Miranda Wayland

Miranda is the “Head of Creative Diversity” at the good old BBC. Translation…… she’s a mouthy, posh black bitch who gets paid a shitload of taxpayers money for slagging this country off.

Apparently Miranda doesn’t like the character “Luther” in the popular series because, although he is black ( Hurrah Hurrah!) he doesn’t have any black friends or eats “Caribbean food”. ( cue a cross channel lorryload of black actors)

Now i’ve never seen this shit but i’m prepared to take Miranda’s word for it. My problem is that I can perfectly understand why a black copper wouldn’t have any black friends ( the words “coconut” and “choc ice” come to mind) and the black people I know much prefer fried chicken to de ricen’peas innit? But of course, unlike Miranda, I don’t know any posh, middle class blacks, I don’t know any cunts who work for the BBC and I don’t get invites to any Islington dinner parties.

Another race baiting bitch who wants us to believe that skin colour is more important than class in deciding who gets their hands on the goodies. Yeah, fuck off darling……you’ve been sussed.


(Link provided by the awesome Night Admin – NA)

Nominated by: Freddie the Frog

and seconded by: King Cunt

Who is this cunt you may ask? It is the diversity chief – no prize for guessing the hue – for the BBC.

Its latest statement – Idris Elbas Luther, is culturally insensitive as the character isn’t black enough. Its a black man playing a white mans role.

Maybe she has a problem with her sight, or her TV as last time I saw the cunt in Luther he was indeed black.

This bint goes on to state “he doesn’t have any black friends, he doesn’t eat Caribbean food”. Cunts got no friends in the show – as he devotes it to trying to plug a coal burner.

He dos not eat Caribbean food – why would he – he is from Ghana.

To go on and say he should be cast in a way that shows the true black culture not a white role played by a black actor. HBO Identified that well before this Miranda cunt, ticking all the boxes of the culturally enriched Stringer Bell, Money Launderer in the Baltimore Projects. ( Winning a golden globe)

That black and accurate enough?

41 thoughts on “Miranda Wayland

  1. Thankfully I’ve never seen Luther as Idris Elba is a one-trick, dullard cunt who speaks like he’s got a mouthful of glue in his cakehole but if this Winnie Mandela witch says don’t bother with it, I shan’t.

    • First two series of Luther are excellent, Elba was perfect in the role.

      But that was over 10 years ago, before he started jumping on the woke bandwagon and doing his shite impersonation of Mandela.

      Still got a way to go before he’s as cuntish as Lammy & Lenny.

    • exactly only time a monkey cunt should open its mouth is to ask me where the toilet brush is…it needs to scrub my house and then fuck off

  2. Not paying the BBC’s TV tax extortion I am glad I don’t contribute towards this fucker’s wages….or smug grinning Lineker’s, etc! So whilst slightly irritating I care not what they consider relevant!

    Fuck off

  3. Apparently this whining Feargal, as Head of Creative Diversity, reports to that other race-baiting, goofy little cunt, June Sar-Pong (the First Director of Creative Diversity).

    Clearly there are more openings in the offing here – the Second Director of Creative Diversity plus an Assistant Head of Creative Diversity.

    Jobs for a pile of old shite. These cunts would never get away with piling up unproductive overheads in the private sector. But because it is licence payer’s cash, the BBC are sprinkling it around like confetti just to show how fucking “right on” they are.


  4. If there were no dark-key cop shows the cries of racism would be deafening. If there is a dark-key cop show, it’s still condemned as the cop is apparently not authentic enough. Can’t win really.

    And what would be authentic? Does Luther have to live on chiiggin, listen to gansgster-rap, shoplift and carry a knife to stick in the ribs of other gangsters in South London? That would certainly be authentic, but hardly appropriate for a policeman.

    Seems to me Luther is a pretty good role model for young dark-keys. But even that’s not enough for the BBC, so stuck is it up it’s own Woke asshole.

  5. I shall remind the BBC as to how offended I am that any documentary portraying Hitler is just too ‘white’ and how he didn’t have enough ‘black’ friends.

    • So what if he doesn’t eat Carribbean food or have any black mates?
      Just because hes black doesn’t mean he has to fit some stereotype!
      The racist bitch.
      One thing I cant stand its racists!
      I dont eat Carribbean food or have any black mates either Miranda .
      Not because im racist,
      Because theyre embarrassed to be seen with me.
      Go boil your nut.

  6. Having seen the show, I quickly sussed that the character was a fuck up mentally, like a lot of murder detectives. That’s why he’s a loner.

    But still, next episode have him in a loin cloth, holding a spear and put a bone through the cunt’s nose if that’s better? If you want him to be more dark key, have him leave several girlfriends when he gets them up the duff. Then, he can join a gang and stab some more dark keys.

    Fuck off.

    In all seriousness though, she doesn’t like it that show focuses on a storyline, without needing to refer to the lead character’s race every 5 minutes, or any waycism that he may be a victim of.

    Can’t have a show without an agenda now, can we?

  7. Imagine being so privileged you can come up with Alf Garnet comments on the BBC in 2021, and its taken seriously. Alf Garnet was a parody 50 years ago. How about Luther being a Somalian average IQ 68. He would barely be able to tie his shoe laces let alone fight crime, oh how we would laugh. Fuck off cunt.

  8. She looks a bit like Whitney Houston when she was hitting the crack pipe?

  9. Unfortunately, there is a deafening silence where reasonable black people should be telling her to shut the fuck up.

    • I don’t think the vast majority of black cunts take a tenth of the notice of woke cunts of any any colour that white cunts do.

    • Yeah! Keep their yap shut unless screaming victim.
      Or demanding something for nothing.

  10. Head of being a cunt.

    Fucking cunt off you fucking cunt of fucking cunt cuntiness cunts.

  11. I agree with her that the BBC is not diverse enough.
    It’s all humans.

    Where is the daleks presenting The One Show?
    Where are the Klingons in EastEnders?
    Where are the Mysterons hosting Master Chef?

    Cans of can’t.

    • To be fair Spoons, they have had “Morph” presenting Breakfast Television, for a few years?

  12. I’m really sick of seeing dark keys and effnicks beaming out at me from tv commercials, programmes and news items. Ffs where are we, Nigeria?

    • Soon it will be illegal to marry a white person. All marriages will have to be mixed, dark-key and white. Diversity, innit!

  13. Fucking hell, just feast your eyes on these non-jobbers:


    The easiest way they can justify their own pay packets is to find ‘waycism’ in anything and everything. Low hanging bananas are 1970s comedies – fill yer fucking tyre swing, Sar-Pong and your troop of suntanned “simians of diversity”, otherwise known as CUNTS.

  14. I had a Jamaican mate who didn’t hang around with blacks. So fucking what? This is a 100% racist woman. More agro, the cunts are massively outnumbered in the UK, it’s not the US.

  15. Put this disease ridden blek fucker in a stout shipping container with that thick cunt Sarpong and three brain damaged chimps with Ebola.

    Make a wonderful Channel 5 special.

    Fuck the BBCislam to hell.

  16. Mental bitch, lots like this at the Beeb. All woke, anti white, anti men and anti British.

    Wonder how she thinks the typical white stereotype should behave?

    Racist (and privileged obviously), roast dinner every Sunday, private schools, fish and chips, bangers and mash, families huddled round, watching the tv, city gents wearing bowler hats and umbrellas, flared trousers, cheesecloth shirts and platform shoes?

  17. Fuck me, as soon as you see the words ….”inclusive”……”streams”………”blueprint “ and “toolkit” you know you are dealing with a bunch of wafflers, bullshitters, freeloaders and cunts taking the piss.
    100 million quid of taxpayers money to Sarpong, the race baiter, and her posh black mates. Just hush money to keep them quiet. Move on, nothing to see here.
    Close this kiddy fiddlers haven down now!

  18. This uppity choccy drop cunt is right about the lack of diversity at the BBC.
    The lack of white heterosexual men who are over 30 is quite shocking.

    • They never even had the decency to reply to my application for the role of “Inclusivity facilitator”. The rotten bastards.
      I screenshot 7 days worth of my comments on IsAC-I cunted just about every minority you could name.
      Fuck the BBC….

  19. Creative Diversity, whatdafuck?!
    What does this mean?
    Oh yes, the ugly cunt can make models of a big black cock by kneading her shit.

  20. It came from the woodpile and wants to evangelize whitey. Fuck this scraggly simian.
    Her minge is most likely easy to mistake that doorway to the upside down in Stranger Things FFS!

  21. be interesting to see if the BBC will survive when the older white generations die off and the only license payers are monkey cunts

  22. They have a team of dark keys now doing non jobs (Creative Diversity Team or some bollocks as some mention), but guess what?

    Ask these cunts if we still ‘need to do more’.

    It never fucking ends.

    Give these dark key cunts the shirt off your back; prostate yourself in front them doing a ‘Wet’re not worthy!’ every time you see them; work for them for free for as many hours a day as they demand; give them all your possessions, including your home, and hand over your wives or husbands if asked; give up your right to vote, and allow BLM to run the country for ever.

    They’d still say ‘Much has been done, but we still need to do more.”

    It never fucking ends. So I won’t fucking even start. Fuck off.

  23. Shoot a scene where Luther goes to his local Cottage Chicken or KFC – big fat diversity tick, job done.

    I think we need to reinstate the empire and take Africa over again, telling them there isn’t as much white inclusion as there used to be.

    Fuck off!

  24. The Jews have people everywhere (even hiding in attics…).

    Someone will gib this cunt up in the facility and rightly so. Maybe they should have made this sand monkey join the French Foreign Legion – let him rot in the desert.

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