDS, thinking it was a disease only linked to the US – look how that turned out.
Now they are all about mincing around like it’s fucking NYE 1999!
They’ll be laughing on the other side of their pink cowboy-hatted arseless chaps when SAD DICK KHUNT gets the Trocadero turned into a mega-mosque just across the road from SoHo-mo.
Be a bummer if one has to be (guilty as charged), but be quiet about it for goodness sake. It’s unseemly putting it on public display.
I would fuck love that! Imagine all the peacefuls turning out of the mosque on a Friday night just as the gays are turning up for a weekend of mincing and bumming. Oh what a joyous occasion that would be!?
Off the roof with them!!
It takes one to know one, and I think there’s something that Sad Dick Khunt isn’t telling his voters. This is likely a tactical move by him and for him and his down-low chums.
I don’t think it was the relief of being able to have a social drink, it was the excitement at the prospect of getting laid, or bummed or whatever. Spare a thought for all the poofs with fast-closing arseholes. Normal service will be resumed.
In my opinion it’s hard to top a can of Thatchers Haze and Football Manager on the laptop. But then I am an antisocial cunt.
I can’t believe that those infected with the gayness actually obeyed the lockdown in the first place.
Everyone knows that they can’t go for more than 2 hours without a bit of bum fun.
Self isolate, stay at home, keep 2 metres apart…..fuck that for a lark.