I would like to cunt Sky News but especially for this particular story. Who gives a fuck and why is this news? I feel sorry for the kid with these two pricks as parents. Just what has the world become. Sky is getting as bad as the fucking BBC for this shite. Yes I know I don’t have to read it but that’s not your point.
Nominated by: AsItIs
Added to by Sidelinesid:
I am 100% peeved off with woke editorial headline writers. Sky tells us “Chauvin refuses to testify in murder trial as defence rests case” … “REFUSES” no less … Is that not his right!. How can he refuse something he is not obliged, expected or in anyway compelled to do. Perhaps if career criminal Floyd had refused to break the law then I would not be typing now.
The fact is that it is incredibly rare for the accused to testify in murder cases.
These are citizens, and trained lawyers know how to make them look shifty, arrogant or to lose their tempers. If they hit one of those buttons, then the accused could make things much worse for himself/herself.
The media (and by extension vast swathes of the public) convicted the poor cunt the day the video got released though. I saw the cunt’s mug shot the day after he got found guilty, and it was hard not to have sympathy.
He fucked up, but he didn’t murder the cunt.
When covid isn’t making the rules I spend my time watching court cases, many of them murder trials. I dunno the stats on the number taking the stand but a lot do.
In a recent murder case the accused got up and had everyone believe somebody had broken into his house, took his car keys drove 20 miles, murdered his ex, drove back, put the keys back and blood stained clothing in the washer and fucked off. All very plausible. This supports what you say about not taking the stand.
Sky are cunts, this is not a real story, it’s just dug up to say how wonderful and normal the two puff adders are, likewise with the cop in the USA he was always guilty of MURDER in the medias eyes so the language used would reflect this. A guilty man always refuses as opposed to forgoes his right. Total cunts Sly news.
I actually heard, on one of LBC’s news bulletins, the at court ‘reporter’ refer to the proceedings … half way through the case … as the ‘George Floyd MURDER trial’.
What is the saying again … ‘Guilty and was never going to be proven innocent …’
Think this is the second cunting for this mincing couple. Tan France looks like a right old Gay version of Colonel Sanders – Kentucky Fucked Cunt.
His arse will resemble a KFc bucket. Bout the same size and full of plenty of bone
I am sick of having ‘Gay / LGBT / Black Victimhood / Britain is terrible’ stories shoved in my face from ALL TV & media
( oh I know, I’m clearly a Racist, Homophobic, Imperialist Evil Bastard for daring to view my opinion )
It’s all a load of SHIT and the WORLD HAS GONE MAD.
Roll on the day I can win the lottery & fuck off to some unpopulated desert island somewhere…. I’ve had it 🙁
Yeah, just trying to normalise this digusting pair. I have never heard of the weirdos but I presume they are rich and famous.
“I can’t wait to hold this baby and show him so much love.”
HIM? So they already know they have hit the jackpot!
Chauvin’s defence counsel was working for the enemy surely? A robust and challenging Lawyer would have him free, compensated and back on duty next week.
Defence indeed. The case should never even have come to trial. Just a cop dealing with a piece of ABSOLUTE SLIMEFILTH SCUMTRASH wife-beater, pistol-whipper, drug addict, porn star, career criminal waste of fat-lipped DNA that deserved what happened to him and more. I hate seeing his fucking face everywhere, it makes me physically sick.
Agree wholeheartedly WokeUp.
The fact they’ve virtually canonised this criminal piece of shit is beyond the realms of cuntitude.
If he’d been a honkey, it wouldn’t have even made the local news over there.
Agenda driven bullshit at its most egregious.
You can find articles online comparing George Floyd to Jesus Christ.
I am not joking.
Well, they’re both dead.
Do these freaks ever have girls ?
Not that that would be acceptable anyway.
There’s no way these fuckers should have any kids in their care.
Good morning.
Fuck Sky sky high.
Ultra cunts.
News always has a midnight blek presenter or some bloke who sounds like he has a strong heroin hobby.
Funny fellows pretending they are not debased degenerates?
Fuck Off.
How is it that Sky News Australia is completely different to the UK version.
Thoroughly recommend that cunters check it out on YouTube if they haven’t already.
so true. As right as Sky News UK is left.
Sky News Australia is owned by a different company to the shit version here, which is owned by the woke Comcast company.
Sky Oz is great, I watch it frequently on youtube.
” I cannot wait to have this baby” it says. That sentence could be taken many ways as will the poor baby.
They’ll both love the attention of course, but they haven’t done it for that or the upvotes.
The first time the poor baby cries they’ll both engage hissy fit Mach 4, leave it in the kitchen while they watch some poofters paradise tv prog – golden girls maybe, drink advocaat and then call one of their female besties to take the (in best screaming language “fucking screaming shit away from us we cannot cope”
The Australian Sky News is actually quite based. They call cunts cunts (well not literally, but in words they can get away with).
As for the story, fuck right off. Pooves raising a child, what could go wrong ?
If you’re going to be a poove and have a child, be single and devote your life to them, showing them right from wrong, take them for long walks up mountains, along old railway tracks, collect sticks and stones, that sort of thing.
Yes, I said on here that all the MSM were referring to the MURDER of Saint George when that was something for the jury to decide. If, by some miracle, the jury had reached the right verdict instead of being intimidated, you can imagine what the cunting media would have made of that. As it is, the media coverage plus what that bitch politician said is grounds for a retrial, which the judge said himself. Fat chance, the bloke’s only hope is Trumpster gets re elected and gives him a pardon.
Not interested in Sly news. A total wankfest.
I foolishly clicked on that link and now can’t unsee the photo of that cunt holding the scan image.
Another vimto inducing moment.
I never listed to Sky News. They are totally woke, with cunts Beth Pigsby and Cunt Burley. The pair of them can fuck off.
And as for those two gays with the baby – I want to puke. Fuck off again.
Sorry – words have failed me. When confronted with this nonsense all I can say is fuck off and cunts.
Sky is for cunts. I might cop a gander at GB tv if it takes off otherwise fuck all the scum news channels and politicians and blm and trans and shirt lifters and illegal immigrants and on and on….the list is fucking endless.
“He and his husband are expecting their first child by surrogate”. And there was me thinking it might be naturally theirs. Debauched cunts.
Can’t understand poof couples wanting a baby. I’m straight and the last thing I ever wanted was a baby.
And just watch those cunts at Sky now go quiet now the Super League has been kiboshed. Will Neville and Carragher continue to speak out against United and Liverpool’s owners and attempt to do something significant? Of course they fucking won’t. In a few weeks they will be acting like nothing happened and they will be back up John Henry and Joel Glazer’s arses.
I wonder, did Garv Nev win the Oscar for Best Actor?
Sky “news”?
It’s a coil of something warm and steaming, but news it ain’t.
I don’t live in Australia but I do sometimes watch their Australian Sky News on youtubre.
‘Race-baiting scrote’. 😀