Paula Vennells and the Post Office

I would like to nominate the Post Office for a total cunting, after they prosecuted members of their staff on the basis of a computer system that they knew was flawed 20 years ago.

A lady on my local news yesterday got 9 months , and her life is totally ruined, as was another lady who lost her husband exacerbated by the stress of it all.

PO investigations are therefore culpable cunts, and are probably failed wannabee detectives or retired ones with dementia. And don’t get me started on what must have been the don’t give a fuck defence lawyers, who totally failed their clients.

And all the PO offer is mealy mouthed crocodile tears and insincere apologies. The CEO of the PO which was once one of this great countries institutions, should immediately resign (but wont) .

I hope that those affected have the fight left , and the finances, to sue the cunts to the max. I would help crowdfund it . This will also go away quietly over the next few days as well, as its not a racist issue , and will not be a popular cause .

Not only that the PO haven’t delivered anything remotely useful to me in years . Probably because the part time casual , disinterested , lazy cunts they now employ , cant find my address so it ends up in a skip. Disgraceful cunts.

Another great British institution totally fucked over.

(Link excellently provided by Bertie Blunt Tory Cunt – NA)

Nominated by: thiscountryistotallyfucked

Seconded by: Lazybiscuits

The Post Office management

Today after years of people being fired/bankrupted and even topping themselves due to a massive IT fuckup the post office covered up, the courts finally decided what everyone knew all along it was an IT fuckup.

This stupid and greedy conspiracy that ruined the lives of postmasters all over the country is finally put to rest and I hope there’s a criminal trial for the cunts responsible. The sad part is this took fucking YEARS to even go to court despite clear evidence.

.. and thirded by W.C.Boggs

A first c;ass special delivery cunting please for this greedy buck-toothed old hag.

In addition to being head of the Post Office at a time of monstrous injustices to Postmasters, being convicted of “crimes” that didn’t even happen, some of them serving prison sentences, just because the computer said no, the Poseeeeeeet Office lied about evidence to promote private prosecutions, which didn’t have to be overseen by the DPP’s office.:

It turns out that not only is this greedy old cunt a director of Dunhelm Mills, but also….. a fucking vicar/priest. clergyman (well, she looks a bit dykey).

After the now EX-postmasters/mistresses having been cleared of the false charges bought against them last week, old Harris-tweed knickers condescended to step down from her directorships, but she has also given up vicaring.

She ought perhaps to be appointed prison chaplain to whatever slammer she is sent to for conspiring to pervert the course of justice.

26 thoughts on “Paula Vennells and the Post Office

  1. Same old shit, just a different day!

    Company bosses get a free pass despite all the corruption, double-dealings, brown envelopes and general fuckwittery that goes on behind closed doors!

    Look at Carillion – how many directors and above have ended up in the nick?

    And yet a few months ago people were being thrown in prison for not social distancing, or walking in public areas they shouldn’t or travelling to diffrent tiers around the country (apart from a few MPs, SMPs and scientific advisors)

    As for the Post Office, as I say, no big surprise with the end result – all brushed under the carpet, a few more lessons to learn and subsequently forget.

    But the important thing is to increase the cost of a stamp because not only is the Royal Mail (another shite company) going through bad times, but so is the Post Office itself, and therefore needs to ramp up prices to customers accordingly, while awarding themselves nice bonuses for being shit at their jobs and shutting down branches and making innocent employees redundant.

    First Class Cunts for a Second Class Company

  2. I heard on the radio yesterday that 3 of those prosecuted have since died, which makes it even worse.

  3. Vennells is just an older, more ugly, buck-toothed version of Dildo Harding.

    Utterly and hopelessly incompetent, but will gently float from one gilded appointment to another, leaving a stream of shite in her wake and accruing pension funds at an obscene rate.

    Great cuntings and Vennells deserves to be run over by an errant cement lorry.

    The cunt.

    • Apparently Vennells is a god botherer – an Associate Minister in the Diocese of St Albans, no less.

      A supposed Christian! Strangely, many of these so-called Christians are the world’s largest cunts who wouldn’t piss on you if you were on fire.

      Fuck her into the pit of hell.

      • Paul, some of your observations about Harding and Vennells may seem to be a tad harsh but I find myself in complete agreement with you. I wouldn’t let either of these creatures have a job as a street sweeper; both are disgraceful individuals.

  4. A grave and very serious miscarriage of justice. I see that employees of Fujitsu, that developed the software that caused this clusterfuck, may also be prosecuted for lying. Good. And that buck toothed woman needs to lose her CBE and do time. Utter cunts.

    • Dead right MMCM but I would not take away the CBE. For many years now, to normal people, a gong has been rock-solid proof that the holder is a class one cunt.

      • Arfurbrain-

        Maybe it stands for Cunt of the British Empire?

  5. Fucking crook at the top of the Post Office, what a surprise. Fucking placemen/women on the fucking make, blaming ordinary Joes for their fuck ups. Ugly common purpose filth. Fuck off.

  6. The Post Office knew the system was flawed from day one and did nothing about it except wrongfully issue some very spurious and legally ambiguous action against Postmasters and Sub Postmasters.
    People lost their reputations, homes, cars, living, got an undeserved criminal record and in some cases even went to prison.
    This needs independent investigation and the perpetrators sending to prison.
    It is a damned outrage.

    • Foxy lad, of course there needs to be an independent investigation into this sad, totally unnecessary saga but I am pretty sure that no one will be held to account.

      • Guzziguy@ – Agreed, they can get away with anything because they are never held accountable.

  7. I missed all this, but heck. If people got criminal records due to an IT error that bosses knew about (and covered up) then they should go to prison for a long time. If some topped themselves due to their lives being ruined, then murder charges should be applied.

  8. Although to get press, you’d need to find a dark key or Joe Daki who topped themselves to get any fucking attention.

    Sad but true.

  9. Cunts. The post office is staffed with lazy incompetent tits. All those falsely accused, I hope they sue for fucking millions.

  10. I have made the point about cronyism being hidden by the obsession with non existant structural and institutional racism in this country. This is yet another example.
    Vannels is at best incompetent and alledgedly criminal in her actions. This has been well known for years yet she still got directorships. Then there is Dildo Harding. Incompetent at Plus Net or wherever yet given positions for which she has neither experience nor ability. Track and Trace a fuck-up then also in charge of the new NHS set up.
    Useless civil servants on various gravy trains. Blair, Cameron, Brown and fuck knows who else thriving despite having no visible talent. Boris and his ghastly chums.
    Right connections, right schools, right clubs, the City.

    The Post Office will bleed billions over this. We will pay and no fucker will be called to account.
    But hey, never mind. The BBC can run stories about how university is racist along with every other organisation in the land.

  11. Great cunting thank you.
    This is corporate greed,corruption and collusion of the very worst kind laid bare.
    Plenty of rotten cunts at the PO should be in prison for fraud and deception because of how this was handled.
    An absolute fucking outrage.
    It also clearly illustrates that the alleged “justice”system is a complete farce.
    No evidence but a shitty piece of software and dozens of cases all linked by the same tenous evidence yet nobody in said system questioned any of it.
    Case closed,get in prison.
    Lazy incompetent shite.
    Everything about this entire dreadful episode stinks.
    It’s already being brushed under the carpet.
    It should be a national priority to find those behind this conspiracy and imprison every last one of the vermin for 20 years without parole.
    Or just hang the cunts.
    Fuck Off with it.

    • That’s what I like about you, Unkle.

      You are a bit liberal and forgiving in your approach to wrongdoers.

  12. The absolute fuck????
    Post Office scandal: Government rejects call to extend inquiry

    But you will demand an investigation into Boris buying a few chairs? The cunts didn’t even apologise to the criminal fucks that ruined their lives! This is absolute bollocks.

  13. Post Offices are full of cunts.Horrible, unpleasant East Europeans with bright red hair who hate their life and jabber in that annoying language. And that’s just the staff.

  14. I haven’t been in a post office in ages.
    I heard they were theiving cunts.

  15. The PO is unable to pay the compensation, so guess who, us of course. And she became a vicar?? Cunts

  16. ICL/Fujitsu Services developed the software, but the Post Office would have conducted Usability Acceptance Testing (UAT) on it and would have had to sign it off. However substantial compensation should be paid to those involved – promptly. Loss of earnings, loss of reputation etc. These companies are insured to the hilt.

    A junior programmer or tester earning £24k a year in 2001 might have flagged up issues at the time and would be ignored by managers on £50k a year and senior managers on £100k a year. Difficult to recreate bugs, pressure to deliver a big system on time from management with cunts like Paula Vennells. It’s a recipe for a system with serious bugs. I.T. companies should say “it’s not ready yet” and “not enough testing” instead of letting shit like that out.

  17. I hope that those cunts at the PO who oversaw this miscarriage of justice are themselves bought to justice and convicted no matter how old they are or if they’ve gone gaga, which seems to be a much used get out of jail card. All of the postmasters who have had years of suffering because of this should be awarded massive financial compensation even extending to the families of those who have passed on. The PO needs to be bought to justice for their arrogant actions. They are a bunch of cunts.

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