Yes, this fucking cunt, responsible for keeping Cubans in poverty for about 60 years, is having his rancid old cock noshed by the BBC.
Cuba is having its worst economic crisis in decades, reports are coming out about starvation in some cases, and these cunts think an article like this is appropriate (basically a non critical, cock-sucking piece about his six decades in power)?
This is a totalitarian regime we’re taking about, which will imprison you for speaking out publicly about your life of poverty, while the cunts responsible like Castro live in luxury.
I know we have a BBC thread, but this has really boiled my piss and thought a nom might be in order.
They have form for sucking off commies, their fawning drama series about the Cambridge spies (traitors, nothing more) was a fucking disgrace.
Fucking cunts are at it again.
Fuck off.
Nominated by: Cuntybollocks
It says Castro. That’s enough for me.
Just like JUSTINE CASTREAU, the supposed premier of Canada.
Castro’s son, 100%.
His mother was a notorious strumpet and she fucked only the best COMMUNISTS.
This geriatric cunt should have one of his countries famous cigars shoved up his ass. Lit side first.
33 years ago Castro was director-general of the BBC. He was sacked for not being communistic enough and replaced by Sir Ian Trethowan! FACT!
Apparently, in the socialist utopia that is Cuba a bus driver is paid the same as a doctor. Getting to see a doctor is nigh on impossible, would be doctors are driving buses!
Son of a bus driver! Khan you bourgeois sell-out.
Suckdick would be embellishing himself as the son of an impoverished doctor in Cuba.
What is Biden going to do about China taking over the Cuban economy. Nuclear war or just submission to the fall of America.
The fucking BBC is nothing more than a hugely expensive receptacle full of monkey smeg.
Cuba was the mafias playground, casinos etc till Raul, their kid Fidel (latin for Fiddler)
And mad dog Che the poster boy fucked it up.
Hes just a commie.
Living it large while the little guy struggles to feed his family.
Not that I care about the foreign cunts,I don’t.
One thing I do like is in Cuba they have community gardens where they grow fresh vegetables,
Everyone can help themselves!
Nothing I like better than fondling my neighbours ripe marrows pwoarrr!!
The bunch of vegetables…
You should try gondling their pawpaws!
In the good old days you could always rely upon the likes of Papa Doc Duvalier. A likeable rogue who was much loved by his people. Supported loyally of course by the Ton Ton Macute. The BBC had quite a love affair ( even then ) and would send their favourite happy clappy Alan Whicker to sip colades on Papa’s Veranda, whilst Baby Doc played with a bayonet on the lawn.
Yep, BBC were at the left even then, only we did not notice it.
Good and worthy cunting this, the Castro’s? Cunts.
Wasnt Papa a Rolling stone?
Five Eyes, I recall Harold Wilson complaining about the Lefties in the BBC back in the 1960s.
For our younger contributors I should point out that Wilson was a Labour PM; fucking shifty sod too. However, he did keep the U.K. out of the Vietnam Fuck Up.
And the cunt cancelled TSR-2
I have got Wilson’s autograph. Truly, I am a cunt.
I’m more of a cunt as I have Denis Healy’s autograph. It’s in a second hand book I bought, once belonging to Healey.
Yes it’s certainly an article from the BBC.
It reads like it was written by a brain damaged P.aki recently shot by the local friendly Taliban.
The wet cunts fawn over any cunt just so long as they are commies or woke.
Kennedy should have had the balls to fully back the Bay of Pigs invasion and seen off the Castro Cunts.
Get Fucked.
Friends of mine visited Cuba two years ago and said teachers and doctors topped up their miserable pay by working as prostitutes – men and women.
Communism in action?
The BBC positively cream their undergarments over the socialist utopia of Cuba.
Makes you wonder if the BBC is now mostly staffed by angry, Mickey-Mouse politics degree graduates from various polyversities in the London area, who wear Che Guevara t shirts and support “Socialist Worker” magazine.
Don’t you just love socialism? I bet the Castro family hasn’t had to struggle financially. Apparently Fidel and Raul’s business investments were worth hundereds of million of US$ alone.
I’m just not sure if the Castros or the BBC is the largest cunt.
These latino countries, they believe their own bullshit.
Cuba, Brazil, Paraguay, etc
The ‘latino temper’= tantrum
The ‘red hot latin lover’= some little manuel type in too tight pants and a shirt unbuttoned to his navel.
Although some of the women?!!
Sofia Vergara ??
Salma Hayek ??
Salma :
Think of a world where the Spanish and Portuguese hadn’t gone and colonised anywhere, but stayed at home and had another siesta instead. Wouldn’t it be great? There’d be a lot less Catholics about for starters, already a win.
Imagine a world where Karl Marx had never been born…
They’ll be praising that cunt Che next. The commie terrorist murderer.
Back when James Whale was great on Talk Radio in the 90s, there was a bellend called Tony who used to call in regularly to espouse the greatness of Cuba and Whale used to let him ramble on for 20 minutes so we could hear how absurd he and Cuba were. I’m sure it was legit amazing when Hemmingway was on the go buying drinks, catching 500 lbs Marlins and shit, but for the past 60 years it has been desperate humans on a raft of coconuts that are getting fished out of the waters near Florida.
Cuba was rotten and corrupt, propped up by the Yanks and the Mafia when Castro took over. That was 60 years ago. The commies have just let it rot and stagnate. It could have recovered and thrived but, as all commie countries do, it festered.
No surprise that Savile House and it’s trendy Islington lefties havent noticed.
I’m amazed that anything mechanical still works in Cuba. I think it’s in a Michael Palin series where he goes there and the ancient train breaks down and it won’t be fixed for ages.
Cubans probably didn’t mind their country being shit in the 90s, but in the YouTube Age they must look at videos of America and think, “oh, that looks amazing” and get on their coconut raft to Florida.
Cuban women have great asses, though. Just saying.
Agreed, MMCM.
One of the naturalist sexiest girlfriends I ever had, in figure, looks and actions was half Cuban-half Spanish, with the added bonus of being absolutely pure filth.
Gary Glitter didn’t mind Cuba. He quite enjoyed many a visit and supports a woman and kid there. The kid is his, I don’t mean he supports a plaything.
Back in the mid sixties just after it closed its doors I served on patrol there. We would pick up fleeing peasants on all kinds of floats and drop them off in Florida. The state of the refugees was horrific.
I was in Cuba in 1998 and Gary Glitter was in a bar we popped in. It was a couple of years before his indiscretions came out.
In Havana a woman try to offer me her daughter who could have been no older than 11. Child prostitution was rife. Soon as the news come out about Glitter, it became obvious why he was there.
Lovely friendly people the Cubans, considering how fucked the country is. Only the BBC and the Islington fan base could see it as some kind of utopia.
Damn, never knew that about Glitter… Jesus.
110 hard miles from the coast of Cuba to Florida. Shark-infested waters. Armed coast guard. But worse of all, when you get to Florida… you’re in FLORIDA.
Could be worse. You could take a wrong turn and end up in Haiti.
Never liked Castro.Preferred Mobil or Shell.
Fondling jeezuz
Stopped by to see who won the Oscars, (though I have a pretty good idea) but too early for inevitable nomination. Just like tosay I agree with almost all comments on this and other recent noms, keep up the good work cunters.
Christmas was banned in Cuba from 1969 until 1998…..what an excellent idea.
Santa is a Cunt.
Best piece of legislation I’ve ever heard
Santa Barbara?
Santa Cruz?
Santa Maria?
Its Father Christmas here.
We’re English.
Youve been hanging round with those luvvies on the set of Vera again haven’t you?
Drinking coco cola and high fiving each other!
Pack it in.
Evening Dick?
Wardrobe uses Dick’s hat and mac when Vera is stomping around forensic scenes and noticing things that the thick experts have missed.
Ah yes Cuba. Where they boast the largest collection of late 1950s cars in the world.
Cube a oxo.
Nearest I’ll get.
Of course, the US sanctions have nothing to do with the level of poverty in Cuba.
I,m sure if they were cancelled things in cuba would go down hill really rapidly.
Communism needs no help in making and keeping people poor and oppressed . Only a fucking moron would think otherwise.
Only someone with no knowledge of history would make such a stupid and ignorant comment.
Do some research regarding banking and the evils thereof and get back to me.
Yes, because despite almost half the world’s population being under communism at one point, their economies were all fucked and the natives in abject poverty, despite commie countries trading with each other. They had their own banks too.
Explain that and get back to me.